Results for 'Silvia Tomá'

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  1.  41
    Natural Born Transhumans.Karina Silvia Pedace, Tomás Balmaceda, Diego Lawler, Diana I. Pérez & Maximiliano Zeller - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (55).
    This work promotes the thesis that humans are naturally transhuman. In order to achieve this, we present in the first two sections some examples of technological devices assembled to human beings, and we critically review the assumptions and dichotomies on which the idea of human enhancement is based according to the ordinary transhumanist vision. Thirdly, we present the thesis of the Extended Mind to support our intuition. Fourthly, we dismantle the most relevant philosophical dichotomies that structure the transhumanist position. Finally, (...)
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  2. The Concept of the Foreign: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue.Margot Badran, John Charles Chasteen, Peter Redfield, Coco Owen, Izumi Sakamoto, Silvia Tomá?ková & Michael E. Zimmerman (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Drawing out literal and metaphorical meanings of 'foreignness' this wide-ranging volume offers much to scholars of postcolonial, gender, and cultural studies seeking new approaches to the study of alterity.
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    Fronteras de cristal de la inmigración. Visión de los inmigrantes del Este Europeo en España.Silvia Marcu - 2010 - Arbor 186 (744):721-736.
    Símbolos de barrera y de aprendizaje de la existencia, emblemas de nuestro naufragio civilizatorio, las fronteras siguen constituyendo, aún en el siglo XXI, una referencia importante, pese a que nos encontremos en plena era de la globalización. El artículo se propone presentar y analizar la problemática de la adaptación del inmigrante en el espacio de la inmigración. Toma como ejemplo, el inmigrante de la Europa del Este en España, y se guía a partir del discurso inmigrante. La primera parte aborda (...)
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    Normative Legal Positivism: from Metaphysics to Politic.Silvia Zorzetto - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 54.
    Positivismo jurídico normativo: de la metafísica a la política El presente trabajo toma como punto de partida el libro Positivismo jurídico “interno”, de María Cristina Redondo, y propone una concepción alternativa de positivismo jurídico normativista. Se sostiene que la teoría del derecho puede ser neutral en la medida en que sea intersubjetiva y transparente en cuanto a sus propias premisas metafísicas. Los objetivos del trabajo son el de echar luz acerca del papel de la metafísica y del sentido común en (...)
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    Lectura Medieval de Las Auctoritates: Itinerario de Una Liberación.Silvia Magnavacca - 2013 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 16 (32):243-254.
    Esta contribución se articula en cuatro partes. En la primera se ejemplifica brevemente la distinción medieval entre scriptor, compilator, commentator y auctor, y su implícita jerarquización, para llegar a la etimología y definición de auctoritas como pasaje de una obra que es principio rector en una materia o tema. En la segunda parte, se recuerda el uso que tanto de las auctoritates teológicas como las filosóficas, provenientes del mundo antiguo, se hizo en la Alta Edad Media. En un momento posterior, (...)
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    Percepción de la ciencia y la tecnología en la adolescencia madrileña.Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Isabel Sánchez Balmaseda, María José Miranda Suárez & Silvia García Dauder - 2008 - Arbor 184 (733):949-966.
    La ciencia y la tecnología tienen cada vez más importancia en nuestra vida cotidiana. Sin embargo los datos referentes a las opciones que toma el alumnado, en los últimos años, muestran una tendencia a la baja alarmante. Dado el descenso de alumnado en estas ramas de la Enseñanza Secundaria, en especial la disminución de chicas en la opción científico-técnica e incluso en la biosanitaria, es necesario examinar las causas que provocan el alejamiento de las opciones de ciencia y tecnología en (...)
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  7. Dividida em dois? A experiência materna nos casos gemelares.Fernanda Schmitt Ribeiro, Natália de Toni Guimarães dos Santos & Silvia Maria Abu-Jamra Zornig - 2017 - Natureza Humana 18 (1).
    Este trabalho tem por objetivo trazer uma reflexão acerca da experiência damaternidade exercida com mais de um bebê ao mesmo tempo, ou seja, nos casos gemelares.Fundamentados na teoria winnicottiana, buscaremos compreender como o estado depreocupação materna primária é vivenciado pelas mães de gêmeos, tendo em vista aspeculiaridades do processo de subjetivação desses bebês. Se o fato de ser possível para a mãeresponder às necessidades iniciais das crianças através da construção de um olharsingularizado para cada filho, evitando-se, assim, o risco de (...)
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    El deseo de revolución.Tomás Abraham - 2017 - Buenos Aires: Tusquets Editores.
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    Looping effects of neurolaw, and the precarious marriage between neuroscience and the law.Toma Strle & Olga Markič - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):17-26.
    In the following article we first present the growing trend of incorporating neuroscience into the law, and the growing acceptance of and trust in neuroscience’s mechanistic and reductionistic explanations of the human mind. We then present and discuss some studies that show how nudging peoples’ beliefs about matters related to human agency (such as free will, decision-making, or self-control) towards a more deterministic, mechanistic and/or reductionistic conception, exerts an influence on their very actions, mentality, and brain processes. We suggest that (...)
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  10. Karel Kosík and his 'radical democrats' : the Janus face of Dialectics of the concrete : moving from a historical to a systematic approach to philosophy.Tomáš Hermann - 2021 - In Joseph Grim Feinberg, Ivan Landa & Jan Mervart, Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete. Boston: Brill.
  11.  30
    Two Concepts of Language and Poetry: Edmund Burke and Moses Mendelssohn.Tomá Hlobil - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (3):447-458.
  12. La revolución social del "management".Tomás Calleja - 1992 - In Alejandro Llano, El humanismo en la empresa. Madrid: Ediciones Rialp.
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    Societal Change from within a Radically Transformed Mind?Toma Strle - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):185-187.
    I sympathize with Claire Petitmengin’s idea that coming back into contact with the lived experience is important if we are to change the way we live our lives. However, on the path towards ….
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  14. Lapses, affects, supplement : Hiro Murai's audiovisual anachronism.Tomáš Jirsa - 2021 - In Bernd Herzogenrath, Practical aesthetics. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  15. Lapses, affects, supplement : Hiro Murai's audiovisual anachronism.Toma?S.? Jirsa - 2021 - In Bernd Herzogenrath, Practical aesthetics. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Portrait of Absence. The Aisthetic Mediality of Empty Chairs.Tomáš Jirsa - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2016 (2):13-28.
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    Intersection of the Jurisprudences. The European Convention on Human Rights and the Constitutional Doctrine Formulated by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.Toma Birmontiene - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):7-27.
    The article discusses the certain features of the constitutional doctrine of human rights developed by the Constitutional Court of Lithuania which were influenced by the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, the role of the European Convention on Human Rights as a legal source in the system of sources of constitutional law. The intersection of the jurisprudences, which came into being due to different assessments of the legal regulation in cases where the same legal act was recognized by (...)
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    Acerca de la justicia.Tomás D. Casares (ed.) - 1971 - Buenos Aires,: Abeledo-Perrot.
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    Control beliefs can predict the ability to up-regulate sensorimotor rhythm during neurofeedback training.Matthias Witte, Silvia Erika Kober, Manuel Ninaus, Christa Neuper & Guilherme Wood - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  20.  27
    A Reciprocal Asymmetry?TomᚠTatranský - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (3):293-307.
    The conception of the unconditional, irreducible, and irreversible asymmetry of the relationship between I and the Other is one of the crucial issues of Levinas’s ethical metaphysics. Since it is precisely in the name of the asymmetry that reciprocity as an ethics-founding principle is excluded from Levinas’s conceptual framework , many scholars have judged his ethics as unfeasible. This article aims to examine the key points of the debate about the Levinasian conception of asymmetry, to go, eventually, beyond Levinas, in (...)
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  21.  28
    Levinas and the Ancients.Brian Schroeder & Silvia Benso (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    The relation between the Greek and Judeo-Christian traditions is "the great problem" of Western philosophy, according to Emmanuel Levinas. In this book Brian Schroeder, Silvia Benso, and an international group of philosophers address the relationship between Levinas and the world of ancient thought. In addition to philosophy, themes touching on religion, mythology, metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, ethics, and politics are also explored. The volume as a whole provides a unified and extended discussion of how an engagement between Levinas and thinkers (...)
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  22. Avanguardia e razionalità: articoli, saggi, pamphlets 1946-1974.Tomás Maldonado - 1974 - Torino: G. Einaudi.
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    Pensamiento musical y siglo XX.Tomás Marco - 2002 - Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores.
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    Metafísica.Tomás Alvira - 1982 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Luis Clavell & Tomás Melendo.
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    Freedom and the Shaping of National Culture in Hispanic American Representations of the Renaissance Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn.Silvia Manzo - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori, Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill. pp. 135-166.
    This chapter explores the representations of the Renaissance developed by two prominent intellectuals in Argentine philosophy during the first three decades of the twentieth century: José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn. Their work is contrasted with that of a nineteenth- century Spanish source that served as the basis for their own performances, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo. It will highlight how these authors articulated the ideas and ideals of the Renaissance with the construction of a national thought and culture. For the Argentines it (...)
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  26. Francis Bacon and Atomism: a Reappraisal.Silvia Manzo - 2001 - In William Newman, John Murdoch & Cristoph Lüthy, Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscularian Matter Theory. E.J. Brill. pp. 209-243.
    Francis Bacon’s theory of matter is a controversial topic among historians. I agree with the viewpoint, which suggests that although Bacon changed his views on atomism repeatedly, he never rejected it completely (Partington, Urbach, Gemelli). I will substantiate this interpretation by paying more attention to the usually neglected allegorical works and by investigating why Bacon changed his mind on atomism in his Novum organum. I shall reconstruct Bacon’s various opinions in chronological order to establish his final evaluation of atomism and (...)
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  27. Céimeanna i dtreo an apacalaipsis aeráide.Tomás Mac Síomóin - 2020 - In Peter Wessel Zapffe, An meisias deireanach. Baile Átha Cliath: Coiscéim.
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  28. Zapffe droim ar ais.Tomás Mac Síomóin - 2020 - In Peter Wessel Zapffe, An meisias deireanach. Baile Átha Cliath: Coiscéim.
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  29. Conceptualizing Blanchot. Critical first steps: on Faux pas.Cosmin Toma - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois, Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Do declarative titles affect readers’ perceptions of research findings? A randomized trial.Tudor P. Toma, Iveta Simera, Douglas G. Altman & Elizabeth Wager - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundMany journals prohibit the use of declarative titles that state study findings, yet a few journals encourage or even require them. We compared the effects of a declarative versus a descriptive title on readers’ perceptions about the strength of evidence in a research abstract describing a randomized trial.MethodsStudy participants (medical or dental students or doctors attending lectures) read two abstracts describing studies of a fictitious treatment (Anticox) for a fictitious condition (Green’s syndrome). The first abstract (A1) described an uncontrolled, 10-patient, (...)
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  31. Ethical challenges and the aspirational university : fund-raising and spectator sports.J. Douglas Toma & Mark Kavanaugh - 2011 - In Tricia Bertram Gallant, Creating the ethical academy: a systems approach to understanding misconduct and empowering change in higher education. New York: Routledge.
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    Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of concentrated lithium-methylamine solutions.Tetsuo Toma, Yoshio Nakamura & Mitsuo Shimoji - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):181-187.
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    Knížky o hospodárovi, a hospodyni a o čeledi. Tomáš - 1929 - Praha:
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    Marxistická dialektika a neotomizmus.Ladislav Tomás̆ek - 1967 - Bratislava]: Vydavatelśtvo politickej literatúry. Edited by Július Sedliak.
  35. Ochii știnţei spre macrocosmos și spre microcosmos.Eugeniu Toma - 1965 - București,: Editura Știinţifică.
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  36. Permanențe filosofice românești: studii și eseuri.Gheorghe Toma - 1979 - Cluj-Napoca: "Dacia".
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  37.  21
    Sarah Kofman and the Allure of Music.Cosmin Toma - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (1):73-87.
    This article delves into the discreet yet persistent presence of music in Sarah Kofman's work. Three strands or movements of unequal length are explored here, each of which touches upon a specific...
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    Visual Feedback of Object Motion Direction Influences the Timing of Grip Force Modulation During Object Manipulation.Simone Toma, Veronica Caputo & Marco Santello - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  39.  6
    En busca de una ética universal: un nuevo modo de ver la ley natural: documento y comentarios.Tomás Trigo (ed.) - 2011 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
  40. Francis Bacon y René Descartes Acerca Del Dominio de la Naturaleza, la Autoconservación y la Medicina.Silvia Manzo - 2022 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 63 (151):99-119.
    ABSTRACT Francis Bacon and René Descartes have traditionally been presented as leaders of opposed philosophical currents. However, more and more studies show important continuities between their philosophies. This article explores one of them: their perspectives on medicine. The dominion over nature and the instinct for self-preservation are the central elements of the theoretical framework within which they inserted their assessments of medicine. Medicine is valued as the most outstanding discipline for its benefits for the care of the human being. Departing (...)
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  41. Monsters, Laws of Nature, and Teleology in Late Scholastic Textbooks.Silvia Manzo - 2019 - In Rodolfo Garau & Pietro Omodeo, Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 61-92.
    In the period of emergence of early modern science, ‘monsters’ or individuals with physical congenital anomalies were considered as rare events which required special explanations entailing assumptions about the laws of nature. This concern with monsters was shared by representatives of the new science and Late Scholastic authors of university textbooks. This paper will reconstruct the main theses of the treatment of monsters in Late Scholastic textbooks, by focusing on the question as to how their accounts conceived nature’s regularity and (...)
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  42.  15
    Une bonne mort? (Blanchot, Derrida).Cosmin Toma - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):393-415.
    Jacques Derrida’s Death Penalty seminar is haunted, from its margins, by euthanasia. Yet even as he alludes to this question throughout the seminar, he puts it on hold, no doubt because it calls for a standalone analysis. In “Living On,” however, Derrida’s 1979 reading of Maurice Blanchot’s Death Sentence (L’Arrêt de mort), he refers to “a ‘double bind’ that makes every death a crime,” thus subverting this very distinction, which is meant to ensure the hard ethical border between euthanasia and (...)
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  43.  8
    La máscara Foucault: de París a la Argentina.Tomás Abraham - 2019 - C.A.B.A.: Paidós.
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    Together Against COVID-19 Concerns: The Role of the Dyadic Coping Process for Partners’ Psychological Well-Being During the Pandemic.Silvia Donato, Miriam Parise, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Margherita Lanz, Camillo Regalia, Rosa Rosnati & Raffaella Iafrate - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The situation caused by the 2019 coronavirus disease has been representing a great source of concern and a challenge to the psychological well-being of many individuals around the world. For couples in particular, this extraordinary rise in concern, combined with the stress posed by the virus containment measures, such as prolonged cohabitation and lack of support networks, may have increased the likelihood of couple problems. At the same time, however, COVID-19 concerns may have been a stimulus to activate couples’ stress (...)
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  45. Francis Bacon's Natural History and Civil History: A Comparative Survey.Silvia Manzo - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (1-2):1-2.
    The aim of this paper is to offer a comparative survey of Bacon's theory and practice of natural history and of civil history, particularly centered on their relationship to natural philosophy and human philosophy. I will try to show that the obvious differences concerning their subject matter encompass a number of less obvious methodological and philosophical assumptions which reveal a significant practical and con ceptual convergence of the two fields. Causes or axioms are prescribed as the theoretical end-products of natural (...)
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  46. Francis Bacon’s Quasi-Materialism and its Nineteenth-Century Reception (Joseph de Maistre and Karl Marx).Silvia Manzo - 2020 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 9 (2):109-138.
    This paper will address the nineteenth-century reception of Bacon as an exponent of materialism in Joseph de Maistre and Karl Marx. I will argue that Bacon’s philosophy is “quasi-materialist.” The materialist components of his philosophy were noticed by de Maistre and Marx, who, in addition, pointed out a Baconian materialist heritage. Their construction of Bacon’s figure as the leader of a materialist lineage ascribed to his philosophy a revolutionary import that was contrary to Bacon’s actual leanings. This contrast shows how (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy.Tomás McAuley, Nanette Nielsen, Jerrold Levinson & Ariana Phillips-Hutton (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: OUP.
    Whether regarded as a perplexing object, a morally captivating force, an ineffable entity beyond language, or an inescapably embodied human practice, music has captured philosophically inclined minds since time immemorial. In turn, musicians of all stripes have called on philosophy as a source of inspiration and encouragement, and scholars of music through the ages have turned to philosophy for insight into music and into the worlds that sustain it. In this Handbook, contributors build on this legacy to conceptualize the rich (...)
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  48.  10
    Todos educamos mal--: pero unos peor que otros.Tomás Melendo - 2008 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.
  49. Early modern empiricism.Silvia Manzo & Sofía Calvente - 2020 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.
    Broadly speaking, “empiricism” is a label that usually denotes an epistemological view that emphasizes the role that experience plays in forming concepts and acquiring and justifying knowledge. In contemporary philosophy, there are some authors who call themselves as empiricists, although there are differences in the way they define what experience consists in, how it is related to theory, and the role experience plays in discovering and justifying knowledge, etc. (e.g., Ayer 1936; Van Fraassen 2002). In contrast, in the early modern (...)
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  50. El replanteo de las causas finales y su impacto en el materialismo y el ateísmo del siglo XVIII.Silvia Manzo - 2024 - In Leandro Guerrero, Materialismo, hedonismo y ateísmo. Nuevas discusiones sobre la filosofía de la Ilustración. Santa Fe: Ediciones UNL. pp. 19-32.
    Este capítulo se propone explorar cómo el replanteo de las causas finales en la ciencia natural suscitado por la Revolución Científica impactó en el desarrollo del materialismo y el ateísmo del Siglo de las luces. Con el surgimiento de la ciencia moderna en Europa, en el siglo XVII ocurrieron cambios sustantivos en la concepción de la causalidad. Ciertos estudios pioneros sobre el tema, sostenían que la nueva ciencia anulaba las causas finales y establecía que todos los fenómenos naturales debían explicarse (...)
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