Results for 'Silent films. '

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  1. Hollywood: Silent Film and the Shaping of Class in America.Steven J. Ross - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (2):271-274.
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    The othering of women in silent film: cultural, historical, and literary contexts.Barbara Tepa Lupack - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
    In The Othering of Women in Silent Film: Cultural, Historical, and Literary Contexts, Barbara Tepa Lupack explores the rampant racial and gender stereotyping in early cinema and demonstrates how that imagery helped shape American attitudes and practices.
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    Language• Silence• Laughter: The Silent Film and the" Eccentric" Modernist Writer.Constance Pierce - forthcoming - Substance.
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  4. The Philosophical Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes: The Silent Films of Stan Brakhage.James Michael Magrini - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):424-445.
    The qualities of great works of art, their profundity, their insight into the human condition, are epitomised in Brakhage's films, which are, I argue, from the beginning related to and inseparable from a philosophical attitude toward existence. His films emerge out of an authentic 'existential' mode of attunement, a mind-set wherein the potential for human transcendence is framed and filmed within its intractable relationship to death, the most extreme possibility of non-existence. Brakhage not only views existence in a philosophical manner, (...)
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    Eve Golden (2013) John Gilbert: The Last of the Silent Film Stars.Katherine Blakeney - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Scene Deconstruction and Plot Setting of a Silent Film.Ziquan Wang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:854-868.
    This study dissects Chaplin's method of conveying a story through visuals in his 1921 silent movie, 'The Kid,' emphasizing scene analysis and plot introduction. A detailed discussion of sequences allows the research to illustrate how Chaplin makes meaning, creates a narrative, and establishes emotion solely through visual motion without words. The study uses several theoretical approaches, including film semiotics, narrative theory, and visual composition analysis. This paper examines how Chaplin employs framing, editing, mise-en-scène, and physical comedy to construct a (...)
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    Babel and Babylon: Spectatorship in American Silent Film.Charles O'Brien & Miriam Hansen - 1993 - Substance 22 (1):102.
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    Language bullet Silence bullet Laughter: The Silent Film and the "Eccentric" Modernist Writer.Constance Pierce - 1987 - Substance 16 (1):59.
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    Dressed for Adventure: Working Women and Silent Movie Serials in the 1910s.Nan Enstad - 1995 - Feminist Studies 21 (1):67.
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    Medieval Art and the Look of Silent Film: The Influence of Costume and Set Design Medieval Art and the Look of Silent Film: The Influence of Costume and Set Design, by Lora Ann Sigler, Jefferson, NC, McFarland and Co., 2019, 235 pp., $55.00/£61.25 (paper). [REVIEW]Molly Thomas - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (8):915-917.
    From Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Decameron and Canterbury Tales to Monty Python’s televisual riffs on Arthurian legend in the 1970s and role-playing games like Pendragon or Hidden Kingdom, a fascination...
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    The Film: a Psychological Study: The Silent Photoplay in 1916.Hugo Münsterberg - 1970
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    Ulysses, Film and Visual Culture.Philip Sicker - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Although Joyce was losing his sight when he wrote Ulysses, Stephen's and Bloom's visual experiences are extraordinarily rich and complex. Absorbing the influences of popular visual attractions such as dioramas, stereoscopes and mutoscopes, their perceptions of Dublin are shaped by what Walter Benjamin calls 'unconscious optics'. Analyzing closely the texture of their impressions and of Joyce's prismatic narrative styles, Philip Sicker explores the phenomenon of sight from a wide-ranging set of perspectives: eighteenth-century epistemology, theories of the flaneur, Italian Futurist art, (...)
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  13. The grace of divine providence: The identity and function of the silent witness in the decalogue films of Kieslowski.Lloyd Baugh - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (3):523-548.
    In his ground-breaking series of films The Decalogue , Krzysztof Kieslowski creates an enigmatic character who appears in nine of the ten otherwise-disconnected films. Kieslowski neither names this mysterious man nor allows him one word of dialogue. In several of the films, the man is seen by other characters; in others he remains invisible to them. Sometimes he seems to influence the decisions of the protagonists; other times, he seems to remain a passive observer of their problems. Many scholars who (...)
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    The Silent Scream.Joan C. Callahan - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:181-195.
    The Silent Scream, a videotape which includes footage of a real time sonogram of an abortion in progress, has been receiving considerable attention in America as the anti-abortion movement’s latest argument. The tape has been enthusiastically endorsed by President Reagan and has been distributed to every member of Congress and to each of the Supreme Court justices. It is produced and narrated by Bernard N. Nathanson, a practicing obstetrician and gynecologist, and it includes a number of implicit and explicit (...)
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  15. Movie review of: The Artist.Gary James Jason - 2012 - Liberty 1.
    In this essay, I review a French-American gem of a movie, The Artist. This movie was an homage to the silent film era and is itself almost all silent. I discuss both the artistic and financial success of silent movies, and I praise this film for successfully interesting modern theater-goers despite its almost total lack of sound. The film won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and—for its outstanding lead actor, Jean Dujardin—Best Actor. It is (...)
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    Stages of development of the Yakut cinema: from "silent cinema" to the national film industry.Павлова-Борисова Т.В - 2023 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 4:70-87.
    The article is devoted to the emergence and development of Yakut cinema. The object of the study is the Yakut cinema as a phenomenon of national culture. The first appearance of film installations in the Yakut region at the beginning of the XX century is considered. Attention is drawn to the process of mass cinematography in Soviet times. In parallel, the inclusion of Yakut people in the creative process of participating in the first filming at All-Union film studios in the (...)
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    Still: American Silent Motion Picture Photography.David S. Shields - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    The success of movies like The Artist and Hugo recreated the wonder and magic of silent film for modern audiences, many of whom might never have experienced a movie without sound. But while the American silent movie was one of the most significant popular art forms of the modern age, it is also one that is largely lost to us, as more than eighty percent of silent films have disappeared, the victims of age, disaster, and neglect. We (...)
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  18. What Becomes of Things on Film?Stanley Cavell - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):249-257.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Stanley Cavell WHAT BECOMES OF THINGS ON FILM? And does this title express a genuine question? That is, does one accept the suggestion that there is a particular relation (or a particular system of relations, awaiting systematic study) that holds between things and their filmed projections, which is to say between the originals now absent from us (by screening) and the new originals now present to us (in photogenesis)—a (...)
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    Film and ethics: what would you have done?Jacqui Miller (ed.) - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book forms part of the multi-disciplinary Studies in Ethics Series from Liverpool Hope University. It explores the slipperiness of ethics as a concept and demonstrates the multiplicity of intellectual inquiry within contemporary Film Studies. At first glance, â ~ethicsâ (TM) is not necessarily a subject conventionally associated with film. Film is often regarded as a form of â ~lowbrowâ (TM) popular culture, either offering bland entertainment or deliberately setting out to shock â " or, more cynically, generate box office (...)
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    Philosophical Problems of Classical Film Theory by Noel Carroll.Robert E. Lauder - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):535-538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 535 eluded. Have Straussians proved that there is no higher human knowledge than philosophy? One hopes that they will meet their critics, because Stmussians are deeply serious men and women, and we can all learn from their mentor. Hillsdale, College Hillsdale, Michigan D. T. ASSELIN Philosophical Problems of Classical Film Theory. By NOEL CARROLL. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988. Pp. 268. This book is a provocative, (...)
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    Philosophers on film from Bergson to Badiou: a critical reader.Christopher Want (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Philosophers on Film from Bergson to Badiou is an anthology of writings on cinema and film by many of the major thinkers in continental philosophy. The book presents a selection of fundamental texts, each accompanied by an introduction and exposition by the editor, Christopher Kul-Want, that places the philosophers within a historical and intellectual framework of aesthetic and social thought. Encompassing a range of intellectual traditions--Marxism, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, gender and affect theories--this critical reader features writings by Bergson, Benjamin, Adorno (...)
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  22. What Novels Can Do That Films Can't.Seymour Chatman - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (1):121-140.
    The key word in amy account of the different ways that visual details are presented by novels and films is "assert." I wish to communicate by that word the force it has in ordinary rhetoric: an "assertion" is a statement, usually an independent sentence or clause, that something is in fact the case, that it is a certain sort of thing, that it does in fact have certain properties or enter into certain relations, namely, those listed. Opposed to asserting there (...)
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    Die Dekonstruktion des Bürgerlichen im Stummfilm der Weimarer Republik.Ioana Crăciun - 2015 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    English summary: The silent film of the Weimar Republic grappled with the norms and values of a society, whose elites dismissed it as a cultural product for the masses and the bulk of whose citizens were eager consumers of film. It scrutinized their civil facade and distanced itself with constructive irony and productive skepticism about their traditional (gender-) roles and modes of identity. Its silent message reaches us today like a message in a bottle from a temporary and (...)
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    Broken Phenomenology: The Silent Witness from the Decalogue Cycle of Krzysztof Kieslowski and his Philosophical Meaning.Ana Ocoleanu - 2023 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 6:39-47.
    1988, as the TV cycle ‘Decalogue’ was finished by Krzysztof Kieslowski, one of the most intriguing appearances throughout its episodes was the character of the silent witness, a young man played by Arthur Barciś. He is the first character who appears at the beginning of Decalogue I and therefore of the whole series and who returns in eight from the ten films of the cycle in very different hypostases: as nomadic camper, surveyor, nurse, bus driver, or rowboat driver, traveler (...)
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    All's Fair in Love and War?: Representations of Prison Life in Silent Grace.Aileen Blaney - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (4):393-409.
    This article investigates the textual strategies with which Maeve Murphy's Silent Grace addresses viewers in contemporary Northern Ireland. Borrowing Eric Santner's concept of `narrative fetishism', the analysis examines how the film's representation of the past obscures the historical realities experienced by female political prisoners in Armagh jail in the late 1970s and early 1980s. From this standpoint, its ethical relation to historical `truth' and responsibilities to its local audience are debated.
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    “The Hum of the Conversing Audience”: Ordinary Criticism and Film Culture in American Early Film Theory.Marthe Statius - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):408.
    This article seeks to explore the early stages of American film theory, wherecinephiliabecame a site of aesthetic interest and criticism thanks to the theorization of cinema as a conversational medium. Following Stanley Cavell’s analysis of a distinct form of moviegoing in America, based on the casual conversation about movies, I argue that a reinterpretation of Emerson’s ordinary aesthetics has been at the core of early film theory, especially in Vachel Lindsay’s writings. In order to illustrate the relation between the defence (...)
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    Love in motion: erotic relationships in film.Reidar Due - 2013 - London: Wallflower Press.
    This book is about film's encounter with love throughout the medium's history. It is also about the philosophy of love... [it] outlines a new metaphysics and ontology of love as a reciprocal erotic relationship. This study argues that film's special narrative language is particularly well suited to depicting love in this way. It begins with early silent directors, such as Joseph von Sternberg, and concludes with contemporary filmmakers, such as Sophia Coppola; it also compares classical French and American love (...)
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    Online Construction of Multimodal Metaphors In Murnau’s Movie Faust.José Manuel Ureña Gómez-Moreno - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (3):192-210.
    This study explores multimodal metaphors and metonymies in Faust, a German Expressionist silent fiction movie by Murnau. The article combines principles of psychocinematics, an interdisciplinary scientific field of enquiry, with the multimodal metaphor and expressive movement model, which looks into the temporal dynamics of metaphoric meaning-making by movie watchers. It is shown that interrelating both film-analytic approaches provides a deeper and more comprehensive insight into how figurative thought influences psycho-cognitive processes in the moviegoer’s mind as they dynamically unfold in (...)
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  29. Depiction of Violence in the Early Films of Sogo Ishii.Doga Col - 2024 - In Jaime Lopez Diez, Resonances of Japanese Cinema. Madrid: Editorial Fragua. pp. 6-25.
    Sogo/Gakuryu Ishii is one of the pioneers of the punk/cyberpunk movement in Japanese cinema. Though his style changed throughout his career, his early films have been a great influence to filmmakers around the world. His unique filmic style presents questions, observations and interpretations regarding the role of violence as normalized in the daily lives of heavily marginalized punk youth portrayed in an amplified and stylized cyberpunk Japan. What is so captivating about Ishii's style and motivation is that he was not (...)
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    Rethinking Inside and Outside: The Door in Ernst Lubitsch's When I Was Dead and Charlie Chaplin's The Adventurer.Ido Lewit - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (1):79-97.
    The article investigates the function and signification of doors in two silent films, Ernst Lubitsch's 1916 When I Was Dead and Charlie Chaplin's 1917 The Adventurer. Taking a theoretical perspective provided by the field of intellectual inquiry known as cultural techniques (Kulturtechniken), the door in these films is studied with respect to its procedural and functional operations. Specifically, the article focuses on the ways in which the employment of doors in each of the films relates to these films' configurations (...)
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    ‘Wounded by the Arrow of Beauty’: The Silent Call of Art.David Torevell - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (6):932-941.
    One of the urgent tasks facing Christian educators at the present time is how they might encourage the spiritual growth of their students. This paper invites reflection on this central question by discussing the role aesthetics might play with particular focus on its relationship to the ‘spiritual senses’, a theme which has been strikingly absent from recent publications on religion and Christian education. Paying particular attention to the work of the contemporary French phenomenologist, Jean-Louis Chrétien, I shall argue that art (...)
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  32. The strong, silent type: Alice's use of rhetorical silence as feminist strategy.Suzan E. Aiken - 2014 - In Nadine Farghaly, Unraveling Resident Evil: essays on the complex universe of the games and films. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
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    Illuminating Childhood: Portraits in Fiction, Film, and Drama by Ellen Handler-Spitz (review).Seth Lerer - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3):116-119.
    Toward the middle of her evocative, deeply personal new book, Ellen Handler-Spitz reflects, “What is the purpose of keeping secrets from children? What are the effects?” Parents, she continues, often seek to protect children from challenging pasts or fearful presents. We often, too, seek to shield children from our own mistakes. “Doubtless,” she avers, “we have performed acts of which we cannot feel proud.” Keeping silent is no good. But how, she asks again, “should we talk about the past?” (...)
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  34. The camera never lies: Social construction of self and group in video, film, and photography. [REVIEW]Jo Ann Oravec - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (4):431-446.
    Construction of self and group often incorporates the use of objects associated with "expression," including videos, films, and photographs. In this article, I describe four different sites for construction of groups (group portraiture, courtrooms, video-assisted group therapy, and videoconferencing). I discuss potential aspects of shifts in the way we use and talk about media on what it is like to participate in a group. The eras of video, film, and photography as "silent witnesses" to group interaction are gradually passing. (...)
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  35. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance and Listening in the Work of Charlie Chaplin.Carolyn Sara Giunta - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Dundee
    In this thesis, I use a close reading of the silent films of Charlie Chaplin to examine a question of listening posed by Jean-Luc Nancy, “Is listening something of which philosophy is capable” (Nancy 2007:1)? Drawing on the work of Nancy, Jacques Derrida and Gayatri Spivak, I consider a claim that philosophy has failed to address the topic of listening because a logocentric tradition claims speech as primary. In response to Derrida’s deconstruction of logocentrism, Nancy complicates the problem of (...)
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  36. Shawn C. Bean (2008) The First Hollywood: Florida and the Golden Age of Silent Filmmaking. [REVIEW]Carrie Giunta - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):501-502.
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    Between Missed and Denied, a Word in Search of Voice.Carmen Alberdi Urquizu - 2016 - Iris 37:151-163.
    La transition, puisqu’il n’y eut point de coupure, du cinéma muet au parlant nous permet de retracer le parcours d’une parole filmique en quête de voix depuis ses origines. Cette voix, tantôt regrettée dans les films que Chion nomme « sourds » plutôt que « muets », tantôt rejetée sous le « 100 % parlant », erre encore à la surface de l’écran comme dans un entre-deux, à la recherche de la reconnaissance vis-à-vis de son double, l’image. The transition, as (...)
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    I See a Voice: Deafness, Language and the Senses--A Philosophical History.Jonathan Rée - 1999 - Metropolitan Books, H. Holt and Co..
    A groundbreaking study of deafness, by a philosopher who combines the scientific erudition of Oliver Sacks with the historical flair of Simon Schama. There is nothing more personal than the human voice, traditionally considered the expression of the innermost self. But what of those who have no voice of their own and cannot hear the voices of others? In this tour de force of historical narrative, Jonathan Ree tells the astonishing story of the deaf, from the sixteenth century to the (...)
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    Dreams Rise in Darkness: The White Magic of Cinema.David B. Clarke - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):21-40.
    This paper considers Baudrillard’s thought in relation to cinema. It begins with a discussion of the way in which Baudrillard’s work typically invokes film and of the consequent paucity of Baudrillardian studies of cinema, making reference to the literature on Blade Runner and The Matrix . It proceeds to excavate a fuller account of Baudrillard’s conception of cinema, drawing, initially, on Baudrillard’s use of the 1926 German silent film, The Student of Prague , in his conclusion to The Consumer (...)
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    Roman Ingarden’s Concept of the Filmic Work of Art: Strata, Sound, Spectacle.Robert Luzecky - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):683-702.
    In the present paper, I suggest a modification to some aspects of Ingarden’s analyses of the sound-synchronized filmic work of art. The argument progresses through two stages: I clarify Ingarden’s claim that the work of art is a stratified formation in which the various aspects present objectivities; I elucidate and critically assess Ingarden’s suggestion that the filmic work of art is a borderline case in respect to other types of works of art—paintings and literary works. Here, I identify a problem (...)
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    Radical change theory and synergistic reading for digital age youth.Eliza T. Dresang & Bowie Kotrla - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 92-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Radical Change Theory and Synergistic Reading for Digital Age YouthEliza T. Dresang (bio) and Bowie Kotrla (bio)Books with digital age characteristics... stimulate curiosity and foster community.—Elizabeth Lennox Keyser, 1999Today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.—Marc Prensky, 2001PrologueOne of our favorite books is McGillis’s The Nimble Reader: Literary Criticism and Children’s Literature.1 McGillis applies various literary theories—among them the New Criticism, structuralism, feminism, and postmodernism—to much-loved, (...)
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    Literary essays.Ernst Bloch - 1998 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The writings of Ernst Bloch represent one of the lasting linguistic and intellectual achievements of expressionism. What distinguishes Bloch from other expressionists is that he lived long enough to form the impulses of the expressionist break-through into an oeuvre that grew in depth and mastery across half a century. This collection, which dates from 1913 to 1964, represents a field of experiment in which a thinker of astonishing originality exposes his own thought to the provocation of literary, musical, and artistic (...)
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    Effects of masking tasks on differential eyelid conditioning: A distinction between knowledge of stimulus contingencies and attentional or cognitive activities involving them.Michael N. Nelson & Leonard E. Ross - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (1):1.
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    Samuel Beckett and cinema.Anthony Paraskeva - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1936 Samuel Beckett wrote a letter to Sergei Eisenstein - the legendary director of such films as Battleship Potemkin - expressing his own desire to work in the lost tradition of silent film. Drawing on substantial archival material, this is the first book to examine comprehensively the full extent of Beckett's engagement with cinema and its influence on his work for stage and screen. Examining his writing on second wave modernist cinema, including the work of directors such as (...)
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  45. Dukh filʹmy.Béla Balázs - 1935 - Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatelʹstvo "Khudozhestvennai︠a︡ literatura". Edited by Nadezhda Kramova & N. A. Lebedev.
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    Fiction and the `Unrepresentable'.Shigehiko Hasumi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):316-329.
    In this article I argue that basic characteristics of the medium of cinema formed during the relatively brief era of silent movies continued to characterize film throughout the 20th century. Despite the development of talkies in the 1920s, sound was never truly integrated into the composition of cinema in the sense implied by the term `audiovisual'. This is a reflection not only of technological constraints but also of a fundamental ideological orientation that prohibited the direct representation of the voice. (...)
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    Aktor i jego postać ekranowa: aktorstwo ery kina niemego w teorii i refleksji krytycznej.Piotr Skrzypczak - 2009 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Książka Piotra Skrzypczaka jest bez wątpienia najpoważniejszą pracą poświęconą aktorstwu filmowemu, jaka do tej pory powstała w Polsce, i jak na taką skalę książką jedyną. Cóż bowiem opisywać: aktora, artystę, gwiazdę, człowieka uwikłanego w przemysł kinematograficzny, role itd.? Potencjalna wielość wyborów stanowi w gruncie rzeczy kłopot metodologiczny. Przyjęcie przez autora konstruktu teoretycznego, jakim jest fundamentalna dla książki kategoria „postaci ekranowej", i konsekwentne stosowanie go we wszystkich rozdziałach pozwala zachować dyscyplinę dyskursu. Piotr Zmerzchowski Autor pedantycznie i cierpliwie rozświetla i rozsupłuje sekrety (...)
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    Wenn die Worte fallen würden.Michel Chion - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (1):11-27.
    Die Schrift ist im Film nicht nur durch Schriftobjekte (z. B. Briefe, Leuchtreklamen, Zeitungen) präsent, die der Diegese angehören. In Vor- und Abspann oder Zwischentitel hat sie vor allem im Stummfilm, aber auch in der Ära des Tonfilms ihren eigenen Raum. Von dort dringt sie bisweilen in den physikalischen Raum des Films ein, mitunter erscheint der Raum des Vorspanns etc. als 〉wirklicher〈 Raum. Interessant sind jene Fälle, in denen Buchstaben und Wörter ihrerseits den Gesetzen des physikalischen Raums, Bewegung und Schwerkraft (...)
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    Canoeing as a Counter-Hegemonic Practice: I Can, Can You?Iqbal Fk Noor - 2013 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 4 (1).
    This essay analyzes a silent short film portraying an urban canoeist. The film suggests that it is possible to make conscious choices about one’s means of conveyance through the city. Using a critical theoretical framework to unpack the implications of the film, this paper argues for the need to imagine unconventional modes of transportation and examine the power structures of automotive hegemony.
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    Canoeing as a Counter-Hegemonic Practice: I Can, Can You?Noor F. K. Iqbal - 2013 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 4 (1).
    This essay analyzes a silent short film portraying an urban canoeist. The film suggests that it is possible to make conscious choices about one’s means of conveyance through the city. Using a critical theoretical framework to unpack the implications of the film, this paper argues for the need to imagine unconventional modes of transportation and examine the power structures of automotive hegemony.
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