Results for 'Significant questions'

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  1.  33
    The significance of unasked questions in the study of conflict.Portia Bell Hume & Joan V. Bondurant - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):318 – 327.
    It is imperative that creative techniques be designed for the conduct of active conflict. The failure to explore alternatives to violent force is fostered by an inbred literature which is preoccupied with descriptive analyses of small group conflict or with policy and the implications of nuclear warfare. An entirely new concept is required based upon the union of technique with theory. Psychoanalytic experience with intrapsychic conflict should be brought to bear upon problems of large-scale conflict in a manner not yet (...)
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  2. Significance of Lenin materialism and empiriocriticism for the solution of the philosophical and philosophical-methodological questions of natural-sciences.J. Stachova - 1980 - Filosoficky Casopis 28 (3):416-420.
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    Socratic Questions: New Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates and Its Significance.David H. Calhoun - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (2):603-607.
  4.  67
    Questioning the significance of the non-identity problem in applied ethics.Rob Lawlor - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):893-896.
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    Questions about the fundamental meanings of Knowingby confucian scholars and their significances. 김종석 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 86:59-78.
    공자가 유학의 학문적 목표를 ‘中節’이라고 하는 행위 원리의 정립에 둔 이래, 앎의 문제는 유학의 핵심 과제가 되었다. ‘중절’은 단순한 대상적 인식의 결과로서 도달할 수 있는 것이 아니라 고도의 판단력을 요구하는 실천적 개념이다. 선진유학에서는 ‘중절’의 행위 원리를 정립하기 위해 知와 智두 가지 방법이 제시되었는데, 지금까지 학계에서는 두 가지 개념을 구분하지 않고 혼용하는 경향이 있었다. 知는 사물에 대한 대상적 인식의 성격이 강하고 智는 선악을 분별하는 선천적 품성의 성격이 강하다. 공자는 시종 知를 언급했지만 실질적으로는 知를 통해 智에 도달할 것을 강조했다. 맹자는 모든 사람은 (...)
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    Socratic questions: New essays on the philosophy of Socrates and its significance.Grace Marie Ledbetter - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (4):598-600.
  7.  1
    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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    Raising questions: Philosophical significance of controversy in science.M. P. Silverman - 1992 - Science & Education 1 (2):163-179.
  9.  23
    The significance of GDP: a new take on a century-old question.Shiri Cohen Kaminitz - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (1):1-14.
    What is the significance of GDP per capita to a society? What does it represent conceptually? These questions have been addressed in past decades, engendering extensive explorations of the limitations of the indicator, yet answers have proved problematic or partial. The paper presents the main conclusions so far drawn and builds upon them to present a new reading of the significance of GDP per capita. At the heart of this reading is the view that, while GDP per capita is (...)
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    Socratic Questions: New Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates and Its Significance.Barry Gower & Michael C. Stokes (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    Socrates is still an enigmatic figure of enormous importance in Western culture. This book introduces both some of Socrates' problems and some of the problems about him. It seeks at the same time to advance new views, arguments and information on Socrates' mission, techniques, ethics and later reception. Composed of new essays by different scholars, some of them primarily Hellenstics, some philosophers, it illustrates both the variety of Plato's literary portrayals of Socrates and the diversity of later and present-day approaches (...)
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  11.  24
    Roman tears and their significance: a question of gender?Sarah Rey - 2015 - Clio 41:243-263.
    Dans la Rome républicaine et impériale, les pleurs accompagnent des événements de la vie privée et publique. Pour agrémenter leurs discours et asseoir leur autorité, des sénateurs, des empereurs et de brillants chefs d’armes n’hésitent pas à verser des larmes quand l’heure est grave. L’effet de leurs sanglots dépend de leur position sociale et de leur renommée : les plaintes d’un aristocrate ont plus de portée que celles d’un simple soldat. Aux femmes, en revanche, les larmes sont souvent interdites (hormis (...)
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    “Neglected Personhood” and Neglected Questions: Remarks on the Moral Significance of Consciousness.Dominic Wilkinson, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (9):31 – 33.
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    On the significance of the question "did china have science?".David E. Mungello - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (4):467-478.
  14.  44
    (2 other versions)Incidental findings of uncertain significance: To know or not to know - that is not the question.Bjørn Hofmann - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    Although the “right not to know” is well established in international regulations, it has been heavily debated. Ubiquitous results from extended exome and genome analysis have challenged the right not to know...
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  15.  75
    Socratic Questions: The Philosophy of Socrates and its Significance, ed. by B. S. Gower and M.C. Stokes. (Routledge, London and New York, 1993) pp. viii + 228, $69.95, L 35 (Hardcover only). ISBN 0-415-06931-9. [REVIEW]Thomas C. Brickhouse - 1992 - Polis 11 (2):191-194.
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    Response to: ‘Questioning the significance of the non-identity problem in applied ethics’ by Lawlor.Tony Hope - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):897-898.
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    Nevertheless: The Philosophical Significance of the Questions Posed at Philebus 15b.Amber Carpenter - 2009 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 12 (1):103-129.
  18. Theological Statements and the Question of an Empiricist Criterion of Cognitive Significance.Michael Tooley - 1975 - In Malcolm L. Diamond & Jr Litzenburg (eds.), Theology and Verification. Bobbs-Merrill. pp. 481–524.
    This paper is divided into four sections. -/- The first section contains an informal characterization of what may, for the purposes of this discussion, be referred to as the standard interpretation of theological statements. -/- Then, in the second section, I mention two challenges to the commonsense view that theological statements have cognitive content: the quote “falsifiability challenge” and the “ translatability challenge”. -/- Both of these challenges involve an appeal to an empiricist criterion of cognitive content, but I contend (...)
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  19. Contingency, (In)significance, and the All-Encompassing Trip: Pearl Jam and the Question of the Meaning of Life.Stefano Marino - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari (eds.), Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Questioning the significance of the non-identity problem in applied ethics: a reply to Tony Hope.Rob Lawlor - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):899-900.
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  21. Kane, luck, and the significance of free will.Alfred R. Mele - 1999 - Philosophical Explorations 2 (2):96-104.
    This paper raises a pair of objections to the novel libertarian position advanced in Robert Kane's recent book, The Significance of Free Will.The first objection's target is a central element in Kane's intriguing response to what he calls the "Intelligibility" and "Existence" questions about free will. It is argued that this response is undermined by considerations of luck.The second objection is directed at a portion of Kane's answer to what he calls "The Significance Question" about free will: "Why do (...)
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    What moral educational significance has physical education? A question in need of disambiguation.David Carr - 1998 - In M. J. McNamee & S. J. Parry (eds.), Ethics and sport. New York: E & FN Spon. pp. 119--133.
  23.  25
    Question-reply argumentation.Douglas Neil Walton - 1989 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    Walton's book is a study of several fallacies in informal logic. Focusing on question-answer dialogues, and committed to a pragmatic rather than a semantic approach, he attempts to generate criteria for evaluating good and bad questions and answers. The book contains a discussion of such well-recognized fallacies as many questions, black-or-white questions, loaded questions, circular arguments, question-begging assertions and epithets, ad hominem and tu quoque arguments, ignoratio elenchi, and replying to a question with a question. In (...)
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  24.  10
    Significance.Robert Kane - 1996 - In The Significance of Free Will. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Discusses what I call the “Significance Question” for free will: Why do we, or should we, want to possess a free will that is incompatible with determinism? I argue that there are a number of things that we do, and should, want when we want genuine free will and that these things, properly understood, require an incompatibilist or nondeterminist account. They include genuine creativity, autonomy or self‐legislation, true desert for achievements, moral responsibility in an ultimate sense, being suitable objects of (...)
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  25. Assessing Ontologies: The Question of Human Origins and Its Ethical Significance.Daniel Cohnitz & Barry Smith - 2003 - In Edmund Runggaldier, Christian Kanzian & Josef Quitterer (eds.), Persons: An Interdisciplinary Approach. öbvhpt. pp. 243--259.
    In their paper “Sixteen Days” Barry Smith and Berit Brogaard try to answer the question: when does a human being begin to exist? In this paper we will address some methodological issues connected with this exercise in ontology. We shall begin by sketching the argument of “Sixteen Days”. We shall then attempt to characterize what is special about the ontological realism of “Sixteen Days” as contrasted to the linguistic constructivism which represents the more dominant current in contemporary analytic philosophy. This (...)
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  26.  42
    On the significance of nature for the question of ethics.Dennis Schmidt - 2001 - Research in Phenomenology 31 (1):62-77.
    The purpose of this article is to begin to renew the theme of nature as a central, even unavoidable, question for philosophizing today. Furthermore, the argument is made that this question is most productively posed as a question concerning ethical life. Texts by Aristotle, Kant and Höderlin are considered. Attention to Heidegger's concerns with technology also serves to guide the issues here.
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    Can I be Judged If I Don’t Remember My Sins? Questioning What Is Significant about Life after Death.Harriet Harris - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (3):315-322.
    We are preoccupied with memory and psychological continuity in what it would mean to survive one’s death, and so are challenged when our memories fade. If we test the philosophical focus on continuity with theological expectations of transformation, we can look for what emerges, rather than what is lost, even in the most memory-ravaging conditions.
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  28. The Significance of a Life’s Shape.Dale Dorsey - 2015 - Ethics 125 (2):303-330.
    The shape of a life hypothesis holds, very roughly, that lives are better when they have an upward, rather than downward, slope in terms of momentary well-being. This hypothesis is plausible and has been thought to cause problems for traditional principles of prudential value/rationality. In this article, I conduct an inquiry into the shape of a life hypothesis that addresses two crucial questions. The first question is: what is the most plausible underlying explanation of the significance of a life’s (...)
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    A question of voice: philosophy and the search for legitimacy.Ron Scapp - 2020 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    A Question of Voice: Philosophy and the Search for Legitimacy offers an explicit and comprehensive consideration of voice as a complex of rethinking aspects of the history of philosophy through issues of power, as well as contemporary issues that include and involve the desire for and the dynamics of legitimacy, for individuals and communities. By identifying voice as a significant theme and means by which and through which we might better engage some important philosophical questions, Ron Scapp hopes (...)
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    The Significance of the Goal of Health Care for the Setting of Priorities.Per-Erik Liss - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (2):161-169.
    The purpose of the article is to argue for the significance of a clarified goal of health care for the setting of priorities. Three arguments are explored. First, assessment of needs becomes necessary in so far as the principle of need should guide the priority-setting. The concept of health care need includes a goal component. This component should for rational reasons be identical with the goal of health care. Second, in order to use resources efficiently it is necessary to assess (...)
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  31.  50
    Questions of Athletic Excellence and Justice in Sport.Adam Berg - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (3):292-303.
    This essay delineates and analyzes two kinds of questions that sport ethicists tend to ask: questions about athletic excellence and questions about justice. To pass ethical judgements when delving into questions concerning athletic excellence, sportspeople rely largely on a sport’s internal values, primary skills, or sport-specific athletic excellences. In contrast, questions about justice do not and should not include the reference or application of principles derived from the nature of a sport. Instead, sportspeople must refer (...)
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  32.  18
    5 questions.Andrew Mason - unknown
    Mason on the question: "What are the most important unsolved questions in political philosophy and/or related disciplines and what are the prospects for progress?" Political philosophy rarely, if ever, solves problems once and for all. Old problems usually persist despite attempts to resolve them, and even when they are successfully resolved, new ones arise from the ashes of the old. In my view, however, it would be a mistake to conclude from this that political philosophy makes no progress. We (...)
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    Kuhn, Scheler and the Revolutionary Genesis of Modern Science. A hermeneutical approach to the question of an existential significance of the scientific attitude.Gabor Toronyai - 1999 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 206:59-74.
  34. The significance of distribution.Aaron James - unknown
    In matters of distributive justice, we assume that it is important how benefits and burdens are distributed among different people. But what, precisely, is important about this? In particular, what, from the point of view of justice, is ultimately at stake in what distributions come about? T. M. Scanlon has been coy about what his contractualist moral theory might imply for justice.[ii] Yet his conception of morality bears directly on this question of stakes. The significance of distribution then depends on (...)
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    The significance of enset culture and biodiversity for rural household food and livelihood security in southwestern Ethiopia.Almaz Negash & Anke Niehof - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (1):61-71.
    The significance of enset for thefood and livelihood security of ruralhouseholds in Southwestern Ethiopia, where thiscrop is the main staple, raises two majorquestions. The first concerns the relatedissues of household food security andlivelihood security and the contribution of theenset farming and food system in achievingthese. The second deals with the issue ofbiodiversity in enset cultivation. What roledoes biodiversity play in food and livelihoodsecurity and how is it perceived and measured?To answer the latter question, it is necessaryto look at the issue (...)
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  36.  85
    Annihilation: The Sense and Significance of Death.Christopher Belshaw - 2008 - Routledge.
    The ever-present possibility of death forces upon us the question of life's meaning and for this reason death has been a central concern of philosophers throughout history. From Socrates to Heidegger, philosophers have grappled with the nature and significance of death. In "Annihilation", Christopher Belshaw explores two central questions at the heart of philosophy's engagement with death: what is death; and is it bad that we die? Belshaw begins by distinguishing between literal and metaphorical uses of the term and (...)
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  37. II-The Significance of the Senses.Matthew Nudds - 2004 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 104 (1):31-51.
    Standard accounts of the senses attempt to answer the question how and why we count five senses ; none of the standard accounts is satisfactory. Any adequate account of the senses must explain the significance of the senses, that is, why distinguishing different senses matters. I provide such an explanation, and then use it as the basis for providing an account of the senses and answering the counting question.
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  38.  14
    On the Question of the Distinction of Intellectual and Moral Virtues in Aristotle´s and Thomas Aquinas´ Ethics and their Significance for the Present.Karol Pavlovkin - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (3).
  39.  17
    Legal Questions and Scientific Answers : Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps in the Assessment of Causal Relations.Lena Wahlberg - 2010 - Dissertation, Lund University
    A large number of legal rules create an obligation to prevent, repair or otherwise mitigate damage to human health or the environment. Many of these rules require that a legally relevant causal relation between human behaviour and the damage at issue is established, and in the establishment of causal relations of this kind scientific information is often pressed into service. This thesis examines this specifically legal use of scientific information. It shows that many legally relevant causal relations cannot be established (...)
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  40.  62
    The Question of Intervention: John Stuart Mill and the Responsibility to Protect.Michael W. Doyle - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    The question of when or if a nation should intervene in another country’s affairs is one of the most important concerns in today’s volatile world. Taking John Stuart Mill’s famous 1859 essay “A Few Words on Non-Intervention” as his starting point, international relations scholar Michael W. Doyle addresses the thorny issue of when a state’s sovereignty should be respected and when it should be overridden or disregarded by other states in the name of humanitarian protection, national self-determination, or national security. (...)
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  41. The Significance of Practice for Theory: A Reconstruction of Alasdair MacIntyre's Argument.Marian Kuna - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (9):827-838.
    The term of practice plays an important role in MacIntyre’s philosophy. He uses it in two different ways: either generally as contrasted with theory, or as a specifically defined term within his Neo-Aristotelianism. These two meanings are independent from each other. The paper is a reconstruction of MacIntyre’s argument concerning the notion of practice in its general sense and as related to the concept of theory. First, it analyses practice as opposed to theory, and its Marxist roots; second, it outlines (...)
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  42.  18
    The Significance of Philosophical Anthropology in Determining the Methodology of Modern Scientific Research.O. N. Kubalskyi - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 24:37-45.
    _Purpose._ This research involves revealing the methodological significance of the anthropological understanding of values for conducting modern scientific research. _Theoretical basis._ Philosophical anthropology acts as an epistemological basis for answers to ontological questions that are part of the structure of such problems in modern science as the construction of a scientific picture of the world, the ordering of data of natural attitude, and anthropocosmism. The ontological basis for the formation of the anthropological theory of values is the teaching of (...)
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    The Question of Conscientiousness and Religious Engagement in Public Schools.Ryan Bevan - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (3):257-269.
    In this paper, I examine the question of how to nurture and develop conscientiousness thinkers and future citizens of diverse liberal-democratic societies from the perspective of virtue epistemology. More specifically, I examine this question in terms of how public schools might frame engagement with religious perspectives in the classroom. I begin by distinguishing between good and bad conscientiousness through an exploration of current work in the field of virtue epistemology. I then follow Kenneth Strike in his defense of the need (...)
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    The Questions of Identity and Agency in Feminism without Borders: A Mindful Response.Keya Maitra - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):360-376.
    Chandra Mohanty, in introducing the phrase “feminism without borders,” acknowledges that she is influenced by the image of “doctors without borders” and wants to highlight the multiplicity of voices and viewpoints within the feminist coalition. So the question of agency assumes primary significance here. But answering the question of agency becomes harder once we try to accommodate this multiplicity. Take, for example, the practice of veiling among certain Muslim women. As many third-world feminists have pointed out, although veiling can't simply (...)
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  45. On the epistemic significance of practical reasons to inquire.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1641-1658.
    In this paper I explore the epistemic significance of practical reasons to inquire. I have in mind the range of practical reasons one might have to do such things as collect (additional) evidence, consult with various sources, employ certain methods or techniques, double-check one’s answer to a question, etc. After expanding the diet of examples in which subjects have such reasons, I appeal to features of these sorts of reason in order to question the motivation for pragmatic encroachment in epistemology. (...)
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  46. On the significance of the absolute Margin.Christian List - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (3):521-544.
    Consider the hypothesis H that a defendant is guilty, and the evidence E that a majority of h out of n independent jurors have voted for H and a minority of k:=n-h against H. How likely is the majority verdict to be correct? By a formula of Condorcet, the probability that H is true given E depends only on each juror's competence and on the absolute margin between the majority and the minority h-k, but neither on the number n, nor (...)
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    On the philosophical significance of consistency proofs.Michael D. Resnik - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (1/2):133 - 147.
    We have seen that despite Feferman's results Gödel's second theorem vitiates the use of Hilbert-type epistemological programs and consistency proofs as a response to mathematical skepticism. Thus consistency proofs fail to have the philosophical significance often attributed to them.This does not mean that consistency proofs are of no interest to philosophers. We know that a ‘non-pathological’ consistency proof for a system S will use methods which are not available in S. When S is as strong a system as we are (...)
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  48. Some questions of ontology.Henry Laycock - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (1):3-42.
    The views of Quine and Strawson on the significance of 'mass terms' are rehearsed, and the metaphysical status of substances, in the chemist's sense, is considered. It is urged that the ontological dichotomy of particulars and universals is not adequate to accommodate such substances, which are in a sense to be explicated concrete but non-particular.
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    The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy.Remus Breazu - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):159-170.
    In this article, I address the question of violence with respect to the phenomenological difference between the transcendental and the empirical field. In the first part, I phenomenologically address the notion of violence, developing a concept required for an account of the phenomenon of violence. Thus, I correlate it with the notion of vulnerability, arguing that violence cannot be understood irrespective of vulnerability. However, a proper phenomenological account has to indicate the subjective conditions of possibility of a phenomenon as it (...)
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  50. Living with Uncertainty: The Moral Significance of Ignorance.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Every choice we make is set against a background of massive ignorance about our past, our future, our circumstances, and ourselves. Philosophers are divided on the moral significance of such ignorance. Some say that it has a direct impact on how we ought to behave - the question of what our moral obligations are; others deny this, claiming that it only affects how we ought to be judged in light of the behaviour in which we choose to engage - the (...)
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