Results for 'Si-jia Pan'

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  1.  25
    The influence of “small private online course + flipped classroom” teaching on physical education students’ learning motivation from the perspective of self-determination theory.Ti Hu, Meng-Long Zhang, Hong Liu, Jun-Cheng Liu, Si-jia Pan, Jiang-hao Guo, Zong-en Tian & Lei Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThe study aimed to enhance the learning motivation of college physical education students and improve their learning outcomes. Based on the perspective of the self-determination theory, this study explores the influence of “Small Private Online Course + flipped classroom” teaching on the learning motivation of students majoring in physical education and profoundly analyzes the influencing factors and promotion paths of learning motivation using this model.Materials and methodsA total of four classes of physical education majors in a university were selected and (...)
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    Ru jia de huan jing kong jian si xiang yu shi jian.Zhaoyang Pan - 2011 - Taibei Shi: Tai da chu ban zhong xin.
    本書匯聚七篇論文, 是中國儒學與當代世界環境和空間思想的會通而作的經典詮釋.當代全球重要議題之一是環境破壞和空間異化.晚至上個世紀中葉, 人類始逐漸察覺因受現代化巨輪之傾軋, 做為人類和萬物之家的地球, 其環境已甚污染破毀;其空間已嚴重與人心和自然疏離.各大宗教和學派臨此危機遂剋就環境與空間之體用問題而有所闡述其古典思想並且據之會通當代而提出其實踐方策.中國最主要大教之儒家經典, 多有往聖先賢對其生活世界之環境與空間的實踐倫理和思想, 其內容亦多有對治當前環境和空間問題之藥方和資糧.本書七篇論文探討儒家經典和大師的環境空間思想及其實踐, 上自孔孟始, 中經宋明清儒學, 下迄於當代新儒家.
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    Chen si ru jia: ru xue ru jiao de gou shen zhi yuan.Zhaoyang Pan - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju.
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  4. Yan Zhao xian Qin si xiang jia Gongsun Long, Shen Dao, Xun Kuang yan jiu.Yongxiang Wang, Zhifeng Pan & Jixing Hui - 2002 - Baoding Shi: Hebei da xue chu ban she. Edited by Yongxiang Wang, Zhifeng Pan & Jixing Hui.
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  5. Shen Dao yan jiu.Pan Zhifeng - 2002 - In Yongxiang Wang, Zhifeng Pan & Jixing Hui, Yan Zhao xian Qin si xiang jia Gongsun Long, Shen Dao, Xun Kuang yan jiu. Baoding Shi: Hebei da xue chu ban she.
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  6.  81
    Zai Yu Yan Zhong Pan Xuan: Xian Qin Ming Jia "Gui Bian" Ming Ti de Chun Yu Yan Si Bian Li Xing Yan Jiu = Raising Questions in and of Language: A Study on Rationalistic Philosophy of Language of Pre-Qin School of Names.Limin Liu - 2007 - Sichuan da Xue Chu Ban She.
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    "He Wei Gui" de Zheng Zhi Lun Li Zhui Qiu: "He" Shi Yu Zhong de Xian Qin Ru Jia Zheng Zhi Lun Li Si Xiang Yan Jiu = Heweigui de Zhengzhi Lunli Zhuiqiu.Weibing Pi - 2007 - Shanghai San Lian Shu Dian.
    Ben shu jie he shi dai fa zhan de yao qiu,Cong pi pan ji cheng you xiu chuan tong wen hua de shi jiao,Dui xian qin ru jia"he"zheng zhi lun li si xiang jin xing le bi jiao quan mian de si kao.
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  8.  61
    Logic for Describing Strong Belief-Disagreement Between Agents.Jia Chen & Tianqun Pan - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (1):35-47.
    The result of an interaction is influenced by its epistemic state, and several epistemic notions are related to multiagent situations. Strong belief-disagreement on a certain proposition between agents means that one agent believes the proposition and the other believes its negation. This paper presents a logical system describing strong belief-disagreement between agents and demonstrates its soundness and completeness. The notion of belief-disagreement as well as belief-agreement can facilitate gaining a clearer understanding of the acts of trade and speech.
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  9.  28
    Advances in Processing, Mining, and Learning Complex Data: From Foundations to Real-World Applications.Jia Wu, Shirui Pan, Chuan Zhou, Gang Li, Wu He & Chengqi Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-3.
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    Logics for Moderate Belief-Disagreement Between Agents.Jia Chen & Tianqun Pan - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):559-574.
    A moderate belief-disagreement between agents on proposition p means that one agent believes p and the other agent does not. This paper presents two logical systems, \ and \, that describe moderate belief-disagreement, and shows, using possible worlds semantics, that \ is sound and complete with respect to arbitrary frames, and \ is sound and complete with respect to serial frames. Syntactically, the logics are monomodal, but two doxastic accessibility relations are involved in their semantics. The notion of moderate belief-disagreement, (...)
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  11.  11
    Tong guo Meng Xun er si: Xun xue shi yu xia ru jia xin li jie gou yu ren ge te zhi de pi pan xing chong jian = Thinking through Mencius and Xunzi: the critical reconstruction of Confucian psychological and personality structure in vision of Xunzi studies.Weijie Zeng - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si.
    孟學與荀學作為兩種儒家心理的原型,而儒學又作為中國思想場域的大傳統,是以可說思想史脈絡中的孟荀論辯與交鋒,即為建構中國思想場域中人格特質的關鍵來源。亦即思想史上尊孟抑荀的現象,事實上便是孟學意識型態所 形塑之性善心理結構對於性惡陰影的潛抑現象。那是在孟學「四端」理論下所形塑儒家存有具有一不可見卻如四體般存在的「良知器官」之集體驅力。亦即在中國思想場域中的存有只能是「道德人」,而不存在西方基督宗教場域 中「生物人」脈絡下的自我認同與表述。而這樣的孟學心理結構已然成為具有集體性的無意識,驅動著存有的思維與行動,是以產生性善的權威、成聖的焦慮、他律的創傷與政治的昇華等現象。本書將通過孟荀而思,藉由荀學視 域涉入孟學意識型態形塑下之儒家心理結構,去反思、批判與重建存有的心理結構,進而作為思索當代華人乃至東亞儒學場域之人格特質的來源與基礎。.
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  12.  21
    Using Polygraph to Detect Passengers Carrying Illegal Items.Runxin Yu, Si Jia Wu, Audrey Huang, Nathan Gold, Huaxiong Huang, Genyue Fu & Kang Lee - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  13.  62
    Humanistic approach of the early protestant medical missionaries in nineteenth‐century china.Si Jia Jane & Dong Shaoxin - 2016 - Zygon 51 (1):100-112.
    The efficacies of Western and Chinese medicine have been under debate for a long time, and the whole issue still raises questions for the contemporary world. The article emphasizes the humanistic approach as well as the scientific method of the early Protestant medical missionaries to China, so as to give a more comprehensive scope to understand their historical roles and practices in a cross-cultural context. The authors also wish to call for a global readership to further discuss this historical legacy (...)
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  14.  6
    The influence of stories including myths of origin.Keith Oatley & Si Jia Wu - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e186.
    Sijilmassi et al. argue that myths serve to gain coalitional support by detailing shared histories of ancestry and cooperation. They overlook the emotional influences of stories, which include myths of human origin. We suggest that influential myths do not promote cooperation principally by signaling common ancestry, but by prompting human emotions of interdependence and connection.
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  15.  12
    Xin shi pi pan shu.Wujin Yu - 2018 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Xin shi pi pan shu" shi Fu dan da xue yi gu jiao shou Yu Wujin de yi zhu. Yu jiao shou zai shu zhong ni fen shi zhang dui dang dai de yi xie liu xing si chao jin xing fan si he pi pan, xian zhi cun dao lun ji qian si zhang, hou liu zhang zhi you cun mu, gong du zhe liao jie ci shu yuan ben de kuang jia.
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  16.  50
    The Fusiform Face Area Plays a Greater Role in Holistic Processing for Own-Race Faces Than Other-Race Faces.Guifei Zhou, Jiangang Liu, Naiqi G. Xiao, Si Jia Wu, Hong Li & Kang Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17.  33
    Discrete emotions discovered by contactless measurement of facial blood flows.Genyue Fu, Xinyue Zhou, Si Jia Wu, Hassan Nikoo, Darshan Panesar, Paul Pu Zheng, Keith Oatley & Kang Lee - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1429-1439.
    Experiential and behavioural aspects of emotions can be measured readily but developing a contactless measure of emotions’ physiological aspects has been a major challenge. We hypothesised that different emotion-evoking films can produce distinctive facial blood flow patterns that can serve as physiological signatures of discrete emotions. To test this hypothesis, we created a new Transdermal Optical Imaging system that uses a conventional video camera to capture facial blood flows in a contactless manner. Using this and deep machine learning, we analysed (...)
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  18.  41
    Who Suffers When Supervisors are Unhappy? The Roles of Leader–Member Exchange and Abusive Supervision.Su-Ying Pan & Katrina Jia Lin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):799-811.
    Driven by the cognitive-neoassociationistic model of aggression, this study examines how supervisors’ negative affect at work influences their interaction with subordinates, which further affects subordinate outcomes. Drawing upon research on power/resource interdependence and victim precipitation theory, we also test whether the positive relationship between supervisors’ negative affect and abusive supervision is moderated by leader–member exchange. Using one hundred and eighty supervisor–subordinate dyads from five hotels, we found that, supervisors’ negative affect at work was positively related to abusive supervision, LMX buffered (...)
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  19. Sde-dgeʼi Bkaʼ-ʼgyur.Si-Tu Paṇ-Chen Chos-Kyi-ʼbyung-Gnas (ed.) - 1996 - [Sde-dge]: [Sde-dge par khang chen mo].
    volume ka-pa [1-13]. ʼDul ba -- volume ka-a [14-25]. ʼBum [Sher phyin] -- volume ka-kha, a [26-28]. Nyi khri -- volume ka-nga [29-32]. Khri brgyad stong pa -- volume ka [33]. Brgyad bstong pa -- volume ka [34.] Sher phyin sna tshogs -- volume ka-ga, a [35-38]. Phal chen -- volume ka-cha [39-44]. Dkon brtsegs -- volume ka-am [45-76]. Mdo sde -- volume ka-wa [77-96]. Rgyud ʼbum -- volume ka-ga [97-99]. Rnyin rgyud -- volume shri [100]. Dus ʼgrel -- volume (...)
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  20.  17
    Jing jie, si wei, yu yan: Wei Jin xuan li yan jiu.Guizhen Lu - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    Wei Jin xuan xue jia de xuan lun, ru jin zhi zai zhi ben wen ju jian. Dan bing bu jing mo, na xie xuan lun zong shi dui du zhe zhan xian qi zi ji. Wei Jin zhi shi, xuan xiao rao rang, xuan si zhe huo sa tuo fang da, huo yi yu shen yin, ru he zai xian shi jian yi wei, shun ni shi Wei Jin xuan yin zhong zui shen ke de di yun. Zuo zhe (...)
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  21.  12
    Temporal recall in the shadow of emotion: separate emotional contexts during encoding enhance the temporal source memory retrieval.Rong Pan, Di Wu, Jingwen Hu, Wenjie Dou, Chuanji Gao, Bao-Ming Li & Xi Jia - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (1):196-209.
    Episodic memory, with its emphasis on temporal–spatial contexts, has been a longstanding focus in memory research. While previous studies have investigated the role of emotion in temporal source memory using emotionally charged stimuli, such as emotional words or images, the influence of a separated emotional context remains less explored. This study sought to understand the impact of separate emotional contexts on temporal source memory. Participants were shown Chinese characters alongside separate emotional contexts (i.e. a neutral or negative picture) and then (...)
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  22.  20
    Holding Abusive Managers in Contempt: Why and When Experienced Abusive Supervision Motivates Enacted Interpersonal Justice Toward Subordinates.Su-Ying Pan, Katrina Jia Lin, Daniel J. McAllister & Ying Xia - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Whereas past research on the trickle-down diffusion of abusive supervision has demonstrated that abused supervisors often translate the abuse that they experience from their managers downward to their followers, we examine the active involvement of abused supervisors through leading in a more principled and positive manner. Adopting the sociofunctional perspective on emotions, we propose that supervisors who feel contempt for their abusers and are morally attentive will be motivated to morally differentiate themselves from perpetrators by treating their subordinates with greater, (...)
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  23.  33
    Do Future Limitation Perspective in Cancer Patients Predict Fear of Cancer Recurrence, Mental Distress, and the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Activity?Jia Zhou, Pan Feng, Xiaofei Lu, Xingping Han, Yanli Yang, Jingjing Song, Guangyu Jiang & Yong Zheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24.  96
    Bad Healthy State Compress Temporal Extension Both in Past and Future Orientations.Jia Zhou, Xingping Han, Juan Fan, Pan Feng, Jingjing Song, Guangyu Jiang & Yong Zheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  10
    Wen hua Zhongguo: zha gen ben tu de quan qiu si wei = Wenhua Zhongguo.Weiming Tu - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
    90 nian dai, Du Weiming xian sheng de geng duo jing li zai yu kai zhan "wen hua Zhongguo" de lun yu."Wen hua Zhongguo" zhuo mo zui duo de shi ru jia de ren wen jing shen, yi jiu zheng jiang ru jia ru shi de jia zhi qu xiang he fan su ren wen zhu yi hun wei yi tan de yin xiang, tu xian ru jia yi mai xiang cheng de pi pan jing shen.
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  26.  96
    Metacognitions associated with reproductive concerns: A cross-sectional study of young adult female cancer survivors in China.Pan Pan Xiao, Si Qing Ding, Ying Long Duan, Xiao Fei Luo, Yi Zhou, Qin Qin Cheng, Xiang Yu Liu, Jian Fei Xie & Andy S. K. Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveCancer and its treatments affect patients’ fertility potential. This study examined the prevalence of reproductive concerns and their relationship with metacognitions among Chinese young adult female cancer survivors.MethodsA total of 318 YAFCS completed an online survey from March to December 2021. Participants reported sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive concerns and metacognitions. Reproductive concerns were measured using the Reproductive Concerns after Cancer scale, and metacognitions were measured by the Short Form of Metacognitions Questionnaire. We used Pearson correlation analysis to examine associations between metacognitions (...)
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  27.  34
    Values and Behavior Among Minorities in Southwest China: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Refined Value Theory.Yanli Yang, Jia Zhou, Pan Feng, Guangyu Jiang, Yan Long & Yong Zheng - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  28.  7
    Sense of Coherence and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Brain Metastases.Xian Qiu, Nan Zhang, Si-Jian Pan, Peng Zhao & Bei-Wen Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  29.  24
    The effect of service robot occupational gender stereotypes on customers' willingness to use them.Qian Hu, Xingguang Pan, Jia Luo & Yiduo Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Customers have obvious occupational gender stereotypes for service employees. In recent years, intelligent service robots have been widely used in the hospitality industry and have also been given gender characteristics to attract customers to use them. However, whether and when the usage of gendered service robots is effective remains to be explored. This research focuses on customers' occupational gender stereotypes and the gender of service robots, examining the influences of their consistency on customers' willingness to use service robots through three (...)
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  30.  10
    Xian dai ru jia Liang Shuming.Rongcai Pan - 1994 - Zhongguo Guangxi Nanning Shi: Fa xing Guangxi xin hua shu dian.
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  31.  20
    Subcortical encoding of summary statistics in humans.Yuqing Zhao, Ting Zeng, Tongyu Wang, Fang Fang, Yi Pan & Jianrong Jia - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105384.
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  32.  29
    The Low-Frequency Fluctuation of Trial-by-Trial Frontal Theta Activity and Its Correlation With Reaction-Time Variability in Sustained Attention.Yao-Yao Wang, Li Sun, Yi-Wei Liu, Jia-Hui Pan, Yu-Ming Zheng, Yu-Feng Wang, Yu-Feng Zang & Hang Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33.  15
    Reviving Bistable Perception in Patients With Depression by Decreasing the Overestimation of Prior Precision.Wenbo Wang, Changbo Zhu, Ting Jia, Meidan Zu, Yandong Tang, Liqin Zhou, Yanghua Tian, Bailu Si & Ke Zhou - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13452.
    Slower perceptual alternations, a notable perceptual effect observed in psychiatric disorders, can be alleviated by antidepressant therapies that affect serotonin levels in the brain. While these phenomena have been well documented, the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Our study bridges this gap by employing a computational cognitive approach within a Bayesian predictive coding framework to explore these mechanisms in depression. We fitted a prediction error (PE) model to behavioral data from a binocular rivalry task, uncovering that significantly higher (...)
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  34. Zhongguo zhe xue si xiang tan yan.Qingfang Pan - 1989 - Gaoxiong Shi: Zong jing xiao Gaoxiong fu wen shu ju.
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  35. Sichuan si xiang jia.Shunxian Jia & Dalu Dai (eds.) - 1988 - Chengdu: Sichuan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  36.  12
    Tian di ren he xie: ru jia de huan jing kong jian lun li yu guan huai.Zhaoyang Pan - 2016 - Taibei Shi: Xue sheng shu ju.
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  37.  10
    Ru jia dao tong yu min zhu gong he.Chaoyang Pan (ed.) - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan shi fan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
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    Zhongguo gu dai jia xun yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua de da zhong hua.Xiaoming Pan - 2018 - Wuhan Shi: Hubei ren min chu ban she.
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  39.  13
    Lun jia zhi gui fan.Zimian Pan - 2006 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    本文从主体价值论的角度,对价值与规范的关系进行了较为深入的研究。不仅着眼于价值规范与现实社会的关联,揭示了价值规范的社会实质及其功能,而且还提出了价值规范的类型划分及解析。同时,本文还将价值规范问题置 于批判意识之中,指出技术理性以及社会体制缺陷所造成的价值等级秩序危机,并由此将价值重建的现实思考立足于推动政府自我转型、发展市场经济及培育社会资本之上。.
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  40.  9
    Jia yuan shen qing yu kong jian li san: ru jia de shen xin ti zheng.Zhaoyang Pan - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan shi fan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    華藝數位(airiti Press Inc.)自西元 2000 年成立以來,促進兩岸學術的交流,為華文學術環境貢獻心力,一直是華藝努力不懈的目標。華藝一貫秉持「創新華文知識服務」的精神,陸續建構電子期刊、論文、電子書等產品,讓全球的學術研究者能便捷地取得華文學術結 晶,致力將臺灣的學術研究拓展至全世界。 2009 年華藝將旗下學術資源平台進行整合,完成了「airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館」的架設,提供一個整合臺灣、大陸兩岸學術資源的檢索平台,結合強大的搜尋引擎功能,讓所有的學術文獻發揮關聯性與影響力,透過此單一檢索介面,即可跨學科、跨領域搜尋文獻來源,滿足眾多閱讀需求。 然全球的網路資源分布不甚平均,此一檢索平台仍有不能顧及之處,故華藝在2011 年又著手編製《臺灣優質期刊要目總覽》,以祈能便利更多的學術研究者在參閱與選訂臺灣學術期刊時提供參考。 《臺灣優質期刊要目總覽》中所收錄的期刊,主要是從「airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館」之 CEPS 中文期刊資料庫與「ACI 學術引用文獻資料庫」中精選的近千種臺灣優質期刊,以 A&HCI、THCI、SCI、SSCI、EI、TSSCI、Medline 等相關標準收錄,並依人文學、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科學等五大學術領域進行分類與統整,最後編輯而成。.
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  41.  12
    Zheng dao yu zhi dao: ru jia de zheng zhi guan.Zhaoyang Pan (ed.) - 2016 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan shi fan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
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    Shi yu si di dui hua.Zhichang Pan - 1997 - Shanghai Shi: Fa xing Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo.
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    Yuan si jia mei xue si xiang ji qi dang dai wen hua jia zhi.Zhou Yang - 2014 - Shijiazhuang: Hebei ren min chu ban she.
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    Xian Dai Zhuan Xing Yu Yi Shu Jia de Shi Jiao =.Gongkai Pan (ed.) - 2014 - Ren Min Chu Ban She.
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  45. Shi jian ru jia: ru xue ru jiao de jian lü shi xing.Chaoyang Pan - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng.
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  46. Zhi xing ru jia: ru xue ru jiao de zhi shi zhi lu.Zhaoyang Pan - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju.
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  47. Lü Zuqian si xiang chu tan.Fu'en Pan - 1984 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Yuqing Xu.
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  48. Hu Shi de fan dong si xiang shi xie shi mo.Zinian Pan (ed.) - 1955
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  49. Zhi qi suo zhi: Zhongguo gu dai si xiang dian ji yi shuo.Xinghui Pan - 2022 - Beijing Shi: Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian.
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  50. Cheng Hao Cheng Yi li xue si xiang yan jiu.Fu'en Pan - 1988 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Yuqing Xu.
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