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    Measuring Chinese Middle School Students’ Motivation Using the Reduced Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (RIMMS): A Validation Study in the Adaptive Learning Setting.Shuai Wang, Claire Christensen, Yuning Xu, Wei Cui, Richard Tong & Linda Shear - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How and why non-balanced reciprocity differently influence employees’ compliance behavior: The mediating role of thriving and the moderating roles of perceived cognitive capabilities of artificial intelligence and conscientiousness.Nan Zhu, Yuxin Liu, Jianwei Zhang, Jia Liu, Jun Li, Shuai Wang & Habib Gul - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have paid more attention to the impact of non-balanced reciprocity in the organization on employees’ behaviors and outcomes, and have expected that the reciprocity norm could improve employees’ compliance behavior. However, there are two distinct types of non-balanced reciprocity, and whether generalized reciprocity affects employees’ compliance behavior rather than negative reciprocity and its mechanisms has not been further explored so far. Building on the social exchange theory and cognitive appraisal theory, we established and examined a model in a (...)
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    對譚文論證的一個反駁.Shuai Wang - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2):81-85.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 譚傑志 (JosephTham) 教授在其〈生命倫理學:跨文化的探索〉一文中對宗教在生命倫理學研究中被邊緣化的學術現象表達不滿。他提出如下主張作為結論: (p)宗教可以為生命倫理學提出融貫的、實質性的和有意義的提議。(譚傑志 2022,33) 如果我對文章的論證結構沒有把握錯誤,這個命題的得出,首要地得益於如下3個命題的合取…… (撮要取自內文首段) This short commentary focuses on the argumentative structure of Joseph Tham's paper “Bioethics: Cross-Cultural Explorations” and argues against his central assertion that “religion can make a coherent, substantive, and significant proposal for bioethics.” I will first reconstruct Tham's argument on his central assertion, then borrow some key propositions from Tham himself and apply them against his own argument, after which I will provide (...)
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    Hearing the physical condition: The relationship between sexually dimorphic vocal traits and underlying physiology.Shitao Chen, Chengyang Han, Shuai Wang, Xuanwen Liu, Bin Wang, Ran Wei & Xue Lei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing amount of research has shown associations between sexually dimorphic vocal traits and physiological conditions related to reproductive advantage. This paper presented a review of the literature on the relationship between sexually dimorphic vocal traits and sex hormones, body size, and physique. Those physiological conditions are important in reproductive success and mate selection. Regarding sex hormones, there are associations between sex-specific hormones and sexually dimorphic vocal traits; about body size, formant frequencies are more reliable predictors of human body size (...)
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    Abnormal psychological performance as potential marker for high risk of internet gaming disorder: An eye-tracking study and support vector machine analysis.Shuai Wang, Jialing Li, Siyu Wang, Wei Wang, Can Mi, Wenjing Xiong, Zhengjia Xu, Longxing Tang & Yanzhang Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individuals with high risk of internet gaming disorder showed abnormal psychological performances in response inhibition, impulse control, and emotion regulation, and are considered the high-risk stage of internet gaming disorder. The identification of this population mainly relies on clinical scales, which are less accurate. This study aimed to explore whether these performances have highly accurate for discriminating HIGD from low-risk ones. Eye tracking based anti-saccade task, Barratt impulsiveness scale, and Wong and Law emotional intelligence scale were used to evaluate psychological (...)
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