Results for 'Sharia'

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  1.  18
    Sharia housing and millennials in Indonesia: Between religious and economic motives.Yuyun Sunesti & Addin K. Putri - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1-6.
    This article aims to discover why young people in Indonesia choose Islamic faith-based (sharia) housing that is more homogeneous than conventional housing. This is important because the growth of sharia housing in Indonesia has experienced a significant increase in the last five years. Sharia housing requires residents to be of the same religion, comply with the rules of purchase and follow the payment scheme according to Islamic law. In fact, in the last two years, this homogeneous housing (...)
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    Sharia and the Making of the Modern Egyptian: Islamic Law and Custom in the Courts of Ottoman Cairo. By Reem A. Meshal.Boǧaç A. Ergene - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    Sharia and the Making of the Modern Egyptian: Islamic Law and Custom in the Courts of Ottoman Cairo. By Reem A. Meshal. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2014. Pp. xii + 290. $75.
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    The Sharia Debate in Ontario: Gender, Islam, and Representations of Muslim Women's Agency.Anna C. Korteweg - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (4):434-454.
    In late 2003, the Canadian media reported that the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice would start offering arbitration in family disputes in accordance with both Islamic legal principles and Ontario's Arbitration Act of 1991. A vociferous two-year debate ensued on the introduction of “Sharia law” in Ontario. This article analyzes representations of Muslim women's agency that came to the fore in this debate by examining reports in three Canadian newspapers. The debate demonstrated two notions of agency. The predominant perspective (...)
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  4.  51
    La Sharía En El Estado Secular: Una Paradoja de Separación y Fusión.Abdullahi-Ahmed An-Na`im - 2007 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 41:9-31.
    El autor examina la naturaleza de la Sharía y su relación con los sistemas jurídicos modernos para considerar cómo podría seguir operando en el contexto del estado secular moderno en el que todos los musulmanes viven hoy día. La Sharía es muy influyente entre los musulmanes, con independencia de su estatuto jurídico formal en el país. Sin embargo, la noción de un estado islámico es conceptualmente incoherente e históricamente falsa, y cualquier principio de la Sharía que se haga cumplir mediante (...)
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    Sharia law and organ transplantation: Through the lens of Muslim Jurists.Farhat Moazam - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (4):316-332.
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    The 'Sharia Law Debate' in Ontario: The Modernity/Premodernity Distinction in Legal Efforts to Protect Women from Culture. [REVIEW]Sherene H. Razack - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (1):3-32.
    The normative figure in Western feminism remains the liberal autonomous individual of modernity. ‹Other’ women are those who have their freedom to choose restricted. Typically, ‹other’ women are those burdened by culture and hindered by their communities from entering modernity. If we remain in the terrain of thinking about women as vulnerable or imperilled, and some women as particularly imperilled, as we generally do of Muslim women, we remain squarely within the framework of patriarchy understood as abstracted from all other (...)
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  7.  16
    Family Arbitration Using Sharia Law: Examining Ontario's Arbitration Act and its Impact on Women.Natasha Bakht - 2004 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 1 (1).
    In Canada, much media attention has recently been focused on the formation of arbitration tribunals that would use Islamic law or Sharia to settle civil matters in Ontario. In fact, the idea of private parties voluntarily agreeing to arbitration using religious principles or a foreign legal system is not new. Ontario's Arbitration Act has allowed parties to resolve disputes outside the traditional court system for some time. This issue has been complicated by the fact that Canada has a commitment (...)
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  8.  23
    Islamic sharia reform of Ahmadiyah sect in Indonesia.Moh Dahlan - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
  9. Sharia, adab and the Malaysian state.Timothy P. Daniels - 2019 - In Robert Thomas Rozehnal & Thomas B. Pepinsky, Piety, politics, and everyday ethics in Southeast Asian Islam: beautiful behavior. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Polemic on sharia tourism between Muslim and Christian in Indonesia.Abu Hapsin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    This article aimed to highlight how polemic between Muslims and Christians on halal tourism is discussed in Indonesia. The study concerned three research questions: How do Christians view halal tourism? Is the halal tourism a term that has the potential to build segregation according to the Christians’ perspective? How do Muslims respond to Christians on halal tourism? By reviewing related literature and conducting interviews and analysis using reception theory, this study reached the following conclusions. Firstly, Christian religious figures view on (...)
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    Boko Haram Sharia Reasoning and Democratic Vision in Pluralist Nigeria.Benson O. Igboin - 2012 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 14 (1):75-93.
    In the decade since Al-Qaeda, led by the late Osama Bin Laden, attacked America, there has been a resurgence in the debate about the relationship between religion and politics. The global Islamic terrorist networks and their successful operations against various targets around the globe increasingly draw attention to what constitutes the core values of Islamic extremism: the logic of evangelistic strategy, the import and relevance of its spiritual message and consideration of the composite view of life that does not distinguish (...)
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    Sharia tribunals, rabbinical courts, and Christian panels: Religious arbitration in America and the west by Michael J. broyde, oxford university press, new York, 2017, pp. XXVI + 282, hbk. [REVIEW]Norman Doe - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):621-623.
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    Islam and the state: Indonesian mosque administrators’ perceptions of Pancasila, Islamic sharia and transnational ideology.Ma’mun Murod, Endang Sulastri, Djoni Gunanto, Herdi Sahrasad & Mohamad A. Mulky - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):10.
    In many cases, mosques have been accused by anti-terror agencies as a potential place to spread transnational Islamic ideologies. This study examines the perceptions of mosque administrators (ta’mīr) about Pancasila, Islamic sharia and transnational ideology. This research took place in South Tambun, a densely populated subdistrict in Bekasi, West Java. Mostly populated by urbanites, it has heterogeneous religious understanding. A quantitative research method with descriptive statistics is used in this study to analyse the results of the survey conducted. Furthermore, (...)
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  14. Is the sharia of the doctors killing the people? a local debate on ethics and the control of HIV/AIDS in a rural area in Kenya.Suzette Heald - 2011 - In Wenzel Geissler & Catherine Molyneux, Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Non-Muslims in the Qanun Jinayat and the Choice of Law in Sharia Courts in Aceh.Abdul Halim - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (2):265-288.
    The Aceh Jinayat Qanun, which is often considered violating Human Rights, has become the choice of the non-Muslim minorities as their rational choice. This study aims to analyze non-Muslims’ choice of The Aceh Jinayat Qanun implemented by the Sharia Court in Aceh and its underlying motives. This study relies on field research involving observations, in-depth interviews with Sharia Court judges, Head of the Islamic Sharia Service, Acehnese clerical figures, and Non-Muslims involved in criminal cases handled by the (...)
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  16.  4
    Unveiling the Nexus: Audit Quality and Financial Reporting in Sharia Banks—An Analysis of Non-Financial Matrix.Elis Mediawati, Mimin Widaningsih, Shahida Shahimi, Dewi Sarifah Tullah, Indra Pahala, Memen Kustiawan & Hasan Mukhibad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:892-903.
    This research investigates the impact of auditor experience and ethical perspectives on audit quality and financial reporting in Sharia banks in Indonesia. Utilizing a quantitative approach and employing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the study reveals a positive and significant relationship between auditor experience and both audit quality and the quality of financial reports. Ethical perspectives of auditors are also found to positively influence these outcomes. The findings highlight the importance of investing in auditor expertise and ethical (...)
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  17.  12
    Karahisar-ı Sahib Sharia Records No 565 Presentation And Index 1839-1840.Kürşat ÇELİK - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:550-582.
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  18.  31
    Necessity of Reinterpretation of Sharia in the Thoughts of a Grand Ayatollah: Saanei’s Response to the Challenge of Human Rights in Islam.Masoumeh Rad Goudarzi & Alireza Najafinejad - 2019 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 16 (1):27-49.
    The common method of the traditional Islamic Jurisprudence in seminaries has been challenged by Ayatollah Yousef Saanei, one of the ten prominent Iranian Grand Ayatollahs. Saanei is well known for attempting to institutionalize a new method of Ijtihad, known as searching Ijtihad, which seeks to reconsider the common mode of understanding religious texts and jurisprudential inferences. His experiences of observing the systematic ineffectiveness and discrimination in popular jurisprudence regarding women’s rights, family, and religious minorities persuaded him to take scientific action (...)
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  19.  20
    Law and its Absent Addressee: Towards the Semiotics of Sharia.Rahman Veisi Hasar - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2397-2427.
    The crux of the present paper is that Fiqh can be considered as a religious apparatus mediating between the spheres of divine addressivity and Sharia performativity. The former may manifest itself as the addressing of a spectral prophetic figure or the hidden Imām; however, the latter may emerge in the form of a responsive-performative discourse characterized paradoxically by the autonomy of ontology, heteronomy of force and pen-ultimacy of statements. By fabricating a sacred archive, establishing some hermeneutical devices (generative and (...)
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  20.  21
    An Evaluation on the Evidential Value of Pre-Islamic Divine Laws (Sharia Man Qablanā) in Shafiī Sect.Mehmet Selim Aslan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1035-1057.
    Carrying out analyses performed on the provisions of “Pre-Islamic Divine Laws”, which is described as the religious provisions introduced by the prophets before Prophet Muhammad is one of the questions of debate in Shafiī Sect. The reason laying out of this controversy is based on the question, whether the provisions enunciated via the prophets before the Prophet Muhammad are recognized within the legal aspect, or not. On the other hand, there is no controversy between the procedural, on non-binding for Muslims, (...)
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  21. Imposing Alfarabi on Plato : Averroes's Novel Placement of the Platonic City / Alexander Orwin - Ibn Bajja : An Independent Reader of the Republic / Josep Puig Montada - Expelling Dialectics from the Ideal State : Making the World Safe for Philosophy in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Yehuda Halper - Music, Poetry, and Politics in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Douglas Kries - Averroes on Family and Property in the Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Catarina Belo - Notes on Averroes's Political Teaching / Shlomo Pines (trans. Alexander Orwin) - The Sharia of the Republic : Islamic Law and Philosophy in Averroes Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Rasoul Namazi - An Indecisive Truth : Divine Law and Philosophy in the Decisive Treatise and Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Karen Taliaferro - Averroes between Jihad and McWorld / Michael Kochin - The Essential Qualities of the Ruler in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereir.Michael Engel - 2022 - In Alexander Orwin, Plato's Republic in the Islamic context: new perspectives on Averroes's commentary. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
  22. Islamic law as indigenous law : Sharia courts in Israel from a postcolonial perspective.Ido Shahar - 2019 - In Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja, Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts. Boston: Brill.
  23.  26
    Divorce in the Libyan Family: A Study Based on the sijills of the shariʿa Courts of Ajdābiyya and KufraDivorce in the Libyan Family: A Study Based on the sijills of the sharia Courts of Ajdabiyya and Kufra.Susan A. Spectorsky & Aharon Layish - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):678.
  24.  9
    Review of Sharia Implementation in Northern Nigeria 1999-2006: A Sourcebook. [REVIEW]Mashood A. Baderin - 2009 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 5 (1).
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    Review: Between Feminism and Islam – Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco. [REVIEW]Laila Khalid Ghauri - 2012 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 9 (1).
    During the 1980s, Morocco became a platform for discussion of democratization projects in North Africa and the Middle East. This served as fertile ground for feminist reverberations attempting to reform the mudawanna, or shari’a based family-law in Morocco, and consequential resistance to reform by women within the political Islam or “Islamist” movement. Feminist scholarship in Morocco, as is the case with other parts of the Middle East, is inevitably political. Zakia Salime’s book Between feminism and Islam: Human Rights and (...) Law in Morocco problematizes the resulting conceptual boundaries of feminist and Islamist politics in Morocco. She became interested in the issue with her involvement with the feminist movement during the 1990s. Unlike other authors that discuss feminism in the Middle East, Salime is not interested in assuming any generalizations in discussion of marginalization of women versus political Islam. Rather, she aims to analyze in detail the dynamic relationship of feminist and Islamist movements. (shrink)
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    A Group of Banking Services in Islamic Banks: A Sharia and Economic Study.Dr Ahmed Akram Hassan Al-Khafaji - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1342-1359.
    The banking sector is one of the most important economic sectors in all countries. It represents the backbone of economic life, as it acts as a mediator between savers and investors and provides them with many banking services to meet the requirements of the economic process. This study aimed to define the concept of financial services provided by Islamic banks, their characteristics, and their most key features, while addressing the level of quality of banking services and the extent to which (...)
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  27. Constitutional recognition of Islamic family law and Sharia courts in Ethiopia : governmental strategies to co-regulate the plural family law arena.Katrin Seidel - 2019 - In Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja, Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts. Boston: Brill.
  28. Property and the Private in a Sharia System.Brinkley Messick - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):711-734.
    The case of highland Yemen up to around the middle of the twentieth century involves a history different from most Muslim societies in that, from 1919, the Yemeni state was independent. The problem I address concerns the utility of thinking about the highland property regime in this era in relation to the categories of "private" and "public." What sort of antecedents existed, at the level of property relations, for later commercial transformations that would culminate in such things as Pizza Hut (...)
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  29. Imposing Alfarabi on Plato : Averroes's Novel Placement of the Platonic City / Alexander Orwin - Ibn Bajja : An Independent Reader of the Republic / Josep Puig Montada - Expelling Dialectics from the Ideal State : Making the World Safe for Philosophy in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Yehuda Halper - Music, Poetry, and Politics in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Douglas Kries - Averroes on Family and Property in the Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Catarina Belo - Notes on Averroes's Political Teaching / Shlomo Pines (trans. Alexander Orwin) - The Sharia of the Republic : Islamic Law and Philosophy in Averroes Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Rasoul Namazi - An Indecisive Truth : Divine Law and Philosophy in the Decisive Treatise and Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Karen Taliaferro - Averroes between Jihad and McWorld / Michael Kochin - The Essential Qualities of the Ruler in Averroes's Commentary on Plato's "Republic" / Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereir.Michael Engel - 2022 - In Alexander Orwin, Plato's Republic in the Islamic context: new perspectives on Averroes's commentary. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
  30.  30
    An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb Taʿdīl Hayʾat al-Aflāk of Sadr al-SharīʿaAn Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitab Tadil Hayat al-Aflak of Sadr al-Sharia.E. S. Kennedy & Ahmad S. Dallal - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):384.
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    Family and the Courts in Modern Egypt: A Study Based on Decisions by the Sharīʿa Courts, 1900-1955Family and the Courts in Modern Egypt: A Study Based on Decisions by the Sharia Courts, 1900-1955. [REVIEW]Farhat J. Ziadeh & Ron Shaham - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):334.
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    Las tradiciones ideológicas islámicas ante el repudio. Su eficacia civil en el derecho del estado español.Salvador Pérez Álvarez - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:183-223.
    Sharia is a religious legal system that is based on the divine mandates revealed in the Quram and the Sunna as has been interpreted bu the main Islamic Schools of Law, both Sunni and Shiita. In orden to understand what is at stake, distinctions between the main Islamic traditions in this ground was one of the factors that have led to an imprecise use of terminology of the Quram which refers to the Islamic divorce, that is: the Talaq. Its (...)
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  33.  67
    Islamic Corporate Governance: Risk-Sharing and Islamic Preferred Shares.Mohammad Al-Suhaibani & Nader Naifar - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):623-632.
    The recent financial crises indicated the need to reinforce corporate governance mechanisms in emerging and developing market economies. Corporate governance refers to all the factors that affect firm processes. Firms must avoid debt financing instruments and adopt financing instruments that allow for “risk-sharing” rather than “risk-shifting” because all recent financial crises were, in essence, debt crises. The primary objective of this paper is to examine the principles of risk-sharing promoted by Islamic finance and study their implications for corporate governance. The (...)
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  34.  50
    2008 Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance: An Unrealized Opportunity.Fahad Al-Zumai & Mohammed Al-Wasmi - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):455-472.
    The Islamic finance industry is relatively new and vibrant. It is becoming a mainstream industry in the MENA. The industry is based on a number of Sharia’a maxims and in particular the prohibition of Riba. Islamic law scholars’ emphasis on the ethical dimension of this industry and how it can be seen as a solution to existing capitalism. The current financial crisis presented this industry with an unprecedented test and an opportunity to influence and merge into main stream finance. (...)
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    Bioethics on the Subcontinent: The Sindh Institute in Karachi. [REVIEW]Paul A. Lombardo - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (1):57-61.
    In this personal narrative the author recounts his experiences teaching bioethics in Pakistan. He notes the different moral, cultural and legal environments of Pakistan as compared to the United States, and in particular, the ways in which subtle interpretations of Sharia law shape bioethical reflections as well as the biomedical legal environment. As he argues, any attempt to export models of bioethics from one country to another with no attention to social and cultural differences is a recipe for failure. (...)
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  36.  12
    Генеза сунітської концепції держави і влади.Kachan Kostiantyn - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):96-99.
    In the article explored the period of the Sunni concept of state and government that allows us to understand the processes that shaped the modern concept of Islamic political structure of society. The genesis of the concept of a Sunni state and government includes period from the Early Islamic state till final design developed by medieval Muslim religious leaders and lawyers of the principles and norms. It is shown that this period of political organization Ummah begins from the first days (...)
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    Redefining ‘tradition’ in political thought.Humeira Iqtidar - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (4):424-444.
    Debates about preserving, modifying and applying sharia through principles of taqlid or ijtihad are immensely useful in thinking through a sharper definition of tradition for political theorists and historians of political thought more generally. Political theorists and historians of political thought have tended to use tradition in a range of ways without specifying key elements of the concept. Building on debates in Islamic thought related to taqlid and its relationship to ijtihad, and through a focus on the ideas of (...)
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  38.  25
    Applying the Concepts of Benefit and Harm in Malaysian Bioethical Discourse: Analysis of Malaysian Fatwa.Abdul Halim Ibrahim & Muhammad Safwan Harun - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):401-414.
    Rapid developments in science and technology have resulted in novel discoveries, leading to new questions particularly related to human values and ethics. Every discovery and technology has positive and negative implications and affects human lives either directly or indirectly, involving all walks of life. Bioethical discourse in Malaysia must consider the multiracial and multireligious background of Malaysia and especially the Islamic view as the majority of Malaysians are Muslims and Islam is the religion of the federation. This article discusses several (...)
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  39.  19
    (1 other version)To Donate a Kidney: Public Perspectives from Pakistan.Farhat Moazam, Aamir M. Jafarey & Bushra Shirazi - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (2):76-83.
    Despite the majority opinion of Muslim jurists that organ donation is permitted in Sharia, surveys indicate continuing resistance by lay Muslims, especially to donating organs following death. Pakistan, a country with 165 million Muslims, currently reliant on live donors, is considering steps to establish deceased donor programs which will require public acceptance and support. This article analyzes the results of in‐depth interviews with 105 members of the public focusing on opinions and knowledge about juristic rulings regarding kidney donations, donor‐family (...)
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    Reexamining the Prohibition of Gestational Surrogacy in Sunni Islam.Ruaim A. Muaygil - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 17 (2):112-120.
    Advances in reproductive medicine have provided new, and much needed, hope for millions of people struggling with infertility. Gestational surrogacy is one such development that has been gaining popularity with infertile couples, especially those unable to benefit from other reproductive procedures such as In Vitro Fertilization. For many Muslim couples, however, surrogacy remains a nonviable option. Islamic scholars have deemed the procedure incompatible with Islam and have prohibited its use. This paper examines the arguments presented for proscribing surrogacy arrangements in (...)
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  41.  17
    Islamic ethics of technology: an objectives (Maqāṣid) approach.Amana Raquib - 2015 - Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press.
    This book approaches the question of technology from an Islamic ethical perspective. The book tries to broaden the scope of the Sharia to deal comprehensively with the ethical questions and dilemmas that arise in the midst of a postmodern technological culture due to the absence of well-defined religious-ethical ends. It looks at the maqasid as a universal ethical theory to be interpreted and applied in the global technological context. It weaves the contemporary philosophical analysis of technology within the maqasid (...)
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    Commentary on Place Spirituality.Rena Latifa, Komaruddin Hidayat & Akhmad Sodiq - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):38-42.
    If Place Spirituality is considered as an attachment experience to a geographic place or an “object,” for Muslims this concept can be explained by the sharia or Islamic law. However, in the highest level of experience as a Muslim, one may attach to God everywhere and at all times, without consideration of any place, time, or object. This experience can clearly be understood with the explanation of the three levels for Muslims: sharia or “conceptual knowledge,” tariqa or “experiential (...)
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    Practices of truth: an ethnomethodological inquiry into Arab contexts.Baudouin Dupret - 2011 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Learning the truth: memorizing the Koran in an Egyptian kuttâb -- The context of truth practices: legislating the sharîa at the shopfloor level -- Telling the truth: the judge and the law in family matters -- The truth about oneself: three Arab channels and their self-presentation -- Speaking the truth: advocacy video clips against terror -- Narratives of truth: documenting the mind in a psychiatric hospital -- Conclusion: Truth: a matter of language game and practical achievement.
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    The Ethics of Non-Therapeutic Male Circumcision Under Islamic Law.Hossein Dabbagh - 2017 - TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society 4 (2):216-223.
    This qualitative research is a philosophical review about analyzing how circumcision can (cannot) be morally justified. It is typically assumed among Muslims that circumcision is mandatory according to Islamic law (Sharia). However, in this paper, I will argue that this is not clear in Islamic texts. Because firstly there is no textual evidence in the Quran about this matter and secondly permissibility of circumcision is not an agreed topic among Muslim scholars. This entails that circumcision is not a necessary (...)
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    Lost in Translation-Why an Independent Institutional Identity of Islamic Banks Failed to Emerge?Haider Madani, Amr Kebbi & S. M. Khalid Nainar - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (2):379-420.
    We examined the current field identity of Islamic banks and its evolution. We conducted interviews with 44 Sharia (Islamic law) scholars and related professionals in the fields of Islamic and conventional banking, representing nine jurisdictions. We found that Islamic banks are still hybrid organizations belonging to two equally powerful fields of Islamic law (Sharia) and conventional banking. Consequently, Islamic banks abide by two completely different institutional logics. The hybrid identity of Islamic banks resultantly became static due to institutional (...)
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    An Assessment on Ḥüseyin Kāẓım Kadri’s Discourse Against the New Kalām of Science.Rabiye ÇETİN - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):807-831.
    The need for renewal felt in various fields with the Tanẓīmat, and the changes and modernization activities realized in accordance with it, and the nature and boundaries of these activities are important issues that determine the period's intellectual agenda. Some of the proposals for a solution to save the state are related to the renewal of religious thought. The bad situation in the Ottoman Empire stems from the way religion is understood, not from religion itself, and one of the names (...)
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    Methodological aspects of the reform of modern Muslim law.M. V. Lubs’ka - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 37:59-67.
    Muslim legal culture is becoming more relevant to modern Ukraine, which can be explained, on the one hand, by the nature of Islam and, on the other, by the peculiarities of its current state in our country. After all, the internal logic of Islam, as a universal system that encompasses both religious and secular life, as one of the components of the awakening of Islam, involves recourse to Sharia, a strict adherence to which is an unmistakable criterion for Muslims (...)
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    The inheritance conceptual of Muhammad sa’id ramadhan al-buthi and its implication in gender issue: An analysis of kitab al-mar’ah bayna thughyan al-nizam al-gharbi wa lata’if al-tashri’ al-rabbani.Rahmatullah Rahmatullah - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):99-119.
    This paper examines the debate on gender equality which is considered by some groups to be in conflict with Q.S. An-Nisa [4]: ​​11. With a philosophical approach and referring to the concept of inheritance of Sa'id Ramadan al-Buthi in the _Kitab_ _al-Mar'ah Bayna Thughyan al-Nizam al-Gharbi wa Lata'if al-Tashri' al-Rabbani_, this paper tries to refute these allegations and offers a more gender-friendly interpretation. For al-Buthi, the verse has actually liberated women because the provisions are caused by the responsibilities imposed by (...)
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  49.  32
    Domestic Violence in Indonesia.Lily Zakiyah Munir - 2005 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 2 (1).
    Anthropological studies have shown that attitudes and behavior of majority of Muslims towards gender and women's issues are influenced by the combined patriarchal culture and patriarchal reading of Islamic teachings which is reflected in conventional fiqh. This creates room for domestic violence; men occupy a dominant position and women are obliged to show their submission to them, such submission being portrayed as divine order. Some of the men interviewed in this study defended their dominant position by exaggerating the interpretation of (...)
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    Evaluation of ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal (1328) Course Book for Children In The II. Constitutional Period in Terms of Religious Education.Halise Kader Zengi̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):311-330.
    The II. constitutional period is a period of renewal in many areas. Political, social and educational changes also had influences in the field of religious education. One of the examples of these changes is the ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal textbook written by Halim Sabit (DOD. 1946) in five volumes for both teachers and student. This study particularly aims to assess this textbook in terms of religious education. Accordingly, the following questions are addressed: “What are the topics covered in the ilmihal books written (...)
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