Results for 'Shankarappa Talawar'

  1.  58
    Scientific and local classification and management of soils.Shankarappa Talawar & Robert E. Rhoades - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (1):3-14.
    A critical comparative analysis of howfarmers and scientists classify and manage soilsreveals fundamental differences as well assimilarities. In the past, the study of local soilknowledge has been predominantly targeted atdocumenting how farmers classified their soils incontrast to understanding how such classificatoryknowledge was made use of in actually managing soilsfor sustaining production. Often, classificatorydesigns – being cognitive and linguistic in nature –do not reflect the day-to-day actions in farming.Instead of merely describing local soil classificationin relation to scientific criteria, understanding howdifferent types (...)
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