Results for 'Sexual reproduction'

984 found
  1. Autochthony, sexual reproduction, and political life in the statesman myth.Sara Brill - 2017 - In John Sallis, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Contemporary Company.
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    Sexual Reproduction Is a Survival Lottery.John Harris - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (1):75-90.
    I have argued that because human sexual reproduction inevitably involves the creation and destruction of embryos, it is a problematic activity for those who believe that the embryo is “one of us.” Or, if it is not a problematic activity, then neither is the creation and destruction of embryos for a purpose of comparable moral seriousness—the development of lifesaving therapy, for example. I assume that, whereas it is possible for the very first act of unprotected intercourse to result (...)
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    The evolution of sexual reproduction as a repair mechanism part II. mathematical treatment of the wheel model and its significance for real systems.R. M. Williams & I. Walker - 1978 - Acta Biotheoretica 27 (3-4):159-184.
    The dynamics of populations of self-replicating, hierarchically structured individuals, exposedto accidents which destroy their sub-units, is analyzed mathematically, specifically with regardto the roles of redundancy and sexual repair. The following points emerge from this analysis:0 A population of individuals with redundant sub-structure has no intrinsic steady-statepoint; it tends to either zero or infinity depending on a critical accident rate α c . Increased redundancy renders populations less accident prone initially, but populationdecline is steeper if a is greater than a (...)
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    The evolution of sexual reproduction as a repair mechanism. Part I. a model for self-repair and its biological implications.I. Walker - 1978 - Acta Biotheoretica 27 (3-4):133-158.
    The theory is presented that the sexual process is a repair mechanism which maintains redundancy within the sub-structure of hierarchical, self-reproducing organisms. In order to keep the problems within mathematically tractable limits , a simple model is introduced: a wheel with 6 spokes, 3 of them vital and 3 redundant, symbolizes the individual . Random accidents destroy spokes; the wheels replicate at regular cycles and engage periodically in pairing and repair phases during which missing spokes are copy-reproduced along the (...)
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  5. The Personal Significance of Sexual Reproduction.Chad Engelland - 2015 - The Thomist 79:615-639.
    This paper reconnects the personal and the biological by extending the reach of parental causality. First, it argues that the reproductive act is profitably understood in personal terms as an “invitation” to new life and that the egg and sperm are “ambassadors” or “delegates,” because they represent the potential mother and father and are naturally endowed with causal powers to bring about motherhood and fatherhood, two of the most significant roles a person may have. Second, it argues that even though (...)
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    Horizontal transfer of short and degraded DNA has evolutionary implications for microbes and eukaryotic sexual reproduction.Søren Overballe-Petersen & Eske Willerslev - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):1005-1010.
    Horizontal gene transfer in the form of long DNA fragments has changed our view of bacterial evolution. Recently, we discovered that such processes may also occur with the massive amounts of short and damaged DNA in the environment, and even with truly ancient DNA. Although it presently remains unclear how often it takes place in nature, horizontal gene transfer of short and damaged DNA opens up the possibility for genetic exchange across distinct species in both time and space. In this (...)
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    A proposition for an integrated church and community intervention to adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health challenges.Vhumani Magezi - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):9.
    Adolescents and youth in South Africa comprise about 30% of the total population. This phenomenon is referred to as a youth bubble. Research shows that 52% of young people have had full penetrative sex by age 17, and yet 35% of teenagers who have sex say they only sometimes wear a condom, while 32% who have sex say they never wear a condom. Furthermore, studies show that more than half (52%) of parents of teenagers and youth are unaware of their (...)
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    The origin and evolution of sexual reproduction up to the evolution of the male-female phenomenon.R. R. Baker & G. A. Parker - 1973 - Acta Biotheoretica 22 (2):49-77.
    Sexual reproduction is a composite, not a singular, phenomenon and as such can be subdivided into a number of componentsi.e. fusion, recombination, fission, and the male-female phenomenon. These components can evolve independently, though any evolutionary change in one component is likely to influence the future evolution of the other components. The ambiguity that surrounds the term ‘sex’ due to a failure to recognise the composite nature of sexual reproduction has led to considerable confusion in past discussions (...)
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    A little bit pregnant: towards a pluralist account of non-sexual reproduction.Georgina Antonia Hall - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Fertility clinicians participate in non-sexual reproductive projects by providing assisted reproductive technology (ART) to those hoping to reproduce, in support of their reproductive goals. In most countries where ART is available, the state regulates ART as a form of medical treatment. The predominant position in the reproductive rights literature frames the clinician’s role as medical technician, and the state as a third party with limited rights to interfere. These roles broadly align with established functions of clinician and state in (...)
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    The Paradox of Sexual Reproduction and the Levels of Selection: Can Sociobiology Shed a Light?Joachim Dagg - 2012 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 4 (20130604).
    The group selection controversy largely focuses on altruism (e.g., Wilson 1983; Lloyd 2001; Shavit 2004; Okasha 2006, 173ff; Borrello 2010; Leigh 2010; Rosas 2010; Hamilton and Dimond in press). Multilevel selection theory is a resolution of this controversy. Whereas kin selection partitions inclusive fitness into direct and indirect components (via influencing the replication of copies of genes in other individuals), multilevel selection considers within-group and between-group components of fitness (Gardner et al. 2011; Lion et al. 2011). Two scenarios of multilevel (...)
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    Gametes & Spores: Ideas about Sexual Reproduction, 1750-1914. John Farley.William Montgomery - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):741-742.
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    Maintaining ethnic boundaries in “non-ethnic” contexts: constructivist theory and the sexual reproduction of diversity.Z. Ozgen - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (1):33-64.
    How can ethnic boundaries survive in contexts of legal racial equality and institutionalized ethnic mixing? Constructivist theories of ethnicity have long emphasized the fluidity, rather than the durability, of ethnic boundaries. But the fact that ethnic boundaries often endure—and even thrive—in putatively non-ethnic political contexts suggests the need for sustained attention to the problem of boundary persistence. Based on an ethnographic study of ethnic boundaries in the Turkish case, this article argues that the regulation of the domain of sexuality and (...)
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    (1 other version)COVID-19 vaccines, sexual reproductive health and rights: Negotiating sensitive terrain in Zimbabwe.Molly Manyonganise - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3).
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    Ideas about Sexual Reproduction[REVIEW]Robert C. Olby - 1986 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 8 (1):99 - 105.
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    Environmental change, mutational load and the advantage of sexual reproduction.J. T. Manning & D. P. E. Dickson - 1986 - Acta Biotheoretica 35 (3):149-162.
    There is evidence that asexual reproduction has a long-term disadvantage when compared to sexual reproduction. This disadvantage is usually assumed to arise from the more efficient incorporation of advantageous mutations by sexual populations. We consider here the effect on asexual and sexual populations of changes in the fitness of harmful mutations. It is shown that the re-establishment of equilibrium following environmental change is generally faster in sexual populations, and that the mutational load experienced by (...)
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  16.  29
    Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women: A Rights-based Approach.Shaorin Tanira, Raihana Amin, Sanchita Adhikary, Khadiza Sultana & Rashida Khatun - 2019 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (2):1-6.
    Violations of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are frequent all over the world. Women’s sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights. The term ‘rights-based’ has become increasingly linked to the concept of a more comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive rights of women around the globe. The rights-based perspective is derived from the treaties, pacts and other international commitments that recognize and reinforce human rights, including the sexual and reproductive rights of (...)
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  17. Gametes and Spores: Ideas about Sexual Reproduction, 1750-1914.John Farley - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (2):297-297.
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  18.  22
    In Pursuit of a Balance: the Regulation of Conscience and Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Care.Diya Uberoi & Beatriz Galli - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):283-304.
    In any given society, rights are said to co-exist. When rights, however, begin to conflict, a balance must be sought. In few fields has the ability of governments to accommodate two conflicting sets of rights been so controversial as it has in the case of conscientious objection in reproductive health care. Today, states have an obligation under international law to protect the right to the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion of medical providers. They also, however, have an obligation to (...)
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    Sexual and Reproductive Health: How Can Situational Judgment Tests Help Assess the Norm and Identify Target Groups? A Field Study in Sierra Leone.Lisa Selma Moussaoui, Erin Law, Nancy Claxton, Sofia Itämäki, Ahmada Siogope, Hannele Virtanen & Olivier Desrichard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sexual and reproductive health is a challenge worldwide, and much progress is needed to reach the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. This paper presents cross-sectional data collected in Sierra Leone on sexual and gender-based violence, family planning, child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation using an innovative method of measurement: situational judgment tests, as a subset of questions within a larger survey tool. For the SJTs, respondents saw hypothetical scenarios on these themes and had to indicate (...)
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    How Sexual and Reproductive Rights Can Divide and Unite.Anouka van Eerdewijk - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (4):421-439.
    This article explores how cross-cultural research on sexual and reproductive rights can be vulnerable to ethnocentrism, and in what way ethnocentrism can be reduced in such research. Against the background of feminist debate on equality and difference, it discusses how the concepts of sexual and reproductive rights, within the parameters of development discourse, can reinforce hierarchical dichotomies of North–South, modern–traditional and actor–structure, and undervalue southern women's agency. An analytical framework that combines the entitlement approach and the three-dimensional model (...)
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  21. Case 4: reproductive freedom ; Ethics, human rights, and sexual/reproductive health in Africa: exploratory sociocultural considerations.Godfrey B. Tangwa - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln, Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  22. Sexual Inequality in Aristotle's Theories of Reproduction and Inheritance'.Kathleen C. Cook - 1996 - In Julie K. Ward, Feminism and ancient philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 51--67.
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    Sexual and reproductive health of asylum-seeking and refugee women in europe: Entitlements and access to health services.Kristin Janssens, Marleen Bosmans, Els Leye & Marleen Temmerman - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (2):183 – 196.
    Asylum-seeking and refugee women (ASRW) are population groups characterized by diverse social, economic and legal backgrounds as well as diverse needs. Their backgrounds of forced migration have a profound impact on their overall health, including their sexual and reproductive health (SRH). In Europe, the SRH needs of ASRW are usually more pressing than those of the host country population. In the context of refugee health, it is important to distinguish between asylum seekers and statutory refugees, as asylum seekers have (...)
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  24. Sexuality, Parenting, and Reproductive Choices.Christine Overall - 1987 - Resources for Feminist Research 16 (3):42-45.
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  25. Sexual rights and reproductive rights: challenges for contemporary feminism.Cedano Garcia My, P. A. Akwara, N. J. Madise, A. Hinde, G. Andrew, V. Patel, J. Ramakrishna, B. E. Antia, B. A. Omotara & A. I. Rabasa - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (3):56-66.
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    High Reproductive Success Despite Queuing – Socio-Sexual Development of Males in a Complex Social Environment.Alexandra M. Mutwill, Tobias D. Zimmermann, Charel Reuland, Sebastian Fuchs, Joachim Kunert, S. Helene Richter, Sylvia Kaiser & Norbert Sachser - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  27. Negotiating sexual and reproductive health and rights at the UN: a long and winding road.Alexandra Garita & Françoise Girard - 2014 - In Gita Sen & Marina Durano, The remaking of social contracts: feminists in a fierce new world. London: Zed Books.
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    Copula: Sexual Technologies, Reproductive Powers.Robyn Ferrell - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the conceptual schema underlying our understanding of reproductive technologies.
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    Ethical Issues in Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health Research in Nigeria.Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan, Bridget Haire, Abigail Harrison, Morolake Odetoyingbo, Olawunmi Fatusi & Brandon Brown - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):191-198.
    There is increasing interest in the need to address the ethical dilemmas related to the engagement of adolescents in sexual and reproductive health research. Research projects, including those that address issues related to STIs and HIV, adverse pregnancy outcomes, violence, and mental health, must be designed and implemented to address the needs of adolescents. Decisions on when an individual has adequate capacity to give consent for research most commonly use age as a surrogate rather than directly assessing capacity to (...)
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  30. The Rhetoric of Sexual Difference in French Reproductive Politics.Jill Drouillard - 2021 - Culture and Dialogue 2 (9):225-242.
    What kind of rhetoric frames French reproductive policy debate? Who does such policies exclude? Through an examination of the “American import” of gender studies, along with an analysis of France’s Catholic heritage and secular politics, I argue that an unwavering belief in sexual difference as the foundation of French society defines the productive reproductive citizen. Sylviane Agacinski is perhaps the most vocal public philosopher who has framed the terms of reproductive policy debate in France, building an oppositional platform to (...)
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    Risk behavior and sexual and reproductive problems in ecuadorian college students.Rosa Del Carmen Saeteros Hernández, Julia Pérez Piñero & Giselda Sanabria Ramos - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):421-439.
    Introducción: El embarazo, aborto, las infecciones de transmisión sexual incluido el Virus de Inmuno Deficiencia Humana, se han convertido en problemas sanitarios de mayor vulnerabilidad en jóvenes. Objetivo: Describir las conductas de riesgo y prevalencia de problemas sexuales y reproductivos de estudiantes universitarios. Método: Investigación descriptiva, el universo estuvo constituido por alumnos de dos grupos de segundo semestre; el grupo de estudio conformado por la totalidad de estudiantes de la Facultad de Salud Pública ; y el control seleccionado mediante (...)
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    Contraceptive digital pills and sexual and reproductive healthcare of women with mental disabilities: Problem or solution?Rosana Triviño & María Victoria Martínez-López - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    For years, the sexual and reproductive health of women with intellectual and developmental disability or disabilities has been insufficiently addressed by institutions and family members due to a lack of information, training, and, sometimes, religious issues. In this context, contraceptive digital pills can enhance the sexual and reproductive control of this population group. Digital pills could help to improve adherence to treatments aimed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, as well as allowing women and their caregivers to exert better drug (...)
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    Legally Recognizing Reproductive Coercion while Questioning Sexual Violence Exceptionalism.Jane Stoever - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):560-564.
    While sexual violence should not be the prerequisite for legal abortion, expanding definitions of abuse to include reproductive coercion can open avenues of access to abortion following the Dobbs decision. Understanding the increased danger and compounding challenges of intimate partner violence can inform legislative initiatives, healthcare responses, and movements for reproductive justice.
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  34. Situating Sexuality in Social Reproduction.Alan Sears - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):138-163.
    The years since the rise of gay liberation in 1969 have seen remarkable changes in the realm of sexuality. Lesbians and gay men have won important rights and attained a cultural visibility that would have been impossible to imagine even thirty years ago. Yet these rights are limited, and apply only to specific sections of those who face exclusion, discrimination or violence on the basis of their queerness in the realm of gender and/or sexuality.
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    Reproductive controls and sexual destiny.Timothy F. Murphy - 1990 - Bioethics 4 (2):121–142.
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    Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Practice of the Dutch Catholic Development Agency Cordaid.René Grotenhuis - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (6):1056-1068.
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    Gender Hierarchy and Adolescent Sexuality: The Control of Female Reproduction in an Australian Aboriginal Community.Victoria K. Burbank - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):33-46.
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    The sexual politics of citizenship and reproductive rights in Ireland: From national, international, supranational and transnational to postnational claims to membership?Anna C. Korteweg & Paulina García-del Moral - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (4):413-427.
    Claims concerning the death of the nation-state are often accompanied by postnationalist arguments that emphasize the potential of human rights to contest nation-bounded conceptualizations of membership. Conversely, arguments focusing on the continuing importance of state-bounded social citizenship rights undermine such postnationalist claims. To assess these claims, this article turns to the Irish state and its prohibition of abortion except in cases where the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. The authors focus their analysis on four legal cases that (...)
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  39. Gay Science: Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Sexual Orientation of Children.Timothy F. Murphy - 2005 - Reproductive Biomedicine Online 10 (Sup. 1):102-106.
    There are no technologies at the present time that would allow parents to select the sexual orientation of their children. But what if there were? Some commentators believe that parents should be able to use those techniques so long as they are effective and safe. Others believe that these techniques are unethical because of the dangers they pose to homosexual men and women in general. Both sides point to motives and consequences when trying to analyse the ethics of this (...)
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    Copula: Sexual Technologies, Reproductive Powers. [REVIEW]Lisa Guenther - 2007 - Symposium 11 (1):201-204.
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    The use of reproductive technologies in selecting the sexual orientation, the race, and the sex of children.C. L. Ten - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (1):45–48.
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    The evolution of human sexual intercourse. A revisited philosophy: sex without reproduction.M. Potts - 1996 - Global Bioethics 9 (1-4):229-240.
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    Fertility and Gender: Issues in Reproductive and Sexual Ethics.Helen Watt (ed.) - 2011 - Anscombe Bioethics Centre.
    What is sex and why is it important? Does marriage have a basic rationale? How should couples manage their fertility, and when and how should pregnancy be achieved? How should we respond to 'embryo adoption', teenage pregnancy, population growth, HIV/AIDS and other STIs, same-sex attraction? This collection of original essays looks at these and other pivotal issues in reproductive and sexual ethics, from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, psychology and economic science.
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    Life without Gillick: Adolescent sexual and reproductive healthcare in Ireland.Barry Lyons & Mary Donnelly - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (3):230-236.
    The decision of the House of Lords in Gillick v West Norfolk Area Health Authority carved out a safe space for competent minors to confidentially access sexual and reproductive health care and advice in the UK. Ireland is one of the few common law jurisdictions that has not endorsed Gillick or a similar mature minor doctrine, nor has it securely legislated for the right to consent of those aged 16 and 17 years. The legal lacuna created by this deficiency (...)
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    The primate origins of female sexuality, and their implications for the role of non-conceptive sex in the reproductive strategies of women.S. Blaffer Hrdy - 1996 - Global Bioethics 9 (1):31-47.
    (1996). The primate origins of female sexuality, and their implications for the role of non-conceptive sex in the reproductive strategies of women. Global Bioethics: Vol. 9, No. 1-4, pp. 31-47.
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    Beyond Castration and Culling: Should We Use Non-surgical, Pharmacological Methods to Control the Sexual Behavior and Reproduction of Animals?Clare Palmer, Hanne Gervi Pedersen & Peter Sandøe - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (2):197-218.
    This paper explores ethical issues raised by the application of non-surgical, pharmaceutical fertility control to manage reproductive behaviors in domesticated and wild animal species. We focus on methods that interfere with the effects of GnRH, making animals infertile and significantly suppressing sexual behavior in both sexes. The paper is anchored by considering ethical issues raised by four diverse cases: the use of pharmaceutical fertility control in male slaughter pigs, domesticated stallions and mares, male companion dogs and female white-tailed deer. (...)
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    Sacred Fecundity: Agamben, Sexual Difference, and Reproductive Life.Penelope Deutscher - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (161):51-78.
    ExcerptGiorgio Agamben's work would seem to be one of the contemporary philosophical projects that has been least hospitable to a feminist reading—least hospitable to posing questions about gender and sexual difference using its resources. But in recent years, a cluster of feminist responses to Agamben has emerged.1 Welcome as they are, they are as interesting for their ambiguity, their differences (thus perhaps their tacit disagreement) about the character, means, or route for a feminist reading, their caution, and often their (...)
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  48. Colombian adolescents’ perceptions of autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health services: an ethical analysis.Bryn Williams-Jones, Julien Brisson & Vardit Ravitsky - 2024 - Journal of Adolescent Research 39 (2):298­-327.
    There are conceptual and ethical challenges to defining adolescents’ autonomy to access health care, and these can lead to health care norms and practices that could be maladjusted to the needs and preferences of adolescents. Particularly sensitive is access to sexual and reproductive health care services (SRHS). Yet, while there has been substantial conceptual work to conceptualize autonomy (e.g., as independence), there is a lack of empirical research that documents the perceptions of adolescents regarding on how they access or (...)
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    Reproduction and the central project of evolutionary theory.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):383-396.
    In much of the discourse of evolutionary theory, reproduction is treated as an autonomous function of the individual organism — even in discussions of sexually reproducing organisms. In this paper, I examine some of the functions and consequences of such manifestly peculiar language. In particular, I suggest that it provides crucial support for the central project of evolutionary theory — namely that of locating causal efficacy in intrinsic properties of the individual organism. Furthermore, I argue that the language of (...)
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  50. Colombian adolescents’ preferences for independently accessing sexual and reproductive health services: a cross-sectional and bioethics analysis.Julien Brisson, Bryn Williams-Jones & Vardit Ravitsky - 2022 - Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 100698 (32).
    Objective Our study sought to (1) describe the practices and preferences of Colombian adolescents in accessing sexual and reproductive health services: accompanied versus alone; (2) compare actual practices with stated preferences; and (3) determine age and gender differences regarding the practice and these stated preferences. -/- Methods 812 participants aged 11–24 years old answered a survey in two Profamilia clinics in the cities of Medellin and Cali in Colombia. A cross-sectional analysis was performed to compare participants’ answers based on (...)
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