Seth Jones [3]Seth A. Jones [2]Seth Adam Jones [1]Seth G. Jones [1]
  1.  50
    Leibniz and the Status of Possible Worlds in advance.Seth A. Jones - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Research.
    The dispute over the exact nature and status of possible worlds in Leibniz’s philosophy has proven difficult to resolve. The standard view, that there is one unique actual world and that possible worlds exist solely as ideas within God’s understanding, sits in tension with important metaphysical and theological components of Leibniz’s system. For example, Leibniz takes possible individuals to have some “essence or reality” in themselves and to strive for existence, which allows him to ground counterfactual claims and to overcome (...)
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    Two Dogmas of Enlightenment Scholarship.Seth Jones & Kristopher G. Phillips - 2023 - In Amber L. Griffioen & Marius Backmann, Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past: New Reflections in the History of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 133-147.
    A central theme in the scholarly literature on Enlightenment Europe concerns the increased focus on the role of reason in the development of European thought, especially in the development of the new science by the natural philosophers. As a consequence, there is a tendency in both philosophical scholarship and teaching to bind philosophy and science tightly together. While there is certainly much that is correct in this approach, one motivation for pluralizing philosophy’s past is that this story leaves out a (...)
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    Two Dogmas of Enlightenment Scholarship.Seth Jones & Kristopher G. Phillips - 2023 - In Amber L. Griffioen & Marius Backmann, Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past: New Reflections in the History of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 133-147.
    A central theme in the scholarly literature on Enlightenment Europe concerns the increased focus on the role of reason in the development of European thought, especially in the development of the new science by the natural philosophers. As a consequence, there is a tendency in both philosophical scholarship and teaching to bind philosophy and science tightly together. While there is certainly much that is correct in this approach, one motivation for pluralizing philosophy’s past is that this story leaves out a (...)
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    Fallen nature, fallen selves: Early modern French thought II (review).David Cunning & Seth Jones - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 644-645.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Fallen Nature, Fallen Selves: Early Modern French Thought IIDavid Cunning and Seth JonesMichael Moriarty. Fallen Nature, Fallen Selves: Early Modern French Thought II. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Pp. xviii + 430. Cloth, $125.00.This book is the second of two volumes on a myriad of issues surrounding the early modern distinction between the embodied self and the immaterial self that is one of its components. One of (...)
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  5. Al-Qaeda has not been defeated.Seth G. Jones - 2014 - In David M. Haugen, War. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
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    Ask a Philosopher: Answers to Your Most Important and Most Unexpected Questions. [REVIEW]Seth A. Jones - 2022 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 4:120-123.
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