Results for 'Sergio Prince'

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  1.  18
    Reflexiones Entorno a la Distinción Analítico Sintético en Kant.Sergio Prince Cruzat - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 6.
    A Kant se le considera completamente ajeno a la tradición analítica y positivista, sin embargo, el autor de este trabajo ha encontrado algunas voces que desde el ámbito de la analítica atribuyen a este gigante del pensamiento alemán, un papel mucho más importante y para nada insignifica..
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  4. Ekphrastic Moral Mirrors in New Spain: : Sor Juana’s Neptuno Alegórico and Sigüenza’s Theatro de Virtudes Políticas.Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-25.
    The goal of this paper is to argue that the Neptuno Alegórico and the Theatro de Virtudes Políticas, which were composed in 1680 by the Novohispanic philosophers Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to accompany respectively two arches erected to celebrate the entry of the Spanish viceroy to Mexico City, are notable not only as examples of panegyrical Baroque literature but also as philosophical texts aimed at moral instruction. To be specific, I argue that (...)
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    Reasons and Action Explanation.Benjamin Wald & Sergio Tenenbaum - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of deviant causation has been a serious obstacle for causal theories of action. We suggest that attending to the problem of deviant causation reveals two related problems for causal theories. First, it threatens the reductive ambitions of causal theories of intentional action. Second, it suggests that such a theory fails to account for how the agent herself is guided by her reasons. Focusing on the second of these, we argue that the problem of guidance turns out to be (...)
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  6. Algae communication, conspecific and interspecific: the concepts of phycosphere and algal-bacteria consortia in a photobioreactor (PBR).Sergio Mugnai, Natalia Derossi & Yogi Hale Hendlin - 2023 - Plant Signaling and Behavior 18.
    Microalgae in the wild often form consortia with other species promoting their own health and resource foraging opportunities. The recent application of microalgae cultivation and deployment in commercial photobioreactors (PBR) so far has focussed on single species of algae, resulting in multi-species consortia being largely unexplored. Reviewing the current status of PBR ecological habitat, this article argues in favor of further investigation into algal communication with conspecifics and interspecifics, including other strains of microalgae and bacteria. These mutualistic species form the (...)
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    Cause related marketing and corporate philanthropy in the privately held enterprise.Karen Maru File & Russ Alan Prince - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (14):1529-1539.
    Owners of businesses represent an interesting case in the study of the intersection of personal and corporate philanthropic values. Because individuals who own businesses have the means and the ability to act on philanthropic motivations through the medium of their businesses, it is interesting to explore the extent to which their corporate contributions to nonprofits are philanthropic in nature or instrumentally motivated, as in the instance of cause related marketing. The trade-offs between cause related marketing and corporate support of nonprofits (...)
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    Necropolítica seguido de Sobre el gobierno privado indirecto.Sergio Esteban Ortega Bravo - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:341-345.
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    O nascimento do republicanismo moderno na obra de Leonardo Bruni.Sérgio Cardoso - 2022 - Discurso 52 (2):252-268.
    O artigo tenta mostrar que para além das duas vertentes do comentário atual da obra de Leonardo Bruni (seu afastamento da verdade histórica ou seu caráter puramente retórico e instrumental posto a serviço dos interesses político-econômicos da oligarquia florentina), é necessário igualmente considerar sua função e performance político-ideológica, seja em relação ao público de sua cidade, seja no que concerne às ideias, valores e ideais assumidos por nossa modernidade política. Não obstante seu profundo enraizamento na tradição republicana vinda da Antiguidade (...)
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  10. Genesi e sviluppo della filosofia di Maurice Blondel.Sergio Cialdi - 1973 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  11. Il linguaggio religioso dell'Itinerarium.Sergio Contiero - 1974 - Roma: Antonianum.
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    Il concetto di legge nella Summa theologiae di S. Tommaso d'Aquino.Sergio Cotta - 1955 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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  13. Manipulações biológicas e princípios constitucionais: uma introdução.Sergio Ferraz - 1991 - Porto Alegre: S.A. Fabris.
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    Interculturalidad En El Aula a Través Del Cine de Animación.Sergio Sevillano García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (3):1-11.
    La interculturalidad es un concepto clave en el contexto actual a la hora de concebir un modelo educativo. Las diferentes culturas, así como las distintas sociedades que existen actualmente, suponen un sinfín de posibilidades y realidades que enriquecen la experiencia del ser humano. Conocer diferentes culturas desarrolla nuestro pensamiento y nos prepara para afrontar las situaciones desde otra perspectiva. Es por eso por lo que, teniendo clara la importancia de la interculturalidad, en este estudio vamos a plantear una propuesta educativa, (...)
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    La questione romantica.Sergio Givone - 1992 - Roma: Laterza.
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  16. L'attualità del pensiero di Cesare Beccaria.Sergio Jacomella - 1964 - [Lugano]: Cenobio.
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    Case Report: Theory of Mind and Figurative Language in a Child With Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.Sergio Melogno, Maria Antonietta Pinto, Teresa Gloria Scalisi, Fausto Badolato & Pasquale Parisi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this case report, we studied Theory of Mind and figurative language comprehension in a 7.2-year-old child, conventionally named RJ, with isolated and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, a rare malformation due to the absence of the corpus callosum, the major tract connecting the two brain hemispheres. To study ToM, which is the capability to infer the other’s mental states, we used the classical false belief tasks, and to study figurative language, i.e., those linguistic usages involving non-literal meanings, we (...)
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    Che cosa ha veramente detto Teilhard de Chardin.Sergio Quinzio - 1967 - Roma,: Ubaldini.
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  19. Mistica e dialettica: da Lutero a Karl Barth.Sergio Rostagno - 1997 - In Elmar Salmann & Aniceto Molinaro (eds.), Filosofia e mistica: itinerari di un progetto di ricerca. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo.
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  20. Ciência e religião : crença contra crença?Sergio Paulo Rouanet - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes (ed.), Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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    Epistemic Groundings of Abstraction and Their Cognitive Dimension.Sergio F. Martínez & Xiang Huang - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):490-511.
    In the philosophy of science, abstraction has usually been analyzed in terms of the interface between our experience and the design of our concepts. The often implicit assumption here is that such interface has a definite identifiable and universalizable structure, determining the epistemic correctness of any abstraction. Our claim is that, on the contrary, the epistemic grounding of abstraction should not be reduced to the structural norms of such interface but is also related to the constraints on the cognitive processes (...)
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  22. Morale buddista.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 636-637.
    A short presentation of Buddhist moral doctrines according to its distinct schools.
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  23. Naturalismo etico.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 658.
    A short reconstruction of the vicissitudes of the notion of ethical naturalism through American late nineteenth-century 'naturalism', Moore criticism of so-called naturalistic ethics, reaching Anscombe, Geach and Foot and their particular kind of anti-non-naturalism. The conclusion is that the notion of ethical naturalism is little more than a mere 'flatus vocis' used to indicate three heterogeneous kinds of ethical theories.
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  24. hacia una filosofía de la ciencia centrada en prácticas.Sergio F. Martinez - 2015 - Mexico: UNAM-Bonilla Artigas.
    La filosofía de la ciencia se desarrolló durante la primera mitad del siglo xx bajo el supuesto de que la ciencia podía caracterizarse por la estructura lógica tanto del conocimiento articulado en las teorías más exitosas como de sus explicaciones. En la segunda mitad del siglo xx se cuestiona fuertemente esa idea, pero se sigue asumiendo que la filosofía de la ciencia debe hacerse siguiendo los cánones de una epistemología fundamentalista que considera que el avance de la ciencia pasa por (...)
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  25. Morale confuciana.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 637-638.
    A short presentation of the moral doctrines inspired by the Confucian tradition.
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  26. Prudenza.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 782-783.
    A short reconstruction of the notion of phronesis in ancient Greek philosophy, the demise of the notion of prudence in modern philosophy and its rehabilitation by twwntieth-century neo-Aristotelianism.
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  27. Passioni.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 718-720.
    A short reconstruction of the notion of passion in ancient ethics, its transformation in modern moral and political philosophy and its demise after the end of the eighteenth-century.
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  28. Bene.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 96-98.
    The genealogical deconstruction of the notion of "good" by F.Nietzsche in Genealogy of Morals highlights the arbitrariness of the Platonic unification of various kinds of good, a unification that is still shared by both objectivists and subjectivists. For the same reasons, the attempt of G.E. Moore and other neo-intuitionists to define a single property that is common to all uses of the term "good" and the specular denial of the existence of this property by the emotionalism of A.J. Ayer and (...)
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  29. Intuizionismo etico.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 467.
    A short reconstruction of the story of eighteenth-century ethical rationalism followed bu the nineteenth century controversy between utilitarianism and the 'intuitive system' reaching Sidgwick, Moore and David Ross.
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  30. casistica.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 144-145.
    A short reconstruction of the method of casuistry in Medieval and early Modern moral theology.
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  31. Metafora.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 607-608.
    A short reconstruction of the origins of the concept of metaphor, the early modern mistrust of metaphor in the name of univocal scientific language, the twentieth century rescue of the cognitive value of metaphor.
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  32. History of Behavioral Neurology (2nd edition).Sergio Barberis & Cory Wright - 2022 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 1. Elsevier. pp. 1–13.
    This chapter provides a brief overview of the history of behavioral neurology, dividing it roughly into six eras. In the ancient and classical eras, emphasis is placed on two transitions: firstly, from descriptions of head trauma and attempted neurosurgical treatments to the exploratory dissections during the Hellenistic period and the replacement of cardiocentrism; and secondly, to the more systematic investigations of Galenus and the rise of pneumatic ventricular theory. In the medieval through post-Renaissance eras, the scholastic consolidation of knowledge and (...)
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  33. Analisi - sintesi.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 41-42.
    A short reconstruction of the Medieval and early modern idea of the analytic-syntetic method.
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    Actualistic Foundation of Possibilism.Sergio Galvan - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (2):255-272.
    In this article I defend a form of classical possibilism with an actualist foundation. As a matter of fact, I believe that this position is more in keeping with the classical metaphysical tradition. According to this form of possibilism, I construe possible objects as possible non-existing objects of an existing producing power. Consequently, they are nothing vis-à -vis the modality of their own actual being, although they do exist with regard to the modality of the producing power’s being. The actualist (...)
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  35.  28
    ""Adorno, Heidegger e il" non" della verità.Sergio Givone - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (1):119-128.
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    Disincanto del mondo e pensiero tragico.Sergio Givone - 1988 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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    I presocratici, ritorno alle origini.Sergio Givone - 2022 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    Nichilismo e terrorismo, ovvero: i quattro cavalieri dell'Apocalisse.Sergio Givone - 2006 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 19 (1):69-76.
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  39. El nombre "Príncipe de la Paz" de Fray Luis de León.Sergio González - 1998 - Revista Agustiniana 39 (118):129-184.
  40. Vitalidad y espiritualidad humanas según Max Scheler.Sergio Sánchez-Migallón Granados - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (92):341-362.
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    Nietzsche e Michelstaedter "terapeuti" della modernità infelice: leggendo L'Anticristo e La persuasione e la rettorica.Sergio Guarente - 2016 - Perugia: Morlacchi editore University Press.
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    The «clairvoyants des abîmes»: Cioran, Reader of F.M. Dostoievsky.Sergio García Guillem - 2013 - Human and Social Studies 2 (3):124-139.
    The discovery of F.M. Dostoyevsky by young E. M. Cioran marks a turning point for a better understanding of his first Romanian work and his later production in French. His first work, Pe culmile disperării [On the Heights of Despair] has a tragic breath, typically dostoyevskyan, which reminds us of the tragical and sick conscience of the hero of his Notes from the Underground.
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    Filosofia e scienze della natura.Sergio Agostinis, Jacques Maritain & Enrico Garulli - 1983
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    Proteção de civis na operação de paz da ONU no Sudão do Sul: o emprego conjunto de militares e policiais.Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar & Joel Henrique Fonseca De Ávila - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):397-416.
    A guerra civil iniciada no final de 2013 no Sudão do Sul causou, pela primeira vez na história das Nações Unidas, um afluxo gigantesco de deslocados internos para o interior de bases da Missão das Nações Unidas no Sudão do Sul, em busca de proteção. Assim, foram criados os Protection of Civilian Sites. Com a chegada de dezenas de milhares de pessoas em poucas semanas, houve um enorme crescimento nas demandas humanitárias e de segurança. Para prover a necessária proteção, foi (...)
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    In Memoriam.Sergio Urrutia Ahumada - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:5-6.
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    La reversión del poder al pueblo. Segunda escolástica y realidad política.Sergio-Raúl Castaño - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El presente artículo se introduce en la cuestión de la reversión del poder a partir de las posiciones de Suárez sobre el origen de la potestad política. A continuación aborda el problema en autores representativos de la segunda escolástica. Por último, con el ejemplo de los sucesos posteriores a 1808 en los reinos americanos de la monarquía castellana, intenta determinar si es dable sostener en la realidad objetiva alguna forma de reversión del poder a la comunidad.
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    Lukács: ontologia e historicidade.Sergio Lessa - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:87-101.
    The article argues that one of the maim moments of Lukacs' rupture with the preceding ontologies is his original distinction between essence and phenomenon from the peculiar relation of each one with the category of continuity. Doing so, Lukacs could recover the radical historicity of the human realm.O artigo argumenta que um dos principais momentos de ruptura de Lukács com as ontologias anteriores reside na sua inovadora distinção entre essência e fenômeno, a partir da peculiar relação de cada um com (...)
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    Lukács: trabalho, objetivação, alienação.Sergio Lessa - 1992 - Trans/Form/Ação 15:39-51.
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  49. Opinar como actitud en San Agustín.Sergio Mancini - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (212):377-391.
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    Historia y combinatoria de las representaciones científicas. Comentarios a la propuesta de Ibarra y Mormann.Sergio F. Martínez - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):75-95.
    En este texto se examina críticamente la teoría combinatoria de las representaciones científicas de Andoni Ibarra y Thomas Mormann. El núcleo de la crítica va dirigido a mostrar que una serie de estudios sobre la ciencia, que ellos mismos mencionan, sugiere que la clasificación en tipos de representaciones propuesta es problemática. Es más, esos mismos estudios muestran que por lo menos muchas representaciones tienen una dimensión histórica que parece imposible capturar por medio del tipo de formalismo propuesto. /// Ibarra and (...)
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