Results for 'Semiotics and the arts'

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  1.  22
    Semiotics and the Art of Conversation.Roberta Kevelson - 1980 - Semiotica 32 (1-2).
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    The individual, kata and the arts: semiotic considerations on cultural identity.Ramunas Motiekaitis - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):95-126.
    This article is a semiotics-based attempt to explain artistic creativity of traditional East Asia and the Romantic West. Invoking the Greimas-Tarasti model, in which the modalities of “will,” “must,” “can,” and “know” are considered as a semiotic system, the author tries to examine how these modalities are manifested in discourses that define artistic subjectivities and actions. The concepts of the sublime and yūgen, authenticity and kokoro, formal communicational standards and kata, conventional beauty and hana are discussed side by side (...)
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    Semiotic and the Liberal Arts.John Deely - 1985 - New Scholasticism 59 (3):296-322.
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    Psychoanalytic Semiotics and the Interpretation of Dream Paintings.Tim-Hung Ku - 2007 - American Journal of Semiotics 23 (1-4):303-336.
    The present paper is divided into two parts. Part one is an attempt to reconstruct the semiotic models of Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysis, in which conceptsfrom De Saussure, C. S. Peirce, Jakobson, Lotman, Eco are drawn for mutual illumination and synthesis. Psychoanalytic semiotics is considered a particular areaand discipline in semiotics, aiming at the unconscious dimension of the subject. Lacan could be considered a post-structuralist revision and extension of Freud. Part two is an application of psychoanalytic semiotics to the (...)
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    The archaeology of semiotics and the social order of things.George Nash & George C. Children (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    The Archaeology of Semiotics and the social order of things is edited by George Nash and George Children and brings together 15 thought-provoking chapters from contributors around the world. A sequel to an earlier volume published in 1997, it tackles the problem of understanding how complex communities interact with landscape and shows how the rules concerning landscape constitute a recognised and readable grammar. The mechanisms underlying landscape grammar are both physical and mental, being based in part on the mindset (...)
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  6. Aztec Religion and Art of Writing. Investigating Embodied Meaning, Indigenous Semiotics, and the Nahua Sense of Reality.Isabel Laack - 2019
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    Semiotic Fitting, Co-option, and the Art of Life.Karel Kleisner - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (1):31-35.
    The intricate appearances produced by various lineages of biota have long been viewed as calling for a rational explanation. Biologists are capable of interpreting still just a relatively small part of the overall range of organismal forms and patterns. In fact, we can explain only those for which we find a functional role. Kalevi Kull’s current initiative, which aims at establishing biosemiotic foundations of aesthetics and introduction of concepts such as semiotic fitting, may help us elucidate various hitherto largely neglected (...)
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    Filmosophy and the Art of Philosophical Analysis of Films.Richard Nunan - 2010 - Film and Philosophy 14:135-154.
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    Peirce and the Art of Reasoning.Doug Anderson - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (3):277-289.
    Drawing on Charles Peirce’s descriptions of his correspondence course on the “Art of Reasoning,” I argue that Peirce believed that the study of logic stands at the center of a liberal arts education. However, Peirce’s notion of logic included much more than the traditional accounts of deduction and syllogistic reasoning. He believed that the art of reasoning required a study of both abductive and inductive inference as well the practice of observation and imagination. Employing these other features of logic, (...)
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    The applicability of semiotics in the creation of plastic arts : the artist’s platform vis-à-vis the mutual reciprocity of creation and discourse.Gwang-Soo Choi - 2022 - Episteme 27:173-189.
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    “Susanna and the Elders”: On the visual semiotic of shame.Alexander Kozin - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):201-224.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 216 Seiten: 201-224.
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  12. Hegel and Semiotics: Beyond the End of Art.William D. Melaney - 2016 - In K. Bankov, New Semiotics: Between Tradition and Innovation Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Semiotics. New Bulgarian University. pp. 10 pages.
    This paper argues that Hegel attempts to appropriate the irreversible aspects of Romantic aesthetics in four ways: (i) Hegel radicalizes Kantian aesthetics on the basis of a basically textual approach to sublime experience that opens up the question of community as a philosophical one; (ii) without demoting classical conceptions of art, Hegel privileges Romantic conceptions that demonstrate the ascendancy of sign over symbol in a spiraling chain; (iii) Hegel laments the fate of art in the triumph of Romantic subjectivism but (...)
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    Laack, Isabel: Aztec Religion and Art of Writing. Investigating Embodied Meaning, Indigenous Semiotics, and the Nahua Sense of Reality. Numen Book Series. Studies in the History of Religions 161 (Leiden/boston: Brill, 2019), 435 S., ISBN 978-90-04-39145–1 (hardback), ISBN 978-90-04-39201–4 (e-book), 171 €. [REVIEW]Ulrike Peters - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 30 (1):1-4.
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    Semiotics of the Christian imagination: signs of the fall and redemption.Domenico Pietropaolo - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book analyses various examples of the imaginative semiotisation of the Fall of Man and the Church's semiotic perception of the Divine plan for Redemption. Based on a close reading of primary sources, it analyses the meaning-making inherent in these ideas, which are filtered through and given material representation by the semiotic paradigms of various cultural fields, including philology, verbal arts and science.
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    Cross-Cultural Semiotic Dialogue and the Spoliarium.Nicolito A. Gianan - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):185-195.
    The trade-offs of “meaning-making” between East and West may be regarded as an aggiornamento for any culture in contact. But since aggiornamento entails a wide range of subjects, the essay situates the meaning-making within the scope of masterpieces in diverse formats, from the printed literary text to the painted image. Specifically, the essay offers a rethinking of the cross-cultural semiotic dialogue, paving the way for recognizing the homo significans. However, the customary framing of the Spoliarium does not seem to warrant (...)
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    Indexicality in Esthetic Signs and the Art of Dante Gabriel Rosetti.Joshua S. Mostow - 1981 - Semiotics:249-261.
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    "Time Gentlemen, Please!" Art History and the Semiotics of Time.Jp McMahon - 2009 - Semiotics:77-87.
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    The dagoba and the gopuram: A semiotic contrastive study of the Sinhalese Buddhist and Tamil Hindu cultures.Steven Bonta - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):167-197.
    Having shown previously how a culture type can be given a unitary description in terms of a semiotic “lens” constrained by one of the Peircean Categories (“Shamanic” culture, by Firstness), we apply this methodology to a more “fine-grained” level of analysis, by comparing the Tamil and Sinhalese cultures under the assumption that one of them (Sinhalese) is in fact a “hybrid” culture-sign. Having shown in previous work that the greater South Asian microculture may be characterized as a Firstness of Thirdness (...)
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  19.  25
    The Shift from Symbol to Symbolicity and the Art of Stalking the Psyche.Gary Shank - 1990 - Semiotics:171-176.
  20. Towards Vitality Semiotics and a New Understanding of the Conditio Humana in Susanne K. Langer.Martina Sauer - 2023 - In Lona Gaikis, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Susanne K. Langer. London: Bloomsbury Handbooks. pp. 223-338.
    In hindsight, it is primarily Susanne K. Langer’s theory of act, and only secondarily her theory of art, that is central to the conception of Vitality Semiotics. It focuses on affective, semiotically relevant forms that constitute our world experience, human social interaction, and ultimately art experience. Thus, this somewhat unusual distinction between these two aspects of Langer’s work is not only important for art and our understanding of the world, but can also be seen as fundamental to social interaction (...)
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    Lessing's Laocoon: semiotics and aesthetics in the Age of Reason.David E. Wellbery - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This study analyses the emergence of aesthetic theory in eighteenth-century Germany in relation to contemporary theories of the nature of language and signs. As well as being extremely relevant to the discussion of literary theory, this perspective casts much light on Enlightenment aesthetics. The central text under consideration shows that the extended comparison of poetry and the plastic arts contained in that major work of aesthetic criticism rests upon a theory of signs and constitutes a complex and global theory (...)
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    On the Arts of Judging and of Judicial Criticism.Julen Etxabe - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):759-764.
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    Cinema's baroque flesh: film, phenomenology and the art of entanglement.Saige Walton - 2016 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    Introduction. Flesh and its reversibility ; Defining the baroque ; 'Good looking' ; A cinema of baroque flesh -- 1. Flesh, cinema and the baroque : the aesthetics of reversibility. Baroque vision and painting the flesh ; Baroque flesh ; Analogous embodiments : the film's body ; Baroque vision and cinema ; Summation : face to face-feeling baroque deixis -- 2. Knots of sensation : co-extensive space and a cinema of the passions. Synaesthesia, phenomenology, and the senses ; Cinesthesia and (...)
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    Religious Semiotics in Performance and Visual Art: Symbolism in Aboriginal Dot Painting, Sichuan Opera Makeup, Chinese Traditional Sculpture and Shu Embroidery.Zijun Shen, Mi Zhou & Kamran Zaib - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):266-292.
    This research aims to study art and religious philosophy by analyzing the significance of Aboriginal dot painting, Sichuan opera makeup, Chinese traditional sculpture and Shu embroidery. A particular emphasis is placed upon their crucial importance for understanding the essence of various societies as well as their main spiritual and cultural tenets. The data for this study was gathered using a qualitative approach, targeted toward online museums and cultural websites, focusing on images of artworks to determine the parameters of symbolic elements (...)
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    Breaking into a ’semiotic enclave’: How art critics refer to the works of Rothko and Bacon.Patricia Gentner - 1990 - Semiotica 79 (3-4):271-288.
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    Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art: What are Artworks and How Do We Experience Them?Peer F. Bundgaard & Frederik Stjernfelt (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    ​This book investigates the nature of aesthetic experience and aesthetic objects. Written by leading philosophers, psychologists, literary scholars and semioticians, the book addresses two intertwined issues. The first is related to the phenomenology of aesthetic experience: The understanding of how human beings respond to artworks, how we process linguistic or visual information, and what properties in artworks trigger aesthetic experiences. The examination of the properties of aesthetic experience reveals essential aspects of our perceptual, cognitive, and semiotic capacities. The second issue (...)
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    On Form and Structure: Umberto Eco and the Basis for a Positive Philosophy of the Arts.Davide Dal Sasso - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:180-204.
    This essay has two aims. The first is to offer an explanation concerning the problem of form in Umberto Eco’s philosophical research, showing that he deals with it while admitting that form can be a temporary element connected to a system of relationships which may be subject to variability. Namely, his reflection is open to the issue of structure. The second aim is to identify some principles that, according to this theoretical approach, may be considered a basis for a positive (...)
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    Philipp Otto Runge and the Semiotic Language of Nature and Patriotism.Sharon Joy Worley - 2010 - The European Legacy 15 (1):15-33.
    Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810) was a leading German Romantic artist whose iconography represents a transition from the Neoclassical iconography of classical mythology and allegory to an abstract semiotic system of signs based on a mystical interpretation of nature. An admirer of Herder's theory of language, Runge's iconography was representative of a trend among Romantic artists to promote nationalism and cultural values through the implementation of formal epistemological systems in the medium of art. Runge's individual iconography reveals a synthesis of rational (...)
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    The Seventh Art and the Public Discourse on Maritime Migration.Laura Carballo Piñeiro - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (1):33-48.
    This paper looks at rescue-at-sea practices and their aftermath as portrayed in a number of European films. In this World, Malta Radio, Bon Voyage, Welcome, Terraferma, 4.1 Miles and Man at Sea address maritime migration, States’ omission in complying with their international obligations, and how the latter obliges individuals to make difficult choices against the backdrop of the law of the sea. The focus of these stories is on the saviours and their conflicts of interests while migrants are allocated a (...)
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  30. On Some Problems in the Semiotics of Visual Art: Field and Vehicle in Image-Signs.Meyer Schapiro - 1969 - Semiotica 1 (3).
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    The Mixed Category Human-Animal in New Anthropology and in the Arts.Tiziana Migliore - 2018 - In Gianfranco Marrone & Dario Mangano, Semiotics of Animals in Culture: Zoosemiotics 2.0. Springer Verlag. pp. 165-179.
    Considering animality in terms of interdependency between humans and animals may help us understand how different species have evolved and continue to do so through time. The stakes are high. Darwinian evolutionary theories, while based on the continuity of the species and while suggesting the idea of mutual derivation, e.g. of humans from animals, are mostly concerned with the origins; they are not concerned with whether and how humans and animals have evolved together socially and culturally. Even a superficial look (...)
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    Semiotica de las artes visuales (Semiotics of the Visual Arts)Cuestiones de estetica.Mihai Nadin, Elena de Bertola, Jorge Glusberg, Jorge Lopez Anaya & Rosa Maria Ravera - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (4):443.
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  33. Towards Vitality Semiotics and a New Understanding of the Conditio Humana in Susanne K. Langer.Martina Sauer - 2023 - In Lona Gaikis, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Susanne K. Langer. London: Bloomsbury Handbooks. pp. 223-338.
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    Reframing semiotic telematic knowledge spaces, and the anthropological challenge to designing interhuman relations.Ren Stettler - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (2):163-170.
    Drawing on Vilm Flusser's view of the relationship between humans and the computer (machines), I explore a new ontological framework for our beingin-the-world. I begin by raising critical questions regarding our endeavours and efforts to create endlessly expanding semiotic knowledge spaces based on technological innovation (e.g. Wikipedia or the Universal Electronic Library) in order to reflect on this development from a Flusserian perspective, i.e. as an anthropological challenge to designing interhuman relations. By searching for new ontological conditions for humans, technology (...)
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    Aesthetics and the semblance of the real in terroristic gameplay.Salvador Miranda - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):239-247.
    ‘Aesthetics and the semblance of the real in terroristic gameplay’ explores the recreation of terrorism and terrorist role-playing in gaming in a post 9/11 context. Drawing examples from contemporary games like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, ARMA 3: Takistan, Insurgency: Sandstorm and SQUAD, games provide for surprisingly subjective explorations of terrorist role-playing and image-making. What does it mean to recreate these images of terrorism, so closely associated with propaganda from the War on Terror? This article looks at the phenomenon (...)
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    Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad Ibri (review).Robert E. Innis - 2023 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (2):257-261.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad IbriRobert E. InnisIvo Assad Ibri Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces Springer, 2022, xxvii + 341 pp., incl. indexIn the chapter on 'The Heuristic Power of Agapism in Peirce's Philosophy' in his recent book, Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces, Ivo Ibri points out that access to Peirce's work requires something on the part of the reader that is (...)
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    Semiotics and Thematics in Hermeneutics. [REVIEW]G. J. Stack - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (1):146-146.
    This carefully crafted volume concludes the series of works that began with Cultural Thematics. Seung's primary aim is to go beyond the malaise of post-New Critical studies and to reinstate the centrality of contextual understanding in the interpretation of the structure and meaning of a text. In his introductory discussion of "Text and Context" the author undermines the claims of the objectivity of a text, textual solipsism and textual agnosticism in a manner that recalls the previous arguments in philosophy concerning (...)
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    Can Semiotic Be the Lingua Franca for the Epistemological Hybrids of Contemporary Times?Julio Pinto - 2009 - American Journal of Semiotics 25 (3-4):67-73.
    Based on the observations of Brazilian theorists of Communication, this article purports to give an overview of the contemporary experience in terms of communicational phenomena and their relationship with art, technology, science and language from the broad standpoint of a Charles S. Peirce-based view of semiotic.
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    The Art of Living Together.Geoffrey Skoll - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):49-70.
    A neighborhood in a US city seems to present a possibly unique exception to empirical generalizations and explanations of urban decline and occasional rehabilitation. Resisting decline, gentrification, and outside interests and actors, the neighborhood generated a subculture created by working class artists. As a valuable occasion for revising urban social theory, this essay draws on the work of Howard S. Becker, Pierre Bourdieu, Henri Lefebvre, Jacques Rancière, and Georg Simmel, among others. It relies on ethnographic method for its empirical findings.
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    The Time Phenomenon of Chinese Zen and Video Art in China: 1988-1998.Yang Geng & Lingling Peng - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):103-124.
    As a response to the problems of language in Chinese modern and avant-garde art from 1988 to 1998, early video art reclaimed the independence of language from social reality and political influence and established it on the basis of the time phenomenon. By comparing the category of time in the Western philosophical tradition and in Chinese traditional thought, we find that the “immediacy” of Zen provides a hermeneutical approach to the nature of language as a reflective medium, closely related to (...)
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    The semiotics of intuition, care, and esotericism in education.Rocco Gangle - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):341-347.
    A review of Inna Semetsky’s The Edusemiotics of Images: Essays on the Art-Science of Tarot with reference to Peircean semiotics, Deleuze’s philosophy of difference and the feminist ethics of care.
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    The hermeneutic spiral and interpretation in literature and the visual arts.L. M. O'Toole - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This collection brings together eighteen of the author's original papers, previously published in a variety of academic journals and edited collections over the last three decades, on the process of interpretation in literature and the visual arts in one comprehensive volume. The volume highlights the centrality of artistic texts to the study of multimodality, organized into six sections each representing a different modality or semiotic system, including literature, television, film, painting, sculpture, and architecture. A new introduction lays the foundation (...)
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    ⚘ The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli ☀ Ionut Untea.Ionut Untea, Elize Bisanz & William Passarini - unknown
    Be aware... and you will be mindful of a notable ambiguity in semiotics as well as of those who have masterfully strived to transcend it. This event, commented on by Elize Bisanz (Texas Tech University) and chaired by William Passarini (Institute for Philosophical Studies), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the (...)
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    Interpreting the Scales of Justice : Architecture, Symbolism and Semiotics of the Supreme Court of India.Shailesh Kumar - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (4):637-675.
    The neutrality of the art and architecture of courtrooms and courthouses has dominated the public perception in the Indian context. The courtroom design and the visual artistic elements present within these judicial places have very often been considered to be insignificant to the notions of law and justice that they reflect. As art and architecture present certain historical narratives, reflect political allegories and have significant impact on the perceptions of their viewers, they have critical socio-political ramifications. This makes it pertinent (...)
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    In the world of the seven cubit spear: The semiotic status of the object in Ancient Greek art and literature.Marc Eli Blanchard - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (3-4).
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    Television is Killing the Art of Symbolic Exchange.William Merrin - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (3):119-140.
    The starting point for any understanding of Jean Baudrillard's media theory is his concept of `communication'. This is heavily indebted to his theory of symbolic exchange, drawn from the Durkheimian tradition running through Durkheim, Mauss, Caillois and Bataille. Common to all these authors is s specific view of human relations, derived from their anthropology, as involving both a communication and a confrontation. Baudrillard, therefore, sees the modern semiotic order as based on the destruction of these symbolic relations, and its media (...)
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    Semiotics of art, life, and thought: Three scenarios for (post)modernity.Göran Sonesson - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):219-241.
    It is difficult to make sense of the notion of postmodernity, because “modernity” is clearly a shifter, in the sense of Jespersen and Jakobson: a term dependent for its meaning on its moment of enunciation. It is true that, from the Middle Ages onwards, several meanings of modernity have received an objectified reference. But in the arts, particularly in the visual arts, this is not true. Modernity has been defined as the ever-new transgression of norms established by the (...)
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    The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic Rationalisation (review).John C. McEnroe - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):423-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic RationalisationJohn C. McEnroeJeremy Tanner. The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society, and Artistic Rationalisation. Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xvi + 331 pp. 62 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $99.In his introductory chapter, Jeremy Tanner quotes J. J. Winckelmann's eighteenth-century description of the Apollo Belvedere: "Among all the works of antiquity which (...)
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    Heterotopias and the facesphere: “Living Pictures: Photography in Southeast Asia”.Silvia Barbotto - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):77-94.
    This exploration of the works of various authors and artists will bring us to a philosophical contemplation of the portrait as a heterotopic space. On one hand, a portrait represents the faces of the self and others, embodying both individuality and collectivity. On the other hand, the space within the conventional frame of a portrait transforms from a mere representation of documented reality to a co-constructed and reified form of expression. The article is divided in three parts. The first part (...)
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    The Wrecked Vessel: The Effects of Gnosticism, Nominalism and the Protestant Reformation in the Semiotic Scaffolding of Modern Scientific Consciousness.Wendy Wheeler - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):305-324.
    This essay discusses the semiotic scaffolding of modern science, the roots of which lie in the Protestant Reformation and the latter’s repudiation of the “semiotics of nature” upon which medieval theology depended. Taking the fourteenth-century battles between realism and nominalism as the semiotic scaffolding of the Reformation which was subsequently built on nominalist principles, and the Reformation as what made possible the development of early modern science, this essay argues that nominalism, Protestantism, and early modern science were all infected (...)
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