Results for 'Self-employment'

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  1. Self-Employment and Independence.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2023 - In Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom, Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Self-employment merits protection and promotion, we often hear, because it confers independence from a boss. But what, if anything, is wrong with having a boss? On one of the two views that this chapter inspects, being under the power of a boss is objectionable as such, no matter how suitably checked this power may be, for it undermines workers’ agency. On a second view, which republican theorists favor, what is objectionable is subjection not to the power of a (...)
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    Self-Employment in Later Life: How Future Time Perspective and Social Support Influence Self-Employment Interest.Valerie Caines, Joanne Kaa Earl & Prashant Bordia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:429910.
    For older workers, self-employment is an important alternative to waged employment. Drawing on social learning theory and social cognitive career theory we examine how attitudes toward one’s own aging, future time perspective (captured by perceived time left to live) and perceived support from referent individuals predict self-efficacy for entrepreneurship and outcome expectations, influencing self-employment interest. Findings from a sample of professional association members (n = 174, mean age 52.5 years), revealed that an open-ended time (...)
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    Selfemployment trends amid the pandemic.Guliya Ilyashova, Larisa Makhova, Pavel Trifonov & Dustnazar Khimmataliev - forthcoming - Business and Society Review.
    Today, more and more attention is paid to self-employment, when, in the face of an exacerbated situation related to the spread of coronavirus, the authorities recommend people to work remotely. An important feature of self-employment is that such a form of social protection appears when the unemployed can overcome the crisis and find a new place to live with state assistance provided by employment services. The main focus of this article is to search for a (...)
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    Gender, Self-Employment, and Earnings: The Interlocking Structures of Family and Professional Status.Michelle J. Budig - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):725-753.
    Using data from the 1979 to 1998 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, the author explores how gender, family, and class alter the impact of self-employment on earnings. Fixed-effect regression results show that while self-employment positively influences men’s earnings, not all women similarly benefit. Professionals receive the same self-employment earnings premium, regardless of gender. However, self-employment in nonprofessional occupations negatively affects women’s earnings, with wives and mothers incurring the greatest penalties. (...)
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    The Analysis of Time Allocation for Work and Personal Life: Case of Self-employed Persons in Lithuania.Viktorija Tauraitė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (2).
    The main attention is focused on time allocation for work and personal life in this article. The research consists of four parts. The first part of this article analyses the theoretical aspects of time allocation for work and personal life. The second part of the article justifies the methodology of the research. In the third part of the article, the time allocation for work and personal life is analysed. Finally, the discussion about time allocation for work and personal life is (...)
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    Teaching strategy for the self-employment development in the subject Methodology of Qualitative Research in Health.German Onelio Márquez Molina & Tarajano Roselló - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):498-525.
    Introducción: La asignatura Metodología de la Investigación Cualitativa en Salud se imparte a los estudiantes de tercer año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería en la modalidad de clase teórico-práctica como forma organizativa de la docencia. Ello recalca la importancia del trabajo independiente. Las insuficiencias con relación a éste inciden directamente en la asimilación y apropiación de los conocimientos de la asignatura. Objetivo: Elaborar una estrategia didáctica que contribuya al desarrollo del trabajo independiente correspondiente a la asignatura Metodología de la Investigación (...)
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    Corrigendum: Self-Employment in Later Life: How Future Time Perspective and Social Support Influence Self-Employment Interest.Valerie Caines, Joanne Kaa Earl & Prashant Bordia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Are the self-employed really that poor? Income poverty and living standard among self-employed in Sweden.Ingemar Johansson Sevä & Daniel Larsson - 2015 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 6.
  9. No Masters Above: Testing Five Arguments for Self-Employment.Inigo González-Ricoy & Jahel Queralt - 2021 - In Keith Breen, The Politics and Ethics of Contemporary Work: Whither Work? Routledge.
    Despite renewed interest in work, philosophers have largely ignored self-employment. This neglect is surprising, not just because self-employment was central to classic philosophizing about work, but also given that half of the global workforce today, including one in seven workers in OECD countries, are self-employed. We start off by offering a definition of self-employment, one that accounts for its various forms while avoiding misclassifying dependent self-employed workers as independent contractors, and by mapping (...)
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  10. Grit as Predictor of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in Spain.Jose L. Arco-Tirado, Ana Bojica, Francisco Fernández-Martín & Rick H. Hoyle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Extending the growing literature on the role of grit in different life domains, this research explores the relationship between grit and involvement in entrepreneurship. The research highlights the role of personal income and satisfaction with one’s current financial situation as moderators of the relationship between grit and entrepreneurial behavior. Using a large representative sample of Spanish young adults and controlling for a number of potential confounding variables, we find that grit is modestly negatively related to the probability of involvement in (...)
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    Gain or loss? The well-being of women in self-employment.Lin Xiu & Yufei Ren - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Using data from the Chinese Household Income Project survey, we find that self-employed women have lower levels of well-being compared with their male counterparts. When comparing individuals' well-being in self-employment and wage-employment, we discover that self-employed men have higher levels of health, the standard of living, satisfaction, and life satisfaction compared with wage-employed men, whereas self-employed women have lower levels of health and life satisfaction than their counterparts in wage-employment. Furthermore, if a given (...)
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    The impact of the big five personality variables on self-employment survival.Thierry Volery & Jochen Mattes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on large, representative Australian household panel, this study investigates to what extent the Big Five personality variables influence self-employment survival and differentiates between successful or unsuccessful exit. In addition, the influence of two moderating variables, tertiary education and the motivation to become self-employed, are considered. Contrary to expectations, we found no impact of the Big Fives variable on self-employment survival in general. In the case of unsuccessful exit, we found that entrepreneurs with a higher (...)
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    Taking Care and Taking Over: Daughter’s Duty, Self-Employment, and Gendered Inheritance in Zacatecas, Mexico.Anna Veronica Banchik - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (2):296-320.
    Although disproportionate housework and care responsibilities ascribed to mothers and wives have been found to greatly impact women’s self-employment, less is known about how family-level labor structures may shape daughters’ entrepreneurship. Family business scholarship has shed partial light on this question by showing that household hierarchies and gender norms impede daughters’ recognition and inheritance within family firms in the United States. Drawing on interviews with 32 women microenterprise owners in Zacatecas, Mexico, this article builds on previous research by (...)
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    Motives for self-employment among people with disabilities in a Swedish context.Per Norstedt Germundsson - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-3 (18-3):5-22.
    Les personnes en situation de handicap sont plus souvent exclues de la vie professionnelle que les autres. L’un des moyens de promouvoir l’inclusion sur le marché du travail est le travail indépendant. L’objectif de cet article est de compléter les connaissances sur les motifs de création d’entreprise chez les personnes en situation de handicap et à capacité de travail réduite en Suède. Des données ont été recueillies auprès de seize personnes en situation de handicap à travers la Suède. Dix entretiens (...)
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    Inclusive Management Research: Persons with Disabilities and Self-Employment Activity as an Exemplar.Bruce C. Martin & Benson Honig - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):553-575.
    We highlight exclusionary practices in management research, and demonstrate through example how a more inclusive management literature can address the unique contexts of persons with disabilities, a group that is disadvantaged in society, globally. Drawing from social psychology, disability, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and vocational rehabilitation literatures, we develop and test a holistic model that demonstrates how persons with disabilities might attain meaningful work and improved self-image via self-employment, thus accessing some of the economic and social-psychological benefits (...)
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    Facilitating Healthcare Ethics Research: Assessement of Moral Reasoning and Moral Orientation from a Single Interview.Donnie J. Self & Joy D. Skeel - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (4):371.
    In recent years, the theoretical work of Gilligan in women's psychological development has led to the development of the concept of moral orientation or moral voice in contrast to the concept of moral reasoning or moral judgment developed by Kohlberg. These concepts have been of particular interest in gender studies, especially as applied to adolescence. These concepts of moral orientation and moral reasoning are being increasingly employed in healthcare ethics studies in a wide variety of settings. The recent work has (...)
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  17. Reference Librarians in Private Practice: Ethical Issues in the Transition from Employee to Self-Employment.Deborah C. Sawyer - 1995 - Journal of Information Ethics 4 (2):52-59.
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    COVID-19 Policy Actions, Trust in Government and Tax Compliance Intentions: A Study of the British Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.Zhifeng Chen, Haiming Hang & Weisha Wang - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (2):441-458.
    While the importance of fostering individual taxpayers’ (hereafter taxpayers) trust in government to encourage tax compliance is widely acknowledged, how policy actions can increase trust in government remains unclear. Thus, the main purpose of our research is to see whether policy actions that signal government benevolence during a crisis can quickly increase trust in government, and its positive implications for tax compliance intentions. Another goal of our research is to see whether such a quick change of trust is driven by (...)
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    Comparing Depressive Symptoms, Emotional Exhaustion, and Sleep Disturbances in Self-Employed and Employed Workers: Application of Approximate Bayesian Measurement Invariance.Louise E. Bergman, Claudia Bernhard-Oettel, Aleksandra Bujacz, Constanze Leineweber & Susanna Toivanen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Studies investigating differences in mental health problems between self-employed and employed workers have provided contradictory results. Many of the studies utilized scales validated for employed workers, without collecting validity evidence for making comparisons with self-employed. The aim of this study was to collect validity evidence for three different scales assessing depressive symptoms, emotional exhaustion, and sleep disturbances for employed workers, and combinators; and to test if these groups differed. We first conducted approximate measurement invariance analysis and found that (...)
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    The Relationship Between Austrian Tax Auditors and Self-Employed Taxpayers: Evidence From a Qualitative Study.Katharina Gangl, Barbara Hartl, Eva Hofmann & Erich Kirchler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447237.
    A constructive, highly professional relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers is essential for tax compliance. The aim of the present paper was to explore systematically the determinants of this relationship and related tax compliance behaviors based on the extended slippery slope framework. We used in-depth qualitative interviews with 33 self-employed taxpayers and 30 tax auditors. Interviewees described the relationship along the extended slippery slope framework concepts of power and trust. However, also novel sub-categories of power (e.g., setting deadlines) and (...)
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    Allowing Small Businesses and the Self-Employed to Buy Health Care Coverage through Public Programs.Sara Rosenbaum, Phyllis C. Borzi & Vernon Smith - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (2):193-201.
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    The goods (and bads) of selfemployment.Jahel Queralt - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (3):271-293.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Relation Between Health and Earnings in Self-Employment.Jolanda Hessels, Cornelius A. Rietveld & Peter van der Zwan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Separation From the Life Partner and Exit From Self-Employment.Leanne van Loon, Jolanda Hessels, Cornelius A. Rietveld & Peter van der Zwan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Employment as a Limitation on Self-Ownership.Julia Maskivker - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (1):27-45.
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    Self-realization and justice: A liberal-perfectionist defense of the right to freedom from employment.Samuel Arnold - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (3):e1-e3.
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    Perceived Employability and Entrepreneurial Intentions Across University Students and Job Seekers in Togo: The Effect of Career Adaptability and Self-Efficacy.Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Nambè P. Mama, Laurent Sovet, Paboussoum Pari & Jérôme Rossier - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Self-rated health among young Europeans not in employment, education or training*with a focus on the conventionally unemployed and the disengaged.Mikael Nordenmark, Katja Gillander Gådin, John Selander, Jenny Sjödin & Eva Sellström - 2015 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 6.
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    General Self-Efficacy and Employability Among Financially Underprivileged Chinese College Students: The Mediating Role of Achievement Motivation and Career Aspirations.Dan Wang, Danyang Guo, Chao Song, Lianming Hao & Zhihong Qiao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although previous research shows that general self-efficacy is related to employability, the mechanism of them is unclear. Thus, this study aims to explore the relationship between general self-efficacy and employability, examines the mediating role of achievement motivation and career aspirations among financially underprivileged college students in China. The analysis of 651 participants from six provinces indicates that general self-efficacy positively predicts employability through the mediating chain of achievement motivation and career aspirations. Based on these findings, the researchers (...)
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  30.  13
    Self-Realization and Justice: A Liberal-Perfectionist Defense of the Right to Freedom From Employment.Julia Maskivker - 2011 - Routledge.
    In this book, Maskivker argues that there ought to be a right not to participate in the paid economy in a new way; not by appealing to notions of fairness to competing conceptions of the good, but rather to a contentious (but defensible) normative ideal, namely, self-realization. In so doing, she joins a venerable tradition in ethical thought, initiated by Aristotle and developed in the work of important eighteenth and nineteenth century thinkers including Smith, Hume, and Marx.The book engages (...)
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    The Determinants of the Quantity of Health Insurance: Evidence from Self-Insured and Not Self-Insured Employer-Based Health Plans.Robin Hanson - unknown
    This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of quantity of health insurance in the context of employer-based health insurance using the micro-level data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES). It extends the previous research by including additional factors in the analysis, which significantly affect health insurance offers by employers. This paper emphasizes two determinants of employers’ insurance offer decisions that are particularly relevant: union membership and selfinsured versus not self-insured health plans. The conducted empirical analysis (...)
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    Impact of perception reduction of employment opportunities on employment pressure of college students under COVID-19 epidemic–joint moderating effects of employment policy support and job-searching self-efficacy.Shiyuan Yang, Jinxiu Yang, Longhua Yue, Jingfei Xu, Xingyu Liu, Wei Li, Hao Cheng & Guorong He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the stress interaction theory, this research constructed a model to study the joint moderating effects of the perception reduction of employment opportunities under the COVID-19 epidemic on the employment pressure of college students. With two moderating variables introduced, employment policy support and job-searching self-efficacy, this research studied the mechanism and boundary conditions of perception reduction of employment opportunities on employment pressure of college students from both individual and environmental aspects. The study found (...)
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    The effectiveness of self-regulated learning (SRL) interventions on L2 learning achievement, strategy employment and self-efficacy: A meta-analytic study.Jing Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Interventions that incorporated the teaching of self-regulated learning strategies are assumed to be effective in improving students' second language performance as they support students' SRL activity and self-efficacy. Nevertheless, previous meta-analyses largely focused on students' language learning achievement, while neglecting the instructional effects on their SRL strategy use and self-efficacy, two key factors in SRL models. This meta-analytic study was thus conducted to address the gap by synthesizing the evidence of SRL interventions in influencing students' L2 learning (...)
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    The women employment in eritrea - reflections from pre and post-independence period.Ravinder Rena - unknown
    The role of Eritrean women in thirty years war of independence brought major changes and reflects in the present demography and economy of Eritrea in the development arena. Their participation in the economy contributes to local production and income by filling the gaps left by men who died in the war or who have left the country and settled in different parts of the world. Despite the growing importance of women for the formal economy, jobs and self-employment opportunities (...)
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    Employment and disability.Angela Wegscheider & Marie-Renée Guével - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):2-7.
    Having an employment is an essential determinant of an individual’s level of independence and sense of self-worth. Earning a living through sufficiently paid work secures one’s own existence in an employment-centred society and enables people to lead independent lives. Aside from the financial benefits, employment is associated with psychological benefits such as an increased sense of belonging, reduced anxiety, and higher mental wellbeing (Jahoda, 1982). On the contrary, being unemployed inc...
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    Career Ambition as a Way of Understanding the Relation Between Locus of Control and Self-Perceived Employability Among Psychology Students.Maja Ćurić Dražić, Ivana B. Petrović & Milica Vukelić - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Exploring the Link Between Mentoring and Intangible Outcomes of Entrepreneurship: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and Moderating Effects of Gender.Martin Mabunda Baluku, Leonsio Matagi & Kathleen Otto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Entrepreneurship education is increasingly becoming a focal strategy for promoting entrepreneurship, particularly to foster entrepreneurial intentions and startups. However, learning and support are equally important after startup for novice entrepreneurs to gain a good level of confidence to manage their business and achieve the desired outcomes. Using a sample of 189 young self-employed individuals in Uganda, this study examines the differential impact of mentoring and self-efficacy on the achievement of intangible outcomes of entrepreneurship including satisfaction of need for (...)
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    Gravitational Self-force from Quantized Linear Metric Perturbations in Curved Space.Chad R. Galley - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):460-479.
    We present a formal derivation of the Mino–Sasaki–Tanaka–Quinn–Wald (MSTQW) equation describing the self-force on a (semi-) classical relativistic point mass moving under the influence of quantized linear metric perturbations on a curved background space–time. The curvature of the space–time implies that the dynamics of the particle and the field is history-dependent and as such requires a non-equilibrium formalism to ensure the consistent evolution of both particle and field, viz., the worldline influence functional and the closed- time-path (CTP) coarse-grained effective (...)
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    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms on The BodyMind Approach®: Employing Embodied Methods and Arts Practices for Self-Management.Helen Payne & Susan Deanie Margaret Brooks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The arts provide openings for symbolic expression by engaging the sensory experience in the body they become a source of insight through embodied cognition and emotion, enabling meaning-making, and acting as a catalyst for change. This synthesis of sensation and enactive, embodied expression through movement and the arts is capitalized on in The BodyMind Approach®. It is integral to this biopsychosocial, innovative, unique intervention for people suffering medically unexplained symptoms applied in primary healthcare. The relevance of embodiment and arts practices (...)
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    Eliminating the barriers to employment equity in the canadian workplace.L. E. Falkenberg & L. Boland - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (9):963-975.
    Have employment equity programs achieved the goal of equity for women in the workplace? We argue that they have not because gender stereotypes still persist. In fact, they may have created resentment and antagonism towards successful women and employment equity initiatives. Arguments are developed for the Canadian government to create a self-regulating system, in which the government plays a role of educator as opposed to monitor.
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    From political self-deception to self-deception in political theory.Alice Baderin - 2020 - Ethics and Global Politics 13 (4):26-37.
    In Political Self-Deception, Galeotti carves out valuable space for the analysis of behaviour on the part of political leaders that lies between straightforward deception and honest mistakes. In these comments I consider whether the concept of self-deception can travel from the political to the academic arena, to illuminate problems in how political theorists treat empirical data in the course of their normative work. Drawing on examples from the literature on the social bases of self-respect, I show that (...)
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    Self-Deception And The Common Life.Lloyd H. Steffen - 1986 - Lang.
    Self-Deception and the Common Life investigates the topic of self-deception from three points of view: philosophical psychology, ethics, and theology. Empirical evidence and an -ordinary language- analysis support the case that the linguistic expression 'self-deception' is literally meaningful and that the language of the common life can be trusted. After critically analyzing the cognition, translation, and action accounts, along with the contributions of Freud and Sartre, Steffen proposes a new synthetic -emotional perception- account, one that avoids paradox. (...)
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    Self-insight, other-insight, and their relation to interpersonal conflict.Barbara A. Reilly - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (2 & 3):213 – 224.
    The pessimistic conclusion that people have relatively poor insight into the weighting schemes they use when they make holistic judgements has been generally accepted among judgement researchers. The empirical research that supported this generalisation rested on indices of self-insight that were produced directly by the subjects. It was often the case that subjects were unable to correctly name even the single most important factor influencing their decisions, as indicated by a mathematical model of their judgement schemes. Using an alternate (...)
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    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity.Anna Brzezińska & Konrad Piotrowski - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):160-168.
    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity This study focused on relations between identity and sense of self-sufficiency. These relations were analysed in the context of educational and vocational activity. 204 persons without disabilities and 230 persons with different kinds of disability participated in the study. Participants were divided into three groups: 18-24-year-olds - students, 25-30-year-olds - unemployed and 25-30-year-olds - employed. The results revealed that unemployed people have significant problems with identity formation. (...)
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    Distributive Justice, Employment-at-Will and Just-Cause Dismissal.Mark Harcourt, Maureen Hannay & Helen Lam - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (2):311-325.
    Dismissal is a major issue for distributive justice at work, because it normally has a drastic impact on an employee’s livelihood, self-esteem and future career. This article examines distributive justice under the US’s employment-at-will (EAW) system and New Zealand’s just-cause dismissal system, focusing on the three main categories of dismissal, namely misconduct, poor performance and redundancy. Under EAW, employees have limited protection from dismissal and remedies are restricted to just a few so-called exceptions. Comparatively, New Zealand’s just-cause system (...)
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  46. Consciousness, self-consciousness, and meditation.Wolfgang Fasching - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4):463-483.
    Many spiritual traditions employ certain mental techniques (meditation) which consist in inhibiting mental activity whilst nonetheless remaining fully conscious, which is supposed to lead to a realisation of one’s own true nature prior to habitual self-substantialisation. In this paper I propose that this practice can be understood as a special means of becoming aware of consciousness itself as such. To explain this claim I conduct some phenomenologically oriented considerations about the nature of consciousness qua presence and the problem of (...)
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  47. Skepticism, Self-knowledge and Responsibility.David Macarthur - 2006 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington, Aspects of Knowing: Epistemological Essays. Elsevier Science. pp. 97.
    Modern skepticism can be usefully divided into two camps: the Cartesian and the Humean.1 Cartesian skepticism is a matter of a theoretical doubt that has little or no practical import in our everyday lives. Its employment concerns whether or not we can achieve a special kind of certain knowledge – something Descartes calls “scientia” 2—that is far removed from our everyday aims or standards of epistemic appraisal. Alternatively, Humean skepticism engages the ancient skeptical concern with whether we have good (...)
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    Adolescent Self-Control and Individual Physical and Mental Health in Adulthood: A Chinese Study.Fan Yang & Yao Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite its association with individual health, few studies have focused on the relationship between adolescent self-control and individual physical and mental health in adulthood. We aimed, therefore, to explore the impact of adolescent self-control on individual physical and mental health in adulthood. We employed the dataset of China Labor-Force Dynamics Surveys [CLDS]. 13,389 respondents with an average age of 45.621 years are consisted in this study. The respondents were asked to report their adolescent self-control through recall. The (...)
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    Labor and employment laws.Simon Deakin - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 308.
    A vast amount of empirical research has been compiled on labor laws yet more is called for in view of the rapid changes occurring in this field. This article discusses the attempts to individualize the relationship, as well as make labor markets more flexible. A sociological perspective on the post-war situation viewed the industrial system as stable and self-adjusting. The article emphasizes the emergence of new data sources and methods and considers the role of theory in shaping the empirical (...)
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    Self-restraint On Fundamentals.Kent Greenawalt - 1995 - In Private Consciences and Public Reasons. Oup Usa.
    This chapter is dedicated to the study of John Rawls's principle of self-restraint by a distinction among political issues: citizens and legislators should limit themselves to common grounds in respect to some range of fundamental issues, but may employ religious and other comprehensive views in making ordinary political decisions. Rawls also introduced the concept of an overlapping consensus as to some issues, a concept challenged by the assertion that viable political philosophy must depend on at least a partial comprehensive (...)
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