Results for 'Selection-coordination theory'

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  1.  24
    Rebate Strategy Selection and Channel Coordination of Competing Two-Echelon Supply Chains.Ziling Wang, Rong Zhang & Bin Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-20.
    Rebate has long been a crucial tool that has attracted researchers from a diverse range of fields including marketing and supply chain management. When a manufacturer uses a retailer for reaching end customers, the rebate strategy undertakes an additional dimension. Here we show whether the two rebate strategies, manufacturer rebate and channel rebate, can be the optimal choice for the manufacturer and the retailer. And we aim at full coordination with rebate. Game theory is exploited to identify the (...)
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    Theory of mind in schizophrenia: Damaged module or deficit in cognitive coordination?David Leiser & Udi Bonshtein - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):95-96.
    Schizophrenics exhibit a deficit in theory of mind (ToM), but an intact theory of biology (ToB). One explanation is that ToM relies on an independent module that is selectively damaged. Phillips & Silverstein's analyses suggest an alternative: ToM requires the type of coordination that is impaired in schizophrenia, whereas ToB is spared because this type of coordination is not involved.
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  3. Coordination in theory extension: How Reichenbach can help us understand endogenization in evolutionary biology.Michele Luchetti - 2021 - Synthese (3-4):1-26.
    Reichenbach’s early solution to the scientific problem of how abstract mathematical representations can successfully express real phenomena is rooted in his view of coordination. In this paper, I claim that a Reichenbach-inspired, ‘layered’ view of coordination provides us with an effective tool to systematically analyse some epistemic and conceptual intricacies resulting from a widespread theorising strategy in evolutionary biology, recently discussed by Okasha (2018) as ‘endogenization’. First, I argue that endogenization is a form of extension of natural (...) theory that comprises three stages: quasi-axiomatisation, functional extension, and semantic extension. Then, I argue that the functional extension of one core principle of natural selection theory, namely, the principle of heritability, requires the semantic extension of the concept of inheritance. This is because the semantic extension of ‘inheritance’ is necessary to establish a novel form of coordination between the principle of heritability and the extended domain of phenomena that it is supposed to represent. Finally, I suggest that – despite the current lack of consensus on the right semantic extension of ‘inheritance’ – we can fruitfully understand the reconceptualization of ‘inheritance’ provided by niche construction theorists as the result of a novel form of coordination. (shrink)
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    An Analysis of Stability Sets in pure Coordination Games.Walter Elberfeld - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (3):235-248.
    We calculate the Lebesgue–measures of the stability sets of Nash-equilibria in pure coordination games. The results allow us to observe that the ordering induced by the Lebesgue–measure of stability sets upon strict Nash-equilibria does not necessarily agree with the ordering induced by risk–dominance. Accordingly, an equilibrium selection theory based on the Lebesgue–measure of stability sets would be necessarily different from one which uses the Nash-property as a point of orientation.
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  5. History as a coordination device.Rossella Argenziano & Itzhak Gilboa - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (4):501-512.
    Coordination games often have multiple equilibria. The selection of equilibrium raises the question of belief formation: how do players generate beliefs about the behavior of other players? This article takes the view that the answer lies in history, that is, in the outcomes of similar coordination games played in the past, possibly by other players. We analyze a simple model in which a large population plays a game that exhibits strategic complementarities. We assume a dynamic process that (...)
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  6.  60
    Mitonuclear Mate Choice: A Missing Component of Sexual Selection Theory?Geoffrey E. Hill - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (3):1700191.
    The fitness of a eukaryote hinges on the coordinated function of the products of its nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in achieving oxidative phosphorylation. I propose that sexual selection plays a key role in the maintenance of mitonuclear coadaptation across generations because it enables pre-zygotic sorting for coadapted mitonuclear genotypes. At each new generation, sexual reproduction creates new combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and the potential arises for mitonuclear incompatibilities and reduced fitness. In reviewing the literature, I hypothesize that (...)
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  7.  88
    Spatial Dispersion as a Dynamic Coordination Problem.Steve Alpern & Diane J. Reyniers - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (1):29-59.
    Following Schelling (1960), coordination problems have mainly been considered in a context where agents can achieve a common goal (e.g., rendezvous) only by taking common actions. Dynamic versions of this problem have been studied by Crawford and Haller (1990), Ponssard (1994), and Kramarz (1996). This paper considers an alternative dynamic formulation in which the common goal (dispersion) can only be achieved by agents taking distinct actions. The goal of spatial dispersion has been studied in static models of habitat (...), location or congestion games, and network analysis. Our results show how this goal can be achieved gradually, by indistinguishable non-communicating agents, in a dynamic setting. (shrink)
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    Shared Representations as Coordination Tools for Interaction.Giovanni Pezzulo - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (2):303-333.
    Why is interaction so simple? This article presents a theory of interaction based on the use of shared representations as “coordination tools” (e.g., roundabouts that facilitate coordination of drivers). By aligning their representations (intentionally or unintentionally), interacting agents help one another to solve interaction problems in that they remain predictable, and offer cues for action selection and goal monitoring. We illustrate how this strategy works in a joint task (building together a tower of bricks) and discuss (...)
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  9.  18
    Motoric Mechanisms for the Emergence of Non-local Phonological Patterns.Sam Tilsen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:459898.
    Non-local phonological patterns can be difficult to analyze in the context of speech production models. Some patterns – e.g., vowel harmonies, nasal harmonies – can be readily analyzed to arise from temporal extension of articulatory gestures (i.e., spreading); such patterns can be viewed as articulatorily local. However, there are other patterns – e.g., nasal consonant harmony, laryngeal feature harmony – which cannot be analyzed as spreading; instead these patterns appear to enforce agreement between features of similar segments without affecting intervening (...)
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  10.  73
    Selection rules for dipole radiation from a relativistic bound state.M. C. Land, R. I. Arshansky & L. P. Horwitz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (4):563-578.
    Recently, in the framework of a relativistic quantum theory with invariant evolution parameter, solutions have been found for the two-body bound state, whose mass spectrum agrees with the nonrelativistic Schrödinger energy spectrum. In this paper, we study the radiative transitions of these states in the dipole approximation and find that the selection rules are identical with those of the usual nonrelativistic theory, expressed in a manifestly covariant form. In addition to the transverse and longitudinal polarizations of the (...)
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  11.  29
    Learning and Coordination: Inductive Deliberation, Equilibrium, and Convention.Peter Vanderschraaf - 2001 - Routledge.
    Vanderschraaf develops a new theory of game theory equilibrium selection in this book. The new theory defends general correlated equilibrium concepts and suggests a new analysis of convention.
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  12.  20
    A behavioral study of “noise” in coordination games.Michael Mäs & Heinrich H. Nax - unknown
    ‘Noise’ in this study, in the sense of evolutionary game theory, refers to deviations from prevailing behavioral rules. Analyzing data from a laboratory experiment on coordination in networks, we tested ‘what kind of noise’ is supported by behavioral evidence. This empirical analysis complements a growing theoretical literature on ‘how noise matters’ for equilibrium selection. We find that the vast majority of decisions constitute myopic best responses, but deviations continue to occur with probabilities that are sensitive to their (...)
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  13.  13
    Clustering and Prediction Analysis of the Coordinated Development of China’s Regional Economy Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm.Yang Yang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Since the opening of the economy, China’s regional economy has developed rapidly, the overall national strength has been increasing, and the people’s living standards have been continuously improved. The issue of coordinated regional development has become an important issue in today’s society. Genetic algorithm is a kind of prediction algorithm that has developed rapidly in recent years and is widely used. However, when solving engineering prediction problems, there are often problems such as premature convergence and easiness to fall into local (...)
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  14. Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency.Michael Bratman - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of essays by one of the most prominent and internationally respected philosophers of action theory is concerned with deepening our understanding of the notion of intention. In Bratman's view, when we settle on a plan for action we are committing ourselves to future conduct in ways that help support important forms of coordination and organization both within the life of the agent and interpersonally. These essays enrich that account of commitment involved in intending, and explore its (...)
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  15. Cooperation, psychological game theory, and limitations of rationality in social interaction.Andrew M. Colman - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):139-153.
    Rational choice theory enjoys unprecedented popularity and influence in the behavioral and social sciences, but it generates intractable problems when applied to socially interactive decisions. In individual decisions, instrumental rationality is defined in terms of expected utility maximization. This becomes problematic in interactive decisions, when individuals have only partial control over the outcomes, because expected utility maximization is undefined in the absence of assumptions about how the other participants will behave. Game theory therefore incorporates not only rationality but (...)
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  16.  35
    Research on the Coordination Mechanism of Value Cocreation of Innovation Ecosystems: Evidence from a Chinese Artificial Intelligence Enterprise.Yu Chen, Yantai Chen, Yanlin Guo & Yanfei Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    This paper models the game process of the value cocreation of enterprises based on evolutionary game theory. The factors influencing value cocreation are found through mathematical analysis. Taking iFLYTEK as an example, a representative enterprise of artificial intelligence in China, six factors affecting value cocreation are verified, which are the excess return rate, the distribution coefficient of the excess return rate, coordination costs in the system, the cost-sharing coefficient, imitation costs, and penalties. These six factors have a profound (...)
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  17. Team Reasoning as a Guide to Coordination.Bernd Lahno & Amrei Lahno - 2014 - Munich Discussion Paper No 2014-8.
    A particular problem of traditional Rational Choice Theory is that it cannot explain equilibrium selection in simple coordination games. In this paper we analyze and discuss the solution concept for common coordination problems as incorporated in the theory of Team Reasoning (TR). Special consideration is given to TR’s concept of opportunistic choice and to the resulting restrictions in using private information. We report results from a laboratory experiment in which teams were given a chance to (...)
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  18.  41
    Game theory and partner representation in joint action: toward a computational theory of joint agency.Cecilia De Vicariis, Vinil T. Chackochan & Vittorio Sanguineti - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (3):599-628.
    The sense of agency – the subjective feeling of being in control of our own actions – is one central aspect of the phenomenology of action. Computational models provided important contributions toward unveiling the mechanisms underlying the sense of agency in individual action. In particular, the sense of agency is believed to be related to the match between the actual and predicted consequences of our own actions (comparator model). In the study of joint action, models are even more necessary to (...)
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  19.  45
    A Mind Selected by Needs: Explaining Logical Animals by Evolution.Fabian Seitz - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (4):579-597.
    Explaining humans as rational creatures—capable of deductive reasoning—remains challenging for evolutionary naturalism. Schechter 437–464, 2011, 2013) proposes to link the evolution of this kind of reasoning with the ability to plan. His proposal, however, does neither include any elaborated theory on how logical abilities came into being within the hominin lineage nor is it sufficiently supported by empirical evidence. I present such a theory in broad outline and substantiate it with archeological findings. It is argued that the cognitive (...)
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  20.  50
    Behavioral Economics, Federalism, and the Triumph of Stakeholder Theory.Allen Kaufman & Ernie Englander - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):421-438.
    Stakeholder theorists distinguish between normative stakeholders, those who gain moral standing by making contributions to the firm, and derivative stakeholders, those who can constrain the corporate association even though they make no contribution. The board of directors has the legal authority to distinguish among these stakeholder groups and to distribute rights and obligations among these stakeholder groups. To be sure, this stakeholder formulation appropriately seizes on the firm’s voluntary, associative character. Yet, the firm’s constituents contribute assets and incur risks to (...)
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  21.  78
    What Is Management and What Do Managers Do? A Systems Theory Account.Bruce G. Charlton & Peter Andras - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (3):3-15.
    Systems Theory analyses the world in terms of communications and divides the natural world into environment and systems. Systems are characterised by their high density of communications and tend to become more complex and efficient with time, usually by means of increased specialisation and coordination of functions. Management is an organisational sub-system which models all necessary aspects of organisational activity such that this model may be used for monitoring, prediction and planning of the organisation as a whole. The (...)
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  22.  5
    Causes of the plagiarism: A grounded theory study.Parvin Abbasi, Javad Yoosefi-Lebni, Amir Jalali, Arash Ziapour & Parichehr Nouri - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):282-296.
    Background: Plagiarism is an ethical and academic issue, which is affected by several factors. Objectives: This study is an attempt to introduce a model for elaborating on the causes of plagiarism in Iran. Research design: The study was carried out as a grounded theory study. Participants and research context: Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 32 university professors and postgraduate students at Iranian universities of medical sciences. The participants were selected through purposeful and theoretical sampling. Data analysis (...)
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  23.  36
    The Scene Perception & Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT) Applied to Visual Narratives.Lester C. Loschky, Adam M. Larson, Tim J. Smith & Joseph P. Magliano - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):311-351.
    Understanding how people comprehend visual narratives (including picture stories, comics, and film) requires the combination of traditionally separate theories that span the initial sensory and perceptual processing of complex visual scenes, the perception of events over time, and comprehension of narratives. Existing piecemeal approaches fail to capture the interplay between these levels of processing. Here, we propose the Scene Perception & Event Comprehension Theory (SPECT), as applied to visual narratives, which distinguishes between front-end and back-end cognitive processes. Front-end processes (...)
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  24. Aestheticism in the Theory of Custom.Ekkehart Schlicht - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (1):33-52.
    The nature of learning processes as well as evolutionary considerations suggest that aesthetic judgement is of central importance in the formation of custom. Learning and extrapolation rely on evaluations of non-instrumental features like simplicity, analogy, straightforwardness, and clarity. Further, learning is particularly effective if it is driven by an active desire to uncover new regularities, rather than merely gathering information in a passive way.From an evolutionary perspective, learning has evolved as an adaptation to fast and transitory environmental changes which cannot (...)
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  25.  32
    Against Guala and Hindriks’ functionalist theory of institutions.Louis Larue - forthcoming - Journal of Social Ontology.
    What explains the existence and persistence of institutions? This article centres on Guala and Hindriks' functionalist theory of institutions, which explains their existence and persistence by their overall beneficial consequences, where these consequences are not the intentional product of individual or collective human decisions. According to them, institutions exist and persist because they generate “cooperative benefits”, through their ability to solve coordination problems. This article aims to show that their theory is lacking in at least three respects. (...)
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  26. Selection type theories.Lindley Darden & Joseph A. Cain - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):106-129.
    Selection type theories solve adaptation problems. Natural selection, clonal selection for antibody production, and selective theories of higher brain function are examples. An abstract characterization of typical selection processes is generated by analyzing and extending previous work on the nature of natural selection. Once constructed, this abstraction provides a useful tool for analyzing the nature of other selection theories and may be of use in new instances of theory construction. This suggests the potential (...)
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  27.  45
    A natural philosophy of quantum mechanics based on induction.Walter M. Elsasser - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (1):117-137.
    A systematic effort is here made to express some of the general results of quantum mechanics in a conceptual form closer to ordinary language than is the case with most modern physics. Many of the implications of the theory appear much more clearly thereby, in particular the fact that the laws of quantum mechanics are only statistical propositions about classes, not referring to individual objects. Conversely, the microscopic structure of an object cannot be precisely defined in quantum mechanical terms. (...)
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  28.  12
    Concentration in contemporary society: Towards a theory of crisis based on Marx and Luhmann.Rafael Alvear - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):66-80.
    When examining the current form that modern society has acquired, it is hard to overlook the emergence of a systemic dimension that has become far removed from its social-symbolic roots. This systemic dimension is the result of a process of functional differentiation and simultaneous growth that has led to the gradual formation of social systems that, alongside their coordinating effect, give rise to multiple conflicts or crises. But how are the crises of modern societies to be understood in light of (...)
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  29.  20
    Coordination Theory.Hans G. Herzberger - 1978 - In A. Hooker, J. J. Leach & E. F. McClennen, Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Vol.II: Epistemic and Social Applications. D. Reidel. pp. 163--204.
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  30.  54
    Partner selection, coordination games, and group selection.Michael S. Alvard - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):80-81.
    The process of partner selection reflects ethnographic realities where cooperative rewards obtain that would otherwise be lost to loners. Baumard et al. neglect frequency-dependent processes exemplified by games of coordination. Such games can produce multiple equilibria that may or may not include fair outcomes. Additional, group-selection processes are required to produce the outcomes predicted by the models.
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  31.  10
    (1 other version)Selectivity and Theory Choice.Mattl Sintonen - 1986 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986 (1):364-373.
    In his 1982 Presidential Address to the PSA Ernan McMullin proposed that the Kuhnian “revolution” in the philosophy of science amounts, in part, to the growing awareness that theory-appraisal is to be modelled on decisions and value judgments rather than rule-governed inferences (McMullin 1983). This viewpoint has its attractions but needs developing before it can satisfy skeptics, such as Larry Laudan. For Laudan complains that Kuhn has provided no general model to back up his value-geared account, and that the (...)
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  32. A Generalized Selected Effects Theory of Function.Justin Garson - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (3):523-543.
    I present and defend the generalized selected effects theory (GSE) of function. According to GSE, the function of a trait consists in the activity that contributed to its bearer’s differential reproduction, or differential retention, within a population. Unlike the traditional selected effects (SE) theory, it does not require that the functional trait helped its bearer reproduce; differential retention is enough. Although the core theory has been presented previously, I go significantly beyond those presentations by providing a new (...)
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  33.  61
    The Rules of Information Aggregation and Emergence of Collective Intelligent Behavior.Luís M. A. Bettencourt - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (4):598-620.
    Information is a peculiar quantity. Unlike matter and energy, which are conserved by the laws of physics, the aggregation of knowledge from many sources can in fact produce more information (synergy) or less (redundancy) than the sum of its parts. This feature can endow groups with problem‐solving strategies that are superior to those possible among noninteracting individuals and, in turn, may provide a selection drive toward collective cooperation and coordination. Here we explore the formal properties of information aggregation (...)
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  34.  49
    Superposition in quantum and relativity physics—An interaction interpretation of special relativity theory: Part III. [REVIEW]Richard Schlegel - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (2):197-215.
    With the interaction interpretation, the Lorentz transformation of a system arises with selection from a superposition of its states in an observation-interaction. Integration of momentum states of a mass over all possible velocities gives the rest-mass energy. Static electrical and magnetic fields are not found to form such a superposition and are to be taken as irreducible elements. The external superposition consists of those states that are reached only by change of state of motion, whereas the internal superposition contains (...)
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  35.  77
    The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness. [REVIEW]Barry Allen - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):559-559.
    Darwin had a hypothesis about descent with modification, and a Spencerian view of the evolution as selfish conflict. Biology remains marked by the dualism today. Many, inside the discipline and out, suppose that taking an evolutionary perspective just is to seek the secret selfishness that “explains” a successful form of life. Nowhere is this view of evolution more entrenched than in the theory specialists call Sexual Selection, a theory on the evolution of everything that differentiates the sexes. (...)
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    Group selection: The theory replaces the bogey man.David Sloan Wilson & Elliott Sober - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):639-654.
    In both biology and the human sciences, social groups are sometimes treated as adaptive units whose organization cannot be reduced to individual interactions. This group-level view is opposed by a more individualistic one that treats social organization as a byproduct of self-interest. According to biologists, group-level adaptations can evolve only by a process of natural selection at the group level. Most biologists rejected group selection as an important evolutionary force during the 1960s and 1970s but a positive literature (...)
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  37.  77
    Creative Coordinations: Theory and Style of Knowledge in P. Dumouchel's Emotions.Luisa Damiano - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):568-575.
    This article is a review of Paul Dumouchel's Emotions which focuses on the two levels of his emotion theory and heuristic. It interprets them both as the expression, in the domain of emotions, of a post-classical conception of nature and science that belongs to the tradition of scientific research on self-organization. Its main thesis, which is also shared by Emotions , is that creativity in nature and science corresponds to a process of coordination.
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  38. The nature of selection: evolutionary theory in philosophical focus.Elliott Sober - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Nature of Selection is a straightforward, self-contained introduction to philosophical and biological problems in evolutionary theory. It presents a powerful analysis of the evolutionary concepts of natural selection, fitness, and adaptation and clarifies controversial issues concerning altruism, group selection, and the idea that organisms are survival machines built for the good of the genes that inhabit them. "Sober's is the answering philosophical voice, the voice of a first-rate philosopher and a knowledgeable student of contemporary evolutionary (...)
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    Factors affecting faculty conformity in South China universities.Chuang Xu & Yuan-Cheng Chang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on social contagion theory, this study examines the mediating role of formalization of organizational structure between organizational identification and faculty conformity. It also analyzes the moderating role of conflict management style between organizational identification and faculty conformity, and formalization of organizational structure and faculty conformity in universities in Hunan province, China. Convenience sampling was employed to select the subjects, and 1,024 Chinese faculty members including teaching staff and administrative staff were surveyed online with the questionnaire consist of organizational (...)
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    Kin Preference and Partner Choice.David A. Nolin - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):156-176.
    This paper presents a comparison of social kinship (patrilineage) and biological kinship (genetic relatedness) in predicting cooperative relationships in two different economic contexts in the fishing and whaling village of Lamalera, Indonesia. A previous analysis (Alvard, Human Nature 14:129–163, 2003) of boat crew affiliation data collected in the village in 1999 found that social kinship (patrilineage) was a better predictor of crew affiliation than was genetic kinship. A replication of this analysis using similar data collected in 2006 finds the same (...)
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  41. Population Epistemology: Information Flow in Evolutionary Processes.William F. Harms - 1996 - Dissertation, University of California, Irvine
    Evolutionary theory offers the possibility of building an epistemology that requires neither a theory of truth nor a definition of knowledge, thus bypassing some of the more notable difficulties with standard approaches to epistemology. Following a critique of one of the most popular approaches to thinking about cultural evolution I argue for a frequentist approach to evolutionary epistemology, and that cultural transmission should be understood as coordinated phenotypic variability within groups of closely related organisms. I construct a formal (...)
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  42.  53
    The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus.Robert N. Brandon - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (4):614.
  43.  69
    Edward O. Wilson and the Organicist Tradition.Abraham H. Gibson - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (4):599-630.
    Edward O. Wilson’s recent decision to abandon kin selection theory has sent shockwaves throughout the biological sciences. Over the past two years, more than a hundred biologists have signed letters protesting his reversal. Making sense of Wilson’s decision and the controversy it has spawned requires familiarity with the historical record. This entails not only examining the conditions under which kin selection theory first emerged, but also the organicist tradition against which it rebelled. In similar fashion, one (...)
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  44. The Evolution of Social Contracts.Michael Vlerick - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):181-203.
    Influential thinkers such as Young, Sugden, Binmore, and Skyrms have developed game-theoretic accounts of the emergence, persistence and evolution of social contracts. Social contracts are sets of commonly understood rules that govern cooperative social interaction within societies. These naturalistic accounts provide us with valuable and important insights into the foundations of human societies. However, current naturalistic theories focus mainly on how social contracts solve coordination problems in which the interests of the individual participants are aligned, not competition problems in (...)
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  45. The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus.Elliott Sober - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (3):397-399.
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    The poetics of babytalk.David S. Miall & Ellen Dissanayake - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (4):337-364.
    Caretaker-infant attachment is a complex but well-recognized adaptation in humans. An early instance of (or precursor to) attachment behavior is the dyadic interaction between adults and infants of 6 to 24 weeks, commonly called "babytalk." Detailed analysis of 1 minute of spontaneous babytalk with an 8-week infant shows that the poetic texture of the mother’s speech—specifically its use of metrics, phonetics, and foregrounding—helps to shape and direct the baby’s attention, as it also coordinates the partners’ emotional communication. We hypothesize that (...)
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  47. Populations of Neurons and Rocks? Against a Generalization of the Selected Effects Theory of Functions.Jakob Roloff - 2023 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 37 (2-4):69-87.
    Millikan’s (1984. Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories: New Foundations for Realism. MIT Press) selected effects theory of functions states that functions are effects for which the ancestors of a trait were selected for. As the function is an effect a thing’s ancestors produced, only things that are reproductions in some sense can have functions. Against this reproduction requirement, Garson (2019. What Biological Functions Are and Why They Matter. Cambridge University Press) argues that not only processes of differential reproduction (...)
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  48.  30
    La prospettiva gerarchica dell’evoluzione. The Hierarchy Group e la storia di un dibattito internazionale.Andrea Parravicini - 2016 - Nóema 7 (2).
    Il saggio prende in esame la prospettiva gerarchica sull’evoluzione e ne ripercorre la storia e gli sviluppi fino ad arrivare alla sua versione più recente, elaborata da Niles Eldredge. Quest’ultima è stata fatta oggetto di studi e di ricerche nell’ambito del progetto internazionale del Hierarchy Group, un network di ricerca composto da studiosi altamente qualificati appartenenti ai campi più disparati, dalla biologia evoluzionistica alla paleontologia, dalla filosofia della biologia alla biologia molecolare. I risultati delle ricerche, coordinate dal Dipartimento di Biologia (...)
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    Evolution despite natural selection? Emergence theory and the ever elusive link between adaptation and adaptability.Alexander V. Badyaev - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (3):249-255.
  50.  9
    The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus. [REVIEW]Robert S. Brandon - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (4):614-617.
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