Results for 'Sebastian Türk'

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  1. What Was the Syntax‐Semantics Debate in the Philosophy of Science About?Sebastian Lutz - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):319-352.
    The debate between critics of syntactic and semantic approaches to the formalization of scientific theories has been going on for over 50 years. I structure the debate in light of a recent exchange between Hans Halvorson, Clark Glymour, and Bas van Fraassen and argue that the only remaining disagreement concerns the alleged difference in the dependence of syntactic and semantic approaches on languages of predicate logic. This difference turns out to be illusory.
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    Space of Culture: Towards a Neo Kantian Philosophy Culture.Sebastian Luft - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Sebastian Luft presents and defends the philosophy of culture championed by the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. Following a historical trajectory from Hermann Cohen to Paul Natorp and through to Ernst Cassirer, this book makes a systematic case for the viability and attractiveness of a philosophical culture in a transcendental vein, in the manner in which the Marburgers intended to broaden Kant's approach.
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  3. Armchair Philosophy Naturalized.Sebastian Lutz - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1099-1125.
    Carnap suggests that philosophy can be construed as being engaged solely in conceptual engineering. I argue that since many results of the sciences can be construed as stemming from conceptual engineering as well, Carnap’s account of philosophy can be methodologically naturalistic. This is also how he conceived of his account. That the sciences can be construed as relying heavily on conceptual engineering is supported by empirical investigations into scientific methodology, but also by a number of conceptual considerations. I present a (...)
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  4. Expressivism, meaning, and all that.Sebastian Köhler - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):337-356.
    It has recently been suggested that meta-normative expressivism is best seen as a meta-semantic, rather than a semantic view. One strong motivation for this is that expressivism becomes, thereby, compatible with truth-conditional semantics. While this approach is promising, however, many of its details are still unexplored. One issue that still needs to be explored in particular, is what accounts of propositional contents are open to meta-semantic expressivists. This paper makes progress on this issue by developing an expressivist-friendly deflationary account of (...)
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  5. What is the Problem with Fundamental Moral Error?Sebastian Köhler - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):161-165.
    Quasi-realists argue that meta-ethical expressivism is fully compatible with the central assumptions underlying ordinary moral practice. In a recent paper, Andy Egan has developed a vexing challenge for this project, arguing that expressivism is incompatible with central assumptions about error in moral judgments. In response, Simon Blackburn has argued that Egan's challenge fails, because Egan reads the expressivist as giving an account of moral error, rather than an account of judgments about moral error. In this paper I argue that the (...)
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  6. Husserl’s concept of the ‘transcendental person’: Another look at the Husserl–Heidegger relationship.Sebastian Luft - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (2):141-177.
    This paper offers a further look at Husserl’s late thought on the transcendental subject and the Husserl–Heidegger relationship. It attempts a reconstruction of how Husserl hoped to assert his own thoughts on subjectivity vis-à-vis Heidegger, while also pointing out where Husserl did not reach the new level that Heidegger attained. In his late manuscripts, Husserl employs the term ‘transcendental person’ to describe the transcendental ego in its fullest ‘concretion’. I maintain that although this concept is a consistent development of Husserl’s (...)
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  7. On an Allegedly Essential Feature of Criteria for the Demarcation of Science.Sebastian Lutz - 2011 - The Reasoner 5 (8):125–126.
    Laudan’s argument against the possibility of a demarcation criterion for scientific theories rests on establishing that any criterion must be a necessary and sufficient condition. But Laudan’s argument at most establishes that any criterion must provide a necessary condition and a possibly different sufficient condition. His own claims suggest that such a criterion is possible.
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  8. Expressivism and Mind-Dependence.Sebastian Köhler - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (6):750-764.
    Despite the efforts of meta-ethical expressivists to rebut such worries, one objection raised over and over again against expressivism is that, if the theory is true, matters of morality must be mind-dependent in some objectionable way. This paper develops an argument which not only shows that this is and cannot be the case, but also – and perhaps more importantly – offers a diagnosis why philosophers are nevertheless so often led to think otherwise.
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  9. Macht und Gewalt in der Philosophie Franz von Baaders.Sebastian Helberger-Frobenius - 1969 - Bonn: H, Bouvier.
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    Practical Expressivism.Sebastian Köhler - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (4):515-518.
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  11. Partial Model Theory as Model Theory.Sebastian Lutz - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
    I show that the partial truth of a sentence in a partial structure is equivalent to the truth of that sentence in an expansion of a structure that corresponds naturally to the partial structure. Further, a mapping is a partial homomorphism/partial isomorphism between two partial structures if and only if it is a homomorphism/isomorphism between their corresponding structures. It is a corollary that the partial truth of a sentence in a partial structure is equivalent to the truth of a specific (...)
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    Interpretation and Decoherence: A Contribution to the Debate Vassallo & Esfeld Versus Crull.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (11):1423-1427.
    Two recent papers appeared in FOOP disagree regarding the role played by decoherence in quantum physics. On the one hand, Elise Crull considers that decoherence, by itself, solves many conceptual problems in quantum physics, with no need of interpretative considerations. On the other hand, Antonio Vassallo and Michael Esfeld reply by correctly claiming that, although decoherence is a powerful tool to deal with conceptual problems, it does not dispense us from interpreting the formalism. In this brief note we want to (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Proaíresis, libertad y liberación en las Disertaciones de Epicteto.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 58 (1):7-22.
    El objetivo de las presentes páginas consiste en analizar el concepto de libertad en las Disertaciones de Epicteto, centrándonos sobre la posibilidad de la libertad y su articulación con el concepto de proaíresis. Demostraremos que la libertad no puede ser comprendida en la obra de Epicteto simplemente como un proceso negativo de liberación respecto de determinaciones (externas e internas), sino que exige un momento complementario de sustitución de las determinaciones erróneas por determinaciones racionales/virtuosas. Tal conclusión exigirá precisar que la proaíresis (...)
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    Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Outcome Questionnaire OQ-30.2.Paula Errázuriz, Sebastián Opazo, Alex Behn, Oscar Silva & Sergio Gloger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    alles Menschliche insgesammt ist des grossen Ernstes nicht werth; trotzdem – –.Andreas Urs Sommer, Sebastian Kaufmann & Katharina Grätz - 2021 - Nietzscheforschung 28 (1):173-175.
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Historiography in Marburg Neo-Kantianism: The Example of Cassirer’s Erkenntnisproblem.Sebastian Luft - 2015 - In Valentin Pluder & Gerald Hartung, From Hegel to Windelband: Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century. Boston: DE GRUYTER. pp. 181-206.
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    Knowledge, Intellect and Being in Damascius’ Doubts and Solutions Concerning First Principles.Sebastian Gertz - 2016 - Ancient Philosophy 36 (2):479-494.
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    The parting of the ways revisited: on the status of analytic and continental today - A proposal for a “synthetic philosophy”.Sebastian Luft - 2024 - Geltung - Revista de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea 2 (2):e67191.
    In this article, I deal with the phenomenon, known to today’s philosophers, as the split between analytic and continental philosophy. I provide a historical-institutional explanation for this split and then a propose a type of doing philosophy beyond the divide, which I call “synthetic philosophy.” Synthetic philosophy should take and synthesize the best of both traditions into a new form of philosophy, which I recommend for the future.
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  19. Introduction.Vandevelde Pol & Luft Sebastian - 2010 - In Pol Vandevelde & Sebastian Luft, Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl's Corpus. Continuum.
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    Conciencia, intencionalidad y lenguaje: el reconocimiento agencial como base de la ontología social.Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):175-210.
    El presente artículo dialoga con la perspectiva del profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, John Searle en su perspectiva acerca de la conciencia, los actos de habla en lo que tiene que ver con la creación de hechos institucionales y su tesis emergentista. Esto con la idea de proponer la lectura del filósofo estadounidense en base a una pragmática de la expresión, que identifica al agente como centro de la creación y transformación social, y por tanto de movilización política, al (...)
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    Schmücker, Reinold: Gibt es einen gerechten Krieg?Christoph Sebastian Widdau - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (1):51-54.
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  22. Kant, Neo-Kantianism, and phenomenology.Sebastian Luft - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi, Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Von der mannigfaltigen Bedeutung der Reduktion nach Husserl: Reflexionen zur Grundbedeutung des zentralen Begriffs der transzendentalen Phänomenologie.Sebastian Luft - 2012 - Phänomenologische Forschungen:5-29.
    This paper takes a renewed look at Husserl's method of the phenomenological reduction. It interprets "the reduction" as shorthand for the meaning of Husserl's entire phenomenology in its mature stage. In the same way, the method of reduction might have different manners of execution but they are nevertheless guided by a common intent. The text takes its starting point by considering the different metaphors Husserl uses - the "flatland creatures" and the reduction as akin to a religious conversion - and (...)
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    Down but Not Out: Union Resurgence and Segmented Neocorporatism in Argentina.Ruth Berins Collier & Sebastián Etchemendy - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):363-401.
    The shift from state-led import-substitution industrialization to more market-oriented economic models often has the result of shrinking and demobilizing the labor movement. Yet, evidence from Argentina suggests that a subsequent resurgence of even a downsized labor movement may occur and furthermore that a type of “segmented neocorporatism” may be established in the new economic context. We argue that the establishment of this new form of interest intermediation is driven by economic and political factors that are both immediate and longer term. (...)
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  25. Cross-linguistic research on language production.Albert Costa, F.-Xavier Alario & Sebastián-Gallés & Núria - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Semantik: eine Einführung.Sebastian Löbner - 2015 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    The book offers an up-to-date introduction to the essential phenomena, issues, and theoretical approaches of linguistic semantics. It covers the key aspects of word and sentence semantics. In his step-by-step development of the theme, the author puts great stock in the consistency, coherence, and understandability of the scientific approach. The new edition has been extensively revised, expanded, and updated.
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    Raum Wissen Medien: Zur Raumtheoretischen Reformulierung des Medienbegriffs.Dorit Müller & Sebastian Scholz (eds.) - 2012 - Transcript.
    Long description: Trotz ”Spatial Turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften bildet die Verknüpfung von Raum, Wissen und Medien noch immer ein Forschungsdesiderat. Dem begegnet dieser Band, indem er die Wechselverhältnisse von räumlichen Zusammenhängen, medialen Konstellationen und Wissenskonstitution untersucht. Die medien- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge analysieren sowohl räumliche und mediale Bedingungen wissenschaftlicher Praxis als auch Räume und Räumlichkeiten von Medien. Dabei richten sie den Blick vornehmlich auf die Konstruktionsweisen von Wissensräumen durch analoge und digitale Medien und fragen aus einer topologischen Perspektive nach der epistemischen (...)
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    The word of God: Kerygma and theorem, a note.Dom Sebastian Moore - 1964 - Heythrop Journal 5 (3):268–275.
  29. El problema ético de la intimidación en deporte: la aportación de una ética hermenéutica como cardio-ética.Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes - 2013 - Analogía Filosófica 27 (2):157-186.
  30. Muzica de ieri şi muzica de azi.Radu-Sebastian Ungureanu - 2002 - Dilema 491:7.
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    Correction: Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations.Sebastian Billows, Elizabeth Carter, Marc-Olivier Déplaude, Loïc Mazenc, Geneviève Nguyen, François Purseigle, Annie Royer & Allison Loconto - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-1.
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    Die Metaphysik der menschlichen Freiheit.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2):211-238.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 211-238.
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    Kant’s Practical Postulates and the Development of German Idealism.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - In Anders Moe Rasmussen & Markus Gabriel, German Idealism Today. Boston ;: De Gruyter. pp. 27-72.
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    Comments on Samantha Matherne’s Cassirer.Sebastian Luft - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):1182-1191.
    Samantha Matherne’s Cassirer (in the series Routledge Philosophers) is at the top of the list of newer research testifying to the recent Cassirer renaissance.1 While this book marks a formal end po...
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    Book Review: Visual Representations in Science.Sebastian De Haro - forthcoming - Grazer Philosophische Studien.
    Review of Nicola Möβner’s 'Visual Representations in Science. Concept and Epistemology'. Forthcoming in Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    Wielkość i piękno filozofii.Józef Lipiec & Sebastian Kołodziejczyk (eds.) - 2003 - Kraków: Collegium Columbinum.
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    Multiscale characterisation of diffuse granular failure.Antoinette Tordesillas, Sebastian Pucilowski, Luc Sibille, François Nicot & Félix Darve - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (36):4547-4587.
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    Two Constants in Carnap’s View on Scientific Theories.Sebastian Lutz - 2021 - In Sebastian Lutz & Adam Tamas Tuboly, Logical Empiricism and the Physical Sciences: From Philosophy of Nature to Philosophy of Physics. New York: Routledge. pp. 354-378.
    The received view on the development of the correspondence rules in Carnap’s philosophy of science is that at first, Carnap assumed the explicit definability of all theoretical terms in observational terms and later weakened this assumption. In the end, he conjectured that all observational terms can be explicitly defined in in theoretical terms, but not vice versa. I argue that from the very beginning, Carnap implicitly held this last view, albeit at times in contradiction to his professed position. To establish (...)
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    Sobre el legado crítico: dos perspectivas sobre la Ilustración.Sebastián León - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:33-53.
    The present essay approaches two different conceptions of Enlightenment and modernity. The first part considers Michel Foucault’s understanding of modernity as an “attitude” or “critical ethos” belonging to that age, that necessarily questions that which we have come to be in various contingent processes ; the second part considers Jürgen Habermas’s proposal, which invites us to understand modernity as an “unfinished project”, as a certain potential or rational ideal that is still to be carried out. Towards the end of the (...)
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    Reference, Description, and Explanation. Where Metaphysics Went Wrong?Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2009 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (2):175-191.
    The classical arguments against metaphysics provided by Immanuel Kant, neopositivists and recently by analytical philosophers focus on the problem of meaning. In my paper I would like to shed a little bit of light on different dimensions of this problem in the metaphysical discourse and make a proposition how to overcome the difficulties that arise from this kind of discourse.
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    Theory of Transcendentals and the Basic Furniture of Mind Hypothesis.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):57-74.
    This paper is devoted to one of the most intriguing theory that was invented by medieval theologians and philosophers in order to explain the nature of God. I am not personally keen on the theological dimension of this idea, I would rather like to focus on its promising philosophical usefulness and its explanatory power. For the very long time I was hesitating what aspect of this theory to choose as the most interesting and most illuminating. I eventually made a decision (...)
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  42. Newman’s Objection is Dead; Long Live Newman’s Objection!Sebastian Lutz - manuscript
    There are two ways of reading Newman’s objection to Russell’s structuralism. One assumes that according to Russell, our knowledge of a theory about the external world is captured by an existential generalization on all non-logical symbols of the theory. Under this reading, our knowledge amounts to a cardinality claim. Another reading assumes that our knowledge singles out a structure in Russell’s (and Newman’s) sense: a model theoretic structure that is determined up to isomorphism. Under this reading, our knowledge is far (...)
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    5. Das Politische in der Ontologie der Person.Sebastian Edinger - 2017 - In Das Politische in der Ontologie der Person: Helmuth Plessners Philosophische Anthropologie Im Verhältnis Zu den Substanzontologien von Aristoteles Und Edith Stein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 326-390.
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    (1 other version)Einleitung.Sebastian Edinger - 2017 - In Das Politische in der Ontologie der Person: Helmuth Plessners Philosophische Anthropologie Im Verhältnis Zu den Substanzontologien von Aristoteles Und Edith Stein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-9.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Sebastian Edinger - 2017 - In Das Politische in der Ontologie der Person: Helmuth Plessners Philosophische Anthropologie Im Verhältnis Zu den Substanzontologien von Aristoteles Und Edith Stein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 410-416.
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    Reply to Dews, and a plea for Schelling.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):179-191.
    The discussion is a response to Dews on the question of how Schelling's Freiheitsschrift should be interpreted. It falls into two halves, the first defending my interpretation, and the second expanding on the case that Dews makes for the unavoidability of metaphysics in the theory of human freedom, with which I am in full agreement. The main criticism that Dews makes of my reading is that the argument I attribute to Schelling concerning the metaphysical significance of evil rests on Kantian (...)
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    Das Leben, der Tod und das Leben der Anderen.Sebastian Knell - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2):367-380.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 367-380.
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    Karin Wondracek: Psychoanalyse und Lebensphänomenologie.Sebastian Knöpker - 2013 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 66 (4):414-419.
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    Przewodnik po Metafizyce.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk (ed.) - 2011 - WAM.
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    Teoria transcendentaliów a hipoteza o podstawowym wyposażeniu umysłu.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2005 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10:69-74.
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