Results for 'Sebastian Ristow'

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  1.  9
    Frühes Christentum bei den Alamannen. Strukturelle Betrachtung und methodische Fragen.Sebastian Ristow - 2017 - In Sebastian Brather (ed.), Recht Und Kultur Im Frühmittelalterlichen Alemannien: Rechtsgeschichte, Archäologie Und Geschichte des 7. Und 8. Jahrhunderts. De Gruyter. pp. 333-346.
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    Generative AI and medical ethics: the state of play.Hazem Zohny, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp & John McMillan - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):75-76.
    Since their public launch, a little over a year ago, large language models (LLMs) have inspired a flurry of analysis about what their implications might be for medical ethics, and for society more broadly. 1 Much of the recent debate has moved beyond categorical evaluations of the permissibility or impermissibility of LLM use in different general contexts (eg, at work or school), to more fine-grained discussions of the criteria that should govern their appropriate use in specific domains or towards certain (...)
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  3. Categories of the Temporal: An Inquiry into the Forms of the Finite Understanding.Sebastian Rödl - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    The publication of Frege’s Begriffsschrift in 1879 forever altered the landscape for many Western philosophers. Here, Sebastian Rödl traces how the Fregean influence, written all over the development and present state of analytic philosophy, led into an unholy alliance of an empiricist conception of sensibility with an inferentialist conception of thought. -/- According to Rödl, Wittgenstein responded to the implosion of Frege’s principle that the nature of thought consists in its inferential order, but his Philosophical Investigations shied away from (...)
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    AUTOGEN and the Ethics of Co-Creation with Personalized LLMs—Reply to the Commentaries.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Nikolaj Møller, Vynn Suren & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):6-14.
    In this reply to our commentators, we respond to ethical concerns raised about the potential use (or misuse) of personalized LLMs for academic idea and prose generation, including questions about c...
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    Leveling (down) the playing field: performance diminishments and fairness in sport.Sebastian Jon Holmen, Thomas Søbirk Petersen & Jesper Ryberg - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):502-505.
    The 2018 eligibility regulation for female competitors with differences of sexual development (DSD) issued by World Athletics requires competitors with DSD with blood testosterone levels at or above 5 nmol/L and sufficient androgen sensitivity to be excluded from competition in certain events unless they reduce the level of testosterone in their blood. This paper formalises and then critically assesses the fairness-based argument offered in support of this regulation by the federation. It argues that it is unclear how the biological advantage (...)
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    Cognitive Diminishments and Crime Prevention: “Too Smart for the Rest of Us”?Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-13.
    In this paper, I discuss whether it is ever morally permissible to diminish the cognitive abilities or capacities of some cognitively gifted offenders whose ability to commit their crimes successfully relies on them possessing these abilities or capacities. I suggest that, given such cognitive diminishments may prevent such offenders from re-offending and causing others considerable harm, this provides us with at least one good moral reason in favour of employing them. After setting out more clearly what cognitive diminishment may consist (...)
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    Forschende in der Angriffsrolle.Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann & Kaya Cassing - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (1).
    Infolge der tiefgreifenden Durchdringung unserer Lebenswelt mit digitalen Systemen hat sich die gesamtgesellschaftliche Anforderung formiert, diese Systeme gegen immer neue Formen von Angriffen absichern zu können. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, inwiefern der IT-Sicherheitsforschung hierbei eine zentrale Rolle zukommt, aber auch, dass im Rahmen dieser Rolle eine besondere forschungsethische Problematik entsteht. Weil IT-Sicherheitsrisiken strukturell neuartige Probleme für die gesellschaftliche Gewährleistung von Sicherheit aufwerfen, treten Forschende systematisch auch in die Rolle der Angreifenden. Dabei erhöhen Forschende durch den notwendigen Schritt der Veröffentlichung (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy.Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    These essays bring Neo-Kantianism back into contemporary philosophical discourse.
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    Quantum logic and meaning.Sebastian Horvat & Iulian D. Toader - manuscript
    Geoffrey Hellman has argued that non-truth-functionality entails a change of meaning between classical and quantum logical connectives. This paper criticizes and significantly improves the argument.
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    What is the purpose of nurse education (and what should it be)?Freya Collier-Sewell & Sebastian Monteux - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12640.
    Can we take the purpose of nurse education for granted, and, more importantly, should we? That is the issue at stake in this paper. The question of purpose is conspicuously absent in the nursing literature; our aim here is to urge that it not be overlooked by demonstrating its importance to the future of nursing. We approach the question of nurse education's purpose in concrete and speculative terms through two distinct yet interrelated questions: what is the purpose of nurse education? (...)
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    Neurointerventions and informed consent.Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e86-e86.
    It is widely believed that informed consent must be obtained from a patient for it to be morally permissible to administer to him/her a medical intervention. The same has been argued for the use of neurointerventions administered to criminal offenders. Arguments in favour of a consent requirement for neurointerventions can take two forms. First, according to absolutist views, neurointerventions shouldneverbe administered without an offender’s informed consent. However, I argue that these views are ultimately unpersuasive. The second, and more plausible, form (...)
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  12. Expressivism and Explaining Irrationality: Reply to Baker.Sebastian Hengst - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (5):2503-2516.
    In a recent paper in this journal, Derek Baker (Erkenntnis 83(4):829–852, 2018) raises an objection to expressivism as it has been developed by Mark Schroeder (Being for, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008). Baker argues that Schroeder’s expressivist (1) is committed to certain sentences expressing rationally incoherent states of mind, and he objects (2) that the expressivist cannot explain why these states would be rationally incoherent. The aim of this paper is to show that Baker’s argument for (1) is unsound, and (...)
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  13.  25
    The Agency Objection to Preventive Exclusion from Public Spaces.Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2023 - Criminal Justice Ethics 42 (2):178-192.
    One way to seek to reduce the risk of potential offenders engaging in certain types of crime in a public or semi-public area is to make it much more difficult, or even impossible, for them to gain access to the area in question and subject them to a sanction if they do enter the area. This paper considers whether preventive exclusion of this kind should be considered a pro tanto morally impermissible means of crime prevention because it violates the agency (...)
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    Pesadillas posthumanistas: Frankenstein como caso de estudio.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2020 - Perseitas 9:494.
    Los textos publicados sobre el poshumanismo han ido creciendo en los últimos años, asimismo, la recepción del fenómeno se ha hecho cada vez más matizada y los análisis diversos. Tampoco han faltado las metáforas usadas para acercar el fenómeno, un tanto nuevo y desconocido, a otros más familiares. Entre estas metáforas, una de las primeras y, a nuestro juicio, más interesantes es la de Frankenstein. No obstante, su amplio uso, consideramos que falta un análisis más detallado de los motivos antropológicos (...)
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    Electroencephalography Based Analysis of Working Memory Load and Affective Valence in an N-back Task with Emotional Stimuli.Sebastian Grissmann, Josef Faller, Christian Scharinger, Martin Spüler & Peter Gerjets - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  16.  70
    An Alleged Tension between non-Classical Logics and Applied Classical Mathematics.Sebastian Horvat & Iulian D. Toader - 2024 - The Philosophical Quarterly 1:1-19.
    Timothy Williamson has maintained that the applicability of classical mathematics in science raises a problem for the endorsement, in non-mathematical domains, of a wide range of non-classical logics. We show that this is false.
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    Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie.Faustino Fabbianelli & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
    Diese Aufsatzsammlung ist der erste ausführliche Versuch, eine Verbindung zwischen dem Denken der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und Husserls Phänomenologie herzustellen. Vorliegender Band versammelt eine Reihe neuer kritischer Artikel sowohl von etablierten Forschern wie jüngeren Philosophen aus beiden Traditionen, um diese Forschungslücke, als welche sie von beiderlei Forschungsrichtungen anerkannt ist, zu schließen. Dieser Band wirft neues Licht auf beide Traditionen und hebt ihre Bedeutung für die Philosophie der Gegenwart hervor, sowohl in historischer wie systematischer Hinsicht. Die in diesem Band behandelten Hauptthemen (...)
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    Dieu et la morale.Joachim Haddad & Sebastian Hüsch (eds.) - 2023 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Depuis l'Antiquite, la philosophie occidentale tente de determiner si la morale peut et doit etre ancree dans une constellation theiste. Tenter de repondre a cette question constitue un defi d'autant plus grand dans un monde globalise, au sein duquel le theisme est non seulement remis en question par la tradition occidentale des Lumieres, mais aussi par des modeles de pensee qui promeuvent une maniere fondamentalement differente de se rapporter a la realite. Les reflexions proposees dans ce volume sur Dieu et (...)
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    Olaf Müller: Pazifismus. Eine Verteidigung.Christoph Sebastian Widdau - 2024 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 77 (3):248-252.
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    Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations.Sebastian Billows, Elizabeth Carter, Marc-Olivier Déplaude, Loïc Mazenc, Geneviève Nguyen, François Purseigle, Annie Royer & Allison Loconto - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-16.
    Food standards, which are used to signal adherence to sustainability goals or a specific origin, have deep political implications. Standards crafted by retailers, processors, or third-party actors such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often disempower farmers. Moreover, due to the liberalization and globalization of many food value chains, producer organizations (POs) lost some of their legal privileges and market protections. This paper analyzes how POs in the Global North sought to regain their control over food markets by establishing their own standards. (...)
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    Correction: Reconquer and divide: comparative standard-setting strategies among producer organizations.Sebastian Billows, Elizabeth Carter, Marc-Olivier Déplaude, Loïc Mazenc, Geneviève Nguyen, François Purseigle, Annie Royer & Allison Loconto - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-1.
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    KI-gestützte Learning Analytics: Geschenk oder Falle für die Hochschulbildung? Ein ethischer Exkurs.Christos Simis & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2024 - In Peter Salden & Jonas Leschke (eds.), Learning Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz in Studium und Lehre. Doing Higher Education. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 127-148.
    Learning Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung versprechen individualisierte und personalisierte Verbesserung des Lernens und Lehrens. Bildungstechnologien bieten aus ethischer Perspektive jedoch nicht nur Verbesserungspotentiale und -chancen, sondern sie bringen auch Risiken und potenzielle Gefahren mit sich, für das Individuum, aber auch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Eine ethische Reflexion und Diskussion der Chancen und Risiken ist für eine ethisch vertretbare Gestaltung, Implementierung und Nutzung von solchen Technologien von fundamentaler Bedeutung, wie z. B. im Rahmen des Projekts KI:edu-nrw an (...)
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    Wissen! Welches Wissen?: zu Wahrheit, Theorien und Glauben sowie ökonomischen Theorien.Katrin Hirte, Sebastian Thieme & Walter Otto Ötsch (eds.) - 2014 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  24. ¿Es posible definir una flecha cuántica del tiempo mediante la hipótesis del colapso?Cristian López & Sebastian Fortin - 2019 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 9:69--82.
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    La adaptación y reestructuración orgánica de la Armada.Sebastián Zaragoza Soto - 2002 - Arbor 173 (682):263-279.
    En la década de los años sesenta la Armada acometió un proceso de organización que fue en su momento un auténtico modelo e incluso referencia válida para otras instituciones. Desde entonces, los cambios experimentados en todos los ámbitos han sido tales y tan rápidos, que su reflejo en la Organización de la Armada revelaba que era necesario un proceso de revisión. Desde 1997, la Comisión de Estudios de la Armada (COMESAR) viene trabajando en este sentido y ya se han abordado (...)
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    The Vedāntic Realism of Rasvihari Das.C. D. Sebastian - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (3):279-295.
    This paper examines the realist interpretation of Vedānta that Rasvihari Das explicated in two of his celebrated treatises, namely, “The Theory of Ignorance in Advaitism” and “The Falsity of the World.” Rasvihari Das, unlike many of his contemporary thinkers of India, took a contrary position against the uninformed generalization about Indian thought that the philosophical tradition of India was one of an unbroken idealism and spiritualism. Though Rasviahari Das was influenced by his senior peer-thinkers of India like Hiralal Haldar, B. (...)
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    Situational Crime Prevention, Advice Giving, and Victim-Blaming.Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (2):325-340.
    Situational crime prevention (SCP) measures attempt to prevent crime by reducing the opportunities for crime to occur. One of the ways in which some SCP measures reduce such opportunities is by providing victims with advice about how to avoid being victimised, for instance through public awareness campaigns or safety apps. Some scholars claim that this approach to preventing crime often or always promotes victim-blaming and that it is therefore morally wrong to pursue such strategies. Others have made sweeping rejections of (...)
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    Die amoralische Moralität der Kunst Oscar Wildes negativer Perfektionismus.Sebastian Tränkle - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 67 (1):36-53.
    Gegenwärtig werden häufig politisch-moralische Ansprüche an die Kunst gerichtet. Dieser Aufsatz tritt ihnen unter Verweis auf ihren grundsätzlichen Konflikt mit ästhetischen Ansprüchen entgegen. Anhand von Oscar Wildes ästhetisch-theoretischen.
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  29. Predatory nursing journals: A case study of author prevalence and characteristics.Sebastian Gabrielsson, Stefan Eriksson & Tove Godskesen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):823-833.
    Background: Predatory publishing poses a fundamental threat to the development of nursing knowledge. Previous research has suggested that authors of papers published in predatory journals are mainly inexperienced researchers from low- and middle-income countries. Less attention has been paid to contributors from high-income countries. Aim: To describe the prevalence and characteristics of Swedish authors publishing in predatory nursing journals. Design: Quantitative descriptive case study. Participants and research context: Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the academic positions and academic affiliations of (...)
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    Imperativo pragmatista e investigación social, parte I.Sebastián Pereyra & Gabriel Nardacchione - 2022 - Cinta de Moebio 75:187-200.
    Resumen:Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre el impacto del pragmatismo en las ciencias sociales. Para ello, en esta primera parte del texto se exploran los cruces entre la filosofía pragmatista y la sociología reponiendo los distintos contextos intelectuales y los resultados de dichos cruces. De ese modo intentamos mostrar las diferencias que existen entre, por un lado, el vínculo estrecho entre pragmatismo y sociología en el contexto norteamericano y, por el otro lado, las dificultades y desencuentros de ese vínculo en (...)
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    Handeln als innerer Zweck des Handelns.Sebastian Rödl - 2012 - In Sebastian Rödl & Henning Tegtmeyer (eds.), Sinnkritisches Philosophieren. De Gruyter. pp. 83-100.
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  32. (3 other versions)Knowledge in economics: An evolutionary viewpoint.Pablo Sebastián García - 2003 - Theoria 18 (3):289-296.
    Since Sidney Winter published his paper on “Knowledge and competence as Strategic assets”, the number of publications on the role of knowledge in economics has immensely grown. l-Iere we shall analyze that role from an evolutionary point of view, and try to show that the discussion about concepts like “evolution” is not closed, and that the Darwinian framework of evolutionary economics is in debate.
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    Editor's Introduction: Epistemic Boundaries.Sebastian Gil-Riano & Vivien Hamilton - 2009 - Spontaneous Generations 3 (1):1-8.
    As science studies scholars, one of our basic tasks is to draw the boundaries that will de?ne our units of inquiry and constrain the chronological and geographical limits of our studies. Without these boundaries, the categories of our analysis remain imprecise. Fortunately, we now have an extensive toolkit to help us with this task. With paradigms, research programs, epistemic cultures, or styles of reasoning, historians, philosophers, and sociologists of science now have a large set of resources for locating the ?ssures (...)
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    Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Erfindungen von Athanasius Kircher und Johann Philipp Kirnberger markieren die zeitlichen Eckpunkte des Zeitraumes, in dem Komponierkastchen, musikalische Automaten, Wurfelspiele zur Erzeugung von Menuetten und Polonaisen, musikalische Farbenklaviere, Fantasiermaschinen u. a. Projekte entwickelt wurden. Sebastian Klotz analysiert diese Automaten, Tabellen, Kompositionshilfen und Wurfelspiele und verdichtet seine Ergebnisse zu einer Geschichte der Formalisierung des Musikalischen. Indem Klotz das Operativwerden musikalischer Zeichen und die Auslagerung des musikalischen Denkakts in technische Medien aufeinander bezieht und durch eine Vielzahl von Abbildungen dokumentiert, kann (...)
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    „die letzte Entscheidung über den Text zwingt zum scrupulösesten ‚Hören‘ von Wort und Satz“ – Textgenese und Druckgeschichte der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2015 - In Jutta Georg & Christian Benne (eds.), Friedrich Nietzsche: Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 7-18.
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    Dilthey and the Neo-Kantians: The Dispute Over the Status of the Human and Cultural Sciences.Rudolph Makkreel & Sebastian Luft - unknown
  37. Judah Benzion Segal, 1912-2003.Edward Ullendorff & Sebastian Brock - 2005 - In Ullendorff Edward & Brock Sebastian (eds.), Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 205-212.
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    Conciencia, intencionalidad y lenguaje: el reconocimiento agencial como base de la ontología social.Juan Sebastián Sánchez Ávila - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):175-210.
    El presente artículo dialoga con la perspectiva del profesor de la Universidad de Stanford, John Searle en su perspectiva acerca de la conciencia, los actos de habla en lo que tiene que ver con la creación de hechos institucionales y su tesis emergentista. Esto con la idea de proponer la lectura del filósofo estadounidense en base a una pragmática de la expresión, que identifica al agente como centro de la creación y transformación social, y por tanto de movilización política, al (...)
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    Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Swedish Suicide-Bereaved Women: Increased Risk Associated With the Loss of a Child, Feelings of Guilt and Shame, and Perceived Avoidance From Family Members.Michael Westerlund, Sebastian Hökby & Gergö Hadlaczky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Nietzsche lector de Derrida: restos de una filosofía por venir.Sebastián Chun - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):313-332.
    Desde un futuro anterior el pensamiento de la deconstrucción _asedia_ a la filosofía del martillo nietzscheana, ya que nos permite re-escribirla a partir de la nueva perspectiva que inaugura. En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar principalmente los trabajos de Nietzsche _Sobre verdad y mentira en sentido extramoral_ y _Sobre la utilidad y el perjuicio de la historia para la vida_, para analizar el modo en que, en estos textos tempranos, la escritura derridiana reconfigura el entramado filosófico nietzscheano.
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    Derecho positivo y derecho natural: una reflexión desde el iusnaturalismo sobre la necesidad y naturaleza de la determinación.Sebastián Contreras - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):43-61.
    El presente trabajo intenta analizar la naturaleza de la derivatio per modum determinationis. La filosofía escolástica enseña que la determinatio es uno de los modos de derivarse la ley humana desde la ley natural, particularmente el modo en que se deriva el derecho positivo o civil. En este trabajo el autor se detiene a revisar su modalidad, así como algunos criterios para reconocer las determinaciones o normas positivas. O presente trabalho procura analisar a natureza da derivatio per modum determinationis. A (...)
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    Ferrajoli and his theory of fundamental rights.Sebastián Contreras - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):17-28.
    El presente trabajo intenta profundizar en la doctrina de los derechos fundamentales del jurista italiano Luigi Ferrajoli. Ferrajoli es uno de los principales teóricos del garantismo iusfilosófio. Su teoría sobre los derechos quiere ser una vía de superación de la antinomia positivismo-iusnaturalismo. This paper tries to review the doctrine of fundamental rights of italian jurist Luigi Ferrajoli. Ferrajoli is one of the main theorists of garantism juridical-philosophical. His theory of rights is, in his opinion, an alternative to iusnaturalism and legal (...)
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    Immanent Possibilities & Beyond: Transcendence in Kierkegaard’s Philosophy of Existence & in T. Rentsch’s Phenomenological Hermeneutics.Sebastian Hüsch - 2019 - Auslegung 33:7-20.
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    A note on psychological continuity theories of identity and neurointerventions.Sebastian Jon Holmen - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):742-745.
    An important concern sometimes voiced in the neuroethical literature is that swift and radical changes to the parts of a person’s mental life essential for sustaining his/her numerical identity can result in the person ceasing to exist—in other words, that these changes may disrupt psychological continuity. Taking neurointerventions used for rehabilitative purposes as a point of departure, this short paper argues that the same radical alterations of criminal offenders’ psychological features which under certain conditions would result in a disruption of (...)
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  45. In my time of dying: how I came face-to-face with the idea of an afterlife.Sebastian Junger - 2024 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    For years as an award-winning war reporter, Sebastian Junger traveled to many front lines and frequently put his life at risk. And yet the closest he ever came to death was the summer of 2020 while spending a quiet afternoon at the New England home he shared with his wife and two young children. Crippled by abdominal pain, Junger was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Once there, he began slipping away. As blackness encroached, he was visited by his (...)
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    Cognitive Modeling of Anticipation: Unsupervised Learning and Symbolic Modeling of Pilots' Mental Representations.Sebastian Blum, Oliver Klaproth & Nele Russwinkel - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):718-738.
    The ability to anticipate team members' actions enables joint action towards a common goal. Task knowledge and mental simulation allow for anticipating other agents' actions and for making inferences about their underlying mental representations. In human–AI teams, providing AI agents with anticipatory mechanisms can facilitate collaboration and successful execution of joint action. This paper presents a computational cognitive model demonstrating mental simulation of operators' mental models of a situation and anticipation of their behavior. The work proposes two successive steps: (1) (...)
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    Jiwei Ci.Sebastian Edinger - 2021 - Philosophische Rundschau 68 (3):253.
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    Ethik im Alten Testament – Ethik des Alten Testaments.Sebastian Grätz - 2018 - In Marcus Held & Michael Roth (eds.), Was Ist Theologische Ethik?: Grundbestimmungen Und Grundvorstellungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 219-234.
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    “Diesem Film liegen Tatsachen zugrunde...” The Narrative of Antifascism and Its Appropriation in the East German Espionage Series Das unsichtbare Visier.Sebastian Haller - 2014 - History of Communism in Europe 5:72-105.
    Since narratives of legitimation have to adapt to shifting discursive environments, they cannot be regarded as static phenomena. To present a sound understanding of their embedment in a specific context, narratives have to be approached from a variety of perspectives – they necessitate, in other words, a “thick description”. This paper addresses the narrative of antifascism as a central element of public discourse throughout the history of the German Democratic Republic and contextualizes it specifically in East German television culture. In (...)
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  50.  34
    Europa – Herkunft und Zukunft: Momente kultureller Transformation vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.Sebastian Hansen & Oliver Victor (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Die Frage, welche Bedeutung Herkunft und Zukunft in und für Europa haben, ist sowohl auf eine historische Rückschau als auch eine prospektive Sichtweise angewiesen. Insbesondere die Diskussionen über die Entwicklung Europas offenbaren immer wieder die Relevanz einer historischen Betrachtung der unterschiedlichsten Vorstellungen, Ideale und Konzepte, die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte mit Europa verbunden wurden. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes analysieren aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive Schlüsselmomente kultureller Transformation in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte und befragen diese mitunter auf ihre Bedeutung für die Zukunft. Dabei werden (...)
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