Results for 'Sebastian Braun'

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  1.  33
    The classification of preordered spaces in terms of monotones: complexity and optimization.Sebastian Gottwald, Daniel A. Braun & Pedro Hack - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (4):693-720.
    The study of complexity and optimization in decision theory involves both partial and complete characterizations of preferences over decision spaces in terms of real-valued monotones. With this motivation, and following the recent introduction of new classes of monotones, like injective monotones or strict monotone multi-utilities, we present the classification of preordered spaces in terms of both the existence and cardinality of real-valued monotones and the cardinality of the quotient space. In particular, we take advantage of a characterization of real-valued monotones (...)
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    A Personalized Patient Preference Predictor for Substituted Judgments in Healthcare: Technically Feasible and Ethically Desirable.Brian D. Earp, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Jemima Allen, Sabine Salloch, Vynn Suren, Karin Jongsma, Matthias Braun, Dominic Wilkinson, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Annette Rid, David Wendler & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):13-26.
    When making substituted judgments for incapacitated patients, surrogates often struggle to guess what the patient would want if they had capacity. Surrogates may also agonize over having the (sole) responsibility of making such a determination. To address such concerns, a Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) has been proposed that would use an algorithm to infer the treatment preferences of individual patients from population-level data about the known preferences of people with similar demographic characteristics. However, critics have suggested that even if such (...)
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    Anchoring as a Structural Bias of Deliberation.Soroush Rafiee Rad, Sebastian Till Braun & Olivier Roy - unknown
    We study the anchoring effect in a computational model of group deliberation on preference rankings. Anchoring is a form of path-dependence through which the opinions of those who speak early have a stronger influence on the outcome of deliberation than the opinions of those who speak later. We show that anchoring can occur even among fully rational agents. We then compare the respective effects of anchoring and three other determinants of the deliberative outcome: the relative weight or social influence of (...)
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    Representing preorders with injective monotones.Pedro Hack, Daniel A. Braun & Sebastian Gottwald - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (4):663-690.
    We introduce a new class of real-valued monotones in preordered spaces, injective monotones. We show that the class of preorders for which they exist lies in between the class of preorders with strict monotones and preorders with countable multi-utilities, improving upon the known classification of preordered spaces through real-valued monotones. We extend several well-known results for strict monotones (Richter–Peleg functions) to injective monotones, we provide a construction of injective monotones from countable multi-utilities, and relate injective monotones to classic results concerning (...)
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    Umbau des Sozialstaats und organisierter Sport / Reconstruction of the Welfare State and Sport Organizations.Sebastian Braun - 2006 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 3 (1):124-129.
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    Ideal Fairness in Sport is Impossible.Thomas S. Petersen, Sebastian J. Holmen & Jesper Ryberg - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):48-49.
    Jennings and Braun (2024) argue convincingly for the conclusion that the World Athletics (WA) definition of fairness in sport is applied inconsistently in its efforts to regulate the participation...
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  7. Empty names, fictional names, mythical names.David Braun - 2005 - Noûs 39 (4):596–631.
    John Stuart Mill (1843) thought that proper names denote individuals and do not connote attributes. Contemporary Millians agree, in spirit. We hold that the semantic content of a proper name is simply its referent. We also think that the semantic content of a declarative sentence is a Russellian structured proposition whose constituents are the semantic contents of the sentence’s constituents. This proposition is what the sentence semantically expresses. Therefore, we think that sentences containing proper names semantically express singular propositions, which (...)
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  8.  43
    Digital Transformations and the Ideological Formation of the Public Sphere: Hegemonic, Populist, or Popular Communication?Sebastian Sevignani - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):91-109.
    This paper elaborates on a theory of the ideological public sphere in the age of digital media. It describes the public sphere as an initially ascending and then descending communication process that includes both polarising and integrating publics, which are organised by antagonistic media and compromise-building mass media. This framework allows us to distinguish between hegemonic, populist, and popular-oriented flows of communication, as well as register changes in the interplay of different publics driven by digital media platforms. Digital transformations of (...)
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  9. Merleau-Ponty’s Transcendental Theory of Perception.Sebastian Gardner - 2015 - In Sebastian Gardner & Matthew Grist (eds.), The Transcendental Turn. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter argues that Merleau-Ponty’s account of perception should be understood, not as a theory of perception in the usual sense, but as belonging squarely to transcendental philosophy. Contra the interpretation of Phenomenology of Perception as essentially a work in the philosophy of psychology, and the associated naturalistic construal of his ideas, it is suggested that Merleau-Ponty must be seen in the light of the history of transcendental philosophy and that an original form of idealism lies at the heart of (...)
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  10. The metaphysics of human freedom: from Kant’s transcendental idealism to Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):133-156.
    Schelling’s 1809 Freiheitsschrift, perhaps his most widely read work, presents considerable difficulties of understanding. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of the work in relation to Kant. My focus is on the relation in each case of their theory of human freedom to their general metaphysics, a relation which both regard as essential. The argument of the paper is in sum that Schelling may be viewed as addressing and resolving a problem which faces Kant’s theory of freedom and transcendental (...)
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  11.  31
    The Transcendental Turn.Sebastian Gardner & Matthew Grist (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kant's influence on the history of philosophy is vast and protean. The transcendental turn denotes one of its most important forms, defined by the notion that Kant's deepest insight should not be identified with any specific epistemological or metaphysical doctrine, but rather concerns the fundamental standpoint and terms of reference of philosophical enquiry. To take the transcendental turn is not to endorse any of Kant's specific teachings, but to accept that the Copernican revolution announced in the Preface of the Critique (...)
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  12. A Review on the Relationship Between Sound and Movement in Sports and Rehabilitation.Nina Schaffert, Thenille Braun Janzen, Klaus Mattes & Michael H. Thaut - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Entscheiden und Handeln am Krankenbett. Eine Online-Simulation im Blended-Learning-Format.Sebastian Kuhn, Stefan Schulz & Susanne Michl - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (3):407-412.
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  14.  43
    Bedeutung und Implikationen epistemischer Ungerechtigkeit.Sebastian Schleidgen, Orsolya Friedrich & Andreas Wolkenstein (eds.) - 2023 - Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    For almost two decades, the concept of epistemic injustice has been a point of reference to discuss the extent to which persons can be disadvantaged in their role as knowers and what morally relevant consequences might follow from such violations. This volume brings together contributions that have significantly shaped debates about the concept of epistemic injustice and its meaning, as well as recent contributions on its implications and possible consequences of situations of epistemic injustice. With contributions by David Coady | (...)
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  15. Introduction.Sebastian Gardner - 2015 - In Sebastian Gardner & Matthew Grist (eds.), The Transcendental Turn. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Introduction to this volume identifies and briefly summarizes certain issues which have been of central concern to philosophers in the transcendental tradition, including: the question of its relation to metaphysics; the relation of transcendentalism to transcendental idealism; the Kantian concept of a condition of possibility; the concepts of transcendental logic and of transcendental proof or argumentation; the concept of the transcendental turn and the issue of its justification; and the standpoint of transcendental reflection.
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    Death and Immortality in Late Neoplatonism: Studies on the Ancient Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo.Sebastian Ramon Philipp Gertz - 2011 - Brill.
    This study focuses on the ancient commentaries on Plato’s Phaedo by Olympiodorus and Damascius and aims to present the relevance of their challenging and valuable readings of the dialogue to Neoplatonic ethics.
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  17.  58
    Old wine in new bottles? Ethical implications of individualized medicine.Sebastian Schleidgen & Georg Marckmann - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):223-231.
    Die sogenannte individualisierte Medizin (IM) ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem Schlagwort in Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit geworden. Wie jede technologische Neuentwicklung hat sie jedoch (potentielle) ethische Implikationen, die es zu berücksichtigen gilt, um eine angemessene Entwicklung und Anwendung individualisierter Präventions- und Therapiemaßnahmen zu ermöglichen. Allerdings steht eine ethische Bewertung der IM vor verschiedenen methodischen Herausforderungen, die sich insbesondere aus der Heterogenität des Problembereichs, begrifflicher Unklarheit sowie dem Frühstadium ihrer Entwicklung ergeben. Der vorliegende Beitrag spezifiziert zunächst den Begriff der (...)
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  18. Kant's Third Critique: The Project of Unification.Sebastian Gardner - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 78:161-185.
    This paper offers a synoptic view of Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgement and its reception by the German Idealists. I begin by sketching Kant's conception of how its several parts fit together, and emphasize the way in which the specifically moral motivation of Kant's project of unification of Freedom and Nature distances it from our contemporary philosophical concerns. For the German Idealists, by contrast, the CPJ's conception of the opposition of Freedom and Nature as defining the overarching task (...)
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  19.  50
    Increased Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Decreased Zygomaticus Activation in Response to Disliked Smiles Suggest Top-Down Inhibition of Facial Mimicry.Sebastian Korb, Robin Goldman, Richard J. Davidson & Paula M. Niedenthal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. Sartre, intersubjectivity, and German idealism.Sebastian Gardner - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):325-351.
    Introduction: This paper has two, interrelated aims. The first is to clarify Sartre's theory of intersubjectivity. Sartre's discussion of the Other has a puzzling way of going in and out of focus, seeming at one moment to provide a remarkably original solution to the problem of other minds and at the next to wholly miss the point of the skeptical challenge. The nature of his argument is equally uncertain: at some points it looks like an attempt to mount a transcendental (...)
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  21.  54
    Distinguishing Disadvantage from Ill-Being in the Capability Approach.Sebastian Östlund - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (4):933-947.
    Central capabilitarian theories of well-being focus exclusively on actual opportunities to attain states of being and doing that people have reason to value. Consequently, these theories characterise ill-being and disadvantage as deprivations of such opportunities and attainments. However, some well-being aspects are inherently negative. They make up the difference between not being well and being unwell in that they constitute ill-being. While disadvantage can be plausibly captured by deprivations, ill-being cannot be fully captured by them. I support this claim by (...)
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  22.  31
    The Primacy of Practical Reason.Sebastian Gardner - 2006 - In Graham Bird (ed.), A Companion to Kant. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259–274.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Kant's Statement of the Principle of the Primacy of Practical Reason, and its Role in Kant's Moral Theology The Primacy of Practical Reason in the Broader Sense The Primacy of Practical Reason and the Assumption of Freedom: Their Relation The Primacy of Practical Reason in Relation to the Theological Postulates Kant's Argument in “On the Primacy” Other Texts Kant's Copernicanism and the Concept of Practical Cognition in the Context of the Postulates Influence.
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  23.  41
    Ways Out of the Patenting Prohibition? Human Parthenogenetic and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.Hannah Schickl, Matthias Braun & Peter Dabrock - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (5):409-417.
    According to the judgement of the European Court of Justice in 2014, human parthenogenetic stem cells are excluded from the patenting prohibition of procedures based on hESC by the European Biopatent Directive, because human parthenotes are not human embryos. This article is based on the thesis that in light of the technological advances in the field of stem cell research, the attribution of the term ‘human embryo’ to certain entities on a descriptive level as well as the attribution of a (...)
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    Combining Philosophical and Democratic Capability Lists.Sebastian Östlund - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (1):185-201.
    Political practices often aim to reach valuable outcomes through democratic processes. However, philosophical considerations and democratic deliberations sometimes support different conclusions about what a valuable outcome would be. This paper contributes to a research agenda that aims to reconcile recommendations that follow from these different bases. The setting for this research agenda is capabilitarian. It affirms the idea that what we should distribute are substantive freedoms to be and do things that people have reason to value. Disagreements about these valuable (...)
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  25.  28
    Associations Between the Big Five Personality Traits and the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement.Sebastian Sattler & Reinhard Schunck - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Discourse analysis as a qualitative and quantitative technique in the social sciences.Sebastián Sayago - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 49:1-10.
    This article proposes that Discourse Analysis (DA) be methodologically characterized as an analytical technique for the social sciences. To do this, it must first be situated in relation to two other methodological tools used for the study of discourse: hermeneutics and Content Analysis. Subsequently, the article will define DA, focusing on one aspect in particular: its compatibility with both qualitative and quantitative research strategies. It will then examine the usefulness of this technique in the process of data construction and finally (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Art and Morality.Sebastian Gardner - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (4):386-388.
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    Logik und Transzendentalphilosophie – Schellings Interpretation des Satzes der Identität.Sebastian Schwenzfeuer - 2017 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.), Logik / Logic. De Gruyter. pp. 237-260.
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    Learning metric-topological maps for indoor mobile robot navigation.Sebastian Thrun - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 99 (1):21-71.
  30.  51
    Theory of Transcendentals and the Basic Furniture of Mind Hypothesis.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):57-74.
    This paper is devoted to one of the most intriguing theory that was invented by medieval theologians and philosophers in order to explain the nature of God. I am not personally keen on the theological dimension of this idea, I would rather like to focus on its promising philosophical usefulness and its explanatory power. For the very long time I was hesitating what aspect of this theory to choose as the most interesting and most illuminating. I eventually made a decision (...)
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    (1 other version)Granice pojęciowe metafizyki.Sebastian Kołodziejczyk - 2006 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
  32.  9
    Knowledge, action, pluralism: contemporary perspectives in philosophy of religion.Sebastian Kołodziejczyk (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    In this book, an international team of scholars from leading American, British and Continental European universities presents original ideas about religious epistemology, the philosophy of God's action in the world, including the problem of evil and Divine Providence, and the philosophical challenge of religious diversity.
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  33. 0 mocy eksplanacyjnej filozofii.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  34. Nonconceptual Content and Demonstrative Strategies.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2014 - Filozofia Nauki 22 (3):5-26.
  35. Odpowiedź na recenzję „Z Przewodnikiem po metafizyce”.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    Presented paper is my reply to Prof. Andrzej Biłat’s review of the book Przewodnik po metafizyce (A Companion to Metaphysics) edited by myself and published by WAM Press. It contains answers to both general and particular remarks and comments risen by Prof. Biłat.
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  36. O osobliwościach dyskursu klasycznego i transcendentalnego.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk - 2001 - Principia.
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    Przewodnik po Metafizyce.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk (ed.) - 2011 - WAM.
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  38. Postulat referencji w perspektywie pytania o naturę dyskursu metafizycznego.Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk - 2008 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The crisis of metaphysics has many roots. One of them is recognized to be a kind of semantic failure. It lies in the fact that the meaning and reference of metaphysical propositions as well as metaphysical terms seems to be problematic. This diagnosis was first established by I. Kant and then repeated by some of the XXth century philosophers. In this paper I will show what role is played by what I called the Requirement of Reference (RR) in the analysis (...)
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    Towards Graham Priest.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2013 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):5-6.
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    Teoria transcendentaliów a hipoteza o podstawowym wyposażeniu umysłu.Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk - 2005 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10:69-74.
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    Das Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr: Eine wissenschaftshistorische Analyse mit der Replikationsmethode.Sebastian Korff - 2012 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 20 (4):271-308.
    This article is a contribution to the history of the Geiger-Müller counter, based on the replication method. Along with a historical analysis of the Geiger-Müller counter I present and discuss my experience with replicas of early counters from 1928. The explicit and tacit knowledge that was gained during my construction und the experimentation process allows a different view of the development process in 1928. Against this background, I discuss Walter Müller’s role in the development and the significance of experimental work (...)
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    Bochumer Forum zur Geschichte des sozialen Protestantismus.Sebastian Kranich - 2007 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 51 (1):65-69.
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    Der christliche Sonntag: Heilmittel gegen das Leiden an der Modeme?Sebastian Kranich - 2000 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 44 (1):133-145.
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    Der Geist der Zeiten – protestantische Deutungsmuster in universitären Reformationsjubiläen.Sebastian Kranich - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (1):18-31.
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    „… er liebte die Gegensätze“ Eine nationalsoziale Rede und sechs schlichte Predigten von Georg Liebster.Sebastian Kranich - 2008 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 15 (1):119-172.
    Georg Liebster was a lutheran pastor in Leipzig and a leader of the Evangelical Social Movement in the red kingdom of Saxony. Liebster's speach about working class and bourgeosie from 1900 offers insight into his national-social political thinking. Six simple sermons show the inventive liberal theologian.
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    Kritik der Biopolitik.Sebastian Krach - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Aktuelle Debatten zu gesellschaftspolitischen Folgen der Corona-Pandemie zeigen, dass Intellektuelle wie Giorgio Agamben und Roberto Esposito den Begriff „Biopolitik“ ins Treffen führen, um Regierungsmaßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Virus zu analysieren. Seit Michel Foucaults Überlegungen zur Funktionsweise und Genealogie der Biopolitik birgt der Begriff jedoch eine gewisse Problematik: Aufgrund strukturell bedingter Mechanismen der Inklusion und Exklusion menschlichen Lebens gelingt es den biopolitischen Modellen nach Agamben und Esposito nicht – so die These –, ein zentrales Element des Politischen zu beschreiben. Unberücksichtigt (...)
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    Kirche gegen Armut – mehr als gut gemeint?: Eine Tagung in Berlin.Sebastian Kranich - 2012 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 56 (1):53-57.
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    „… keinesfalls,christlich‘ in irgendeinem engeren Sinne schreibend“. Kurt Nowak als Belletrist.Sebastian Kranich - 2011 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 18 (1):3-50.
    Kurt Nowak was perhaps the most important church-historian in the former GDR. He was also a novelist, author of five belletristic books: Eintreffe heute abend, Der Tod des Studenten Lothar Dahl, Stechow oder Ein Fluchtversuch, Schöner Übermut des Herbstes and Vertraute Fremde. The essay describes the process of creation of those five books and analyses the relation between the theologian and the novelist.
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    Rezension.Sebastian Kranich - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):71-74.
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    Erratum zu: Entscheiden und Handeln am Krankenbett. Eine Online-Simulation im Blended-Learning-Format.Sebastian Kuhn, Stefan Schulz & Susanne Michl - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (3):475-476.
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