Results for 'Scholarship of teaching and learning'

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  1.  19
    Reconceptualizing participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research: exploring the perspectives of health faculty students in Aotearoa New Zealand.Amanda B. Lees, Rosemary Godbold & Simon Walters - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):36-63.
    While the need to protect vulnerable research participants is universal, conceptual challenges with the notion of vulnerability may result in the under or over-protection of participants. Ethics review bodies making assumptions about who is vulnerable and in what circumstance can be viewed as paternalistic if they do not consider participant viewpoints. Our study focuses on participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research. We aim to illuminate students’ views on participant vulnerability to contribute to critical (...)
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    The contemplative mind in the scholarship of teaching and learning.Patti L. Owen-Smith - 2018 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    A historical review -- Contemplative practices in higher education -- Challenges and replies to contemplative methods -- Contemplative research -- The contemplative mind : a vision of higher education for the 21st century.
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    An Invitation to Scholarly Teaching - Some Annotations on the Scholarship of Teaching and (Especially) Learning for Philosophers.Helen Meskhidze, Claire A. Lockard & Stephen Bloch-Schulman - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:169-199.
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    The pedagogical contract: the economies of teaching and learning in the ancient world.Yun Lee Too - 2000 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    The Pedagogical Contract explores the relationship between teacher and student and argues for ways of reconceiving pedagogy. It discloses this relationship as one that since antiquity has been regarded as a scene of give-and-take, where the teacher exchanges knowledge for some sort of payment by the student and where pedagogy always runs the risk of becoming a broken contract. The book seeks to liberate teaching and learning from this historical scene and the anxieties that it engenders, arguing that (...)
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    Authenticity in and through teaching in higher education: the transformative potential of the scholarship of teaching.Carolin Kreber - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Almost a quarter-century after the Carnegie report, Scholarship Reconsidered, the scholarship of teaching remains a contested idea, celebrated by some and critiqued by others. This new book is particularly relevant now however as it explores the notion of the scholarship of teaching through the lens of authenticity, a complex, intriguing and particularly striking and distinctively helpful notion which has caught the attention of several authors in adult and higher education. However, those writing about authenticity do (...)
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    Best Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Connecting to Psychology and the Social Sciences.Dana S. Dunn, Janie H. Wilson, James Freeman & Jeffrey R. Stowell - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The use of technology and teaching techniques derived from technology is currently a bourgeoning topic in higher education. Teachers at all levels and types of institutions want to know how these new technologies will affect what happens in and outside of the classroom. Many teachers have already embraced some of these technologies but remain uncertain about their educational efficacy. Other teachers have waited because they are reluctant to try tools or techniques that remain unproven or, as is often the (...)
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    Elizabeth Mackinlay.Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women's Music and Dance(Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Sarah H. Watts - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):90-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and DanceSarah H. WattsElizabeth Mackinlay. Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and Dance (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Elizabeth Mackinlay, a lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland, documents her unique pedagogical approaches and ways of thinking about (...)
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    Active learning as destituent potential: Agambenian philosophy of education and moderate steps towards the coming politics.Michael P. A. Murphy - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):66-78.
    Beginning in earnest in the late 1990s, educational researchers devoted increasing attention to the study of “active learning,” leading to a robust literature on the topic in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Meanwhile, during largely the same period, political theorists discovered the radical philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, which soon after began to ripple through more radical forms of philosophy of education. While both the SoTL works on active learning and writings of “Agambenian” philosophers of (...)
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    For Gain, for Curiosity or for Edification: Why Do we Teach and Learn?Margaret Atkins - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (1):104-117.
    Bernard of Clairvaux observed that some goals can corrupt the activity of learning. Bernard’s claim is not only correct and important, but can be applied more widely to purposive activity in general. The exploration of his claim makes possible a consideration of the question, ‘How might different motivations affect, and indeed corrupt, the way in which we teach and learn?’ Although, pace Bernard, learning for learning’s sake does not corrupt the activity of learning, it may, however, (...)
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    History and Philosophy of Science and the Teaching of Science in England.John L. Taylor & Andrew Hunt - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 2045-2081.
    This chapter relates a broadly chronological story of the developments over the last 50 years that have sought to reshape the science curriculum in English schools by introducing aspects of the history of science and nature of science. The chapter highlights key curriculum projects by outlining the contexts in which they developed and summarising their rationales as set out in their publications. It also provides signposts to some of the reports of research and scholarship that have evaluated these initiatives. (...)
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  11. (1 other version)False dichotomy? 'Western' and 'confucian' concepts of scholarship and learning.Janette Ryan & Kam Louie - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (4):404–417.
    Discourses of ‘internationalisation’ of the curriculum of Western universities often describe the philosophies and paradigms of ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ scholarship in binary terms, such as ‘deep/surface’, ‘adversarial/harmonious’, and ‘independent/dependent’. In practice, such dichotomies can be misleading. They do not take account of the complexities and diversity of philosophies of education within and between their educational systems. The respective perceived virtues of each system are often extolled uncritically or appropriated for contemporary economic, political or social agendas. Critical thinking, deep (...), lifelong and lifewide learning are heralded as the outcomes of Western education but these concepts are often under‐theorised or lack agreed meanings. Equally fuzzy concepts such as ‘Asian values’ or ‘Confucian education’ are eulogised as keys to successful teaching and learning when Asia prospers economically. They are also used to explain perceived undesirable behaviour such as plagiarism and uncritical thinking when Asian economies do not do so well. We argue that in general, educationists should be aware of the differences and complexities within cultures before they examine and compare between cultures. This paper uses the Confucian‐Western dichotomy as a case study to show how attributing particular unanalysed concepts to whole systems of cultural practice leads to misunderstandings and bad teaching practice. (shrink)
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    Learning to Teach from the Heart: Finding Meaning through Reflection and Affective Learning in Business Ethics and Society Classes.Steve Payne & Jerry Calton - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:536-540.
    This discussion applies a “scholarship of teaching and learning” (SOTL) perspective with regard to the authors’ introduction of “learning or wisdom circles” inbusiness ethics and business & society courses. Building upon the use of wisdom circles conducted at the 2005 and 2006 International Association of Business and Society (IABS) meetings and descriptions of “circles of trust” or learning circles for college classes found in several academic disciplines, we have set aside significant class time during academic (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Back to the basics of teaching and learning: thinking the world together.David William Jardine - 2003 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Edited by Patricia Clifford & Sharon Friesen.
    Re-examines the fundamentals of teaching and learning and explains how the interpretive-hermeneutic approach to the basics translates in the modern classroom.
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  14.  54
    History and Philosophy of Science and the Teaching of Macroevolution.Kostas Kampourakis & Ross H. Nehm - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 401-421.
    Although macroevolution has been the subject of sustained attention in the history and philosophy of science (HPS) community, only in recent years have science educators begun to more fully engage with the topic. This chapter first explores how science educators have conceptualized macroevolution and how their perspectives align with the views from HPS. Second, it illustrates how science educators’ limited engagement with HPS scholarship on macroevolution has influenced construct delineation, measurement instrument development, and educational arguments about which aspects of (...)
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  15.  7
    Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory Vall.S. J. David Vincent Meconi - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):321-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory VallDavid Vincent Meconi S.J.Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption. By Gregory Vall. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 401. $69.95 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-8132-2158-8.In the first decade of the first Christian century, the bishop of Antioch found himself surrounded by imperial guards under order to (...)
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    Theories of Teaching and Learning.D. C. Phillips - 2003 - In Randall Curren (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 232–245.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Classic Theories of Teaching and Learning John Dewey's Theory of Learning and Teaching Contemporary Constructivist Theories of Teaching and Learning The Contributions of Analytic Philosophy of Education Contemporary Theories of Learning.
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  17. Internal goods of teaching in philosophy for children: The role of the teacher and the nature of teaching in pfc.Riku Välitalo - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (27):271-290.
    Philosophy for Children promotes a pedagogy that builds on a collective process of truth-seeking and meaning-making. In contrast to seeing teachers as sources of knowledge, they are often described as facilitators in this communal process. PFC is part of the larger movement in education that has aimed to put the child at the center of the teaching and learning process. Yet, PFC, similar to other child-centered pedagogies, brings new challenges to understanding the role of the teacher. This article (...)
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  18.  33
    The Future of the University and the Credibility of Science and Scholarship.Jürgen Mittelstrass - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (2):171-189.
    The nature of the university is autonomous research and teaching within the framework of Bildung . Without Bildung, our open society, which expects and lauds innovation and mobility, will become paralysed by its own expectations, since it will be choked by reign of technological specialists unable to offer society any universal orientation.In this worst case scenario, the market becomes the measure of all things, and education is only valued insofar as it plays to market demands and knowledge is fragmented. (...)
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  19. Contexts of teaching and learning : An actor-network view of the classroom.Steve Fox - 2009 - In Richard Edwards, Gert Biesta & Mary Thorpe (eds.), Rethinking Contexts for Learning and Teaching: Communities, Activites and Networks. Routledge. pp. 31.
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  20.  33
    La pratique réflexive en enseignement supérieur : d'une approche théorique à une perspective de développement professionnel.Christelle Lison - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):15-27.
    The preparation of teachers in higher education is increasingly valued in institutions around the world. On the other hand, training models are not standardized and valorization varies. Considering that the initial or professional development of teachers passes, at least in part, by the development of a reflective practice supported on basis of scientific literature, we propose to the on think on one hand about a model of reflective practice, that of Kelchtermans, through four dimensions (instrumental, moral, political, and emotional), and (...)
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  21.  7
    Quiet Riot: The Culture of Teaching and Learning in Schools.Diane M. Hoffman - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Quiet Riot offers an anthropological critique of teaching and learning in two U.S. high schools over a twenty-seven year period. Based on the author's experiences shadowing two average students in 1983 and 2009, it presents detailed observations that powerfully capture the reality of student experiences in school.
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  22. Teaching and learning as a way of life.Pádraig Hogan - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (2):207–223.
    This essay seeks to show that teaching and learning are to be properly understood, not as an undertaking carried out on the will of a higher power or party, but as a way of life with an integrity of its own, arising from its own integral purposes. The essay thus seeks to provide an understanding of educational practice and of educational thought that contrasts in key respects with Alasdair MacIntyre's understanding, though also with a some notable parallels. A (...)
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  23.  55
    (1 other version)The illusion of teaching and learning: Zhuangzi, Wittgenstein, and the groundlessness of language.Michael Dufresne - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (12):1207-1215.
    Beginning with an anecdote from the Zhuangzi about a wheelwright who is unable to pass on his knack for wheel-making to his son, this article goes on to argue that the process of teaching and learning in this context should not be understood as one of transmitting knowledge but instead as one of cultivating habits. According to Zhuangzi, learning does not mean attaining truths given to one by another, but means familiarizing oneself with concepts by applying them (...)
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  24.  31
    The Tyranny of ‘Teaching and Learning’.Alex Buckley - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (4):415-427.
    The phrase ‘teaching and learning’ has essentially replaced the word ‘teaching’ in educational discourse. The linguistic shift occurred as part of a wider movement in the 1980s and 1990s to give greater attention to learning in the educational process, and the phrase served a sloganistic function. With the learning paradigm now largely uncontroversial, the phrase—like other ex-slogans—may now be carrying implications more tied to its literal meaning. This paper suggests that the constant reference to (...) in the context of teaching carries the implication that teaching is always accompanied by learning. After applying Gilbert Ryle’s distinction between task and achievement verbs, the paper argues that under certain interpretations, the idea that teaching implies learning is deeply problematic. The paper proposes that we instead use ‘teaching and studying’: to communicate the deep connections between the activities carried out by teachers and students, without supporting the unhelpful idea that the activity of teaching must always lead to the achievement of learning. (shrink)
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    Out of the Stove-Heated Room and into the Agora.Kevin Graham, Aaron Leavelle & Katherine Plummer-Reed - forthcoming - Teaching Philosophy.
    Collaborative undergraduate research has been shown to benefit both student participants and faculty mentors, but it is much more widely practiced in the natural sciences than in the humanities. We argue that one key reason why collaborative undergraduate research is seldom practiced in philosophy is because we philosophers have been trained to conceive of ourselves as doing research in the stove-heated room of Descartes rather than in the agora of Socrates. We discuss two types of collaborative undergraduate research projects that (...)
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  26. Effective Teaching and Learning of Writing: Current Trends in Research.Gert Rijlaarsdam, Huub van den Bergh & Michel Couzijn (eds.) - 1996 - Amsterdam University Press.
    _Effective Teaching and Learning of Writing_ describes the current state of the art in research on the way in which children acquire skills in written text production and defines the features of instruction that can play a part in teaching such skills. The book discusses research by 'reflective practitioners', the use of computers in the solution of educational problems and formal research into effective approaches to the teaching of writing in primary and secondary education. In the (...)
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    Indigenous futures and learnings taking place.Ligia López López & Gioconda Coello (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Singularizing progressive time bounds pasts, presents, and futures to cause-effect chains overdetermining existence in education and social life more broadly. Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place disrupts the common sense of "futures" in education or "knowledge for the future" by examining the multiplicity of possible destinies in coexistent experiences of living and learning. Taking place is the intention this book has to embody and word multiplicity across the landscapes that sustain life. The book contends that Indigenous perspectives open spaces (...)
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    “Once a Scientist…”: Disciplinary Approaches and Intellectual Dexterity in Educational Development.K. Kearns, M. Hatcher, M. Bollard, M. DiPietro, D. Donohue‐Bergeler, L. E. Drane, E. Luoma, A. E. Phuong, L. Thain & M. Wright - 2018 - To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development 37 (1):128-141.
    The authors claim that disciplinary epistemologies—disciplinary habits of mind and ways of thinking—offer productive lenses for observing teaching practices. Furthermore, they argue that educational developers who draw from multiple epistemologies in combination provide rich evidence with regard to teaching and learning and can speak to academic colleagues from an array of disciplines. Clarity is provided for career paths in educational development for colleagues from academic disciplines who are contemplating part‐ or full‐time work in a teaching center. (...)
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  29.  14
    An Ethics of Teaching and Learning Mathematics.Grace Chen - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:153-165.
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    History and Philosophy of Science and the Teaching of Macroevolution.Ross H. Nehm & Kostas Kampourakis - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 401-421.
    Although macroevolution has been the subject of sustained attention in the history and philosophy of science (HPS) community, only in recent years have science educators begun to more fully engage with the topic. This chapter first explores how science educators have conceptualized macroevolution and how their perspectives align with the views from HPS. Second, it illustrates how science educators’ limited engagement with HPS scholarship on macroevolution has influenced construct delineation, measurement instrument development, and educational arguments about which aspects of (...)
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    Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns.Juan-Ignacio Pozo, María-Puy Pérez Echeverría, Beatriz Cabellos & Daniel L. Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The closure of schools as a result of COVID-19 has been a critical global incident from which to rethink how education works in all our countries. Among the many changes generated by this crisis, all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of (...) activities. It was answered by 1,403 teachers from Spain. The proposed activities varied depending on the learning promoted, the learning outcomes, the type of assessment to which the activities were directed, and the presence of cooperative activities. The major result of this study was that teachers used reproductive activities more frequently than constructive ones. We also found that most activities were those favoring verbal and attitudinal learning. The cooperative activities were the least frequent. Finally, through a cluster analysis, we identified four teaching profiles depending on the frequency and type of digital technologies use: Passive, Active, Reproductive, and Interpretative. The variable that produced the most consistent differences was previous digital technologies use These results show that Information and Communication Technologies uses are reproductive rather than constructive, which impedes effective digital technologies integration into the curriculum so that students gain 21st-century competencies. (shrink)
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    Commentary on “The Order of Teaching and Learning.”.William O. Martin - 1968 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 42:226-227.
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  33. Teaching and learning ethics: Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement updated.G. M. Stirrat, C. Johnston, R. Gillon & K. Boyd - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):55-60.
    Knowledge of the ethical and legal basis of medicine is as essential to clinical practice as an understanding of basic medical sciences. In the UK, the General Medical Council requires that medical graduates behave according to ethical and legal principles and must know about and comply with the GMC’s ethical guidance and standards. We suggest that these standards can only be achieved when the teaching and learning of medical ethics, law and professionalism are fundamental to, and thoroughly integrated (...)
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    Knowledge and virtue in teaching and learning: the primacy of dispositions.Hugh Sockett - 2012 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The challenge this book addresses is to demonstrate how, in teaching content knowledge, the development of intellectual and moral dispositions as virtues is not merely a good idea, or peripheral to that content, but deeply embedded in the logic of searching for knowledge and truth. It offers a powerful example of how philosophy of education can be brought to bear on real problems of educational research and practice – pointing the reader to re-envision what it means to educate children (...)
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  35.  5
    Teaching and Learning in a Community of Thinking: The Third Model.Yoram Harpaz - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores a new pedagogical model called The Third Model, which places the encounter between the child and the curriculum at the center of educational theory and practice. The Third Model is implemented in an alternative classroom called Community of Thinking. Teaching and learning in a Community of Thinking is based on three "stations": the fertile question; research; and concluding performance. The essence of a Community of Thinking is the formation of a group of students and teachers (...)
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    Education and Practice: Upholding the Integrity of Teaching and Learning.Joseph Dunne & Pádraig Hogan (eds.) - 2004 - Blackwell.
    This volume explores the distinctiveness of teaching and learning as a human undertaking and the nature and scope of the philosophy of education. An investigation of the distinctiveness of teaching and learning as a human undertaking. Provides fresh thinking on the nature and scope of the philosophy of education. Draws on the original insights of an international group of experts in philosophy and education. Includes an interview on education with Alasdair MacIntyre, together with searching investigations of (...)
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  37.  28
    Teaching and learning guide for: Consciousness in sleep: How findings from sleep and dream research challenge our understanding of sleep, waking, and consciousness.Jennifer M. Windt - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (9):e12694.
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    The interdependence of teaching and learning.Bryant Griffith & Douglas J. Loveless (eds.) - 2013 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
    The varied chapters of this book seek to capture the complexities of teaching and learning in today's schools, and they share an interest in exploring the influences of knowledge construction in the moment and over time. Teaching and learning are human processes, interrelated and dynamic. We assembled this collection to unpack what it means to teach and to learn, teasing out some of the implications and challenges of such complicated educational processes that are often misconstrued as (...)
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    The phenomenological heart of teaching and learning: theory, research, and practice in higher education.Katherine H. Greeberg - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Brian K. Sohn & Neil B. Greenberg.
    The lifeworld of the classroom -- Getting deep : the integrative biology of teaching and learning -- Preparation for teaching : "what can they experience in class?" -- Teaching as improvisational jazz : "to go somewhere to answer a big question" -- Free to learn : a radical aspect of our approach -- Student experiences of other students : "all together in this space" -- Transcending the classroom : student reports of personal and professional change -- (...)
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    Teaching and Learning Nature of Science in Elementary Classrooms.Valarie L. Akerson, Ingrid Carter, Khemmawadee Pongsanon & Vanashri Nargund-Joshi - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):391-411.
    Our goal in this article is to provide research-based strategies for embedding Nature of Science into science instruction at the elementary level. We thus intend to aid researchers, professional developers, and teachers in noting that not only is it important and possible to teach NOS at the elementary levels, but also that elementary students can learn ideas about NOS. The manuscript reviews research from the past two decades on what students of ages 5 to 12 understand about NOS after appropriate (...)
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    Teaching and Learning for Wholeness: The Role of Archetypes in Educational Processes.Clifford Mayes - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Teaching for Wholeness, Clifford Mayes continues to expand the horizons of Jungian pedagogy, a movement that draws upon the thought of Carl Jung and Jungian scholars to address crucial educational issues and define new ones. Mayes leads readers through an analysis of Freudian and post-Freudian psychology in educational theory and practice, an examination of the epistemological foundations of Jungian thought, and a demonstration of how Jungian psychology can uniquely help teachers reflect deeply upon their roles as educators.
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  42. A critical examination of teaching and learning in times of algorithmic reasoning.Dan Mamlok - 2025 - In Markus Bohlmann & Patrizia Breil (eds.), Postphenomenology and technologies within educational settings. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith: Empowering Adults Through Religious Education.Linda J. Vogel - 1999 - Jossey-Bass.
    Why are we here? What is our higher purpose? How can we lead lives of integrity and wholeness? Increasing numbers of adults, looking for some higher meaning in life, are turning to religion for the answers.Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith explores the growing movement toward adult religious education and draws on knowledge of the field of adult learning and development to offer strategies for teaching adults in both Christian and non-Christian settings. It emphasizes the (...)
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    Teaching and Learning Process of Decision-Making Units in Talented Young Players From U-10 to U-14.Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo, Alejandro Prieto-Ayuso, Onofre Ricardo Contreras-Jordán, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Pantelis Theo Nikolaidis, Thomas Johannes Rosemann & Beat Knechtle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45. Elements of Surprise in Teaching and Learning.N. Yiannoutsou - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):383-384.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Learning about Learning with Teachers and Young Children” by Chrystalla Papademetri-Kachrimani. Upshot: In my commentary, I focus on the concept of surprise underlying the design of the learning experience presented in Papademetri-Kachrimani’s target article. I treat surprise as a concept that integrates the creative, open and non-predictable characteristics of constructionist teaching and learning. In my analysis, I show that current technological and societal developments have made these ideas of constructionism (...)
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    Teaching and learning guide for: The promise and perils of industry‐funded research.Bennett Holman & Kevin C. Elliott - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (11):e12549.
    Private companies provide by far the most funding for scientific research and development. Nevertheless, relatively little attention has been paid to the dynamics of industry‐funded research by philosophers of science. This paper addresses this gap by providing an overview of the major strengths and weaknesses of industry research funding, together with the existing recommendations for addressing the weaknesses. It is designed to provide a starting point for future philosophical work that explores the features of industry‐funded research, avenues for addressing concerns, (...)
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  47. Philosophy for Children as a Teaching Movement in an Era of Too Much Learning.Charles Bingham - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):223-240.
    In this article, I contextualize the community of inquiry approach, and Philosophy for Children, within the current milieu of education. Specifically, I argue that whereas former scholarship on Philosophy for Children had a tendency to critique the problems of teacher authority and knowledge transmission, we must now consider subtler, learner-centered scenarios of education as a threat to Philosophy for Children. I begin by offering a personal anecdote about my own experience attending a ‘reverse-integrated’ elementary school in 1968. I use (...)
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    Teaching aesthetics and aesthetic teaching: Toward a Deweyan perspective.David A. Ganger - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (2):45-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Teaching Aesthetics and Aesthetic Teaching:Toward a Deweyan PerspectiveDavid A. Granger (bio)The educational writings of John Dewey continue to be invoked by scholars in education on a regular basis and in relation to a wide variety of issues, from social learning theory and situated cognition to constructivism and whole-language literacy instruction. More recently, this scholarship has begun to expand to include books and essays that look (...)
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    Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach: Essays on Religion and Political Philosophy in Honor of Ernest L. Fortin, A.A.Michael P. Foley & Douglas Kries (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    For half a century, Ernest Fortin's scholarship has charmed and educated theologians and philosophers with its intellectual search for the best way to live. Written by friends, colleagues, and students of Fortin, this book pays tribute to a remarkable thinker in a series of essays that bear eloquent testimony to Fortin's influence and his legacy. A formidable commentator on Catholic philosophical and political thought, Ernest Fortin inspired others with his restless inquiries beyond the boundaries of conventional scholarship. With (...)
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    Teaching and Learning Guide for: The Philosophy of Linguistics: Scientific Underpinnings and Methodological Disputes.Ryan Mark Nefdt - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (1):e12647.
    This is a teaching guide companion to the main article published in Philosophy Compass. It offers insights into how one might go about designing a course in the philosophy of linguistics at advanced undergrad/graduate level. Readings and possible core questions are included.
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