Results for 'Sayaka Sakamoto'

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  1. Self-Determination of Death in Japan: A Review & Discussion.Atsushi Asai & Sayaka Sakamoto - 2007 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 17 (2):35-40.
    Self-determination is a central concept in the field of bioethics and the most critical decision among the myriad of decisions concerning medical care is the decision to choose to die; “self-determination of death.” The purpose of this paper is to clarify the basic positions on self-determination of death held by present Japanese people and we tentatively sorted these positions into 10 arguments. We discuss the problems and implications of these positions revealed within our present review and conclude that a society (...)
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    Zen and Shinto, The Story of Japanese Philosophy.Hiroshi Sakamoto - 1961 - Philosophy East and West 11 (3):170-172.
  3.  27
    Hospital Mergers and Referrals in the United States: Patient Steering or Integrated Delivery of Care?Sayaka Nakamura - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (3):226-241.
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  4. La définition des sciences physico-mathématiques chez D'Alembert et Diderot. La pluralité des sciences "newtoniennes" au milieu du XVIIe siècle.Sayaka Oki - 2023 - In Jean-Pierre Schandeler, D'Alembert: itinéraires d'un savant du siècle. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    運動部活動における指導者の欲望論試論:「コーチング回路」概念の批判的検討を通して.Takuya Sakamoto - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 40 (2):105-117.
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  6. (1 other version)Astronomy, cosmology, and the limit of empiricism in Gassendi's thought.Kuni Sakamoto - 2018 - In Delphine Bellis, Daniel Garber & Carla Rita Palmerino, Pierre Gassendi: Humanism, Science, and the Birth of Modern Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  7. Hirata Atsutane no Fukko Shintō to Kirisutokyō: Honkyō gaihen no kenkyū.Harukichi Sakamoto - 1986 - Ōsaka-fu Ibaraki-shi: Sakamoto Ina.
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    Mind, Causality, and Ur-monism.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1988 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 7 (3):147-154.
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    Grammatical gender affects gender perception: Evidence for the structural-feedback hypothesis.Sayaka Sato & Panos Athanasopoulos - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):220-231.
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    Gauging the Impact of Gender Grammaticization in Different Languages: Application of a Linguistic-Visual Paradigm.Sayaka Sato, Pascal M. Gygax & Ute Gabriel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Flexing Gender Perception: Brain Potentials Reveal the Cognitive Permeability of Grammatical Information.Sayaka Sato, Aina Casaponsa & Panos Athanasopoulos - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12884.
    A growing body of recent research suggests that verbal categories, particularly labels, impact categorization and perception. These findings are commonly interpreted as demonstrating the involvement of language on cognition; however, whether these assumptions hold true for grammatical structures has yet to be investigated. In the present study, we investigated the extent to which linguistic information, namely, grammatical gender categories, structures cognition to subsequently influence categorical judgments and perception. In a nonverbal categorization task, French–English bilinguals and monolingual English speakers made gender‐associated (...)
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    Bouba/Kiki in Touch: Associations Between Tactile Perceptual Qualities and Japanese Phonemes.Maki Sakamoto & Junji Watanabe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Nursing knowledge: A middle ground exploration.Mariko Liette Sakamoto - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (3):e12209.
    The discipline of nursing has long maintained that is has a unique contribution to make within the health care arena. This assertion of uniqueness lies in great part in the discipline's claim to a distinct body of knowledge. Nursing knowledge is characterized by diverse and multiple forms of knowing and underpins the work of all nurses, regardless of field of practice. Unfortunately, it has been challenging for the discipline to take full ownership of its epistemological diversity, largely due to factors (...)
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  14. Foundations of East Asian Bioethics.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1996 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (2):31-32.
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    Visuomotor learning by passive motor experience.Takashi Sakamoto & Toshiyuki Kondo - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The German Hercules’s Heir: Pierre Gassendi’s Reception of Keplerian Ideas.Kuni Sakamoto - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (1):69-91.
    Pierre Gassendi is widely known as a reviver of Epicurean atomism. But he was also regarded as an accomplished astronomer by his contemporaries. Along with the life-long observational pursuits, Gassendi developed his theories of the causes underlying celestial motions. In elaborating them, he absorbed seveal ideas coming from the astronomy of Johannes Kepler. Moreover, Gassendi went further to incorporate some theological principles from the Keplerian cosmology, especially the idea that God is a Geometer. The present paper thus explores Kepler's influence (...)
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    Gendai kyōikugaku no riron.Tadayoshi Sakamoto (ed.) - 1982 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
  18. Gendai ronrigaku.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1971 - Edited by Sakai, Hidehisa & [From Old Catalog].
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  19. New Initiatives in East Asian Bioethics.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1995 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 5 (1):2-2.
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  20. Seiyō shisō shi.Takashi Sakamoto - 1972
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    Desire in the issue of doping: for the development of anti-doping education in Japanドーピング問題の欲望論的考察.Takuya Sakamoto - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 39 (2):121-136.
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  22. Hume's "Early Memoranda" and the Making of His Political Economy.Tatsuya Sakamoto - 2011 - Hume Studies 37 (2):131-164.
    This essay argues that while the so-called "Hume's Early Memoranda" has long been regarded as Hume's juvenile work composed before A Treatise of Human Nature, there is significant internal and external evidence to the contrary. M. A. Stewart's recent thesis made a new attempt to move the period of composition to the early 1740s. I seek in the following essay to date the composition even later, in the latter half of the 1740s. Re-examined in this new light, the memoranda credibly (...)
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    Exploring Tactile Perceptual Dimensions Using Materials Associated with Sensory Vocabulary.Maki Sakamoto & Junji Watanabe - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Julius Caesar Scaliger, Renaissance reformer of Aristotelianism: a study of Exotericae Exercitationes.Kuni Sakamoto - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    This monograph is the first to analyze Julius Caesar Scaliger's Exotericae Exercitationes(1557). In order to make this late-Renaissance work accessible to modern readers, Kuni Sakamoto conducted a detailed textual analysis and revealed the basic tenets of Scaliger's philosophy.
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    Body in school athletic club.Takuya Sakamoto - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 33 (2):63-73.
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    Comment on Redstone’s “Democracy and the problem of certainty”.Arthur Sakamoto - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-3.
    Redstone (Democracy and the Problem of Certainty. Theory and Society, 2024) provides a welcomed discussion of our general psychological propensity to become overly sure of our convictions and to thereby avoid critical thinking about them. Her analysis helps us to better understand the sources of this cognitive bias and its impact on sociology which has become overly ideological. This cognitive bias is also inconsistent with Merton’s norms of science. Excessive ideological commitments and related cognitive bias are impeding the development of (...)
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  27. Die Würde des Menschen bei Nikolaus von Kues.Peter Takaschi Sakamoto - 1967 - [Düsseldorf: Druck, R. Stehle.
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    Epilogue: Alternative perspectives.Yoshikazu Sakamoto - 1987 - World Futures 24 (1):285-299.
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  29. Eaab News: The President's Column.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (4):99-99.
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    Free Will, a Conceptual Hybrid.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1969 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (4):156-165.
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    コミュニケイション行為の法.Masanari Sakamoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: Seibundō.
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  32. Ningen kikairon no tetsugaku.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1980
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    Risk context effects in inductive reasoning: an experimental and computational modeling study.Kayo Sakamoto & Masanori Nakagawa - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 425--438.
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    Seimei rinri: 21-seiki no gurōbaru baioeshikkusu.Hyakudai Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Aoki & Takao Yamada (eds.) - 2005 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
    劇的転換を求められている新たな生命倫理の案内書。従来、医療分野に集中しがちであった内容を生命科学全体とさらに関連する社会的緊急課題―環境・人口・難民・人種などにまで拡大、包括して最適任者が興趣ある解説 で応える。.
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  35. Shizen to kosumosu.Kenzō Sakamoto (ed.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    The Rise of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment.Tatsuya Sakamoto & Hideo Tanaka - 2005 - Routledge.
    This collection of essays provides a comprehensive view of the economic thought of the Scottish Enlightenment. Organized as a chronological account of the rise and progress of political economy in eighteenth century Scotland, each chapter discusses the way in which the moral and economic improvement of the Scottish nation became a common concern. Contributors not only explore the economic discourses of David Hume, James Steuart and Adam Smith but also consider the neglected economic writings of Andrew Fletcher, Robert Wallace, Francis (...)
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  37. Update On Aba And Invitation For Membership.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1996 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (6):156-157.
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    What underlies the Great Gatsby Curve? Psychological micro-foundations of the “vicious circle” of poverty.Arthur Sakamoto, Jason Rarick, Hyeyoung Woo & Sharron X. Wang - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (2):195-211.
    Societies with a higher level of income inequality tend to have lower levels of intergenerational income mobility. Known as the Great Gatsby Curve, this negative relationship in part derives from greater intergenerational economic heritance among the poor. Societies with higher rates of relative poverty will have a higher level of income inequality, but they will also tend to have lower intergenerational mobility due to the reduced capacity of low-income persons to become upwardly mobile. Reviewing relevant research in psychology, we describe (...)
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  39. You only had to ask me once: Long-term retention requires direct queries during learning.Yasuaki Sakamoto & Bradley C. Love - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Review: Thomas Reid, Jitsuzairon, Kikagaku, Utopia. [REVIEW]Sayaka Oki - 2006 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 4 (1):89-92.
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    Uniform versions of some axioms of second order arithmetic.Nobuyuki Sakamoto & Takeshi Yamazaki - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):587-593.
    In this paper, we discuss uniform versions of some axioms of second order arithmetic in the context of higher order arithmetic. We prove that uniform versions of weak weak König's lemma WWKL and Σ01 separation are equivalent to over a suitable base theory of higher order arithmetic, where is the assertion that there exists Φ2 such that Φf1 = 0 if and only if ∃x0 for all f. We also prove that uniform versions of some well-known theorems are equivalent to (...)
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    Anonymous writings of David Hume.D. D. Raphael & Tatsuya Sakamoto - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (2):271-281.
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    The good Cartesian: Louis de La Forge and the rise of a philosophical paradigm.Kuni Sakamoto - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Steven Nadler’s new book provides a comprehensive study of Louis de La Forge (1632-1666), one of the earliest Cartesian philosophers. La Forge studied at La Flèche and later practiced medicine in S...
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    Towards a New 'Global Bioethics'.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (3-4):191-197.
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  45. [How to Do Things with Words]. Japanese.J. L. Austin & Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1978 - Taishukan Publishing Company.
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    A confidence framing effect: Flexible use of evidence in metacognitive monitoring.Yosuke Sakamoto & Kiyofumi Miyoshi - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103636.
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    Japanese Studies of Post-Opium War China: 1985.Motono Eiichi & Sakamoto Hiroko - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (1-2):66-78.
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    Between Cartesianism and orthodoxy: God and the problem of indifference in Christoph Wittich’s Anti-Spinoza.Yoshi Kato & Kuni Sakamoto - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (2):239-257.
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    A new possibility of global bioethics as an intercultural social tuning technology.Hyakudai Sakamoto - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 359--367.
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    Chūgoku kindai no shisō bunkashi.Hiroko Sakamoto - 2016 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    清朝末から中華人民共和国建国までの世界的激動期、中国の知識人は儒教的世界観の更新に立ち会い、西洋の知と格闘した。社会進化論や立憲思想の衝撃はナショナリズムと革命思想に展開し、雑誌メディアには生命論から 民族論まで様々な論争と漫画表現が花開く。貴重な資料と最新の研究から読み解く労作。.
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