Results for 'Sarah Coronado'

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  1. Human Nature in Characters and Motivation in Authors: A Look at Hawthorne and Poe.Sarah Coronado - forthcoming - Human Nature.
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  2. American Romanticism Sample Student Research Projects 20.Sarah Coronado - forthcoming - Human Nature.
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  3. The conclusion of practical reasoning: the shadow between idea and act.Sarah K. Paul - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):287-302.
    There is a puzzle about how to understand the conclusion of a successful instance of practical reasoning. Do the considerations adduced in reasoning rationalize the particular doing of an action, as Aristotle is sometimes interpreted as claiming? Or does reasoning conclude in the formation of an attitude – an intention, say – that has an action-type as its content? This paper attempts to clarify what is at stake in that debate and defends the latter view against some of its critics.
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    Ethical Issues in Hospital-based Social Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case from Uganda, with a Commentary.Denis Adia & Sarah Banks - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (1):90-97.
    This paper comprises a case study illustrating ethical and practical challenges for a Ugandan hospital-based social worker early in the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a commentary. The hospital was under-resourced, with staff and patients experiencing lack of information and panic. The social worker, Denis Adia, recounts his responses to new and ethically challenging situations, including persuading Muslim patients to stop fasting for the good of their health; deciding to keep a baby in hospital with parents although this was against the (...)
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    Empowerment through care: Using dialogue between the social model of disability and an ethic of care to redraw boundaries of independence and partnership between disabled people and services.Sarah E. Keyes, Sarah H. Webber & Kevin Beveridge - 2015 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 9 (3):236-248.
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    The European contexts of Ramism.Sarah Knight & Emma Annette Wilson (eds.) - 2019 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    The book situates the works and reception of the French scholar Pierre de la Ramée (Petrus Ramus) in a variety of European cultural and educational contexts, from Britain and France to Eastern Europe, from Germany to the Iberian peninsula, and from Scandinavia to the Netherlands. Pierre de la Ramée or Petrus Ramus (1515-1572) has long been a controversial figure in educational reform and innovation, from the moment of his first public academic statements in the 1530s, to his reception among scholars (...)
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    “Our school system is trying to be agrarian”: educating for reskilling and food system transformation in the rural school garden.Sarah E. Cramer, Anna L. Ball & Mary K. Hendrickson - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):507-519.
    School gardens and garden-based learning continue to gain great popularity in the United States, and their pedagogical potential, and ability to impact students’ fruit and vegetable consumption and activity levels have been well-documented. Less examined is their potential to be agents of food system reskilling and transformation. Though producer and consumer are inextricably linked in the food system, and deskilling of one directly influences the other, theorists often focus on production-centered and consumption-centered deskilling separately. However, in a school garden, the (...)
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  8. Nature, Change and Agency in Aristotle’s Physics.Sarah Broadie - 1982 - In [no title]. Oxford University Press.
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    How to Rethink the Fourteen‐Day Rule.Sarah Chan - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (3):5-6.
    Recently, attention has been drawn to the basic principles governing the use of human embryos in research: specifically, the so-called fourteen-day rule. This rule stipulates that human embryos should not be allowed to grow in vitro past fourteen days of development. For years, the fourteen-day limit was largely theoretical, since culture techniques were not sufficient to maintain embryos up to this point. Yet in the past year, research has suggested that growing embryos beyond fourteen days might be feasible and scientifically (...)
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    Social Entrepreneur Servant Leadership and Social Venture Performance: How are They Related?Sarah Kimakwa, Jorge A. Gonzalez & Hale Kaynak - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):95-118.
    As a rapidly growing field of study, social entrepreneurship is increasingly receiving attention from scholars and practitioners because social ventures have the potential to contribute to economic growth and social innovation. Surprisingly, the role of leadership in social venture growth has received very limited attention. One reason for this omission may be that entrepreneurship and leadership evolved as separate domains. Applying leadership theory to social ventures can help scholars and managers understand how social entrepreneurs can manage the environmental risks, dual (...)
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    Playing it Safe? Precaution, Risk, and Responsibility in Human Genome Editing.Sarah Chan - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):111-125.
    On November 26, 2018, the world awoke to the news that genome editing had for the first time been used to create genetically modified human beings. He Jiankui, a scientist then employed by Southern University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, announced via social media and the popular press that he had performed genome editing on embryos with the aim of disrupting the CCR5 gene in order to induce immunity to HIV, implanted the embryos, and that twin girls had (...)
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  12. Where is the activity? An Aristotelian worry about the telic status of energeia.Sarah Broadie - 2010 - In James G. Lennox & Robert Bolton, Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 198-211.
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    A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault.Claire Raymond & Sarah Corse - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:464 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Claire Raymond and Sarah Corse A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault This article focuses on the broad and specific impacts of college sexual assault on student-survivors’ academic performance, academic trajectory, and their sense of self in relation to the university community. We frame this study with, and relate our findings to, the historic (...)
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    Sasanian Amulet Practices and their Survival in Islamic Iran and Beyond.Sarah Kiyanrad - 2018 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95 (1):65-90.
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    The legal foundations of micro-institutional performance: a heterodox law & economics approach.Sarah S. Klammer - 2022 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Edited by Eric A. Scorsone.
    The aim of The Legal Foundations of Micro-Institutional Performance is to introduce the reader to a different way of thinking about economics that will allow them to both understand and apply legal concepts to economic analysis. To this end, it adopts and further develops Wesley Hohfeld's legal framework of jural (legal) relations as a tool of analysis. This analytical tool, as built into the Legal-Economic Performance framework, provides specific direction in identifying and describing interdependence among economic agents (including rights, duties, (...)
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    Camera obscura, de l'idéologie.Sarah Kofman - 1973 - [Paris]: Éditions Galilée.
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  17. Filosofia Terminada, Filosofia Interminável.Sarah Kofman - 2006 - Ethic@ 13 (1):137-159.
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    Socrate(s).Sarah Kofman - 1989 - Paris: Editions Galilée.
    Les Socrate(s) de Platon; le Socrate de Hegel, de Kierkegaard et de Nietzsche.
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  19. The work of art and fantasy.Sarah Kofman - 2010 - In Christopher Want, Philosophers on Art From Kant to the Postmodernists: A Critical Reader. Columbia University Press.
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  20. Cicéron et les gladiateurs : les armes de Lucilius sous la plume cicéronienne.par Sarah Gaucher - 2019 - In Marie-Françoise Marein, Les illusions de l'autonymie: la parole rapportée de l'Autre dans la littérature. Paris: Hermann.
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  21. Grafting the Australian landscape into an Urban Framework. Embedding the city into environmental systems.Bonnie Grant & Sarah Hicks - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 83:96.
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    The place of the spirit: toward a Trinitarian theology of location.Sarah Morice-Brubaker - 2013 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Cyril O'Regan.
    Placing the question -- Patristic Precedents -- Moltmann's perichoretic spaces for God and creation -- No place for the spirit? Jean-Luc Marion's placial refusal -- Notes toward a Trinitarian theology of Place.
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    Adhésion d’une femme issue de l’immigration maghrébine à la umma de Daech : entre défaillance des imagos parentales et défaut d’accordage avec la mère-patrie.Sarah Daoudi, Sara Skandrani & François Pommier - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 244 (2):35-49.
    Cet article interroge, à l’aide d’une trajectoire singulière issue de la clinique des auteurs, le lien entre la construction des imagos parentales chez une femme française issue de l’immigration maghrébine et son adhésion à l’idéologie religieuse radicale de Daech. Il s’agit plus précisément d’entrevoir les échecs et les impasses de l’institution familiale et sociale et la manière dont cette jeune femme s’est saisie de la Umma (la communauté des musulmans dans le monde) – dont la racine Um signifie en arabe (...)
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  24. Substituted or supported decisions? Examining models of decision-making within interprofessional team decision-making for individuals at risk of lacking decision-making capacity.Sarah Galbraith Gemma Clarke, Anthony Holland Jeremy Woodward & Stephen Barclay - 2016 - In Sabine Salloch & Verena Sandow, Ethics and Professionalism in Healthcare: Transition and Challenges. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    Characterizing Sleep Differences in Children With and Without Sensory Sensitivities.Amy G. Hartman, Sarah McKendry, Adriane Soehner, Stefanie Bodison, Murat Akcakaya, Dilhari DeAlmeida & Roxanna Bendixen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesIndividuals register and react to daily sensory stimuli differently, which influences participation in occupations. Sleep is a foundational nightly occupation that impacts overall health and development in children. Emerging research suggests that certain sensory processing patterns, specifically sensory sensitivities, may have a negative impact on sleep health in children. In this study, we aimed to characterize sleep in children with and without sensory sensitivities and examine the relationship between sensory processing patterns and sleep using validated parent- and child-reported questionnaires. We (...)
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    A Kantian ethics approach to moral bioenhancement.Sarah Carter - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (9):683-690.
    It seems, at first glance, that a Kantian ethics approach to moral enhancement would tend towards the position that there could be no place for emotional modulation in any understanding of the endeavour, owing to the typically understood view that Kantian ethics does not allow any role for emotion in morality as a whole. It seems then that any account of moral bioenhancement which places emotion at its centre would therefore be rejected. This article argues, however, that this assumption is (...)
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    Darwin, Tegetmeier and the bees.Sarah Davis - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (1):65-92.
    The Origin of species is often seen as a turning point in nineteenth-century biology, but arguments that commenced before its publication were not immediately resolved by its publication. In this paper, I examine the debate about bee cell construction; whether bees built hexagonal cells or not, and how this instinct could evolve. Bees were of particular importance to natural theologians as examples of God’s design in nature. Other naturalists sought to explain their complex behaviour without invoking design, but there was (...)
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    Social Perspectives and Genetic Enhancement: Whose Perspective? Whose Choice?Sarah E. Wilson - 2007 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 1 (1).
    Sarah E. Wilson, University of Central LancashireThis paper's account of the core issues at stake in relation to genetic enhancement is presented as an alternative to mainstream liberal defenses of enhancement. The mainstream arguments are identified as being associated with reproductive autonomy, individual choice, and a `neutral', passive interpretation of technology. The alternative account is associated with the perspective of `woman' or child-bearer, with a fundamental concern for social justice, and an understanding of society in both a global and (...)
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    Risk adapted regulation of clinical trials.Sarah J. L. Edwards - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (1):2-5.
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  30. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): 23 Cases.Sarah Garside & John Maher - 2006 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 1:1-4.
    These short cases are intended to stimulate thought or perhaps serve as a useful tool in a classroom or discussion group setting. The cases have been modified to protect confidentiality but do represent real life elements and situations that have been encountered by ACT team staff. Many or most case situations presented may be familiar to ACT Team staff members. Will all ACT team members view each of these as ethical problems? Were others aware that all of these things happen (...)
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    Agamben, Kristeva, and the Language of the Sacred.Sarah Kathryn Hansen - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (2):164-174.
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    Separating from heterosexualism.Sarah Hoagland - 1995 - In Penny A. Weiss & Marilyn Friedman, Feminism and community. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 273.
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    Fault tolerance in belief formation networks.Sarah Holbrook & Pavel Naumov - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin, Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 267--280.
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    An Old French Source for the Genesis Section of Cursor Mundi.Sarah M. Horrall - 1978 - Mediaeval Studies 40 (1):361-373.
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    The influence of the Ōjōyōshū in late tenth- and early eleventh-century Japan.Sarah Horton - 2004 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 31 (1):29-54.
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    La philosophie comme ancilla theologiae chez stillingfleet.Sarah Hutton - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):21 - 31.
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    Object and word familiarization differentially boost retention in fast-mapping.Sarah C. Kucker & Larissa K. Samuelson - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Neo-Assyrian Royal Women and Male Identity: Status as a Social Tool.Sarah C. Melville - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):37-57.
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    Legal Ethics in the Trial of Oscar Wilde.Sarah Mercer & Clare Sandford-Couch - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (1):119-133.
    This paper considers, in the context of an undergraduate law degree, how to encourage students to develop an awareness of ethical issues relating to membership of a 'profession' and how lawyers could and should conduct themselves, whilst retaining the notion of a law degree as part of a liberal arts education. It suggests an interdisciplinary approach, both in its content and its methodologies, as an innovative and interesting means of addressing issues of legal ethics and professional responsibility. It offers an (...)
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    Hatred and Forgiveness (review).Sarah Alison Miller - 2011 - Symploke 19 (1-2):411-414.
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    Language, Lamentation, and Power in Sophocles' Electra.Sarah Nooter - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):399-417.
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    Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation (review).Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):155-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 155-157 [Access article in PDF] Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Buddhist-Christian Conversation. By Rita M.Gross and Rosemary Radford Ruether. New York: Continuum, 2001. 229 pp. Is feminism indigenous to Buddhism and Christianity? Or must feminists reinvent their religious traditions? The probing autobiographical reflections by Rita Gross and Rosemary Ruether expose the tensions of feminist reform. Like many religious feminists, they claim (...)
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    " A Radiant Eye Yearns from Me": Figuring Documentary in the Photography of Nan Goldin.Sarah Ruddy - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (2):347-380.
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    The Liberal Archipelago.Sarah Song - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (3):365-367.
  45. Australian by Design-The Australian Garden at the Botanic Gardens Cranbourne.Sarah Wintle - 2008 - Topos 62:20.
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  46. Toward a sociology of conflict of interest.Sarah Winch & Michael Sinnott - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (4):1-3.
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    Gail Cunningham and Stephen Barber (2007) London Eyes: Reflections in Text and Image.Sarah Wishart - 2009 - Film-Philosophy 13 (1):206-212.
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    Un Quatuor.Jean-Pierre Babin, Sarah Carvallo, Barthélémy Faye & Anne-Sophie Menasseyre - forthcoming - Journal of Ancient Philosophy:454-465.
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    Die Idee der Universität bei Schleiermacher und Steffens.Leon Miodoński & Sarah Schmidt - 2018 - In Leon Miodoński & Sarah Schmidt, System Und Subversion: Friedrich Schleiermacher Und Henrik Steffens. De Gruyter. pp. 119-142.
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  50. A controversy well beyond medicine and chemistry.Sarah Carvallo - 2010 - In Marcelo Dascal, The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and His Controversies. John Benjamins. pp. 7--101.
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