Results for 'Sara Kärkkäinen Terian'

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  1.  14
    Positive Prejudice as Interpersonal Ethics.Sara Kärkkäinen Terian - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    Positive Prejudice as Interpersonal Ethics examines prejudice not merely as a negative attitude toward others but as a general orientation that enables perception and understanding.
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    Living a feminist life.Sara Ahmed - 2015 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Feminism is sensational -- On being directed -- Willfulness and feminist subjectivity -- Trying to transform -- Being in question -- Brick walls -- Fragile connections -- Feminist snap -- Lesbian feminism -- Conclusion 1: A killjoy survival kit -- Conclusion 2: A killjoy manifesto.
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  3. A phenomenology of whiteness.Sara Ahmed - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (2):149-168.
    The paper suggests that we can usefully approach whiteness through the lens of phenomenology. Whiteness could be described as an ongoing and unfinished history, which orientates bodies in specific directions, affecting how they `take up' space, and what they `can do'. The paper considers how whiteness functions as a habit, even a bad habit, which becomes a background to social action. The paper draws on experiences of inhabiting a white world as a non-white body, and explores how whiteness becomes worldly (...)
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  4. Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the `New Materialism'.Sara Ahmed - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (1):23-39.
    We have no interest whatever in minimizing the continuing history of racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise abusive biologisms, or the urgency of their exposure, that has made the gravamen of so many contemporary projects of critique. At the same time, we fear — with installation of an automatic antibiologism as the unshifting tenet of `theory' — the loss of conceptual access to an entire thought-realm. I was left wondering what danger had been averted by the exclusion of biology. What does (...)
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    Recommendations for Responsible Development and Application of Neurotechnologies.Sara Goering, Eran Klein, Laura Specker Sullivan, Anna Wexler, Blaise Agüera Y. Arcas, Guoqiang Bi, Jose M. Carmena, Joseph J. Fins, Phoebe Friesen, Jack Gallant, Jane E. Huggins, Philipp Kellmeyer, Adam Marblestone, Christine Mitchell, Erik Parens, Michelle Pham, Alan Rubel, Norihiro Sadato, Mina Teicher, David Wasserman, Meredith Whittaker, Jonathan Wolpaw & Rafael Yuste - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):365-386.
    Advancements in novel neurotechnologies, such as brain computer interfaces and neuromodulatory devices such as deep brain stimulators, will have profound implications for society and human rights. While these technologies are improving the diagnosis and treatment of mental and neurological diseases, they can also alter individual agency and estrange those using neurotechnologies from their sense of self, challenging basic notions of what it means to be human. As an international coalition of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners, we examine these challenges and make (...)
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  6. Collective Feelings.Sara Ahmed - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):25-42.
    This article examines ‘collective feelings’ by considering how ‘others’ create impressions on the surfaces of bodies. Rather than considering ‘collective feeling’ as ‘fellow feeling’ or in terms of feeling ‘for’ the collective, the article suggests that how we respond to others in intercorporeal encounters creates the impression of a collective body. In other words, how we feel about others is what aligns us with a collective, which paradoxically ‘takes shape’ only as an effect of such alignments. The article considers different (...)
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    Is an FBI Agent a DIY Biologist Like Any Other? A Cultural Analysis of a Biosecurity Risk.Sara Angeli Aguiton & Sara Tocchetti - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):825-853.
    Biotechnology's promises has been widely recognized as a major enterprise accelerating the commodification of the biological. After the 9/11 events and the subsequent anthrax letters, biotechnologies have additionally been described as contributing to the construction of biosecurity risks. This paper proposes to investigate the collaboration between the FBI and the DIYbio network as a case study illustrating the productive entanglement of biological risks and promises. To do so, the paper explores the social construction of risks and promises associated with the (...)
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    Contraction-free sequent calculi for geometric theories with an application to Barr's theorem.Sara Negri - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (4):389-401.
    Geometric theories are presented as contraction- and cut-free systems of sequent calculi with mathematical rules following a prescribed rule-scheme that extends the scheme given in Negri and von Plato. Examples include cut-free calculi for Robinson arithmetic and real closed fields. As an immediate consequence of cut elimination, it is shown that if a geometric implication is classically derivable from a geometric theory then it is intuitionistically derivable.
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  9. Proof Theory for Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):523-538.
    The axiomatic presentation of modal systems and the standard formulations of natural deduction and sequent calculus for modal logic are reviewed, together with the difficulties that emerge with these approaches. Generalizations of standard proof systems are then presented. These include, among others, display calculi, hypersequents, and labelled systems, with the latter surveyed from a closer perspective.
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    Creación y emprendimiento de VJs en Madrid: no queremos ser otra mente plana en una oficina cualquiera.Sara Sama Acedo - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:111-121.
    This article approaches certain dynamics, tensions and gaps that emerge in the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship when examining forms of creation, production, collaboration and competition in the real time visual/video intervention of videojockeys (VJs).
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  11. The Semantics of Reasonableness.Andrea Rocci & Sara Greco - 2006 - In F. H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Haft-van Rees & A. M. (eds.), Considering pragma-dialectics: a festschrift for Frans H. van Eemeren on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 257.
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    Narratives and the semiotic freedom of children.Sara Lenninger - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (1-2):216-234.
    Both adults’ habits-of-thought and their understanding of children’s stories shape how adults interpret children’s participation in conversations. In the light of the requests on children’s rights that follow from the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) this paper stresses the relevance of authorities having semiotically informed knowledge on children’s meaning-making within conversations with adults. In Article 12, the CRC stipulates the right of children to participate in and to be heard about decisions that affect their everyday lives. According (...)
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  13. Two Models of Mind Blanking.Angelica Kaufmann, Sara Parmigiani & Toshikazu Kawagoe - 2023 - European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (5):786-795.
    Mind blanking is a mental state in which attention does not bring any perceptual input into conscious awareness. As this state is still largely unexplored, we suggest that a comprehensive understanding of mind blanking can be achieved through a multifaceted approach combining self-assessment methods, neuroimaging, and neuromodulation. In this article, we explain how EEG and TMS could be combined to help determine whether mind blanking is associated with a lack of mental content or a lack of linguistically or conceptually determinable (...)
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  14. The Role of Caring in a Theory of Nursing Ethics.Sara T. Fry - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):88 - 103.
    The development of nursing ethics as a field of inquiry has largely relied on theories of medical ethics that use autonomy, beneficence, and/or justice as foundational ethical principles. Such theories espouse a masculine approach to moral decision-making and ethical analysis. This paper challenges the presumption of medical ethics and its associated system of moral justification as an appropriate model for nursing ethics. It argues that the value foundations of nursing ethics are located within the existential phenomenon of human caring within (...)
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    Conceptual Clarification and the Task of Improving Research on Academic Ethics.Sara R. Jordan - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (3):243-256.
    What does the term academic ethics mean? How does this term relate to others in the academic integrity literature, such as research misconduct? Does conceptual confusion in the study of academic ethics complicate development of valid analyses of ethical behavior in an academic setting? The intended goal of many empirical projects on academic ethics is to draw causal conclusions about the factors that lead to faculty or students possessing or disregarding academic integrity. Yet, it is not clear that scholars using (...)
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    Embodiment and Expressivity in Husserl's Phenomenology: From Logical Investigations to Cartesian Meditations.Sara Heinäämaa - 2010 - SATS 11 (1):1-15.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate, if there is a principal disagreement between Husserl's early concept of expression and his later discussions on gestures. In the early work Logical Investigations (1900–1901), Husserl quite bluntly excludes gestures from the category of meaningful expressions; thirty years later (1928), in the second volume of Ideas, he argues to the contrary that gestures are meaningful and expressive in the very same way as linguistic units, words and sentences. The question of this paper (...)
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    “Let Me Tell You Why!”. When Argumentation in Doctor–Patient Interaction Makes a Difference.Sara Rubinelli & Peter J. Schulz - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (3):353-375.
    This paper throws some light on the nature of argumentation, its use and advantages, within the setting of doctor–patient interaction. It claims that argumentation can be used by doctors to offer patients reasons that work as ontological conditions for enhancing the decision making process, as well as to preserve the institutional nature of their relationship with patients. In support of these claims, selected arguments from real-life interactions are presented in the second part of the paper, and analysed by means of (...)
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    Bible commentary.Sara Klein-Braslavy - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 245.
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  19. Smith, Wanda J., Richard E. Wokutch, K. Vernard Harrington, and.Bruce Seifert, Sara A. Morris, Barbara R. Bartkus, Mark P. Sharfman, Teresa M. Shaft & Laszlo Tihanyi - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (4):437-439.
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  20. Where Did Information Go? Reflections on the Logical Status of Information in a Cybernetic and Semiotic Perspective.Sara Cannizzaro - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (1):105-123.
    This article explores the usefulness of interdisciplinarity as method of enquiry by proposing an investigation of the concept of information in the light of semiotics. This is because, as Kull, Deacon, Emmeche, Hoffmeyer and Stjernfelt state, information is an implicitly semiotic term (Biological Theory 4(2):167–173, 2009: 169), but the logical relation between semiosis and information has not been sufficiently clarified yet. Across the history of cybernetics, the concept of information undergoes an uneven development; that is, information is an ‘objective’ entity (...)
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    A normalizing system of natural deduction for intuitionistic linear logic.Sara Negri - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):789-810.
    The main result of this paper is a normalizing system of natural deduction for the full language of intuitionistic linear logic. No explicit weakening or contraction rules for -formulas are needed. By the systematic use of general elimination rules a correspondence between normal derivations and cut-free derivations in sequent calculus is obtained. Normalization and the subformula property for normal derivations follow through translation to sequent calculus and cut-elimination.
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  22. Arthur Prior and Medieval Logic.Sara L. Uckelman - 2012 - Synthese 188 (3):349-366.
    Though Arthur Prior is now best known for his founding of modern temporal logic and hybrid logic, much of his early philosophical career was devoted to history of logic and historical logic. This interest laid the foundations for both of his ground-breaking innovations in the 1950s and 1960s. Because of the important rôle played by Prior's research in ancient and medieval logic in his development of temporal and hybrid logic, any student of Prior, temporal logic, or hybrid logic should be (...)
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  23. Whiteness and the General Will: Diversity Work as Willful Work.Sara Ahmed - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Whiteness and the General WillDiversity Work as Willful WorkSara AhmedIn this essay I explore whiteness in relation to the general will. My starting point is that the idea of “the general will” offers us a vocabulary for thinking through the materiality of race. In his keynote address to the 40th Annual Philosophy Symposium in 2010, Charles Mills argues that race is material: it becomes part of the living human (...)
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    Damascius' Problems and Solutions Regarding First Principles.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2010 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by Sara Ahbel-Rappe.
    Damascius was head of the Neoplatonist academy in Athens when the Emperor Justinian shut its doors forever in 529. His work, Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles, is the last surviving independent philosophical treatise from the Late Academy. It has never before been translated into English.
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    (1 other version)Da Ética à Religião.Sara Fernandes - 2000 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (16):103-115.
    Paul Ricoeur sustains in Soi-même comme un autre that the tragical conflict in Sophocle’s Antigone is only ethical. Antigone and Creon confront each other because they both have limited and partial views of good life. The aim of this brief paper is to show that Antigone's tragedy must be situated in the religions domain. Only Greek theology - the belief in a ‘cruel’ and ‘satanic’ God - gives us the ‘tools’ to understand Sophocles' complex imaginary.
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    El nacimiento de Dioniso en las "Bacantes" de Eurípides: la opinión de Cadmo y la de Tiresias.Sara Macías Otero - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:59-74.
    The main theme of Euripides’ Bacchae is Dionysus’ divinity and its recognition by the Thebans. The birth of Dionysus is a key point in the myth to determine that he is a god, consequently the playwright makes several of his characters mention it from different points of view. There are two versions clearly in conflict: on the one hand, Dionysus and his worshippers defend that he is a son of Zeus and, therefore, a god who must be venerated. On the (...)
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  27. Semantic Competence from the Inside: Conceptual Architecture and Composition.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - In Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio (eds.), Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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  28. Origen del lenguaje: Un enfoque multidisciplinar Origin of language: A multidisciplinary approach Ludus Vitalis Vol. XVII/núm 31/2009.Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga & Sara Rivera Velasco - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31).
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    Arnauld's theory of ideative knowledge: A proto-phenomenological account.Sara F. García-Gómez - 1988 - The Monist 71 (4):543 - 559.
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  30. Sovereignty and suffering : towards an ethics of grief in a post-9/11 world.David S. Gutterman & Sara L. Rushing - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers (eds.), Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
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    Natural Indicators of Cognitive Development: An Observational Study of Rural Guatemalan Children.Sara B. Nerlove, John M. Roberts, Robert E. Klein, Charles Yarbrough & Jean ‐PierreHabicht - 1974 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (3):265-295.
  32. Decision methods for linearly ordered Heyting algebras.Sara Negri & Roy Dyckhoff - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (4):411-422.
    The decision problem for positively quantified formulae in the theory of linearly ordered Heyting algebras is known, as a special case of work of Kreisel, to be solvable; a simple solution is here presented, inspired by related ideas in Gödel-Dummett logic.
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    Presentación.Silvia Borelli, Sara Victoria Alvarado & Pablo Vommaro - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57):7-9.
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  34. Reproducing the World: Essays in Feminist Theory.Mary O. Brien & Sara Ruddick - 1991 - Ethics 101 (3):663-664.
  35. The right to health in Sweden.Anna-Sara Lind - 2014 - In Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal Gross (eds.), The right to health at the public/private divide: a global comparative study. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Representing behavioral pathology: the importance of modality in medical descriptions of conduct, ADHD as case study.Sara Vilar-Lluch - unknown
    This paper examines the role of modality resources (e.g., “may”, “often”) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in representing behavioral pathology focusing, in particular, on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD diagnosis requires reports of non-practitioners (e.g., carers and teachers); an effective understanding of behavioral descriptors by the lay community is thus of paramount importance. The study combines qualitative linguistic discourse analysis and a corpus approach to study the presence and functions of modality, adopting a Systemic (...)
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    Comments on 'Strategic Maneuvering with Dissociation'.Sara Rubinelli - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (4):489-493.
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    Didactic guide for the education in the work from the Community Medicine subject.Sara de Posada Rodríguez, Ismedys Martínez Sánchez, Nohelvis Pirez Rodríguez & Raquel Rodríguez Agramonte - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):547-565.
    RESUMEN Introducción: La educación en el trabajo es la forma fundamental del proceso docente educativo en las carreras de las ciencias médicas y en específico para la asignatura de Medicina Comunitaria de la carrera de Medicina. Objetivo: Exponer elementos referidos a una guía didáctica para la educación en el trabajo de la asignatura Medicina Comunitaria. Método: Se diseñó una guía didáctica para la educación en el trabajo, desde la asignatura Medicina Comunitaria. Se interactuó con estudiantes de segundo año de la (...)
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  39. Feminism, Objectivity, and Analytic Philosophy.Sara Worley - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (3):138-156.
    Evelyn Fox Keller and Susan Bordo are often cited as sources for the claim that the notion of objectivity found in Western science and analytic philosophy is male-biased. I argue that even if their arguments that objectivity is male-biased are successful, the bias they establish is not a sort which should worry any feminist analytic philosophers. I also examine their suggestions for reconceiving objectivity and find them inadequately motivated.
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  40. Roslyn Weiss, The Socratic Paradox and its Enemies Reviewed by.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (1):76-78.
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    Hume e Peirce acerca do ceticismo cartesiano.Sara Albieri - 2003 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 44 (108):244-252.
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    Elementi di filosofia del linguaggio.Sara Bigardi & Chiara Zamboni (eds.) - 2011 - Verona, Italy: QuiEdit.
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    Treating those who are mentally disordered under the Mental Health Act 1983: Part 2.Sara Fovargue & José Miola - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (2):64-67.
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    The Logic of the History of Ideas and the Study of Comparative Political Theory.Sara R. Jordan & Cary J. Nederman - 2012 - Journal of the History of Ideas 73 (4):627-641.
  45. Implicit Racism.Sara Ketchum & Christine Pierce - 1976 - Analysis 36 (2):91 - 95.
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    The fuzzy reality of perceived harms.Sara Konrath & Irene Cheung - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):26-27.
    We review two subjective (mis)perceptions that influence revenge and forgiveness systems. Individual differences predict more (e.g., narcissism) or less (e.g., empathy) revenge, with the opposite pattern for forgiveness. Moreover, differences in victim versus perpetrator perceptions can influence revenge and forgiveness systems, perpetuating never-ending cycles of revenge. These two examples point to the need for theories of revenge and forgiveness to address the role of cognitive and motivational biases in the functionality of such behavioral responses.
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    El paradigma de la sustentabilidad: perspectiva ecologista y perspectiva de género.Sara Larraín - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    La autora destaca los aportes de los movimientos sociales a nivel mundial a la democratización y a la sustentabilidad, y en particular el movimiento de mujeres, indígenas y ecologistas. Expone la importancia de sus aportes a una potencial convergencia paradigmática hacia “otro mundo posible”, profundizando en los conceptos de sustentabilidad y sus imbricaciones con la perspectiva de género, asegurando que desde una mirada ecologista existe un amplio potencial de convergencia entre los paradigmas de género y sustentabilidad, sin descuidar la existencia (...)
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    Hercules Cross-Dressed, Hercules Undressed: Unmasking the Construction of the Propertian Amator in Elegy 4.9.Sara H. Lindheim - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):43-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hercules Cross-dressed, Hercules Undressed: Unmasking the Construction of the Propertian amator In Elegy 4.9Sara H. LindheimVain trifles as they seem, clothes have, as they say, more important offices than merely to keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world’s view of us.—Virginia Woolf, OrlandoPropertius begins 4.9 with his version of the story of Hercules and Cacus that he adapts from Virgil’s recently published Aeneid. (...)
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    Problems with principles: Montesquieu's theory of natural justice.Sara MacDonald - 2003 - History of Political Thought 24 (1):109-130.
    This article focuses on the history of the concept of natural law and the role which Aristotle, and especially his Rhetoric, has to play within it. It is sometimes suggested that the origins of the concept of natural law are to be located in the writings of Plato and Aristotle in the fourth century BCE. The article argues that there is evidence both in Aristotle's Politics and in his Rhetoric to support the view that this is not the case. In (...)
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    Joc, treball i art. Els pragmatistes de Chicago i la construcció de formes socials d'experiència democràtica.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - Br::Ac 2 (1):24-45.
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