Results for 'Sanjin Dragojević'

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    The end of history?Sanjin Dragojević - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (1):47-51.
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    Keynesov animal spirit. Filozofski aspekti učenja Johna Maynarda Keynesa o uzrocima ekonomskih kriza i opravdanju državne intervencije.Aneli Dragojević Mijatović - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):557-567.
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    Kant’s Theory of Signification in the Critique of Judgement – Semiotics as Aesthetics.Aneli Dragojević Mijatović & Aleksandar Mijatović - 2024 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 44 (2):293-310.
    The gist of the article is an attempt to derive the theory of the sign from Kant’s judgment of taste. Kant introduces the power of judgment as a mediating domain between cognition and action, nature and freedom. This third realm of signification is related to Locke’s theory of semiotics. Judgments of taste are made of signs that constitute the speech act “X is beautiful”. Thereby the aesthetics is constituted as semiotics wherein the predicate “is beautiful” is a sign that signifies (...)
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    Protectionism or Free Trade. Actuality of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Closed Commercial State.Aneli Dragojević Mijatović - 2018 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (3):459-477.
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  5. Introducción a la teoría de la historia.Luis Ossio Sanjinés - 1981 - La Paz, Bolivia: Librería Editorial Juventud.
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    Raamatud kultuuri perifeerias.José Sanjinés - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:280-280.
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    Wagaku shirubegusa: honkoku, chūshaku, gendaigoyaku.Yūrinsha Sanjin - 2023 - Tōkyō-to Kita-ku: Bungaku Tsūshin. Edited by Yukari Nakao, Yoshio Shiraishi, Ken'ichirō Nakao & Yoshiaki Murakami.
    埋もれていた、もう一つの「うひ山ぶみ」。 知られざる近世の和学手引き書『和学知辺草(わがくしるべぐさ)』、初の翻刻・注釈・現代語訳! 漢学では徂徠学が急速な衰えを見せ、朱子学が盛り返し、異学の禁が発令され、国学では真淵の学風を受け継いだ宣長の学問が完成期を迎えていた、寛政年間(一七八九〜一八〇一)。 和学の手引き書が、佐賀の地で作られていた。 著者は「幽林舎散人」。寛政三年秋に官職を解かれ、該書成立の時はすでに六十歳を迎えようとしていことが、自叙から知られるのみ。該博な学識を満載した本著作から、ひとかどの知識人と推察されるが、年代を考えると 、おそらく鍋島直嵩(一七五三~八三)の主導する歌壇および文芸サロンに身を置いた人物であろう。 果たして江戸や松坂の新知識はどう伝えられていたのか。 近世思想史、文学史を知るための必読の書。 執筆は、中尾友香梨、白石良夫、進藤康子、大久保順子、亀井森、土屋育子、中尾健一郎、沼尻利通、日高愛子、村上義明、二宮愛理、脇山真衣、(翻字)三ツ松誠、田中圭子、中山成一。.
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    Eye on Picasso.José Sanjinés - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (167):423-430.
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    The screen of our dreams: Christian Metz and the horizons of the imaginary.José Sanjinés - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (1-2):193-202.
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    "Enchantment and Distance in the Age of Metafiction.José Sanjinés - 1993 - Semiotics:327-336.
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    Interplay in Cinema’s Symbolic Process: Metaphor and Metonymy in the Language of Film.Jose Sanjines - forthcoming - Semiotics:37-56.
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    The book at the outskirts of culture.José Sanjinés - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:264-279.
    The notion of intersemiosis suggests the game relationships between the multiple interacting signifying spheres of culture, but the term can also be fitly applied to the study of certain extraordinary artistic texts. This study makes use of one such book, Julio Cortazar's Around the Day in Eighty Worlds, to show how the sui generis interplay of the book's semantic spheres simultaneously models and renews the complex cultural processes of the production of meaning. This often reprinted and hard-tocategorize book that for (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Desire: Like Water for Chocolate and the Brim of the Cornucopia.José Sanjines - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (1):99-112.
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    Impossible Presence: Surface and Screen in the Photogenic Era.Terry Smith - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    Impossible Presence brings together new work in film studies, critical theory, art history, and anthropology for a multifaceted exploration of the continuing proliferation of visual images in the modern era. It also asks what this proliferation—and the changing technologies that support it—mean for the ways in which images are read today and how they communicate with viewers and spectators. Framed by Terry Smith's introduction, the essays focus on two kinds of strangeness involved in experiencing visual images in the modern era. (...)
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