Results for 'Sanctification'

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  1.  21
    Sanctification as a Human Process: Reading Calvin Alongside Child Development Theory.Angela Carpenter - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):103-119.
    In Calvin's doctrine of sanctification and in recent work on children's moral formation within developmental psychology, we find a surprising convergence. In both cases, moral formation or transformation takes place within the context of a parent's loving and unconditional commitment to a child. Although Reformed doctrines of sanctification have struggled to articulate how the graced change of sanctification is intelligible as a human process, a comparison between these two approaches shows that sanctification is both intelligible to (...)
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  2. The Sanctification Argument for Purgatory.David Vander Laan - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (3):331-339.
    A recently advanced argument for purgatory hinges on the need for complete sanctification before one can enter heaven. The argument has a modal gap.The gap can be exploited to fashion a competing account of how sanctification occurs in the afterlife according to which it is in part a heavenly process.The competing account usefully complicates the overall case for purgatory and raises questions about how the notion ought to be understood.
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    Sanctification: Seeing Life Through a Sacred Lens: A Special Issue of the International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.Kenneth I. Pargament & Annette M. Mahoney (eds.) - 2005 - Psychology Press.
    _Sanctification: Seeing Life Through a Sacred Lens_ suggests that sacred matters represent a vital interest for the psychology of religion. The articles throughout this special issue propose that individuals can perceive virtually any aspect of their lives as having divine character and significance. Several implications of sanctification for human functioning are discussed: people invest a great deal of time and energy in sacred matters; people go to great lengths to preserve and protect what they perceive to be sacred; sacred (...)
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    Sanctification of marriage, religious coping and marital adjustment of Iranian couples.Reza Fallahchai, Maryam Fallahi, Arefeh Moazenjami & Annette Mahoney - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (2):121-134.
    This study examined cross-sectional links of the theistic and non-theistic sanctification of marriage and positive and negative religious coping with marital adjustment for 316 married Muslims from Iran. Perceiving marriage to be a manifestation of God and reflective of sacred qualities as well as engaging in positive and negative religious/spiritual coping strategies each uniquely contributed variance to marital adjustment, after controlling for each other and global indicators of devotion to Islam, and demographic variables. Specifically, theistic sanctification, non-theistic (...), and positive r/s coping were uniquely tied to higher marital adjustment whereas negative r/s coping was uniquely tied to lower marital adjustment theistic in a hierarchical regression model with all primary variables and controls entered. These findings replicate and extend prior findings on the perceived sanctity of marriage with US samples of predominantly Christians to Muslims living in the Middle East, and offer novel cross-cultural insights into the possible roles that sanctification of marriage and r/s coping may play for marital well-being for non-distressed married Muslims. (shrink)
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    Sanctification and Corruption.Richard Swinburne - 1989 - In Responsibility and atonement. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Sanctification is achieved by pleading the Atonement made by Christ, and by gradually coming to form true moral beliefs and making oneself naturally inclined to conform to them. It is the function of the Church to facilitate this process. Total corruption occurs when a human yields so constantly to bad desires that he becomes their prisoner and loses the moral beliefs that incline him to resist them.
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    Sanctification as Joint Agency with the Triune God.Gary Osmundsen - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (2):325-354.
    If humans are sanctified by a triune God, part of the success of spiritual formation depends on understanding how one’s agency depends upon the Trinity. Some sanctifying actions require causal notions like “obedience,” “yielding,” “participation,” and “cooperation.” So, how is a Christian going to understand them? The purpose of this paper, then, is twofold: develop a model of agency that provides an adequate account of understanding how one’s agency depends upon the Trinity; and explain how this model can increase the (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Sanctification, hardening of the heart, and Frankfurt's concept of free will.Eleonore Stump - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (8):395-420.
  8. Sanctification, Satisfaction, and the Purpose of Purgatory.Neal Judisch - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (2):167-185.
    Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in the doctrine of purgatory among Christian philosophers. Some of these philosophers argue for the existence of purgatory from principles consistent with historic Protestant theology and then attempt, on the basis of those principles, to formulate a distinctively Protestant view of purgatory—i.e., one that differs essentially from the Catholic doctrine as regards purgatory’s raison d’etre. Here I aim to show that Protestant models of purgatory which are grounded in the necessity of becoming (...)
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    The moderating function of sexual sanctification on the relation between sexual and relationship satisfaction: A registered report.Aryeh Lazar - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Past research on sanctification has focused on the direct association between domain sanctification and domain satisfaction. This registered-report study focused on the predicted moderating function of sexual sanctification on the association between sexual and relationship satisfaction. An Internet panel sample of 740 women and 872 men, all married Jewish individuals residing in Israel, assessed the levels of their sexual and marital satisfaction, sexual sanctification, religiousness, and social desirability via an anonymous online questionnaire. As expected, sexual and (...)
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  10. Sanctification: Explorations in Theology and Practice.Kelly M. Kapic - 2014
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    Le processus de sanctification de Paul Tillich et le modèle de la psyché de Carl Gustav Jung : un enrichissement possible?Christophe Gripon - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (1):17-37.
    This paper presents some connections between the sanctification process of P. Tillich and important elements of the psychoanalysis of C.G. Jung. The position adopted, different from that of J.P. Dourley, is tillichian. Thus emphasis is laid upon the difference between the psychologist’s approach to God, which is based on emerging symbols of the psyche, and that of the theologian, for whom God is the transcendent ground of Being to which religious symbols point.
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  12. Assumption, Union and Sanctification: Some Clarifying Distinctions.Rolfe King - 2017 - International Journal of Systematic Theology 19 (1):53-72.
    In this article I engage with the notion that Christ ought to be understood to have a fallen human nature because Christ sanctifies human nature, and it is fallen humanity that needs sanctifying. In opposition to this line of thought, I argue that the Son of God assumed an unfallen nature, but with the powers of fallenness operative within it, and that this notion is consistent with a distinct account of sanctification. In support of these claims, I develop distinctions (...)
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  13. The Sanctification of the Everyday.Paul Mendes-Flohr - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (7):511-532.
    The article traces the evolution and crystallization of Buber’s philosophy of dialogue. It focuses on his consideration of the epistemological and ontological issues attendant to the principium individuationis, the subject of his doctoral dissertation of 1904. Culminating with the publication of Ich und Du in 1923, this process was punctuated by life experiences that led him to affirm rather than to seek to transcend the principium individuationis as the ontological ground of being manifest in the matrix of everyday life, which (...)
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  14.  17
    Using the Medicine of Grace: Kierkegaard Reads Hugh of Saint Victor on Sanctification.Joshua Furnal - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (4):708-728.
    In this article, I argue that Søren Kierkegaard's prefatory editorial remark in Practice in Christianity about resorting to and making use of grace has a medieval inheritance, which stems from his reading of Hugh of St Victor (1096–1142). Rather than grounding Kierkegaard's remark exclusively within the Lutheran tradition, I suggest that the medieval inheritance of the relationship between operative and cooperative grace contributed to a theological development in Kierkegaard's view of sanctification. Moreover, Kierkegaard's journal entries prior to the publication (...)
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  15.  25
    Sanctification, Hardening of the Heart, and Frankfurt's Concept of.On Some Worldly Worries, Care Justice & Gender Bias - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (8):436-437.
  16.  7
    The double-edged sword of sexual sanctification: Moderation of the associations between sexual dysfunctions and sexual and psychological well-being.Aryeh Lazar & Ateret Gewirtz-Meydan - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This study aimed to investigate the possible moderating role of sexual sanctification in the context of sexual dysfunctions and sexual and psychological well-being, particularly examining potential gender differences. Data were collected from 1207 Israeli adult women and men in cohabiting relationships for at least 6 months using an online survey. Participants provided information on sexual functioning, and measures included non-theistic sexual sanctification, sexual and psychological distress, and sexual and relationship satisfaction. Measures of religious behavior and belief were also (...)
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  17.  32
    Reclaiming the Doctrine of Sanctification.David Fergusson - 1999 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 53 (4):380-390.
    Any contemporary doctrine of sanctification faces certain problems, including the charges of individualism, Pelagianism, and detachment from the concerns of the world. Nevertheless, a strong doctrine of sanctification is the necessary counterpoint to a doctrine of justification. In an increasingly fragmented culture, sanctification needs to be set within an account of the church as a community of moral and spiritual formation.
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    The Sanctification of Woman and Family in the Ukrainian Spiritual Tradition: Ethnic Mentality and Language.Olena Lobanchuk - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):699-712.
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    The Sanctification and Democratisation of "the Nation" and "the People" in Late Eighteenth-Century Northwestern Europe.Pasi Ihalainen - 2007 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 3 (2):125-151.
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    Sanctification in a New Key: Relieving Evangelical Anxieties over Spiritual Formation.Steve L. Porter - 2008 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 1 (2):129-148.
    This article is meant to be an apologetic for spiritual formation to those within the evangelical tradition who find themselves concerned about its emphases. Eight common objections to spiritual formation are presented with the twofold aim of recognizing any needed corrective and defusing the objection. While more must be said in response to each of these objections, it is hoped that enough will be said here to relieve much of the anxiety surrounding spiritual formation.
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    (1 other version)Atonement, Justification, and Sanctification.John E. Hare - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 622–629.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Problem of the Moral Gap Kant Kierkegaard Alternative Solutions to the Problem of the Gap The Traditional Doctrines Works cited.
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    Jacques Maritain: la sanctification du monde profane.Nicole Roland - 2016 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    "Jacques Maritain est né en 1882 (t 1973). Durant sa jeunesse, " pratiquement [...] libre-penseur forcené ", il lutte " pour les pauvres [et] contre l'esclavage du prolétariat ". Il va se convertir, contre toute attente, au catholicisme, et cherchera à imposer la philosophie thomiste en tant que courant de pensée contemporain. En 1930, il est au faîte de sa notoriété, en France en particulier. C'est à la même époque qu'il va s'investir dans le domaine de la philosophie politique, en (...)
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  23.  12
    The Sanctification of Social Relations in Indian Buddhist Tantra.Jacek Sieradzan - 2008 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20:97-108.
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    L’anima selon Jung comme symbole religieux tillichien : un enrichissement possible pour le processus de sanctification?Christophe Gripon - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (1):61-81.
    This paper begins with a discussion of C.G. Jung’s tautegorical approach to the symbol, and particularly the anima, the unconscious female component of a man’s psyche. The author then examines the anima by considering the criteria given by P. Tillich to evaluate religious symbols. The aim is to show that the consideration of anima in Tillich’s theology is likely to enrich this theologian’s approach to the process of sanctification. The emphasis is on the possibility for a man to develop (...)
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    A Transformed Beholder. Objective Beauty as the Impetus for Sanctification in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar.Sam Wellbaum - 2012 - Perichoresis 10 (2):245-265.
    A Transformed Beholder. Objective Beauty as the Impetus for Sanctification in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar Here in the early 21st century, beauty is not what it once was. The Enlightenment has left beauty a subjective and inconsequential shade, barely resembling its former existence as a transcendental on par with goodness and truth. Can beauty be restored to what it once was? And if it can, should it? This article argues that 20th century theologian Hans Urs von (...)
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  26. When Nietzsche Laughed: The Sanctification of Laughter in Nietzsche’s Thought.Lydia B. Amir - 2006 - Metaphora 6:109-125.
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  27. Purgatory and the Dilemma of Sanctification.Justin D. Barnard - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (3):311-330.
    Christian Protestants typically affirm both the essential moral perfection of heaven and the sufficiency of saving faith. Yet these two commitments generatean apparently self-destructive dilemma—one I call the dilemma of sanctification. The prima facie puzzle can be resolved in at least three ways. In this paper, I articulate the dilemma of sanctification in some detail and offer an argument against a widely-held Protestant solution I call provisionism. This constitutes indirect support for the solution I find most promising, namely, (...)
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  28. Faith and Sanctification.G. C. Berkouwer - 1952
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    Accomplished Sanctification and the Fate of Progressive Sanctification: A Review of Payne’s Already Sanctified. [REVIEW]Steven L. Porter - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (2):285-299.
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    Sleep, Sloth, and Sanctification.Jason McMartin - 2013 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 6 (2):255-272.
    I develop a spiritual theology of the physical act of sleep. The spiritual significance of the physical act of sleep ought to be a relational trust that recognizes my place as a creature that depends on the grace of a self-sufficient provider. After distinguishing this topic from other related themes, I develop a theological anthropology of sleep by considering how sleep brings glory to God and by placing sleep within the redemption narrative. I explore sleep as a spiritual practice and (...)
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  31.  13
    The Christian Doctrine of Sanctification: A Review Essay.Kyle Strobel - 2019 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 12 (2):260-268.
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    Spiritual Theology: A Theological-Experiential Methodology for Bridging the Sanctification Gap.John Coe - 2009 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 2 (1):4-43.
    There exists a serious gap in the minds and lives of many believers between what they know to be the goal of sanctification and growth and where they know they actually are in their life. The church and its leaders would be better equipped to address this “sanctification gap” if its ministries were informed by a robust Spiritual Theology, understood in two senses or forms that are interrelated: its more general form of drawing out the spiritual and existential (...)
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  33.  20
    The Life of Spirit: The Self and Sanctification in Søren Kierkegaard's The Sickness unto Death.Michael Nathan Steinmetz - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (1):46-59.
    Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard is often overlooked as an author in the Christian spiritual tradition. This paper answers Christopher Barnett's call to investigate themes of Christian spirituality in Kierkegaard's writing. In this paper, I argue that we can construct of vision of sanctification from Kierkegaard's The Sickness unto Death. While Kierkegaard does not directly deal with themes of sanctification in The Sickness unto Death, Kierkegaard's pseudonym Anti-Climacus does demonstrate the ‘spiritless’ life of despair. The ‘spiritless’ life, (...)
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  34.  54
    (1 other version)Leadership and the deified/demonic: a cultural examination of CEO sanctification.Edward Wray-Bliss - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (4):434-449.
    I examine in this paper deification and demonisation – the social attribution of absolute ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ to individuals or individual entities. Specifically, I unpack ways that evilness and goodness have become personified in the figure of the chief executive officer in contemporary, particularly US, business culture. Showing both the readily accessible and widely used nature of these religious tropes, I nevertheless argue that both deification and demonisation have ethically and politically disempowering effects for organisational members, the wider citizenry, and (...)
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    ‘No inherent perfection in this life’: Count Zinzendorf‘s theological opposition to John Wesleys concept of sanctification.Peter Vogt - 2003 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 85 (2):297-307.
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    Book Review: Sanctification: Explorations in Theology and Practice. [REVIEW]Benjamin J. Burkholder - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):302-303.
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  37. When Mountains Cease to be Mountains: An Interreligious Meditation on the Sanctification of Desire.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    What is the relationship of human desire to divine love? Spiritual traditions teach us that human desire achieves its true aim only when elevated into the life of divine love. In this essay, I provide a reading of three sayings from three spiritual traditions - Buddhist, Taoist, and Christian - in order to explore the meaning of this.
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    Prophetic Politics: Emmanuel Levinas and the Sanctification of Suffering.Philip J. Harold - 2009 - Ohio University Press.
    In Prophetic Politics, Philip J. Harold offers an original interpretation of the political dimension of Emmanuel Levinas’s thought.
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    (1 other version)Instantaneous change and the physics of sanctification: "Quasi-aristotelianism" in Henry of ghent's.Susan Brower-Toland - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):19-46.
    In Quodlibet XV q.13, Henry of Ghent considers whether the Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived. He argues that she was not, but rather possessed sin only at the first instant of her existence. Because Henry’s defense of this position involves an elaborate discussion of motion and mutation, his discussion marks an important contribution to medieval discussions of Aristotelian natural philosophy. In fact, a number of scholars have identified Henry’s discussion as the source of an unusual fourteenth-century theory of change referred (...)
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    “This is the Will of God : Your Sanctification” (1 Thess 4 : 3).Raymond F. Collins - 1983 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 39 (1):27-53.
  41. You shall be holy: the necessity of sanctification.Derek W. H. Thomas - 2010 - In Thabiti M. Anyabwile (ed.), Holy, holy, holy: proclaiming the perfections of God. Orlando, Fla.: Reformation Trust.
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  42. Crisis Experiences in the Greek New Testament, an Investigation of the Evidences for the Definite, Miraculous Experiences of Regeneration and Sanctification as Found in the Greek New Testament, Especially in the Figures Emphasized and in the Use of the Aorist Tense.Olive M. Winchester & Ross E. Price - unknown
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  43. Maimonides and his predecessors on dying for God as "sanctification of the name of God".Josef Stern - 2019 - In Samuel Lebens, Dani Rabinowitz & Aaron Segal (eds.), Jewish Philosophy in an Analytic Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Usa.
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  44. Were early Methodists masochists? Suffering, submission and sanctification in the hymns of Charles Wesley.Joanna Cruickshank - 2006 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (2):81-100.
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    Brabander, Kris de, Le retour au Paradis. La relation entre la sanctification de l’homme et l’ascèse chez Tertullien. [REVIEW]Carlo Dell’Osso - 2007 - Augustinianum 47 (2):406-411.
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    Book Reviews : Christian Households: the sanctification of nearness, by Thomas E. Breidenthal. Boston: Cowley Publications, 1997.162 pp. pb. no price. ISBN 1-56101-135-5. [REVIEW]Helen Oppenheimer - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (1):90-93.
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  47. The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit: Revisiting Alston’s Interpersonal Model.Steven L. Porter & Brandon Rickabaugh - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:112-130.
    Of the various loci of systematic theology that call for sustained philosophical investigation, the doctrine of sanctification stands out as a prime candidate. In response to that call, William Alston developed three models of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit: the fiat model, the interpersonal model, and the sharing model. In response to Alston’s argument for the sharing model, this paper offers grounds for a reconsideration of the interpersonal model. We close with a discussion of some of the (...)
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  48.  35
    Grace as Pardon and Power: Pictures of the Christian Life in Luther, Calvin, and Barth.Jesse Couenhoven - 2000 - Journal of Religious Ethics 28 (1):63 - 88.
    Christians have long understood grace both as a declaration of acceptance and as a power that transforms. This article illumines two theses while investigating the relationship between these understandings of grace in Luther, Calvin, and Barth's development of the law/gospel dialectic and the doctrines of justification and sanctification. First, though each theologian makes use of both understandings of grace, each also tends to emphasize one over the other. The unity and tension within and between these perspectives help to show (...)
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    Conceptualising holiness in the Gospel of John: The en route to and character of holiness (Part 2).Dirk van der Merwe - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):11.
    In a previous publication, this author investigated the code as well as the objectives of holiness in the Gospel of John. This research deals with the en route to and character of holiness. The research starts with a concise characterisation of Jesus for the en route and character of holiness is embedded in the character of Jesus. Secondly, reference is made to the mimesis theories of Plato, Aristotle and Ricoeur. This facilitates a better understanding of the en route and character (...)
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    The Blessed Virgin and the Two Time-Series: Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain on Limit Decision.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):36-59.
    This paper examines the accounts of limit decision advanced by Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain in their respective discussions of the sanctification of the Blessed Virgin. Hervaeus and Durand argue, against Aristotle, that the temporal limits of certain changes, including Mary’s sanctification, should be assigned in discrete rather than continuous time. The paper first considers Hervaeus’ discussion of limit decision and argues that, for Hervaeus, a solution of temporal limits in terms of discrete time can coexist (...)
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