Results for 'Saburō Kido'

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  1. Bunka no paradokkusu.Saburō Kido - 1993 - Tōkyō: Ibunsha.
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  2. Tetsugaku wa shinihateta ka.Saburō Kido - 1982 - Tokyo: Ibunsha.
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  3. Rongo ni manabu.Saburō Akagi - 1952
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    Tetsugaku Companion to Feeling.Kido Atsushi, Noe Keiichi & Lam Wing Keung (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited volume is the first in English that covers the philosophy of feeling and related topics in Japanese philosophy on Nishida Kitarō and fellow thinkers. Part I focuses on Nishida Kitarō’s philosophy of feeling, including, but not limited to, comparisons with Tanabe Hajime, Koyama Iwao, and provides coverage of Buddhist, moral and Chinese philosophy. Part II goes beyond Kitarō into topics such as Japanese aesthetics, Nietsche’s reception in Japan, and the philosophy of AI. This is a comprehensive scholarly text (...)
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  5. Nakae Tōju kenkyū.Saburō Gotō - 1969
  6. Shin Kan shisōshi no kenkyū.Saburō Machida - 1985 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
  7. Zhu Shunshui yu Riben wen hua.Saburō Machida & Fu'en Pan (eds.) - 2003 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    A Link in the Westward Transmission of Chinese Anatomy in the Later Middle Ages.Saburo Miyasita - 1967 - Isis 58 (4):486-490.
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    Tibetan Medicine, Illustrated in Original TextsRechung Rinpoche.Saburô Miyasita - 1974 - Isis 65 (3):414-415.
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    Two identities for lattices, distributive lattices and modular lattices with a constant.Saburo Tamura - 1975 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 16 (1):137-140.
  11. Gendai ongakuron.Saburō Sonobe (ed.) - 1948 - Tōkyō: Yakumo Shoten.
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  12. Ningen no aku to unmei.Kidō Tachi - 1973
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    Serial order learning of subliminal visual stimuli: evidence of multistage learning.Kaede Kido & Shogo Makioka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Kindai e no tetsugakuteki kōsatsu.Saburō Ichii - 1972
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  15. Kindai seishin to sono genkai.Saburō Ienaga - 1954 - Kadokawa Shoten.
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  16. (1 other version)Nihon dōtoku shisō shi.Saburō Ienaga - 1960
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  17. Kirisutokyō shakai rinrigaku.Saburō Imai - 1929 - Tōkyō: Shinseidō.
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  18. Ningen fukkō no kyōiku.Saburō Katō - unknown
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    The role of the pacific region in the World Economy of the future.Saburo Okita - 1988 - World Futures 25 (1):131-147.
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  20. Hydrogen sulfide distribution in bottom and pore waters during an anoxic period in Lake Nakaumi, Japan.Saburo Sakai, Masaru Nakaya & Katsumi Takayasu - 2004 - Laguna 11:65-68.
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    Nihonjin no chie.Saburō Sakaguchi - 1955
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  22. Tetsugaku gairon.Saburō Shimano (ed.) - 1965 - Tōkyō: Shimano Shobō.
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  23. Jitsuzon no rinri.Saburō Suzuki - 1951
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  24. Jitsuzon.Saburō Suzuki - 1948
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  25. Yasupāsu kenkyū.Saburō Suzuki - 1953
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  26. Yasupāsu no jitsuzon tetsugaku.Saburō Suzuki - 1950
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  27. Risei no ummei.Kidō Tachi - 1954
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  28. Shūkyō tetsugaku ni okeru aku no kenkyū.kidō Tachi - 1974
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    Ronri sūgaku.Saburō Tamura - 1982 - Kyōto: Gendai Sūgakusha.
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    Formal reconciliatory dialogue based on shift from forward to backward deliberation†.Hiroyuki Kido & Federico Cerutti - 2016 - Argument and Computation 6 (3):292-309.
    Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2015, Page 292-309.
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    A Bayesian approach to forward and inverse abstract argumentation problems.Hiroyuki Kido & Beishui Liao - 2022 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 32 (4):273-304.
    This paper studies a fundamental mechanism by which conflicts between arguments are drawn from sentiments regarding acceptability of the arguments. Given sets of arguments, an inverse abstract argumentation problem seeks attack relations between arguments such that acceptability semantics interprets each argument in the sets of arguments as being acceptable in each of the attack relations. It is an inverse problem of the traditional problem we refer to as the forward abstract argumentation problem. Given an attack relation, the forward abstract argumentation (...)
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    Computational Dialectics Based on Specialization and Generalization–A New Reasoning Method for Conflict Resolution.Hiroyuki Kido & Masahito Kurihara - 2009 - In Hiromitsu Hattori, Takahiro Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Ide, Makoto Yokoo & Yohei Murakami, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI 2008 Conference and Workshops, Asahikawa, Japan, June 11-13, 2008, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. pp. 228--241.
  33. Kyōiku handō to no tatakai to kaihō kyōiku.Saburō Yokota - 1976
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  34. (1 other version)Gendai minshu shugi kyōiku ron.Saburō Yokota - 1967
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    Self-Deception's Puzzles and Processes: A Return to a Sartrean View.Jason Kido Lopez - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, Jason Kido Lopez argues that self-deception is a matter of intentionally using the strategies and methods of interpersonal deception on oneself. This conception demonstrates interesting connections between Sartre’s notion of bad faith, interpersonal deception and lying, pretense, wishful thinking, akrasia, and unintentional biases.
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    Self-deception’s adaptive value: Effects of positive thinking and the winner effect.Jason Kido Lopez & Matthew J. Fuxjager - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):315-324.
    There is a puzzle about why self-deception, a process that obscures the truth, is so pervasive in human behavior given that tracking the truth seems important for our survival and reproduction. William von Hippel and Robert Trivers argue that, despite appearances, there is good reason to think that self-deception is an adaptation by arguing: self-deception leads to a positive self-perception and a positive self-perception increases an individual’s fitness. D.S. Neil Van Leeuwen, however, gives persuasive arguments against both steps. In response, (...)
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    Insecticides evaluated for lettuce root aphid control.Nick C. Toscano, Ken Kido, Marvin J. Snyder, Carlton S. Koehler, George C. Kennedy, Vahram Sevacherian, J. Ian Stewart, Demetrios G. Kontaxis, Ivan J. Thomason & Will Crites - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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  38. Zhong Ri wen hua jiao liu di wei da shi zhe: Zhu Shunshui yan jiu.Liwen Zhang, Saburō Machida & Fengquan Li (eds.) - 1998 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  39. Rekishi o tsukuru mono.Saburō Ichii - 1978
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  40. Tetsugakuteki bunseki.Saburō Ichii - 1963
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  41. Nihonjin no shisō no ayumi.Saburō Ienaga - 1956
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    Nihon shisō shi ni okeru hitei no ronri no hattatsu.Saburō Ienaga - 1969 - Shinsensha.
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  43. Nihon shisō shi no shomondai.Saburō Ienaga - 1948 - Saito Shoten.
  44. Tanabe Hajime no shisōshiteki kenkyū.Saburō Ienaga - 1974
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  45. Tetsugaku to Nihon shakai.Saburō Ienaga & Osamu Komaki (eds.) - 1978 - Kobundo.
  46. A new japanese spirit and christianity.Saburo Imai - 1939 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 20 (4):400.
  47. Seiyō tetsugaku.Saburō Imaizumi - 1954
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    Kierkegaard's View of Despair: Paradoxical Psychology and Spiritual Therapy.Jason Kido Lopez - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (4):589-607.
    Though many hold Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death contains psychological descriptions of those who suffer from despair, I will argue that this is not so. Kierkegaard makes three claims—the conjunction of which I call ‘the triple reduction’—that take contradictory stances on whether people in despair are aware of their despair and whether they want to be their true self. Indeed, if the triple reduction were true, people in despair would be both aware and unaware of their despair, and would (...)
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  49. Kokumin dōtoku yōgi.Shōsaburō Watari - 1936 - Tōkyō: Meguro Shoten.
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  50. (1 other version)Kokumin seishin sakkō shōsho engi.Shōsaburō Watari - 1924 - Tōkyō: Chūbunkan.
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