Results for 'Saab Lofton'

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  1.  26
    Do Linguistic Meanings Meet Linguistic Form?Andrés Saab - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (1):155-174.
    In this brief note, I offer some considerations to the effect of arguing (i) that Duffley's criticism to formal semantics is based on a dogma about the proper nature of the linguistic sing, and (ii) that, even when I agree with the general spirit of his realizational theory of meaning, an explicit theory of how syntax affects meanings realization is missing.
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  2. A conceptual investigation of the ontological commensurability of spatial data infrastructures among different cultures.D. J. Saab - 2009 - Earth Science Informatics 2 (4):283-297.
    Humans think and communicate in very flexible and schematic ways, and a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the Amazon and associated information system ontologies should reflect this flexibility and the adaptive nature of human cognition in order to achieve semantic interoperability. In this paper I offer a conceptual investigation of SDI and explore the nature of cultural schemas as expressions of indigenous ontologies and the challenges of semantic interoperability across cultures. Cultural schemas are, in essence, our ontologies, but they are (...)
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  3. Ontological Complexity and Human Culture.D. J. Saab & F. Fonseca - forthcoming - In R. Hagengruber, Proceedings of Philosophy's Relevance in Information Science.
    Ontologies are being used by information scientists in order to facilitate the sharing of meaningful information. However, computational ontologies are problematic in that they often decontextualize information. The semantic content of information is dependent upon the context in which it exists and the experience through which it emerges. For true semantic interoperability to occur among diverse information systems, within or across domains, information must remain contextualized. In order to bring more context to computational ontologies, we introduce culture as an essential (...)
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    Secular shadowboxing.Kathryn Lofton - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (2):214-220.
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    Exploring influencing factors in breast cancer survivors’ experience in Lebanon.Marwa Saab & Xue Han - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe research objective was to investigate social and cultural factors affecting breast cancer survivors’ experiences in Lebanese.MethodsA snowball sampling of 20 breast cancer survivors participated in the study. Semi-structured open-ended interviews were used to collect data.ResultsThe results showed that family support and religious beliefs were the primary supporting sources for breast cancer survivors. On the other hand, their body image and children were the major concerns. Thus, family and religious beliefs were needed to overcome breast cancer’s daily burden.ConclusionWomen with breast (...)
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    Una aproximación naturalista al problema de la conciencia.Salma Saab - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (3):107-118.
    For Wittgenstein, our rational und conceptual abilities ureparf of our nahuaI hisrory as a specie md are displuyed in most social practices. lñis essoy takes a look inro this idea andreldes it to the problem of comcience and opiriion.
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  7. Culture as Mediator for what is Ready-to-hand: A Phenomenological Exploration of Semantic Networks.D. J. Saab - manuscript
    Upon what philosophical foundation are semantic network graphs based? Does this foundation allow for the legitimization of other semantic networks and ontological diversity? How can we design our computational and informational systems to accommodate this ontological diversity and the variety of semantic networks? Are semantic networks segmentations of larger semantic landscapes? This paper explores semantic networks from a Heideggerian existentialist and phenomenological perspective. The analysis presented uses cultural schema theory to bridge the syntactic and lexical elements to the semantic and (...)
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  8.  13
    Dimensiones del significado: una introducción a la semántica formal.Andrés Saab - 2021 - Buenos Aires: SADAF. Edited by Fernando Carranza.
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  9. Logic and Abstraction as Capabilities of the Mind: Reconceptualizations of Computational Approaches to the Mind.D. J. Saab & U. V. Riss (eds.) - 2010 - IGI.
    In this chapter we will investigate the nature of abstraction in detail, its entwinement with logical thinking, and the general role it plays for the mind. We find that non-logical capabilities are not only important for input processing, but also for output processing. Human beings jointly use analytic and embodied capacities for thinking and acting, where analytic thinking mirrors reflection and logic, and where abstraction is the form in which embodied thinking is revealed to us. We will follow the philosophical (...)
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    Presupuestos metodológicos del posthumanismo para abordar el objeto tecnológico.Alfredo Saab - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (128).
    El presente artículo busca caracterizar los principios metodológicos más relevantes que usa el posthumanismo para abordar el objeto tecnológico. De esa manera, quiere contribuir al desarrollo de una metodología posthumanista dentro del llamado posthumanismo filosófico. Tales fundamentos se enuncian a partir de la construcción de ocho conceptos básicos: paradigmático, maquínico, arqueológico, geológico, material, vital, social y ontológico. La investigación sintetiza la propuesta de varios autores que desde el posthumanismo buscan la superación de la tradicional dicotomía sujeto-objeto, la constitución de una (...)
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    Modos de autoengaño y de razonamiento: teorías de proceso dual.Salma Saab - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (2):193-218.
    En este artículo me ocupo de la cuestión de cómo en las teorías de proceso dual se puede dar cuenta del autoengaño y su conexión con la racionalidad. Presento las versiones intencionalista y no intencionalista del autoengaño y muestro cómo el debate entre ellas puede dirimirse de manera más completa y satisfactoria en el marco de una teoría dual. En éste suelen aceptarse dos sistemas de razonamiento, uno heurístico y otro analítico, que compiten por el control de nuestras inferencias y (...)
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  12. Teaching Information Ethics in an iSchool.David J. Saab - 2010 - International Review of Information Ethics 14:12.
    The iSchool movement is an academic endeavor focusing on the information sciences and characterized by a number of features: concern with society-wide information problems, flexibility and adaptability of curricula, repositioning of research towards interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary exchange . Teaching information ethics in an iSchool would seem to be a requisite for students who will have an enormous impact on the information technologies that increasingly permeate our lives. The case for studying ethics in a college of information science and technology, as (...)
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  13. Slurs, Stereotypes and Insults.Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (4):599-621.
    This paper is about paradigmatic slurs, i.e. expressions that are prima facie associated with the expression of a contemptuous attitude concerning a group of people identified in terms of its origin or descent, race, sexual orientation, ethnia or religion, gender, etc. Our purpose is twofold: explaining their expressive meaning dimension in terms of a version of stereotype semantics and analysing their original and most typical uses as insults, which will be called with a neologism ‘insultive’, in terms of a speech (...)
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    Future healthcare providers and professionalism on social media: a cross-sectional study.Issam Shaarani, Adam Saab, Louna Ftouni, Ibrahim Hasan & Rabih Soubra - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundNowadays, social media have become central in the daily lives of people, including healthcare professionals. Fears arise that the accelerated growth of these social platforms was not accompanied by the appropriate training of the healthcare students and workers on the professional use of social media. This study primarily aimed to assess the awareness of the healthcare students at Beirut Arab University, Lebanon on the professional standards of social media. It also aimed to assess the presence of differences in the practices (...)
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    A Stereotype Semantics for Syntactically Ambiguous Slurs.Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab - 2020 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (2):101-129.
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    Slurs and Expressivity: Semantics and Beyond.Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab (eds.) - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    This book provides analysis of the expressive aspects of slur-words and their impact in practices of linguistic communication usually related to the discrimination or segregation of certain human groups.
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  17.  35
    Términos peyorativos de grupo, estereotipos y actos de habla.Eleonora Orlando & Andrés Saab - 2020 - Critica 51 (153).
    Este trabajo trata de los términos peyorativos de grupo, es decir, expresiones que se usan paradigmáticamente para hablar de manera despectiva acerca de ciertos grupos identificados en virtud de su origen o descendencia, raza o nivel social, orientación sexual, religión, ideología política, modo de vida, etc. Nos proponemos tanto explicar el significado expresivo de este tipo de términos mediante una versión de la semántica de estereotipos como analizar sus usos originales y paradigmáticos, aquellos en los que funcionan como insultos, en (...)
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    Stefania Cerrito, Le rommant de l'abbregement du siege de Troyes: Édition, études linguistique et littéraire. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 2010. Paper. Pp. 360; 1 table. €30. [REVIEW]Lofton L. Durham - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):733-734.
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    A Mirror and Window for Understanding Ethics of Law Practice.Susan Saab Fortney - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (2):409-423.
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    Tales of Two Regimes for Regulating Limited Liability Law Firms in the US and Australia: Client Protection and Risk Management Lessons.Susan Saab Fortney - 2008 - Legal Ethics 11 (2):230-240.
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    Readaptation to the laboratory in long-term sleep studies.E. Stepanski, T. Roehrs, P. Saab, F. Zorick & T. Roth - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):224-226.
  22.  40
    How do self-efficacy beliefs for academic writing and collaboration and intrinsic motivation for academic writing and research develop during an undergraduate research project?Floris M. Van Blankenstein, Nadira Saab, Roeland M. Van der Rijst, Marleen S. Danel, Aaltje S. Bakker-van den Berg & Paul W. Van den Broek - 2018 - Educational Studies 45 (2):209-225.
    Research skills are important for university graduates, but little is known about undergraduates’ motivation for research. In this study, self-efficacy beliefs and intrinsic motivation for several research activities were measured three times during an undergraduate research project. In order to promote self-efficacy for writing and collaboration, a collaboration script was developed and tested on half of the students. Twelve students were interviewed three times to gather in-depth information about motivational and self-efficacy beliefs. All measures except intrinsic motivation for research increased (...)
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  23.  27
    Andrés Saab y Fernando Carranza, Dimensiones del significado: una introducción a la semántica formal, Buenos Aires, SADAF, 546 pp.Victoria Ferrero Cabrera - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (2):423-426.
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    A. Joan Saab. Objects of Vision: Making Sense of What We See. (Perspectives on Sensory History, 3.) 150 pp., illus., notes, bibl., index. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2020. $69.95 (cloth); ISBN 9780271088105. E-book available. [REVIEW]Rachael Z. DeLue - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):169-170.
  25. Los senderos de la explicación mental, de Salma Saab.Gustavo Ortiz Millán - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):129-133.
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  26.  14
    Light upon light: essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering.Gerhard Böwering, Jamal J. Elias & Bilāl Urfahʹlī (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    Light upon Light: Essays in Islamic Thought and History in Honor of Gerhard Bowering brings together studies that explore the richness of Islamic intellectual life in the pre-modern period. Leading scholars around the world present nineteen studies that explore diverse areas of Islamic Studies, in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher: Professor Dr. Gerhard Bowering (Yale University). The volume includes contributions in four main areas: (1) Quran and Early Islam; (2) Sufism, Shiism, and Esotericism; (3) Philosophy; (4) Literature and (...)
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    The heathen, the plague, and the model minority: Perpetual self-assessment of Asian Americans as a panoptic mechanism.Yuen-Yung Sherry Chan - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (3):265-283.
    Incidents of racism against Asians have been rising since the COVID-19 pandemic turned global in early 2020. Employing Foucault’s concept of panopticism and Kathryn Lofton’s insights on the function of religion to demarcate group boundaries, this article argues that American religion constructs Asian American stereotypes to limit the discursive space within which Asian Americans may negotiate their identities. These discursive limitations have, in turn, buttressed white supremacy. This article examines how some Asians and Asian Americans respond to anti-Asian sentiments (...)
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  28.  12
    The psychic life of consumer power: Judith Butler, Ernest Dichter, the American marketing reception of Freud, and the rituals of consuming religion.George Gonzalez - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):8-30.
    First, a close reading of Judith Butler’s The Psychic Life of Power underscores the ways in which Butler’s account of power liquidates issues of political economy and problematically ontologizes Freudianism as a kind of first philosophy of the subject. Second, drawing largely from secondary sources, the religious studies reader is introduced to the life and work of Ernest Dicther, the father of motivational research, an influential American mid-twentieth century psychoanalytic school of marketing that Freudianized marketing discourse and transformed it into (...)
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    Normatiivsuse mitu tahku.Bruno Mölder - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 4 (1):52-82.
    Tänapäeval peetakse tähenduse, sisu ja vaimu normatiivsust sageli takistuseks nende naturaliseerimisele. Samas saab normatiivsust ennast mõista mitmel moel. Artikli eesmärgiks on tutvustada väitlusi normatiivsuse üle. Rõhutatakse, et normatiivsuse filosoofilises analüüsis on oluline vältida 'normatiivsuse' mitmemõttelisust ning et tuleb teha vahet eri nähtuste normatiivsusel. Tuuakse esile olulisemad normatiivsuse määratlemise viisid ning vaadeldakse, kuidas tuleks mõista tähenduse ja intentsionaalsuse konstitutiivset normatiivsust. Filosoofiliselt on iseäranis oluline selline normatiivsus, mis on niihästi kategooriline, ettekirjutuslik kui konstitutiivne. Artiklis vaadeldud käsitluste suhtes näidatakse, et väited sedalaadi (...)
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    Sissejuhatus filosoofiasse.Bruno Mölder, Roomet Jakapi & Marek Volt - 2018 - Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
    Mida tähendab „tähendus“? Mis on tõde? Mis asjad on olemas? Mida kujutab endast teadmine? Kuidas teadlased arutlevad? Kas teaduslikud teooriad kirjeldavad maailma? Millises vahekorras on inimese keha ja vaim? Kas Jumal on olemas ja kui on, siis missugune ta on? Milles seisneb moraalselt õige või vale käitumine? Kas moraaliväited on tõesed ja mis teeb nad tõeseks? Kuidas mõista vabadust? Milline oleks õiglane hüvede jaotus ühiskonnas? Kuidas määratleda kunsti? Need on vaid mõned näited küsimustest, mille üle filosoofid arutlevad. -/- Käesolev õpik (...)
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    Semantika naturaliseerimisest.Anto Unt - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 1 (3):17-28.
    Grice’i algne vahetegemine “‘tähendamise’ naturaalse tähenduse” ja “‘tähendamise’mittenaturaalse tähenduse” vahel osutab loomulikule pingele ‘naturaalse’ ja ‘semantilise’vahel — kui ‘semantilise’ puhul on oluline, et see saab olla väär või ekslik,siis ‘naturaalse’ puhul väärus ja ekslikkus välistatakse. Artikli taotluseks on näidata, et juhul kui naturaalset tõlgendada kui ‘vastavalt füüsikaseadustele’, siis on seevastasseis vältimatu, samas kui tõlgenduse ‘nagu bioloogias’ korral oleneb ebakõlasuurus konkreetsest semantikateooriast, mida ollakse valmis omaks võtma. Viimases punktismööndakse, et kuigi loosung ‘ma suudan eksida’ on immuunne naturalistlikurünnaku vastu kujul ‘sa (...)
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    On Suffering.Daniel Raveh - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):186-199.
    This paper is a tribute to Rajendra Swaroop Bhatnagar. Bhatnagar Saab was a philosopher of the here and now, of the worldly, of the social, who did not hesitate to look into violence, poverty, pain, and suffering. He was an activist through his writings, and worked to establish social awareness. Metaphysics and the spiritual, considered by many as a central leitmotif of Indian philosophy, he saw as secondary or even marginal. The first part of the paper surveys and contextualizes (...)
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    The impossibility of immanence.Dalia Satkauskytė - 2017 - Sign Systems Studies 45 (1-2):120-136.
    The book Maupassant (1976), which is devoted to an analysis of Maupassant’s short story “Two friends”, is one of A. J. Greimas’ most important works. In it he tried out the semiotic tools he had developed up to that point, tested models for narrative analysis, and anticipated future perspectives in the development of semiotic theory. We discuss how the book puts forward the principle of immanent analysis, and how the “closed” text – the object of semiotic analysis – is constructed. (...)
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