Salomon Rettig [3]S. Rettig [1]
  1.  16
    Are "Dialogic" Data Positive?Salomon Rettig - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (2).
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    A note on censorship and the changing ethic of sex.Salomon Rettig - 1968 - Ethics 78 (2):151-155.
  3. Can Relating the Past Disclose the Future?Salomon Rettig - 1993 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 14 (2):133-144.
    Studies in social psychology inadvertently call for a subject's reconstruction of past behaviors when using interviews, questionnaires, or personality inventories. Since subjects' past behaviors are unobservables, subjects reconstruct their past retroductively. However, since the behaviors are not perceptually observed, such inquiry is decontextualized and probabilistic. Hence, reconstructions are frequently organized in terms of commonsense plausibility and personal accountability rather than causality. It is proposed that such inquiry may be improved by having subjects not only endorse preformatted material, but also by (...)
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  4. The discursive social-psychology of evidence: the levin chambers case.S. Rettig - 1989 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 10 (3):281-295.
    Discursive social psychology is used here to study the reconstruction of an event, a homicide, by lay people. Fourteen propositions are outlined to guide discourse analysis, since the epistemological basis of such analysis is somewhat different from that of formal experimental inquiry. An actual discourse is then analyzed, with special emphasis on the evidence used to support the final conclusion of guilt.
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