Simon Oliver [12]Sir Lodge Oliver [2]S. C. Willard Oliver [1]S. Ron Oliver [1]
Samuel L. Oliver [1]Samuel J. Oliver [1]Sandy Oliver [1]Sophie Oliver [1]

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  1. Here is the evidence, now what is the hypothesis? The complementary roles of inductive and hypothesis‐driven science in the post‐genomic era.Douglas B. Kell & Stephen G. Oliver - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (1):99-105.
    It is considered in some quarters that hypothesis‐driven methods are the only valuable, reliable or significant means of scientific advance. Data‐driven or ‘inductive’ advances in scientific knowledge are then seen as marginal, irrelevant, insecure or wrong‐headed, while the development of technology—which is not of itself ‘hypothesis‐led’ (beyond the recognition that such tools might be of value)—must be seen as equally irrelevant to the hypothetico‐deductive scientific agenda. We argue here that data‐ and technology‐driven programmes are not alternatives to hypothesis‐led studies in (...)
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  2. Robert grosseteste on light, truth and experimentum.Simon Oliver - 2004 - Vivarium 42 (2):151-180.
  3.  54
    Philosophy, God, and motion.Simon Oliver - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In the post-Newtonian world motion is assumed to be a simple category which relates to the locomotion of bodies in space, and is usually associated only with physics. Philosophy, God and Motion shows that this is a relatively recent understanding of motion and that prior to the scientific revolution motion was a much broader and more mysterious category, applying to moral as well as physical movements. Simon Oliver presents fresh interpretations of key figures in the history of western thought including (...)
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    Life and Matter.Sir Lodge Oliver - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15:438.
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    Motion According to Aquinas and Newton.Simon Oliver - 2001 - Modern Theology 17 (2):163-199.
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    Past Years.Sir Lodge Oliver - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:440.
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  7. Radical orthodoxy : from participation to later modernity.Simon Oliver - 2009 - In Simon Oliver & John Milbank (eds.), The radical orthodoxy reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Sacred and (sub )human pain : witnessing bodies in early modem hagiography and contemporary spectatorship of atrocity.Sophie Oliver - 2010 - In Nancy Billias (ed.), Promoting and producing evil. New York: Rodopi. pp. 63--111.
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    Theology as a Pseudo-Ecology? Reply to Manussos Marangudakis.Simon Oliver - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (115):95-109.
    Manussos Marangudakis traces the roots of environmental concern within both Left and Right political thought.1 He examines the anti-technological and occasionally authoritarian stances of Hamsun, Williamson, Haeckel and Heidegger, and their associations with National Socialism, and compares them to the more recent ideologies of Deep Ecology, Ecofeminism, Eco-Socialism and Social Ecology, and their politics of egalitarianism, equality and autonomy. He concludes that, insofar as ecologists have opted for nature as the prominent pole in the nature and culture divide, their politics (...)
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    The Eucharist before Nature and Culture.Simon Oliver - 1999 - Modern Theology 15 (3):331-353.
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    The progress of lay involvement in the NHS Research and Development programme.S. Oliver - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):273-280.
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    Teleology Revived? Cooperation and the Ends of Nature.Simon Oliver - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):158-165.
    Modern natural science and philosophies of nature are often hostile to the notion of teleology in nature. Nevertheless, teleological orientation is ascribed to human behaviour because such behaviour is deliberative and intentional. This establishes a dualism between nature and culture, but also between intentional mind and inert matter. This essay argues that such dualisms are overcome by resisting a distinction between ‘extrinsic’ teleology and ‘intrinsic’ teleology, and by recovering Aristotle’s connection between teleology and form. Recent work on autopoiesis in the (...)
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    The radical orthodoxy reader.Simon Oliver & John Milbank (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Radical Orthodoxy Reader _presents a selection of key readings in the field of Radical Orthodoxy, the most influential theological movement in contemporary academic theology. Radical Orthodoxy draws on pre-Enlightenment theology and philosophy to engage critically with the assumption and priorities of secularism, modernity, postmodernity, and associated theologies. In doing so it explores a wide and exciting range of issues: music, language, society, the body, the city, power, motion, space, time, personhood, sex and gender. As such it is both controversial (...)
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    The theodicy of Austin Farrer.Simon Oliver - 1998 - Heythrop Journal 39 (3):280–297.
    This article seeks to place the theodicy of the Anglican theologian Austin Farrer, as expressed in Love Almighty and Ills Unlimited , within the context of philosophical and theological approaches to the so‐called “problem of evil”. Farrer's work is initially contrasted with the theodicies of John Hick and Richard Swinburne. This comparison reveals some of the rationalist and foundationalist moral assumptions of modern philosophical theodicy of which Hick and Swinburne are representatives. By contrast, it is argued that Farrer's approach is (...)
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  15. Wisdom and belief in theology and philosophy.Simon Oliver - 2009 - In John Cornwell & Michael McGhee (eds.), Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason. New York: Continuum.
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  16. The ethical issues regarding consent to clinical trials with pre-term or sick neonates: a systematic review (framework synthesis) of the empirical research.Eleanor Willman, Christopher Megone, Sandy Oliver, Lelia Duley, Gill Gyte & Judy Wright - 2016 - Trials 1 (17):443.
    Background Conducting clinical trials with pre-term or sick infants is important if care for this population is to be underpinned by sound evidence. Yet, approaching the parents of these infants at such a difficult time raises challenges to obtaining valid informed consent for such research. In this study, we asked, What light does the analytical literature cast on an ethically defensible approach to obtaining informed consent in perinatal clinical trials? -/- Methods In a systematic search, we identified 30 studies. We (...)
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    Book Review: Thomas Nagel, Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False[REVIEW]Simon Oliver - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):508-510.