Salvatore Costanza [6]S. Costanza [2]
  1.  26
    Due incipit Palmomantici Bizantini.Salvatore Costanza - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2):605-623.
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  2. Islamic Community in Sicily Historical Heritage and the Major Challenges of the Present Times.Salvatore Costanza - 2022 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 3 (3):21-29.
    : Islamic communities play a pivotal role in today’s Sicily. Islamis relevantnow,as it was in the Middle Ages. During Arabic occupation (827- 1060), this Islandwas partofIslamic world as en emirate. Muslims continued to be influential even in subsequent timesunder Norman (1060- 1094) and Hohenstaufen rulers (1194-1266). After this multiculturalperiod of toleration, Aragonese and Spanish occupation lead to oblivion of theIslamicpast. The repressed memory of Muslim Sicily dissimulated the absence of otherness since14th and 15th century. In the second half of the (...)
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    Paolino di Nola: la parafrasi biblica della laus Iohannis (carm. 6).S. Costanza - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (3):625-635.
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    Nitriti come segni profetici: cavalli fatidici a Bisanzio (XI-XIV sec.).Salvatore Costanza - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):1-24.
    In the later Byzantine age, historical sources mention many examples of prophecies concerning Chremetismomancy, the divination by horses' neighs. As far as we know, however, we have no earlier documents about this practice from ancient or from medieval Greece. Under the Komnenoi and Palaiologoi, to the contrary, important prophetic neighs are quoted by Anna Komnene, by Niketas Choniates and Nikephoros Gregoras. Wonders which were worked by neighing horses are of very great political consequence, relating to crucial moments such as an (...)
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    Sull'utilizzazione di alcune citazioni teologiche nella Cronografia di Giovanni Malala e in due testi agiografici.S. Costanza - 1959 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 52 (1):247-252.
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    Una syntaxis Mantica Pitagorica.Salvatore Costanza - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):5-21.
    Una significativa acquisizione, nella cornice della letteratura palmomantica, perviene dal ms. Laur. Plut. XXVIII, 14, che tramanda pure un trattato πεϱι αλλομένων μελων, cap. υξβ′, 462°, ff. 306r-v, vagheggiato da G. Vitelli nell'edizione di P. Flor. III 391 e pubblicato, quindi, da E. Rostagno, che si rivela un gemello del testimone vindobonese, H, censito da H. Diels e presentato quale un ramo della sua tradizione tripartita. Il testo del Laur. permette inoltre di migliorare notevolmente il dettato e la coerenza linguistica (...)
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    Un trattato bizantino di omoplatoscopia (atheniensis, bibliotheca nationalis 1493, ff. 155v-159r).Salvatore Costanza - 2012 - Byzantion 82:57-78.
    In the Late Byzantine period particular attention was paid to various kinds of foreseeing the future. That is why so many treatises on divination have been copied and transmitted to us – among other things the handbooks on divining from a lamb’s shoulder blade. This method originally goes back to a foreign tradition. We present the edition of an anonymous treatise in Ms. Atheniensis, Bibliotheca Nationalis 1493, which is ascribed to Turkish wisdom. We subsequently make a comparison with Psellus’ contribution (...)
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  8. Una versione bizantina e una metafrasi neogreca dello Ps.-Melampo De naevis.Salvatore Costanza - 2013 - Byzantion 83:83-102.
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