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S. Cannavo [6]Salvator Cannavo [4]Salvatore Cannavo [1]
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    Ackerman on Popper.S. Cannavo - 1979 - International Studies in Philosophy 11:141-145.
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  2. Extensionality and randomness in probability sequences.S. Cannavo - 1966 - Philosophy of Science 33 (2):134-.
    The charge that the limit-frequency theory of probability is inconsistent due to incompatibility between the required features of randomness and limit convergence is inapplicable when probability sequences are taken to be empirically (i.e., extensionally) generated, as they must be on a strictly empirical conception of probability. All past attempts to meet this charge by formulating constructive definitions of randomness that would still allow for a demonstrable limit-convergence have, in their exclusive concern with logically (i.e., intensionally) prescribed sequences, left the logic (...)
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    Literary uniqueness and critical communication.Salvator Cannavo & Lawrence W. Hyman - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (2):144-158.
    We shall give reconsideration to the problem of communicating the allegedly unique and unprecedented aspects that may be possessed by a literary work. In doing this we will distinguish two senses of uniqueness. The first of these, which we call objective uniqueness, is communicated without fundamental difficulty. It is given by a definite description in terms of properties which are entirely familiar but which occur in an unprecedented combination. Criticism’s overall task, however, demands concern for a second notion of uniqueness, (...)
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  4. Nomic Inference.S. Cannavo - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (2):327-327.
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    Nomic inference: an introduction to the logic of scientific inquiry.Salvator Cannavo - 1974 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    Those who speak of the philosophy of science do not all have the same sort of study in mind. For some it is speculation about the overall nature of the world. Others take it to be basic theory of knowledge and perception. And for still others, it is a branch of philosophical analysis focused speci is meant to be a study falling under fically on science. The present book this last category. Generally, such a study has two aspects: one, methodological, (...)
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    On the Verifiability of Universal Empirical Statements.S. Cannavo - 1965 - Analysis 26 (1):21 - 25.
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    Quantum Theory: A Philosopher's Overview.Salvator Cannavo - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores what can be known within quantum theory, with special emphasis on the difference between prediction and explanation.
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    Think to win: the power of logic in everyday life.Salvator Cannavo - 1998 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Inspired by pleas for a layperson's guide to "thinking well", author S. Cannavo walks through the various modes of thinking, understanding, and reasoning, making logical thought engaging through real-life examples. He offers essential tips on how anyone can be empowered through continual self-monitoring and self-improvement. THINK TO WIN offers the fertile ground in which to cultivate your rational intelligence.
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  9.  26
    Absolute or Relative Motion. [REVIEW]S. Cannavo - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (3):121-122.
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    Confirmation and Confirmability. [REVIEW]S. Cannavo - 1979 - International Studies in Philosophy 11:186-188.