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    Heideggerov obrat v kontexte vzťahu človeka a bytia.Róbert Stojka - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):41-52.
    Obrat (Kehre) v Heideggerovom myslení má dosah nielen na skúmanie otázky bytia (Seinsfrage), ale aj na zmenu postavenia človeka vo vzťahu k bytiu. Túto zmenu je možné ukázať aj prostredníctvom Heideggerovej interpretácie predsokratovskej filozofie. Pokým v období pred obratom je človek ako pobyt (Dasein) schopný porozumieť bytiu a je s ním spojený, po obrate sa tento vzťah zásadným spôsobom mení. Bytie sa Heideggera po obrate stáva Bytím, ktoré má charakter ne-časovosti či pred-časovosti a ako také má aj svoje vlastné dejiny. (...)
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  2. J. Patocka and the Europe: On the Concept of Europe in Patocka's Philosophy of History.Robert Stojka - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (2):150-160.
    In J. Pato?ka’s writings of the 1970s the concept of Europe plays an important role. For him Europe was closely related to the Greek idea of taking care of the soul and thus to the very origins of history. In the course of history, which began in ancient Greece and whose end is marked by the World War 1st, however, this idea has lost its strength. Europe in its original sense ceased to exist, being replaced by a new, Post-European period. (...)
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    PATOČKA A EURÓPA: K pojmu Európy v Patočkovej filozofii dejín.Róbert Stojka - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (2).
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    Teacher as Philosopher? Patočka's Philosophical View on Education.Róbert Stojka - forthcoming - Ruch Filozoficzny:1-11.
    Jan Patočka was one of the first philosophers in Czechoslovakia who, in addition to other areas of philosophy, also dealt with the philosophy of education. These ideas of his, concerned with the philosophical view of education, are still relevant today. The starting point of this study is, above all, Patočka's basic thesis, which states that a teacher who forms his/her pupils in a fundamental way must him/herself have a certain attitude towards the world and his/her life clarified, which means creating (...)
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