Results for 'Rémi Canino'

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  1. Orientation et psychopathologie du travail.Rémi Canino - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 108:85-93.
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    Between art and science: on Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style.Rémi Mermet - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):381-397.
    This essay centralizes and explores Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style. Although it does not emerge as much as the concept of form or symbol in Cassirer’s corpus, style plays a major—if intrinsic—role throughout the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. I shall examine how Cassirer’s conception of style is derived from Goethe’s theory of art and why it is fundamental to Cassirer’s theory of knowledge. Style is considered the defining feature of the cultural sciences, as well as the sign of the anthropological (...)
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    La Universidad en Femenino. Un cuadro de luces y sombras en la UCV.María Victoria Canino & Hebe Vessuri - 2008 - Arbor 184 (733):845-861.
    Durante mucho tiempo la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) fue la única institución nacional que proporcionó formación profesional y académica a los ciudadanos. En el presente, si bien comparte estas funciones con un conjunto de instituciones públicas y privadas, continúa siendo la institución que produce el mayor contingente de egresados de las ciencias y las ingenierías en el ámbito nacional, tiene el mayor número de programas de posgrado y de investigadores. Los egresados han aumentado en forma constante desde 1950 y (...)
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    La Lumière dans les ténèbres : le taoïsme originel dans la Chine antique.Rémi Mathieu - 2015 - Rue Descartes 84 (1):11.
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    Les routes affamées et le développement africain.Remi Sonaiya - 2003 - Diogène 202 (2):98-109.
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    Making precise movements increases confidence in perceptual decisions.Rémi Sanchez, Anaïs Courant, Andrea Desantis & Thibault Gajdos - 2024 - Cognition 249 (C):105832.
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    The role of (dis)inhibition in creativity: Decreased inhibition improves idea generation.Rémi Radel, Karen Davranche, Marion Fournier & Arne Dietrich - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):110-120.
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  8. Which empathy? Limitations in the mirrored “understanding” of emotion.Remy Debes - 2010 - Synthese 175 (2):219-239.
    The recent discovery of so-called “mirror-neurons” in monkeys and a corresponding mirroring “system” in humans has provoked wide endorsement of the claim that humans understand a variety of observed actions, somatic sensations, and emotions via a kind of direct representation of those actions, sensations, and emotions. Philosophical efforts to assess the import of such “mirrored understanding” have typically focused on how that understanding might be brought to bear on theories of mindreading, and usually in cases of action. By contrast, this (...)
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    Eccentric Culture: A Theory of Western Civilization.Rémi Brague - 2009 - St. Augustine's Press.
    Western culture, which influenced the whole world, came from Europe. But its roots are not there. They are in Athens and Jerusalem. European culture takes its bearing from references that are not in Europe: Europe is eccentric.What makes the West unique? What is the driving force behind its culture? Remi Brague takes up these questions in Eccentric Culture. This is not another dictionary of European culture, nor a measure of the contributions of a particular individual, religion, or national tradition. The (...)
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    Roles of local He concentration and Si sample orientation on cavity growth in amorphous silicon.Mariaconcetta Canino, Gabrielle Regula, Ming Xu, Esidor Ntsoenzok, M. Lancin, Marie-France Barthe, Thierry Sauvage, E. Oliviero & Bernard Pichaud - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (34):4324-4331.
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    Studies of Converting That Didactic Prosaically Works in Classical Turkish Literature to Poetry and S'dıkî’s Example of Akaid-n'me Written in Verse.Ferdi Ki̇remi̇tçi̇ - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1501-1539.
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    19. Yüzyıl Klasik Şairlerimizden Muhamme.Ferdi Ki̇remi̇tçi̇ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):969-1032.
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    Cassirer et Panofsky : un malentendu philosophique.Rémi Mermet - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (1):56-78.
    Cassirer and Panofsky: A Philosophical Misunderstanding This paper argues that German art historian and iconologist Erwin Panofsky unintentionally misused the concept of "symbolic form" coined by his friend and colleague, philosopher Ernst Cassirer. Although both shared the same neo-Kantian background, I contend that Panofsky clung to Kant’s dualistic theory of knowledge, while Cassirer explicitly adopted a non-dualistic way of thinking largely inspired by Goethean morphology. That is why Panofsky could distinguish between the "natural" space of perception and the cultural space (...)
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    The fanciest sort of intentionality: Active inference, mindshaping and linguistic content.Remi Tison - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (5):1017-1057.
    In this paper, I develop an account of linguistic content based on the active inference framework. While ecological and enactive theorists have rightly rejected the notion of content as a basis for cognitive processes, they must recognize the important role that it plays in the social regulation of linguistic interaction. According to an influential theory in philosophy of language, normative inferentialism, an utterance has the content that it has in virtue of its normative status, that is, in virtue of the (...)
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    MRP , tree properties and square principles.Remi Strullu - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1441-1452.
    We show that MRP + MA implies that ITP(λ, ω 2 ) holds for all cardinal λ ≥ ω 2 . This generalizes a result by Weiß who showed that PFA implies that ITP(λ, ω 2 ) holds for all cardinal λ ≥ ω 2 . Consequently any of the known methods to prove MRP + MA consistent relative to some large cardinal hypothesis requires the existence of a strongly compact cardinal. Moreover if one wants to force MRP + MA (...)
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    The wisdom of the world: the human experience of the universe in Western thought.Rémi Brague - 2003 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    When the ancient Greeks looked up into the heavens, they saw not just sun and moon, stars and planets, but a complete, coherent universe, a model of the Good that could serve as a guide to a better life. How this view of the world came to be, and how we lost it (or turned away from it) on the way to becoming modern, make for a fascinating story, told in a highly accessible manner by Remi Brague in this wide-ranging (...)
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    The Grand Challenge of Human Health: A Review and an Urgent Call for Business–Health Research.Remy Balarezo, Bryan W. Husted, Ivan Montiel & Junghoon Park - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1353-1415.
    Considering the urgency of addressing grand challenges that affect human health and achieving the ambitious health targets set by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the role of business in improving health has become critical. Yet, our systematic review of the business–health literature reveals that business research focuses primarily on occupational health and safety, health care organizations, and health regulations. To embrace the health externalities generated by business activities, we propose that future research should investigate the conditions under which business (...)
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    From Phenomenology to Metaphysics: An Inquiry Into the Last Period of Merleau-Ponty'S Philosophical Life.Remy C. Kwant - 1966 - Pittsburgh,: Dusquesne University Press.
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    Feeling Good by Doing Good: A Selfish Motivation for Ethical Choice.Remi Trudel, Jill Klein, Sankar Sen & Niraj Dawar - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (1):39-49.
    This paper examines the question of why consumers engage in ethical consumption. The authors draw on self-affirmation theory to propose that the choice of an ethical product serves a self-restorative function. Four experiments provide support for this assertion: a self-threat increases consumers’ choice of an ethical option, even when the alternative choice is objectively superior in quantity (Study 1) and product quality (Study 2). Further, restoring self-esteem through positive feedback eliminates this increase in ethical choice (Studies 2 and 3). As (...)
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    The Inner Form of Style: On Heinrich Wölfflin's "Tactical" Formalism.Rémi Mermet - unknown
    In this article, I examine the enduring relevance of Heinrich Wölfflin’s approach to style, in light of the renewed interest in it among “postformalist” art historians. By delving into the theoretical foundations of the Principles of Art History, I explore Wölfflin’s Goethean interpretation of Kantian epistemology, revealing a conception of style characterized by its dynamic and symbolic “inner form” rather than mere static formalism. This analysis not only highlights affinities with Max Weber’s thought but also uncovers a previously overlooked connection (...)
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    Dignity: A History.Remy Debes (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In everything from philosophical ethics to legal argument to public activism, it has become commonplace to appeal to the idea of human dignity. In such contexts, the concept of dignity typically signifies something like the fundamental moral status belonging to all humans. Remarkably, however, it is only in the last century that this meaning of the term has become standardized. Before this, dignity was instead a concept associated with social status. Unfortunately, this transformation remains something of a mystery in existing (...)
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    De l’affinité entre les peuples : Heinrich Wölfflin et la question des styles nationaux.Rémi Mermet - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 87 (4):41-62.
    Dans cet article, je cherche à démontrer que la dernière monographie de Heinrich Wölfflin, Italien und das deutsche Formgefühl (1931), n’a pas participé, comme on le croit souvent, au développement d’une histoire de l’art raciste à l’époque nazie. Au contraire, je suggère que Wölfflin a rejeté toute approche nationaliste de l’art : il n’a pas insisté sur sa propre germanité pour la glorifier, mais pour souligner la relativité de sa perspective d’historien de l’art suisse allemand. À la suite de Dürer, (...)
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  23. Dignity's gauntlet.Remy Debes - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):45-78.
    The philosophy of “ human dignity” remains a young, piecemeal endeavor with only a small, dedicated literature. And what dedicated literature exists makes for a rather slapdash mix of substantive and formal metatheory. Worse, ironically we seem compelled to treat this existing theory both charitably and casually. For how can we definitively assess any of it? Existing suggestions about the general features of dignity are necessarily contentious in virtue of being more or less blissfully uncritical of themselves. Because none of (...)
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    Global Challenges in Democratic Local Governance of the African States.Remi Chukwudi Okeke & Sylvia Uchenna Agu - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 71:33-39.
    Source: Author: Remi Chukwudi Okeke, Sylvia Uchenna Agu Local governments in many parts of Africa are yet to be fully accepted as important levels of government. This gives rise to the contradictory scenario whereby such political actors at the central and sub-central levels remain the apostles of centralization on one hand and exponents of democracy as a model of national government on the other hand. Nigeria is the most populous African country. And this marginalization of the local government in the (...)
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  25. Sur Des Lettres Disparues De La Collection Dupuy.Rémy Scheurer - 1963 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 25 (3):531-542.
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    Truth, Meaning and Common World.Remi Peeters - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (3):337-359.
    Unlike the majority of philosophers, Hannah Arendt was not inclined to look down on common sense. She became convinced of common sense’s invaluable significance for our common world, especially when she came to understand that totalitarianism consists of its undermining. No matter how important the role of the concept in her thought, however, its meaning remains ambiguous insofar as it refers to two related, yet different ‘faculties’, common sense as a cognitive faculty on the one hand and common sense as (...)
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    A Lacanian Approach to Medical Demand, With a Focus on Pediatric Genetics: A Plea for Subjectivization.Rémy Potier & Olivier Putois - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    As Sucessivas Metamorfoses do Conceito de Estado em Marx.Rémy Herrera - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (1-2):49-72.
    This article intends to return to Marx’s theory of the State to show that this author left us numerous and fruitful elements, the analyzes of which deserve to be meditated on today. From the conception of the State as an alienated expression of civil society to that of the organization of the dominant class, then from that of the apparatus or machine to that of the lever of the revolution, Marx’s interpretation has evolved to become more complex, and enriched. We (...)
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    Le Bonheur d’une intellectuelle engagée.Rémy Pawin - 2012 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 28 (1):35-48.
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    Public Debt and Sustainable National Development in Nigeria: Analysis of Fundamental Issues.Remi Chukwudi Okeke & Adeline N. Idike - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 74:41-47.
    Publication date: 30 November 2016 Source: Author: Remi Chukwudi Okeke, Adeline N. Idike This study raises some fundamental issues in the relationship between public debt and sustainable national development in Nigeria. The work is significant in highlighting the position of public debt in the subject area of public administration. The study finds a very weak linkage between public debt and sustainable national development in the Nigerian state. The theoretical framework of the investigation is the bureaucratic theory. The work finds that (...)
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    Politics, Music and Social Mobilization in Africa: The Nigeria Narrative and Extant Tendencies.Remi Chukwudi Okeke - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 86:28-41.
    Publication date: 21 March 2019 Source: Author: Remi Chukwudi Okeke The impact of music on politics in Africa has seemingly remained dominant. But the overall sway of the African political processes has also become bewildering. The panacea to the disconcerting results of these political procedures in Africa is the adequate levels of social mobilization, while music ostensibly mobilizes massively. This chapter thus examines the linkages among politics, music and social mobilization in Nigeria. Framed on the hypothesis that the relationship among (...)
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    Worker Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the Age of Wisdom: Critical Evaluations.Remi Chukwudi Okeke & Desmond Okechukwu Nnamani - 2018 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 81:13-21.
    Publication date: 16 April 2018 Source: Author: Remi Chukwudi Okeke, Desmond Okechukwu Nnamani This study interrogates the notion of an envisaged age of wisdom whereby, the current information / knowledge worker era will be succeeded by a new order, in which information and knowledge will be impregnated with purpose and principles. The study thus examines the issue of worker commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour in the assumed age of wisdom. The analytical framework of the study is the rational choice theory. (...)
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  33. Interaction sociale et cognition animale : peut-on percevoir la mélancolie de son poisson rouge?Rémi Tison - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (1):77-103.
    Rémi Tison Dans cet article, je traite de la nature des processus cognitifs sous-tendant nos attributions d’états mentaux aux animaux non humains. Selon la conception traditionnelle, nous n’avons qu’un accès indirect aux états mentaux d’autrui, qui doivent être inférés sur la base du comportement. Cette conception traditionnelle influence autant les débats conceptuels concernant l’esprit des animaux que les recherches empiriques sur la cognition animale. Or de récents travaux sur la cognition sociale humaine avancent plutôt une conception « interactionniste », (...)
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    Un fou ? ou comment les artistes connectent encore les hommes.Rémi Astruc - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est le chapitre introductif d'un ouvrage à paraître en 2015 – Nous ? L'aspiration à la Communauté et les arts. Un fou Un homme avec de drôles de chaussures blanches et noires à talonnettes, dans le silence glacé d'un ancien entrepôt, frappe le sol — un plancher de bois — avec ses pieds. Des sons sourds résonnent sous ses coups. Il transpire abondamment ; des gouttes perlent à son front et coulent à terre. Il s'arrête quelques secondes, puis (...)
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    Rousseau's Venetian Story - An Essay upon Art and Truth in "Les Confessions".Remy G. Saisselin - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):416-416.
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  36. Active Inference and Cooperative Communication: An Ecological Alternative to the Alignment View.Rémi Tison & Pierre Poirier - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We present and contrast two accounts of cooperative communication, both based on Active Inference, a framework that unifies biological and cognitive processes. The mental alignment account, defended in Vasil et al., takes the function of cooperative communication to be the alignment of the interlocutor's mental states, and cooperative communicative behavior to be driven by an evolutionarily selected adaptive prior belief favoring the selection of action policies that promote such an alignment. We argue that the mental alignment account should be rejected (...)
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  37. La Philosophie De La Chair De Michel Henry. Vers Une Onto-Phénoménologie De L’Individualité.Rémy Gagnon - 2010 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 14 (2):66-77.
    Cet article souhaite élucider la philosophie de la chair développée par Michel Henry. Il s’agit de voir comment Henry parvient à penser la chair comme la possibilité principielle de l’individualité. Nous voulons montrer que la démarche henryenne repose non seulement sur une mise en question des canons de l’apparaître, mais également sur la conviction que le problème de l’individualité trouve sa solution dans une expérience charnelle radicale de soi-même permettant d’opérer un repli en-deçà du corps chosifié de la phénoménologie husserlienne. (...)
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    The Digital Phenotyping Project: A Psychoanalytical and Network Theory Perspective.Rémy Potier - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A new method of observation is currently emerging in psychiatry, based on data collection and behavioral profiling of smartphone users. Numerical phenotyping is a paradigmatic example. This behavioral investigation method uses computerized measurement tools in order to collect characteristics of different psychiatric disorders. First, it is necessary to contextualize the emergence of these new methods and to question their promises and expectations. The international mental health research framework invites us to reflect on methodological issues and to draw conclusions from certain (...)
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    The Law of God: The Philosophical History of an Idea.Rémi Brague - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    Ideally, in that case, the book seems to be both an obvious primer and launching pad for further scholarship.”—Times Higher Education Supplement.
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  40. La sagesse du monde. Histoire de l’expérience humaine de l’univers.Rémi Brague - 1999
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    Architecture of Leadership: Behavioral Integrity and the Role of Strategy, Innovation, and Vision on Both Leaders and Followers.Remi Alapo - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (8).
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    Ministerial Leadership: The Servant Leader as a Transformational Leader.Remi Alapo - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (1).
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    Racial Disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System: “With Liberty and Justice for All?”.Remi Alapo & David Rockefeller - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (7).
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    Editorial: Using Noise to Characterize Vision.Remy Allard, Jocelyn Faubert & Denis G. Pelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  45. Phenomenology of Expression.Remy C. Kwant - 1970 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 32 (4):799-801.
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    Phenomenology of Language.Phenomenology of Social Existence.Remy C. Kwant - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (2):301-303.
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    The Ambiguity of the Fact.Remy C. Kwant - 1959 - Modern Schoolman 37 (4):287-300.
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    The Phenomenological Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty.Remy C. Kwant - 1963 - Pittsburgh,: Dusquesne University Press.
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    Information-Theoretic Measures Predict the Human Judgment of Rhythm Complexity.Remi Fleurian, Tim Blackwell, Oded Ben‐Tal & Daniel Müllensiefen - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (3):800-813.
    To formalize the human judgment of rhythm complexity, we used five measures from information theory and algorithmic complexity to measure the complexity of 48 artificially generated rhythmic sequences. We compared these measurements to human prediction accuracy and easiness judgments obtained from a listening experiment, in which 32 participants guessed the last beat of each sequence. We also investigated the modulating effects of musical expertise and general pattern identification ability. Entropy rate and Kolmogorov complexity were correlated with prediction accuracy, and highly (...)
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    The Cybathlon experience: beyond transhumanism to capability hybridization.Remi Richard & Bernard Andrieu - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (1):49-62.
    ABSTRACTThe Cybathlon is a new kind of competition that embraces disabled people who use advanced assistive technologies. The purpose of this essay is to interpret the Cybathlon not as a ‘transhuman’ sport for enhanced athletes but as a place for experimenting with ‘capability hybridatization’ of the self. We wish to show that the figure of the transhuman cyborg that dominates the media coverage of disabled athletes is an attempt to approximate the able-bodied standard. This figure is problematic because it excludes (...)
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