Results for 'Ruy Guerra'

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  1. Sobre vivências no mundo do trabalho.Alessandra Ceregatti, Ana Maria Marques Camargo Marangoni, Angelo Ishi, Boaventura de Sousa Santos & Ruy Guerra (eds.) - 1995 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: ECA/USP/CNPq.
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    Transterrados y emigrados: una interpretación sociopolítica del exilio gallego en 1936.Xosé M. Núñez Seixas & Ruy Farías - 2009 - Arbor 185 (735):113-127.
    El artículo pretende ofrecer una visión general del exilio gallego, principalmente en América, desde 1936, incidiendo en sus características diferenciales y peculiares con respecto al conjunto del exilio republicano español. Se pasa revista, así, al peso de la imbricación entre exilio y emigración masiva, así como a las diferentes dinámicas de integración social y de interacción entre los exiliados y las colectividades de emigrantes gallegos que tuvieron lugar en los principales países de acogida.
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  3. Julho-agosto setembro-outubro ano XV—n. 4—vol. 19 sumário ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes.Ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes - 1977 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:105.
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    Quatro poemas de Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2009 - Discurso 39 (39):341-356.
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    Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1):4-5.
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    On Reduction Rules, Meaning-as-use, and Proof-theoretic Semantics.Ruy Queiroz - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (2):211-247.
    The intention here is that of giving a formal underpinning to the idea of ‘meaning-is-use’ which, even if based on proofs, it is rather different from proof-theoretic semantics as in the Dummett–Prawitz tradition. Instead, it is based on the idea that the meaning of logical constants are given by the explanation of immediate consequences, which in formalistic terms means the effect of elimination rules on the result of introduction rules, i.e. the so-called reduction rules. For that we suggest an extension (...)
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  7. O Programa de Pesquisas Sociais Estado da Bahia-Universidade de Colúmbia: O seu Contexto.Ruy Medeiros - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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  8. Maio-junho julho-agosto ano XV—n. 3—vol. 19 sumário creusa capalbo—o Pensa-mento católico na atualldade.Ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes - 1977 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20.
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  9. Mario Pagano, Nicolas Boulanger et J. B. Vico.J. Chaix Ruy - 1948 - Giornale di Metafisica 3 (5/6):388.
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  10. La Argentina. Madrid.Ruy Dias de Guzmán - 1986 - História 16.
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    Meaning as grammar plus consequences.Ruy J. G. B. Queiroz - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (1):83-86.
  12. Indicação bibliográfica.Jose Carlos Ruy - 1992 - Princípios 23:64.
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  13. Da ritualização da sociedade ao fetiche consumogônico.Ruy Dos Santos Siqueira - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    In this article, it tries to interpret the modern society under the the logic of the market, in which the human being is removed of the historical center and substituted by the consumption object, that stars to assume preponderant factor of control and social alienation in actual historial stage. The purpose of this article is to deonstrate that the contemporary society didn't renounce the rite neither the mythm as construction instruments and psychological and sociological elabration, To approriate or to link (...)
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    Not every pronoun is always a pronoun.E. G. Ruys - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (5):1027-1050.
    A homonymy analysis is proposed to explain the so-called “demonstrative use” of personal pronouns. This analysis explains why some pronouns (_it_) do not allow a demonstrative use, as demonstrated in Nunberg (1993). The absence of a demonstrative feature in _it_ can also account for the fact that it does not allow deferred reference. It is argued on the basis of the structure of the nominal demonstrative paradigm that the homonymy analysis is more parsimonious than a single-item analysis.
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    Perceiving an exclusive cause of affect prevents misattribution.Kirsten I. Ruys, Henk Aarts, Esther K. Papies, Masanori Oikawa & Haruka Oikawa - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1009-1015.
    Affect misattribution occurs when affective cues color subsequent unrelated evaluations. Research suggests that affect misattribution decreases when one is aware that affective cues are unrelated to the evaluation at hand. We propose that affect misattribution may even occur when one is aware that affective cues are irrelevant, as long as the source of these cues seems ambiguous. When source ambiguity exists, affective cues may freely influence upcoming unrelated evaluations. We examined this using an adapted affect misattribution procedure where pleasant and (...)
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    O pêndulo de Marx: Sociologias públicas e engajamento social.Ruy Braga - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (52):55-80.
    En los últimos quince años varios renombrados sociólogos, entre ellos Pierre Bourdieu, se han comprometido de un modo continuo y profundo en el debate y en la acción de las políticas públicas antineolibaerles y son, cada vez más, reconocidos como aliados de los movimientos sociales. El objetivo de e..
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    Las fantasías inconscientes como material y fuente de los síntomas.Ruy J. Henríquez Garrido - 2015 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 48:203-209.
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    Wollic’2002.Ruy de Queiroz, Bruno Poizat & Sergei Artemov - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1):1-4.
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  19. Pirandello e il teatro francese contemporaneo.J. Chaix Ruy - 1975 - Giornale di Metafisica 30 (4):357-378.
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  20. Qual democracia? Qual ditadura.José Carlos Ruy - 1990 - Princípios 19.
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  21. De que ri Fernando Henrique?José Carlos Ruy - 1996 - Princípios 40:17.
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  22. Les deux Cités.J. Chaix Ruy - 1947 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:126.
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  23. Elementos de lógica aplicada ao ensino secundário.Ruy Madsen Barbosa - 1968 - São Paulo,: Liv. Nobel.
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  24. Mocidade e exílio.Ruy Barbosa - 1949 - São Paulo,: Companhia Editora Nacional. Edited by Barbosa de Oliveira, Albino José, Araujo Ferreira Jacobina & Antonio de[From Old Catalog].
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  25. Filosofía pedagógica.Ruy de Ayres Bello - 1946 - Pôrto Alegre,: Livraria do Globo.
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    Sobre o jovem Marx.Ruy Fausto - 1980 - Discurso 13:7-52.
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  27. La alteridad como eje explicativo del proyecto viquiano.Ruy E. Sánchez Rodríguez - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18).
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  28. Humanisme: transcendance de l'humain.J. Chaix Ruy - 1952 - Giornale di Metafisica 7 (6):647.
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  29. Le problème du temps dans les "Confessions" et dans "La Cité de Dieu".J. Chaix Ruy - 1954 - Giornale di Metafisica 9 (4/5):464.
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    Normalisation and Language‐Games.Ruy J. G. B. Queiroz - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (2):83-123.
    The question of finding a suitable formal account of meaning for the logical signs has troubled many philosophers and logicians since the early days of formal logic, whenever it is even recognised as a problem. Here I attempt to show how two operational approaches to the problem can still be shown to be ‘technically’ equivalent, despite having emerged from two different readings of a single philosophical account, and being essentially distinct with respect to the rôle of ‘will’ in the mathematical (...)
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  31.  48
    Fundamentación del pensamiento científico moderno y los orígenes del concepto cartesiano de lo mental.Ruy Henríquez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (2):89-113.
    The analysis of the Rules for the Direction of the Mind reveals not only the early interest that Descartes had in the mind and its relationship with the body. It also proves that his idea about the mental aspect is an integral part of Descartes’ general program for the basic principle of Science. On the other hand, it demonstrates that the Cartesian’s thought regarding the mind could not be understood without the critique of the Aristotelian-scholastic epistemological paradigm that is expressed (...)
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    Vigencia del Proyecto de una psicología para neurólogos.Ruy Henríquez - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:277-294.
    This paper expects establish the importance of the Project of a psychology for neurologists in the whole of Freud’s work, pointing out those points in which anticipates the theory that some years later will revolutionize the human thought, that is, anyone who defines the field of the psychoanalysis and that has to psychic device items and of unconscious as axes head offices.
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    Meaning as Grammar plus Consequences.Ruy J. G. B. DeQueiroz - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (1):83-86.
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    诸子笺校商补.Ruying Liu - 1995 - Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she.
    刘如瑛(1924~ ),江苏铜山人,扬州大学师范学院中文系古代文学教授,硕士研究生指导教师.
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    Zhu zi jian jiao shang bu.Ruying Liu - 1995 - Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she.
    刘如瑛(1924~ ),江苏铜山人,扬州大学师范学院中文系古代文学教授,硕士研究生指导教师.
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  36. O círculo e a espiral: a crise paradigmática do mundo moderno.Ruy Moreira - 1993 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: Obra Aberta.
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  37. O discurso do avesso (Para a crítica que se ensina). Rio de Janeiro.Ruy Moreira - forthcoming - Dois Pontos.
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    O discurso do avesso: para a crítica da geografia que se ensina.Ruy Moreira - 1987 - Rio de Janeiro: Dois Pontos.
  39. O pensamento geográfico brasileiro.Ruy Moreira - 2008 - São Paulo: Editora Contexto.
    v. 1. As matrizes clássicas originárias -- v. 2. As matrizes da renovação -- v. 3. As matrizes brasileiras.
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    Pensamento único e repetição em Schopenhauer.Ruy De Carvalho - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):105.
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  41. Teoria da relatividade restrita.Ruy Luis Gomes - 1938 - Lisboa,: Depositária: Livraria Sá da Costa.
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    Bioethics at stake: The challenge of corporate science and biocapitalism.María José Guerra - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):52-58.
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    Die anordnung der homerischen hymnen.Josfi B. Torres-Guerra - 2003 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 147 (1):3-12.
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    (2 other versions)J.-B. Vico oeuvres choisies.Giambattista Vico & Jules Chaix-ruy - 1946 - Presses Universitaires de France.
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    (1 other version)La revolución independentista de Cuba y la Guerra de 1998 desde la perspectiva de América Latina.Sergio Guerra Vilaboy - 1991 - Contrastes: Revista de Historia Moderna 7:65-82.
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    Democracy and Disenfranchisement: The Morality of Electoral Exclusions.Claudio López-Guerra - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    The denial of voting rights to certain types of persons continues to be a moral problem of practical significance. The disenfranchisement of persons with mental impairments, minors, noncitizen residents, nonresident citizens, and criminal offenders is a matter of controversy. This book makes a contribution to this largely neglected yet key topic.
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  47. Should Expatriates Vote?Claudio López-Guerra - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (2):216-234.
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    Claude Lefort e a crítica de “A propósito da questão judaica” de Marx: dialética e ideologia.Ruy Fausto - 2018 - Discurso 48 (1):193-219.
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    How to Apply the Concept of Umwelt in the Evolutionary Study of Cognition.Nereida Bueno-Guerra - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  50. (1 other version)The enfranchisement lottery.Claudio Lopez-Guerra - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (2):1470594-10372206.
    This article compares the ‘enfranchisement lottery’, a novel method for allocating the right to vote, with universal suffrage. The comparison is conducted exclusively on the basis of the expected consequences of the two systems. Each scheme seems to have a relative advantage. On the one hand, the enfranchisement lottery would create a better informed electorate and thus improve the quality of electoral outcomes. On the other hand, universal suffrage is more likely to ensure that elections are seen to be fair, (...)
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