Results for 'Ruslan Kotenko'

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  1.  27
    Курорти галичини.Volodymyr Klapchuk & Ruslan Kotenko - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):61-67.
    Санаторно-курортна справа у Галичині була започаткована ще наприкінці XVI ст., однак до кінця XIX ст. вона не набула масового характеру через низький рівень розвитку сфери послуг, незадовільний стан доріг, низький рівень культури обслуговуючого персоналу. Із часом у місцевостях з мінеральними водами спритні підприємці та лихварі будували водолікарні, невеликі літні будинки санаторного типу й здавали їх за певну плату. Потужного розвитку курортна справа набула в останній чверті XIX - першій третині XX ст. На теренах Галичини в 1930-х рр. існувало понад 20 (...)
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    Interview With Claude Romano.Ruslan Loshakov & Claude Romano - 2017 - Horizon-Fenomenologicheskie Issledovaniya 6 (1):241-264.
    What is the event? How the phenomenology of event is possible if the "event" is not the phenomenon in the classical meaning of this word? French philosopher Claude Romano discusses these questions with his Russian colleague Ruslan Loshakov. The interlocutors consider the concept of event in different contexts, paying special attention to the relationships which connect the phenomenology of event with Husserl, Bergson, Heidegger and Levinas' ideas.
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    Does “Divine Hiddenness” Neutralize the Problem of Evil? Is Process Theodicy More Adequate?Ruslan Elistratov - 2020 - Process Studies 49 (1):36-53.
    This article critically engages Paul Moser’s “Divine Hiddenness Response” to the problem of evil—an approach to have recently come out of traditional free-will theism. I begin with identifying the initial common ground between Mosers thought and process theology that arguably coincides with what can be called the "Four Noble Truths of Christianity. ” Howevery when confronted with the problem of evil that threatens the credibility of these truths. Moser offers an epistemic strategy to address this threat without modifying the classical (...)
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    The Effects of Gender, Tenure and Primary Workplace on Burnout of Ukrainian Police Officers.Ruslan Valieiev, Vasyl Polyvaniuk, Tetyana Antonenko, Mykola Rebkalo, Andrii Sobakar & Vladyslav Oliinyk - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (4):116-131.
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    Omnipotence Ruins Divine Friendship but Process Theology Saves It.Ruslan Elistratov - 2020 - Process Studies 49 (1):73-76.
  6. Греко-католицька і православна церква в суспільно-політичному житті західної україни (1919-1939 рр.).Ruslan Husak - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):22-28.
    У статті охарактеризовано діяльність визначальних інституцій Західної України міжвоєнного періоду - греко-католицької і православної церков, які поряд із впливовими політичними партіями та товариствами помітно вплинули на функціонування тогочасної спільноти, виступали захисниками "українських інтересів", священики брали активну участь у громадському житті й були найбільш прогресивними та освіченими представниками народу.
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  7. Перехід від апостольства до єпископату як форми раціоналізації християнської традиції.Ruslan Khalikov - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    The article examines the features of formation of the episcopacy as a form of rationalization of the Christian tradition. Author relates the changeover from the apostolicity to episcopacy in the Christian Church with the changeover from oral history to a systematic memory, and social-organizational form of rationalization proposed by C. Geertz. In addition, social-organizational form of rationalization of religious traditions corresponds to institutionalization. In the course of rationalization is a change of legitimating criteria of the authority of religious hierarchy from (...)
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  8.  7
    Collective portrait of the leaders of regional branches of parliamentary political parties (on the example of the subjects of the Ural Federal District).Ruslan Mukhametov - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:17-28.
    Introduction. In the political science literature, there are several main approaches that explain the weakness of the political parties’ institution in Russia. These concepts point to reasons that are outside political parties. This study attempts to link the low status of political parties in Russia with the quality of party top management, in particular, with the parties’ regional leaders (United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia). The purpose of the study (...)
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  9.  28
    G.S.Skovorodà, il primo filosofo ucraino nella Russia del Settecento.Ruslan Andriyeshyn - 2000 - Idee 45:101-112.
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  10. GS Skovorodà, pensatore errante. Il primo filosofo ucraino nella Russia del settecento.Ruslan Andriyeshyn - 2002 - Studium 98 (6):883-894.
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  11.  29
    Technique of health culture education of preschool children in different age groups.Ruslan Bedran - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:194-199.
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    Державне регулювання еколого-економічного розвитку: Сутність, принципи, завдання.Biloskurskyy Ruslan - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):5-11.
    The theoretical overview of Ukrainian scientist's papers related administrative concepts of ecological and economic development was made. The essence of state regulation of ecological and economic development was formulated. The principles of state regulation of ecological and economic development were described and its objectives in terms of relevance to national conditions were determined. Principles of state regulation of ecological and economic development were separated into three groups. The first group are fundamental principles of state regulation: integrity, consistency, commitment, flexibility, consistency, (...)
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  13.  22
    (1 other version)Artificial Evolution in Transhumanism.Ruslan Klymenko - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (3):139-146.
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    Theological belief towards Islamic spiritual belief: Evidence from South Sulawesi, Indonesia.Ruslan Ruslan, Muhammad A. Burga & Muli U. Noer - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):6.
    Indonesia has the biggest Muslim population globally, and one of the Islamic beliefs among people of this nation is tarekat, which is sometimes considered as a heretic. Therefore, this article aims to analyse the meaning of diction tarekat according to the Qur’an and its implications for the Buginese community, one of the oldest ethnicities in Indonesia. This is a conceptual and empirical research with the purposive sampling method used to determine the informants from several tarekat leaders and congregations. Data were (...)
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    Philosophical analysis of the western European personalism.Ruslan Khalilov - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):206-215.
    The problems of individualism and especially personalism have always been one of those issues that have always attracted the attention of philosophical thought. This means that a person preserves his characteristics, originality and uniqueness in his relations with society. First of all, if we talk about the importance of identifying this problem, then, in essence, this is the study of its holistic and comprehensive nature, based on indicators that are characteristic of a particular person. It is not so easy to (...)
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  16.  10
    Paradiplomacy of Russian regions: features and limitations (as illustrated by the Sverdlovsk region).Ruslan Mukhametov - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:26-36.
    Introduction. For three decades, the subjects of the Russian Federation have been participants in international relations, establishing international, foreign economic, cross-border cooperation with foreign partners. What are the opportunities and limitations of the international activities of the Russian regions? Have they transformed during this period? If so, in which direction and what was the reason for this? The purpose of this article is to find answers to these questions. Methodology. The conceptual basis of this study is the concept of paradiplomacy. (...)
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  17.  27
    Reconstruction of the Stagirite argument against the fatalism of future events.Ruslan Myronenko - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):32-42.
    The question of free will and determinism is one of the most discussed in analytic philosophy. This is because interdisciplinary research has entered the field of studying the brain and consciousness – and often, consciousness is presented as an invention, an epiphenomenon. One of the attributes of consciousness is free will. The prehistory of modern research in the field of free will is the discussion about the need for future events, which was first analyzed by Stagirite in chapter 9, "On (...)
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  18.  30
    Postmodernism as a Worldview in the Context of Formation of Artistic and Pedagogical Competence of Future Teachers of Fine Arts.Oksana Liebiedieva, Ruslan Pylnik, Iryna Bryzhata, Ivanna Pavelchuk, Larysa Garbuzenko & Iryna Bartienieva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):393-411.
    The specificity of the process of professional training and formation of future teachers of fine arts is due to the direction of art and pedagogical education, the peculiarities of communication with art, approaches to the use of its educational potential. Therefore, in determination of the principles of professional development of teachers of fine arts, the problem of theoretical and methodological understanding of the nature and content of decorative and applied arts in the preparation and professional development is actualized. On the (...)
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    Leibniz and Kabbalah.Sergiy Seсundant & Ruslan Melamed - 2010 - Sententiae 22 (1):86-101.
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  20.  30
    Burnout Among Correctional Staff: Effects of Job Satisfaction.Oleksii Tohochynskyi, Ruslan Valieiev, Olena Arsentieva, Yuliia Ivchuk, Natalija Sidash & Volodymyr Pekarchuk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):161-181.
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  21.  11
    Uchisʹ videtʹ lozhʹ: Verkhovnyĭ sovet respubliki Belarusʹ, 13 sozyv, glavnye prichiny samopospuska. Umeĭ proiznesti rechʹ. 700 zhemchuzhin zhiteĭskoĭ mudrosti.Ruslan Mikhaĭlovich Ignatishchev - 1997 - Minsk: "Vedy".
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  22. Discovering Binary Codes for Documents by Learning Deep Generative Models.Geoffrey Hinton & Ruslan Salakhutdinov - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):74-91.
    We describe a deep generative model in which the lowest layer represents the word-count vector of a document and the top layer represents a learned binary code for that document. The top two layers of the generative model form an undirected associative memory and the remaining layers form a belief net with directed, top-down connections. We present efficient learning and inference procedures for this type of generative model and show that it allows more accurate and much faster retrieval than latent (...)
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  23.  14
    Philosophy as a School of Life at the Time of Totalitarianism. Part ІI. A bridge to the future.Serhiy Proleyev, Xenija Zborovska, Ruslan Mironenko & Olena Kostenko - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (1):172-194.
    The second part of the interview with Dr.Sci.Proleiev, Doctor of Philosophy, devoted to the understanding of the phenomenon of "philosophy in the USSR" (first part: Proleyev, S., Zborovska, X., Mironenko, R., Kostenko, O., & Shulha, M. (2018). Philosophy as a School of Life at the Time of Totalitarianism. Part I. Thinking in the Space of Soviet Myths.
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    The Influence of Artistic Kitsch on the Formation of Political Memes.Anastasiia Tormakhova, Dmytro Tovmash & Ruslan Grechkosii - 2025 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):117-145.
    Memes are an integral part of the digital culture of the globalisation era. Being a powerful form of communication, they have a large audience and influence on society. Their origin was due to the emergence of kitsch and its spread in 20th century culture and art. It was kitsch, which went from ‘low’ art to camp, that initiated the spread of visual forms that perform a powerful communication function. Political memes have an ideological and relaxation function, and they have a (...)
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  25.  19
    Life of Thought: the Act of Thinking in the Times of Totalitarism. Part I.Anatoly Akhutin, Xenija Zborovska, Ruslan Myronenko, Vsevolod Khoma & Karolina Yakymenko - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):201-214.
    The first part of the interview with Anatoly Akhutin, dedicated to the informal philosophical movement that began in the USSR during the Khrushchev Thaw, the trends of this movement in the 1970s, the phenomenon of soviet «doublethink» and the origins of Eurasianism’s modern versions.
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    Há Uma teoria física em Descartes? O estudo do arco-íris.Samuel Simon, Almir Serra & Ruslane Bião - 2004 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 9 (2).
    O presente trabalho utiliza a chamada “concepção semântica” das teorias físicas para examinar o estudo realizado por Descartes sobre o fenômeno do arco-íris. Essa concepção parece ser a mais adequada para esse caso, tendo em vista o privilégio dos modelos na abordagem cartesiana. Nesse sentido, não parece ser possível concluir que esse estudo se configure como uma teoria física, como estimam alguns autores, embora Descartes tenha obtido valores corretos para o raio do arco-íris,ao fazer uso da lei de refração.
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    High-pressure torsion-induced grain growth and detwinning in cryomilled Cu powders.Haiming Wen, Yonghao Zhao, Ying Li, Osman Ertorer, Konstantin M. Nesterov, Rinat K. Islamgaliev, Ruslan Z. Valiev & Enrique J. Lavernia - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (34):4541-4550.
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    Computably and punctually universal spaces.Ramil Bagaviev, Ilnur I. Batyrshin, Nikolay Bazhenov, Dmitry Bushtets, Marina Dorzhieva, Heer Tern Koh, Ruslan Kornev, Alexander G. Melnikov & Keng Meng Ng - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (1):103491.
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  29.  16
    Problems of implementing the import substitution policy in the context of ensuring the food security of the state.Oleg Yurievich Borisov, Nataliya Nikolaevna Krizhevskaya & Ruslan Konstantinovich Lavrichenko - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):26-30.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the processes of implementing the import substitution policy, based on the use of techniques and methods of influencing participants in market relations used by public authorities, which make it possible to identify its strengths and weaknesses and build the author's vision of directions for its stabilization. The authors focus on the prevailing opinion on the phased implementation of the import substitution policy, as well as on its application as a retaliatory measure to (...)
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  30.  37
    High-Speed Real-Time Resting-State fMRI Using Multi-Slab Echo-Volumar Imaging.Stefan Posse, Elena Ackley, Radu Mutihac, Tongsheng Zhang, Ruslan Hummatov, Massoud Akhtari, Muhammad Chohan, Bruce Fisch & Howard Yonas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  31.  31
    Philosophy as a school of life at the time of totalitarianism. Part I. Thinking in the space of Soviet myths.Serhiy Proleyev, Xenija Zborovska, Ruslan Mironenko, Olena Kostenko & Mykola Shulha - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):186-205.
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    Novel Non-invasive Strategy for Spinal Neuromodulation to Control Human Locomotion.Tatiana Moshonkina, Alexander Grishin, Irina Bogacheva, Ruslan Gorodnichev, Alexander Ovechkin, Ricardo Siu, V. Reggie Edgerton & Yury Gerasimenko - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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