Results for 'Rusen Keles'

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  1.  8
    Für eine erneuerte Historik: Studien zur Theorie d. Geschichtswiss.Jörn Rüsen - 1976 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    'Der komplexe und auf Totalitat abzielende Charakter des von Rusen entworfenen geschichtstheoretischen Konzepts macht seine Uberlegenheit aus. Es vermittelt wohl besser als jeder andere Ansatz einen Einblick in die Vielschichtigkeit der geschichtswissenschaftlichen Grundlagenprobleme.' Geschichte und Gesellschaft.
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    Time and history: the variety of cultures.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This series aims at bridging the gap between historical theory and the study of historical memory as well as western and non-western concepts, for which this ...
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    Kutbüddîn-i Sirâzî: Selçuklu dönemi Anadolu'da bilimin günesi.Mahmut Recep Keleş - 2018 - Istanbul: Rağbet Yayınları.
    "Bu araştırmada Meraga Rasathanesi'nin kurucusu Nasîrüddin Tûsî'nin öğrencisi, meşhur alim, matematikçi, astronom ve İşrâkî filozof Kutbüddîn-i Şîrâzî'nin hayatı, eserleri, öğrencileri ile XIII. Yüzyılın son çeyreğinde İlhanlı nüfuzu altında bulunan Selçuklu Türkiye'sindeki faaliyetleri incelenmiştir. Şîrâzî, Sivas'ta kadılık ve Gök Medrese'de müderrislik yapmış, daha sonra İslamı kabul eden ilk İlhanlı hükümdarı Ahmed Tekudar tarafından elçi olarak Memluk sultanı Kalavun'a gönderilmiştir. Siyasi görevleri bununla sınırlı olmayan Şirazî, Argun Han tarafından Yakın-Doğu haritasını çizmekle vazifelendirilmiş, o da bu görevi başarıyla ifa ederek İlhanlı Devletinde önemli (...)
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  4. A história entre a modernidade ea pós-modernidade.Jörn Rüsen - forthcoming - História.
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    Historie und Historik: 200 Jahre Johann Gustav Droysen: Festschrift für Jörn Rüsen zum 70. Geburtstag.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2009 - Köln: Böhlau.
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  6.  21
    Ethical discourse of medical students and physicians on conscientious objection: A qualitative study in Turkey.Şükrü Keleş, Murat Aksu, Gizem Gülpınar & Neyyire Yasemin Yalım - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (2):78-89.
    This study is an investigation of the views of medical students (N=15) and physicians (N=14), in Turkey, on conscientious objection through elaboration on their experiences in medical practice within the framework of conscientious objection, and evaluation of the data from an ethical perspective. The data received from in‐depth interviews were evaluated by using the thematic content analysis method. They were then divided into contexts and themes as follows: “Refusal to provide healthcare services,” “scope of conscientious objection,” and “impact of conscientious (...)
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    Die Zukunft der Aufklärung.Jörn Rüsen, Eberhard Lämmert & Peter Glotz (eds.) - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  8.  24
    Ethical Evaluation Capacity of Turkish Food and Agricultural Engineers and Veterinary Physicians with Regard to Agriculture and Food System.Sukru Keles, Ayşe Kurtoğlu, Özdal Köksal, Neyyire Yasemin Yalım & Cemal Taluğ - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-25.
    In Turkey, the numbers of studies that deal with agriculture and food as a system and process, and that address the issue with an integrated approach are very limited. Besides, there is no empirical study available in the national literature in which agricultural and food system has been analyzed within the framework of applied ethics. The present study aims to investigate the characteristics of food and agricultural engineers and veterinary physicians in terms of their tendency to carry out ethical evaluations (...)
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    Settlement Of The Immigrants Came After The Crimean War In Menteşe Sanjack.Erdoğan Keleş - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1166-1188.
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  10. Qing nian yu mei xue.Keling Zhu & Youde Gao (eds.) - 1986 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Mendelian-Mutationism: The Forgotten Evolutionary Synthesis.Arlin Stoltzfus & Kele Cable - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):501-546.
    According to a classical narrative, early geneticists, failing to see how Mendelism provides the missing pieces of Darwin’s theory, rejected gradual changes and advocated an implausible yet briefly popular view of evolution-by-mutation; after decades of delay (in which synthesis was prevented by personal conflicts, disciplinary rivalries, and anti-Darwinian animus), Darwinism emerged on a new Mendelian basis. Based on the works of four influential early geneticists – Bateson, de Vries, Morgan and Punnett –, and drawing on recent scholarship, we offer an (...)
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    16. Yüzyıl Reform Hareketi Sırasında Yahudi-Hıristiyan Polemiği.Hatice Keleş - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (2):447-470.
    16. yüzyılda Martin Luther’in başlattığı Reform Hareketi, Hıristiyanları olduğu kadar Yahudileri de etkilemiştir. Çünkü reform ile daha hoşgörülü bir ortamın oluşacağı beklenmiştir. Ancak Yahudi ve Hıristiyanlar arasındaki düşmanlık, reform ile daha da gün yüzüne çıkmıştır. Çünkü yüzyıllardır Hıristiyanların, Yahudileri Hıristiyanlaştırma çabaları başarılı olmadığı gibi reform ile Yahudiler üzerinde sert tedbirlerin alınması amaçlanmıştır. Yahudilerin Hıristiyan inançları ile alay ettikleri ve hakaret ettikleri kitaplar tekrar tekrar gündeme getirilmiştir. İsa Mesih’e, Meryem’e ve havarilere ve Hıristiyan inançlarına yönelik hakaret içeren kitapların gerçekten var olduğu (...)
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  13.  16
    Zerbrechende Zeit: über den Sinn der Geschichte.Jörn Rüsen - 2001 - Köln: Böhlau.
  14.  13
    Humanismo en la era de la globalización: desafios y perspectivas.Jörn Rüsen & Oliver Kozlarek (eds.) - 2009 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Humanism in Intercultural Perspective: Experiences and Expectations.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    This book is a breakthrough in illuminating humanism. For the first time it is presented in an intercultural perspective. It introduces Chinese, Indian, African, Islamic, and Western traditions into the intercultural discussion about basic issues of understanding the human world. By this means it recognizes different disciplinary perspectives: history, philosophy as well as religious, literary and gender studies. Special emphasis is put on the controversial relationship between humanism and religion. This complex network of argumentations is an answer to the challenge (...)
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  16.  22
    Making Sense of Time.Jörn Rüsen - 2007 - In Time and history: the variety of cultures. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 7-18.
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    LGBT+ Individuals’ Perceptions of Healthcare Services in Turkey: A Cross-sectional Qualitative Study.Şükrü Keleş, Mustafa Volkan Kavas & Neyyire Yasemin Yalım - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):497-509.
    When accessing healthcare services, LGBT+ individuals are often exposed to segregating and marginalizing discourses. Knowledge about how such experiences are reflected in the moral world of LGBT+ individuals living in Turkey is limited. This study examined LGBT+ individuals’ lived experiences when utilizing healthcare services. The findings are discussed in terms of moral discourses related to LGBT+ individuals’ gender identity and sexual orientation. A qualitative field study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with fifty-five LGBT+ individuals from Turkish cities who were in (...)
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  18.  27
    Development of the Inclination Toward Conscientious Objection Scale for Physicians.Şükrü Keleş, Osman Dağ, Murat Aksu, Gizem Gülpinar & Neyyire Yasemin Yalım - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (2):81-98.
    This study aims to develop a valid and reliable scale to assess whether a physician is inclined to take conscientious objection when asked to perform medical services that clash with his/her personal beliefs. The scale, named the Inclination toward Conscientious Objection Scale, was developed for physicians in Turkey. Face validity, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity of the scale were evaluated in the development process. While measuring criterion-related validity, Student’s t-test was used to identify the groups that did and (...)
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  19.  13
    Eyyubiler Dönemi Siyasetnamelerinden Nasîhatü’l-Meliki’l-Eşref : Çeviri ve Değerlendirme.Mahmut Recep Keleş - 2019 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 7 (11):234-250.
    Ortaçağ İslam Dünyasında yöneten ve yönetilenler arasındaki bağı âlimler sağlamaktaydı. Sultan ve emirin halka adaletle muamele etmesini, Kuran-ı Kerim ve Sünnet-i Şerife göre yaşamasını ve toplumsal hayatı düzenlemesine yardımcı olurdu. Zaman içerisinde yöneticilerde görülen kusurların ortaya konulmasına yönelik çözüm önerileri sunan âlimler, eserler kaleme almaya başlamış ve bu eserlere siyasetname ve nasihatname denilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu eserlerden bazıları gayet hacimli olup sultana arz edilmekteydiler. Bazısı ise risale şeklinde ve daha kısa yazılarak toplumun huzurunu bozan veya toplumda çok acil çözülmesi gereken unsurları (...)
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  20.  10
    Kaaf Letter in Ottoman Turkish: Classification and Articulation Issues.Reyhan Keleş - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):195-216.
    Ottoman Turkish or Ottoman –as a mumpsimus – is basically Turkish language, over time it has been substantially influenced by Arabic and Persian. Its alphabet is based on Arabic letters. It has borrowed letters from Persian as well. Its vocabulary is essentially Turkish; however, it has borrowed words from Arabic and Persian at a substantial level. Arabic language attracted attention in mosques because it was the language of the religion, and in madrasahs because it was the language of science. As (...)
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  21.  19
    Paphlagonia Hadrianoupolisi'nde Bulunmuş.Vedat Keleş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):365-376.
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    İsl'mî Türk Edebiyatı'nda Hicret ve Hicretle İlgili Kavramlar.Reyhan Keleş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 7):225-225.
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  23.  32
    Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Measure Effects of Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Prefrontal Activity and Working Memory in Cannabis Users.Hasan O. Keles, Milena Radoman, Gladys N. Pachas, A. Eden Evins & Jodi M. Gilman - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  24. Historical Narration: Foundation, Types, Reason.Jorn Rusen - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (4):87-97.
    Historical narration is a system of mental operations defining the field of historical consciousness. It is poetic in that it is the performance of creative activity by the human mind in the process of historical thinking. The purpose of historical narration is to make sense of the experience of time in order to orient practical life in the course of time. Three elements distinguish an historical narration from other forms of narration: an historical narration is tied to the medium of (...)
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    The Implications of Cold War on Malaysia State Building Process.Md Shukri Shuib, Mohamad Faisol Keling & Mohd Na’eim Ajis - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P89.
    The Cold War has affected the communities around the world. Malaysia was no exception in being affected by the turmoil the international world, particularly after the World War 2, due to ideological conflicts. Based on the domino theory, the ups and downs of particular country in terms of its, strong ideology, brings about network impacts to each country in the world. Thus, a freedom of Malaya and the establishment of Malaysia came from the history of Cold War which influenced the (...)
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    Exploring humanity: intercultural perspectives on humanism.Mihai Spariosu & Jörn Rüsen (eds.) - 2012 - Göttingen: V & R Unipress.
    The old humanistic model, aiming at universalism, ecumenism, and the globalization of various Western systems of values and beliefs, is no longer adequate - even if it pleads for an ever-wider inclusion of other cultural perspectives and for intercultural dialogue. In contrast, it would be wise to retain a number of its assumptions and practices - which it incidentally shares with humanistic models outside the Western world. We must now reconsider and remap it in terms of a larger, global reference (...)
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    Some Theoretical Approaches to Intercultural Comparative Historiography.Jorn Rusen - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (4):5-22.
    Intercultural comparative historiography raises fundamental methodological problems: Is there any ground for comparison beyond the peculiarities and differences of cultures to be compared? One must avoid taking the Western cultural tradition of historical thinking as the basis for the comparison. Therefore one has to conceptualize the theoretical grounds for comparison and explicate elements of historical thinking which operate in every culture. Then cultural differences in historiography can be analyzed as peculiar constellations of these elements. In order to develop this comparative (...)
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    2. crossing cultural borders: How to understand historical thinking in china and the west.Jörn Rüsen - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (2):189–193.
    Topical intercultural discourse on historical thinking is deeply determined by fundamental distinctions, mainly between the “East” and the “West.” The epistemological preconditions of this discourse are normally not reflected or even criticized. This article follows Chun-Chieh Huang’s attempt to give Chinese historical thinking a new voice in this intercultural discourse. It agrees with Huang’s strategy of focusing the description of the peculiarity of Chinese historical thinking on fundamental criteria of historical sense-generation. Huang argues for a strict difference between the Chinese (...)
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    Idea europea de una historia universal en sentido intercultural.Jörn Rüsen - 2007 - In Oliver Kozlarek (ed.), Entre cosmopolitismo y conciencia del mundo: hacia una crítica del pensamiento atópico. México, D.F.: Centro de Cooperación Regional para la Educación de Adultos en América Latina y el Caribe. pp. 82.
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  30. Introduction: Historical Thinking as Intercultural Discourse.Jörn Rüsen - 2002 - In Jörn Rüsen (ed.), Western historical thinking: an intercultural debate. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 1--11.
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    Die Vielfalt der Kulturen.Jörn Rüsen, Michael Gottlob & Achim Mittag (eds.) - 1998 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Publishers.
  32.  8
    Geschichte im Kulturprozess.Jörn Rüsen - 2002 - Köln: Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar.
    Enthält: "Historisches Denken als Trauerarbeit - Jacob Burckhardts Antwort auf eine Frage unserer Zeit" (S. 73-95).
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    Geschichtsbewusstsein: psychologische Grundlagen, Entwicklungskonzepte, empirische Befunde.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2001 - Köln: Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar.
    Die in diesem Band vereinigten Beiträge stellen einen interdisziplinären Zusammenhang her, der eine komplexe Perspektive auf das Thema "Geschichtsbewusstsein" eröffnet. Es geht hier um das Ensemble mentaler Operationen, die das Geschichtsbewusstsein als zentrales Phänomen menschlicher Subjektivität ausmachen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen seine kulturellen Funktionen zur Orientierung der menschlichen Lebenspraxis. Psychologische, linguistische und geschichtliche Analysen verbinden sich mit theoretischen Entwürfen, die die Leistung der Zeitdeutung und Identitätsbildung umfassend explizieren. Die theoretischen Analysen des Bewusstseins von Geschichte stehen jedoch nicht allein, sondern werden auf (...)
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  34. Historical studies between modernity and postmodernity.Jorn Rusen - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):183-189.
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  35. Iskrata na mŭdrostta: za choveka i negovoto mislene.Rusen Rusenov - 1989 - Sofii︠a︡: Partizdat.
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  36.  52
    Tradition: A principle of historical sense‐generation and its logic and effect in historical culture.Jörn Rüsen - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (4):45-59.
    This article is divided into five parts. After a brief example in the first part, the second explains what historical sense-generation is about. The third characterizes tradition as a pregiven condition of all historical thinking. With respect to this condition, the constructivist theory of history is criticized as one-sided. The fourth part presents tradition as one of the four basic sense criteria of historical narration. The article concludes with a discussion of the role of tradition in the historical culture of (...)
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    Jacob Burckhardt: Political Standpoint and Historical Insight on the Border of Post-Modernism.Jorn Rusen - 1985 - History and Theory 24 (3):235-246.
    Revolution and industrialization meant for the patrician Burckhardt the end of Western civilization and the dehumanization of men and women. He upholds the idea of the historical unity of European culture as the core of historical consciousness while characterizing his own time as the breakdown of historical continuity in Western civilization by "anth ropo logi zing,"" structuralizing, "and "aestheticizing "history. He surpasses the age of revolution by having recourse to the suprahistorical nature of the human mind, using his historical topics (...)
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    Rhetoric and Aesthetics of History: Leopold von Ranke.Jorn Rusen - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (2):190-204.
    Ranke's work marks a turning point in the development of historiography: it changed from literature to science. Ranke's introduction of reason into historiography gave it a certain aesthetic quality, which modern historical studies have forgotten. Traditional rhetoric, or the use of language for strategic purposes, was discarded for its fictitious nature. In its place, Ranke advocated a synthesis of the scientific principles of research and the more artistic principles of writing history. This synthesis initiated the aesthetics of historiography, and yielded (...)
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    The Didactics of History in West Germany: Towards a New Self-Awareness of Historical Studies.Jorn Rusen - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):275-286.
    The didactics of history traditionally are assigned no role in the academic discipline of history, influencing the students, rather than the practitioners, of history. The developments of the categories of history and pedagogy in West Germany serve to illustrate the actual field of the didactics of history -questions of how one thinks of history; the role of history in human nature; and the uses to which history can be put. In the 1960s and 1970s, as part of an emerging process (...)
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    Geschichte.Jörn Rüsen - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 187-194.
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    Interkultureller Humanismus.Jörn Rüsen - 2016 - In Frieder Otto Wolf, Horst Groschopp & Hubert Cancik (eds.), Humanismus: Grundbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 39-48.
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    Meaning and representation in history.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    It is these complex interrelationships that are the focus of the contributors to this volume, among them such distinguished scholars as Paul Ricoeur, Johan ...
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    The horror of ethnocentrism: Westernization, cultural difference, and strife in understanding non-western pasts in historical studies.Jörn Rüsen - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (2):261–269.
  44.  9
    Historismus in den Kulturwissenschaften: Geschichtskonzepte, historische Einschätzungen, Grundlagenprobleme.Otto Gerhard Oexle & Jörn Rüsen (eds.) - 1996 - Köln: Böhlau.
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    Subjective Well-Being Among Unaccompanied Refugee Youth: Longitudinal Associations With Discrimination and Ethnic Identity Crisis.Brit Oppedal, Serap Keles & Espen Røysamb - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Unaccompanied refugee youth, who as children fled their countries to seek asylum in a foreign country without the company of an adult legal caretaker are described as being in a vulnerable situation. Many of them struggle with mental reactions to traumatic events experienced pre-migration, and to the daily hassles they face after being granted asylum and residence. Despite continuous high levels of mental health problems URY demonstrate remarkable agency and social mobility in the years after being granted asylum in their (...)
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    Nurses' attitudes toward, perceptions of, and experiences with conscientious objection.Seyhan Demir Karabulut, Şenay Gül, Şükrü Keleş, Zehra Göçmen Baykara & Neyyire Yasemin Yalım - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1615-1633.
    Background Conscientious objection is a person’s refusal to fulfill a legal duty due to their ethical values, religious beliefs, or ideological affiliations. In nursing, it refers to a nurse’s refusal to perform an action or participate in a particular situation based on their conscience. Conscientious objection has become a highly contested topic in recent years. Research objectives This study had four objectives: (1) eliciting information on how Turkish nurses perceive conscientious objection, (2) revealing whether their moral beliefs affect the care (...)
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    Sociology and Social History, Aspects and Problems. [REVIEW]Jörn Rüsen - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):99-102.
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    Social History Today. [REVIEW]Jörn Rüsen - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):110-114.
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    Ankündigung eines Kolloquiums zur Erzählforschung 1980.Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wolfgang Haubrichs, Eberhard Lämmert, Hans-Jörg Neuschäfer, Jörn Rüsen & Wilhelm Voßkamp - 1979 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):163-166.
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    Historical Truth, Historical Criticism, and Ideology: Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture From a New Comparative Perspective.Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Achim Mittag & Jörn Rüsen (eds.) - 2005 - Brill.
    Three issues essential to our insight into the concept and function of historical consciousness, and the description thereof, form the core of this book: historical truth, historical comment and criticism, and ideology (including the historian's trustworthiness). Taking as a point of departure the workings of these concepts in Chinese historical thinking, the volume carefully draws comparisons with similar topics in the Western tradition. It thus advocates and shows a truly comparative approach that sets the stage for an intercultural dialogue on (...)
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