Results for 'Rule-of-a-half'

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  1.  86
    Socializing artifacts as a half mirror of the mind.Toyoaki Nishida & Ryosuke Nishida - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (4):549-566.
    In the near future, our life will normally be surrounded with fairly complicated artifacts, enabled by the autonomous robot and brain–machine interface technologies. In this paper, we argue that what we call the responsibility flaw problem and the inappropriate use problem need to be overcome in order for us to benefit from complicated artifacts. In order to solve these problems, we propose an approach to endowing artifacts with an ability of socially communicating with other agents based on the artifact-as-a-half-mirror (...)
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  2. Three-and-a-half folk concepts of intentional action.Alessandro Lanteri - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (1):17-30.
    Fiery Cushman and Alfred Mele recently proposed a ‘two-and-a-half rules’ theory of folk intentionality. They suggested that laypersons attribute intentionality employing: one rule based on desire, one based on belief, and another principle based on moral judgment, which may either reflect a folk concept (and so count as a third rule) or a bias (and so not count as a rule proper) and which they provisionally count as ‘half a rule’. In this article, I (...)
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  3.  15
    The Academic Postmodern and the Rule of Literature: A Report on Half-Knowledge.David Simpson - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    This critique of the postmodern turn discusses the distinctive aspects of postmodern scholarship: the pervasiveness of the literary and the flight from grand theory to local knowledge. Defining features of postmodern thought are also discussed here such as storytelling and localism.
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    ‘A New Era’ is always Dawning. A Linguistic Biography of a Border Crosser and Doppelgänger from Bukovina in the Second Half of the 20th Century.Valeska Bopp-Filimonov - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:141-166.
    This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in the 20th century, but also shifts in ideology, discourse and predominant languages. I shall explore the biography of a man called Cornel, a native of Bukovina who was a communist cultural official in Romania’s capital Bucharest in the 1960s and who became a priest in the 1970s. I shall show that not only obvious breaks such as the beginning and end of communist rule, but (...)
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    The Implementation of Rulings of the Constitutional Court in Legislation (article in Lithuanian).Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):497-516.
    There are some problems in the implementation of rulings of the Constitutional Court. The legislator should make more efforts for implementing the concept of the provisions of the Constitution provided in the reasoning parts of rulings of the Constitutional Court. The Statute of the Seimas should be supplemented with provisions obligating structural sub-units of the Seimas to carry out permanent and systemic analysis of reasoning parts of rulings of the Constitutional Court. It would allow timely to prepare proposals how to (...)
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    King, magnates, and society: the personal rule of King Henry III, 1234–1258.D. A. Carpenter - 1985 - Speculum 60 (1):39-70.
    Between 1234 and 1258 King Henry III, having emerged from the tutelage of ministers inherited from his father, controlled the government of England himself. Looking at this period of personal rule, it would be easy to gain the impression that Henry's kingship, in its theory, and also to some extent its practice, challenged the position of the magnates. M. T. Clanchy, for example, in a justly famous article has suggested that in the 1240s and 1250s Henry III evolved a (...)
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    Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot.James B. Stockdale - 1995 - Hoover Institution Press.
    In describing his seven and a half years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, the late Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale has said: "In that atmosphere of death and hopelessness, stripped of the niceties, the amenities of civilization, my ideas on life and leadership crystallized." Despite torture, intimidation, and isolation, Stockdale fulfilled his duties as senior officer among the prisoners with intelligence and courage, defining rules of conduct and maintaining morale. He often described the intense pressures of (...)
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  8.  19
    Politics of Appearances: Religion, Law, and the Press in Morocco.A. E. Souaiaia - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (2).
    Since the last several years of the life of King Hassan II, Morocco slowly moved from authoritarian rule to a managed democracy. As a result of this gradual political liberalization, religious groups as well as secular ones formed political parties. Islamists have already won seats in the parliament and they are expected to gain nearly half the number of seats in the coming elections. Equally significant is the increased presence of human rights and non-government organizations and the emergence (...)
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  9. The use-theory of meaning and the rules of our language games.Jaroslav Peregrin - 2011 - In Ken Turner, Making Semantics Pragmatic. Emerald Group Publishing.
    While most theoreticians of meaning in the first half of the twentieth century subscribed to a representational theory (viewing meanings as entities stood for by the expressions), the second half of the century was marked by the rise of various versions of use-theories of meaning. The roots of this ‘pragmatist turn’ are detectable in the writings of the later Wittgenstein, the Oxford speech act theorists (Austin, Grice) and the American neopragmatists (Quine, Sellars). Though it is now rather popular (...)
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  10.  31
    A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in Poland.Jacek A. Piątkiewicz - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):361-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in PolandJacek A. Piątkiewicz (bio)On March 15, 1934 a Parliamentary Act authorized the General Medical Chambers, a body incorporating all Polish physicians, to establish general rules of medical ethics. These rules governed medical conduct in Poland until 1950, when the Communist government dissolved the General Medical Chambers.From 1950 to 1989 the only medical organization in Poland tolerated by the Communist government was (...)
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  11.  61
    Power Politics and the Rule of Law: Shakespeare's First Historical Tetralogy and Law's 'Foundations'.Eric Heinze - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (1):139-168.
    Legal scholars’ interest in Shakespeare has often focused on conventional legal rules and procedures, such as those of The Merchant of Venice or Measure for Measure. Those plays certainly reveal systemic injustice, but within stable, prosperous societies, which enjoy a generally well-functioning legal order. In contrast, Shakespeare's first historical tetralogy explores the conditions for the very possibility of a legal system, in terms not unlike those described by Hobbes a half-century later. The first tetralogy's deeply collapsed, quasi-anarchic society lacks (...)
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    The Struggle for Civil Liberties: Political Freedom and the Rule of Law in Britain, 1914-1945.Keith Ewing & Conor Anthony Gearty - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'This is a powerful piece of advocacy. I'd pick Ewing and Gearty for my counsels any day.' -Bernard Porter, LRBThis book is an account of the struggle for civil liberties against the State in which groups such as the anti-war protestors, the Irish nationalists, the Communist party, trade unionists, and the unemployed workers' movement found themselves involved in the first half of the twentieth century. All had to fight for their civil liberties in the face of strong opposition from (...)
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  13.  51
    A Traditional Form in Religious Language.A. D. Nock - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (3-4):185-.
    Eduard Norden, in the second half of his Agnostos Theos, has maintained with great learning and ingenuity the thesis that predications in the style ‘Thou art ,’ ‘I am ,’ are due to Oriental influence; purely Greek religious language does not go beyond ‘Thou dost ,’ ‘We are indebted to thee for .’ This view appears to be substantially correct. To Oriental influence we may, I think, trace also the custom of stringing together a series of brief predications in (...)
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    The intellectual community as a critic of political elites: Georgian experience of the second half of the 2010s.Maksim Kirchanov - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:22-31.
    Introduction. The author believes that the relationship between power and intellectuals can range from the active participation of the intelligentsia in politics to the disillusionment of the intellectual community in politics and in the ruling elites. The author analyzes the process in Georgian contexts. It is assumed that politics as a process has ceased to attract public interest, despite a dynamic political life. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of public disillusionment with politics in the (...)
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  15.  12
    The Uncertain Structure of Process Review in the EU: Beyond the Debate on the CJEU’s Weiss Ruling and the German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Ruling.Oliver Gerstenberg - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (3):279-301.
    The obligation to provide reasons may appear rather a simple and straightforward, but in actual practice—as the mutually antagonistic Weiss rulings of the CJEU and the German Bundesverfassungsgericht amply demonstrate—is fraught with constitutional complication. On the one side, there lies the concern with a deeply intrusive form of judicial review which substitutes judicially determined “good” reasons for those of the reviewee decisionmaker—legislatures, administrative agencies, or, as in Weiss, the European Central Bank. On the other side lies the concern with judicial (...)
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  16.  51
    Introduction: The Ottoman Empire and its Frontiers.A. C. S. Peacock - 2009 - In The Frontiers of the Ottoman World. British Academy. pp. 1.
    Stretching across Europe, Asia and Africa for half a millennium bridging the end of the Middle Ages and the early twentieth century, the Ottoman Empire was one of the major forces that forged the modern world. The chapters in this book focus on four key themes: frontier fortifications, the administration of the frontier, frontier society and relations between rulers and ruled, and the economy of the frontier. Through snapshots of aspects of Ottoman frontier policies in such diverse times and (...)
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  17.  11
    Sacking of democratic governments in pakistan: A critical review.Summer Sultana & Nuzhat Jahan - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):141-150.
    A commonly accepted definition of the democracy is; “Rule of the majority by the supreme power vested in the people and exercised by them directly”. The democratic government may remain in power until and unless people repose the confidence over it. In Pakistan the main reason of failure of the democracy is that, it is generally against the social behavior of Pakistan. Just because of this the democracy could not come around in Pakistan, yet people cannot be incriminated for (...)
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  18.  9
    Comments on the report of the international panel on social progress, chapters 9 and 14: Inequality, Democracy and the Rule of Law[REVIEW]Alina Rocha Menocal - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (3):463-469.
    Over the past 30 years, the world has experienced a profound transformation, becoming both more open and more prosperous. Whereas in 1985 more than half of the countries worldwide were under authoritarian rule, most countries today are considered electoral democracies. Since 1990, more than a billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty, while well-being indicators have improved dramatically on a global level, especially in terms of health and education.
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  19. Just War and Unjust Soldiers: American Public Opinion on the Moral Equality of Combatants.Scott D. Sagan & Benjamin A. Valentino - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (4):411-444.
    Traditional just war doctrine holds that political leaders are morally responsible for the decision to initiate war, while individual soldiers should be judged solely by their conduct in war. According to this view, soldiers fighting in an unjust war of aggression and soldiers on the opposing side seeking to defend their country are morally equal as long as each obeys the rules of combat. Revisionist scholars, however, maintain that soldiers who fight for an unjust cause bear at least some responsibility (...)
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  20. A Marxian Theory of Law.Hon-lam Li - 1987 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    The fact that half of the world is ruled under the banner of Marxism and that there were no easily comprehensible and thorough studies of Marxist theory of law makes it worth investigating in some detail whether there is a Marxian theory of law, and, if so, what a Marxian theory of law would be like. Although Marx's and Engels' writings broadly relevant to law amount to some two hundred pages, it is clear that in these writings neither Marx (...)
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  21.  37
    Does N‐Terminal Protein Acetylation Lead to Protein Degradation?Mohamed A. Eldeeb, Richard P. Fahlman, Mohamed A. Ragheb & Mansoore Esmaili - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1800167.
    The N‐end rule denotes the relationship between the identity of the amino‐terminal residue of a protein and its in vivo half‐life. Since its discovery in 1986, the N‐end rule has generally been described by a defined set of rules for determining whether an amino‐terminal residue is stabilizing or not. However, recent studies are revealing that this N‐end rule (or N‐degron concept) is less straightforward than previously appreciated. For instance, it is unveiled that N‐terminal acetylation of N‐terminal (...)
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  22.  70
    Coercion, political accountability, and voter ignorance: The mistaken medicaid expansion ruling in NFIB v. Sebelius.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2013 - Public Affairs Quarterly 27 (3).
    Although the individual mandate was upheld and the Commerce Clause may have been cabined, the decision to strike down a significant element of the “Medicaid expansion” may prove to be the most significant aspect of the Supreme Court’s decision in NFIB v. Sebelius. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), States were required to extend Medicaid coverage to all individuals under the age of 65 with incomes below 133 percent of the poverty line, a new “essential health benefits” package was required (...)
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  23. The Role of Philosophical Investigations § 258: What is 'the Private Language Argument'?Derek A. McDougall - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (1):44-71.
    The Private Language Sections of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, -/- generally agreed to run from §§ 243 - 271, but extending to § 315 with the book’s continued -/- treatment of the private object model and the inner and outer conception of the mind, have -/- proved remarkably resistant to any generally agreed interpretation. Even today, ways of -/- looking at these sections which were first in vogue half a century ago when discussions of -/- this aspect of Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  24.  22
    Theramenes Against Lysander.J. A. R. Munro - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):18-26.
    On the Athenian disaster at Aegospotami the reaction, suppressed half a dozen years before, against the régime responsible for the war and its calamitous results sprang up again with double force. The capture of the fleet, the loss of the empire, which had been a useful buffer between the selfish interests of the wealthier citizens and the predatory appetites of the proletariate, the bankruptcy of the treasury, the discredit of the whole democratic system, the grim privations of the blockade, (...)
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  25.  16
    Association of Dignity of License in the Conditions of Internal Cultural and Socio-Polite Self-Release of the Connector of a Twenty Side.M. Kostenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 46:79-89.
    The article defects priority idiological and centenary positions of the Ukrainian society in the 19th century. The acceptance of consciousness and self-relevant is characterized by a comprehensive analysis. The aim and the tasks: вy working out ethical and philosophical literature, to justify the establishment of dignity of personality in the conditions of domestic cultural and socio-political selfdetermination of the late twentieth century.Research methods are the main methods of research are historical, structuralfunctional, systemic and comparative. To solve specific research tasks also (...)
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  26.  60
    The science of good and evil: why people cheat, gossip, care, share, and follow the golden rule.Michael Shermer - 2004 - New York: Times Books.
    In his third and final investigation into the science of belief, bestselling author Michael Shermer tackles the evolution of morality and ethics A century and a half after Darwin first proposed an “evolutionary ethics,” science has begun to tackle the roots of morality. Just as evolutionary biologists study why we are hungry (to motivate us to eat) or why sex is enjoyable (to motivate us to procreate), they are now searching for the roots of human nature. In The Science (...)
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  27.  81
    A Formalization of Set Theory Without Variables.István Németi - 1988 - American Mathematical Soc..
    Completed in 1983, this work culminates nearly half a century of the late Alfred Tarski's foundational studies in logic, mathematics, and the philosophy of science. Written in collaboration with Steven Givant, the book appeals to a very broad audience, and requires only a familiarity with first-order logic. It is of great interest to logicians and mathematicians interested in the foundations of mathematics, but also to philosophers interested in logic, semantics, algebraic logic, or the methodology of the deductive sciences, and (...)
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  28. A devastating example for the Halfer Rule.Vincent Conitzer - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (8):1985-1992.
    How should we update de dicto beliefs in the face of de se evidence? The Sleeping Beauty problem divides philosophers into two camps, halfers and thirders. But there is some disagreement among halfers about how their position should generalize to other examples. A full generalization is not always given; one notable exception is the Halfer Rule, under which the agent updates her uncentered beliefs based on only the uncentered part of her evidence. In this brief article, I provide a (...)
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    Counting half-shekels – Redeeming souls? in 2 Maccabees 12:38–45.Nicholas P. L. Allen & Pierre J. Jordaan - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):10.
    This article deals with a highly debated text, namely 2 Maccabees 12, specifically the problematic verses (38–45) which contain a theology that is distinctly non-Jewish in import. Indeed, most recent scholars concerned with this passage do not seem to be unanimous apropos the best interpretation of the events that are described, resulting in a range of different opinions concerning, inter alia, the afterlife, purgatory and/or doctrinal disputes between Pharisees and Sadducees. By means of an interpretivist or constructivist epistemology, the authors (...)
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    Lindbladian-Induced Alignment in Quantum Measurements.A. Yahalom & R. Englman - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-12.
    An expression of the Lindbladian form is proposed that ensures an unambiguous time-continuous reduction of the initial system-pointer wave-packet to one in which the readings and the observable’s values are aligned, formalized as the transition from an outer product to an inner product of the system’s and apparatus’ density matrices. The jump operators are in the basis of the observables, with uniquely determined parameters derived from the measurement set-up (thereby differing from S. Weinberg’s Lindbladian resolution of wave-packet formalism) and conforming (...)
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  31. Gentzen’s “cut rule” and quantum measurement in terms of Hilbert arithmetic. Metaphor and understanding modeled formally.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal 14 (14):1-37.
    Hilbert arithmetic in a wide sense, including Hilbert arithmetic in a narrow sense consisting by two dual and anti-isometric Peano arithmetics, on the one hand, and the qubit Hilbert space (originating for the standard separable complex Hilbert space of quantum mechanics), on the other hand, allows for an arithmetic version of Gentzen’s cut elimination and quantum measurement to be described uniformy as two processes occurring accordingly in those two branches. A philosophical reflection also justifying that unity by quantum neo-Pythagoreanism links (...)
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  32. Excuse validation: a study in rule-breaking.John Turri & Peter Blouw - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (3):615-634.
    Can judging that an agent blamelessly broke a rule lead us to claim, paradoxically, that no rule was broken at all? Surprisingly, it can. Across seven experiments, we document and explain the phenomenon of excuse validation. We found when an agent blamelessly breaks a rule, it significantly distorts people’s description of the agent’s conduct. Roughly half of people deny that a rule was broken. The results suggest that people engage in excuse validation in order to (...)
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  33.  34
    Existence and Negativity: The Relevance of the Patočka–Bergson Controversy over Nothingness.Jakub Čapek - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):22-47.
    In in the second half of the 1940s, Jan Patočka emphasized the essentially negative character of human existence. He thus found himself in the neighborhood of Sartre’s existentialism, Heidegger’s philosophy of being, and Hegel’s dialectic, and at the same time in opposition to schools of thought which either completely reject the substantive use of “the nothing,” such as Carnap’s positivism, or relativize it, like Bergson. It is the latter polemic, Patočka’s with Bergson, which is discussed in this article. The (...)
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  34. Sophisticated rule consequentialism: Some simple objections.Richard Arneson - 2005 - Philosophical Issues 15 (1):235–251.
    The popularity of rule-consequentialism among philosophers has waxed and waned. Waned, mostly; at least lately. The idea that the morality that ought to claim allegiance is the ideal code of rules whose acceptance by everybody would bring about best consequences became the object of careful analysis about half a century ago, in the writings of J. J. C. Smart, John Rawls, David Lyons, Richard Brandt, Richard Hare, and others.1 They considered utilitarian versions of rule consequentialism but discovered (...)
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  35. The instrumental Brahmin and the “half-caste” computer: Astronomy and colonial rule in Madras, 1791–1835.S. Prashant Kumar - 2023 - History of Science 61 (3):308-337.
    What did science make possible for colonial rule? How was science in turn marked by the knowledge and practices of those under colonial rule? Here I approach these questions via the social history of Madras Observatory. Constructed in 1791 by the East India Company, the observatory was to provide local time to mariners and served as a clearinghouse for the company’s survey and revenue administration. The astronomical work of Madras’ Brahmin assistants relied upon their knowledge of jyotiśāstra [Sanskrit (...)
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    Alleviation of Pain and Symptoms With a Life-Shortening Intention.Grada G. van Bruchem-van de Scheur, Arie J. G. van der Arend, Huda Huijer Abu-Saad, Frans C. B. van Wijmen, Cor Spreeuwenberg & Ruud H. J. ter Meulen - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (5):682-695.
    This article reports the findings of a study into the role of Dutch nurses in the alleviation of pain and symptoms with a life-shortening intention, conducted as part of a study into the role of nurses in medical end-of-life decisions. A questionnaire survey was carried out using a population of 1509 nurses who were employed in hospitals, home care organizations and nursing homes. The response rate was 82.0%; 78.1% (1179) were suitable for analysis. The results show that in about (...) of the cases (55.8%) nurses were involved in the decision making by the physician and that nurses were frequently (81.5%) involved in administering the medication. The authors' conclusion is that alleviation of pain and symptoms with a life-shortening intention represents a `grey' area, in which physicians and nurses act on the basis of personal ethical norms rather than legal rules, professional guidelines or shared moral values. (shrink)
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    “A City of Brick”: Visual Rhetoric in Roman Rhetorical Theory and Practice.Kathleen S. Lamp - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (2):171-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"A City of Brick":Visual Rhetoric in Roman Rhetorical Theory and PracticeKathleen S. LampPerhaps none of the words Augustus, the first sole ruler of Rome who reigned from 27 BCE to 14 CE, actually said are quite as memorable as the ones Cassius Dio has attributed to him: "I found Rome built of clay and I leave it to you in marble" (1987, 56.30).1 Suetonius too discusses Augustus's building program, (...)
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  38. Analysis of the Talmudic Argumentum A Fortiori Inference Rule (Kal Vachomer) using Matrix Abduction.M. Abraham, Dov M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):281-364.
    We motivate and introduce a new method of abduction, Matrix Abduction, and apply it to modelling the use of non-deductive inferences in the Talmud such as Analogy and the rule of Argumentum A Fortiori. Given a matrix A{\mathbb {A}} with entries in {0, 1}, we allow for one or more blank squares in the matrix, say a i,j =?. The method allows us to decide whether to declare a i,j = 0 or a i,j = 1 or a i,j (...)
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    Statistical Learning Model of the Sense of Agency.Shiro Yano, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Yuki Murata, Hiroshi Imamizu, Takaki Maeda & Toshiyuki Kondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A sense of agency (SoA) is the experience of subjective awareness regarding the control of one’s actions. Humans have a natural tendency to generate prediction models of the environment and adapt their models according to changes in the environment. The SoA is associated with the degree of the adaptation of the prediction models, e.g., insufficient adaptation causes low predictability and lowers the SoA over the environment. Thus, identifying the mechanisms behind the adaptation process of a prediction model related to the (...)
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    Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine Blouin (review).Brendan Haug - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (3):528-532.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule by Katherine BlouinBrendan HaugKatherine Blouin. Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. xxvi + 429 pp. 14 halftones, 28 tables, 5 maps. Cloth, $150.00.American journalist Hal Boyle is often said to have remarked, “What makes a river (...)
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    A Survey on the Concept of ‘Tikkun olam: Repairing the World’ in Judaism.Mürsel Özalp - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):291-309.
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the Judaism (...)
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    A Defence of Plato's Rule of Philosophers. 조주현 - 2013 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (91):191-216.
    플라톤이 철인 통치를 주장한 문제와 관련, 일단 두 가지의 근거를 들 수 있다. 첫 번째로 동기(動機)의 문제가 있다. 통치하는 사람들이 통치하기를 좋아하는 존재라면, 도시 전체의 선(善)을 추구하지 않고 자신들의 이익을 위해 통치를 함으로써 도시 전체에 분란을 일으킬 가능성이 크다. 지혜를 사랑하는 사람들만이 정치적 삶보다 더 강렬하게 좋아하는 삶, 즉 ‘명상적 삶’에 천착하고 있기에 철인들은 비로소 도시 전체의 이익을 추구하는 것이 가능할 것이라는 것이 플라톤의 생각이다. 두 번째로 “누가 도시를 통치할 것인가” 하는 사안은 심각한 문제로서 도시전체는 물론 정치 엘리트와 민중들 사이에 (...)
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  43.  11
    The Effects of Health Anxiety and Litigation Potential on Symptom Endorsement, Cognitive Performance, and Physiological Functioning in the Context of a Food and Drug Administration Drug Recall Announcement.Len Lecci, Gary Ryan Page, Julian R. Keith, Sarah Neal & Ashley Ritter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drug recalls and lawsuits against pharmaceutical manufacturers are accompanied by announcements emphasizing harmful drug side-effects. Those with elevated health anxiety may be more reactive to such announcements. We evaluated whether health anxiety and financial incentives affect subjective symptom endorsement, and objective outcomes of cognitive and physiological functioning during a mock drug recall. Hundred and sixty-one participants reported use of over-the-counter pain medications and presented with a fictitious medication recall via a mock Food and Drug Administration website. The opportunity to join (...)
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    Has Hume a Theory of Social Justice?Richard P. Hiskes - 1977 - Hume Studies 3 (2):72-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:72. HAS HUME A THEORY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE? Toward the end of An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, Hume asserts in a footnote that: In short, we must ever distinguish between the necessity of a separation and constancy in men's possession, and the rules, which assign particular objects to particular persons. The first necessity is obvious, strong, and invincible : the latter may depend on a public utility (...)
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  45. Is the rule of law an essentially contested concept (in florida)?Jeremy Waldron - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (2):137-164.
    One of the remarkable features of the turmoil surrounding the counting and recounting of votes in the State of Florida in the 2000 US Presidential Election was the frequency with which "the Rule of Law" was invoked. Whether the antagonists in Florida knew it or not, they are in fact aspects of a venerable heritage of contestation that comes down to us as part and parcel of the Rule-of-Law tradition. The fact that "the Rule of Law" has (...)
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    Ethics and the Rule of Law.David Lyons - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An introduction to the philosophy of law, which offers a modern and critical appraisal of all the main issues and problems. This has become a very active area in the last ten years, and one on which philosophers, legal practitioners and theorists and social scientists have tended to converge. The more abstract questions about the nature of law and its relationship to social norms and moral standards are now seen to be directly relevant to more practical and indeed pressing questions (...)
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    (1 other version)Swyneshed, Aristotle and the Rule of Contradictory Pairs.Stephen Read - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (1):27-50.
    Roger Swyneshed, in his treatise on insolubles, dating from the early 1330s, drew three notorious corollaries from his solution. The third states that there is a contradictory pair of propositions both of which are false. This appears to contradict what Whitaker, in his iconoclastic reading of Aristotle’s De Interpretatione, dubbed “The Rule of Contradictory Pairs”, which requires that in every such pair, one must be true and the other false. Whitaker argued that, immediately after defining the notion of a (...)
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    Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport by Aaron HARPER (review).Tim Elcombe - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):147-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport by Aaron HARPERTim ElcombeHARPER, Aaron. Sport Realism: A Law-Inspired Theory of Sport. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022. viii + 172 pp. Cloth, $95.00At a crucial moment in the 2019 World Series all six on-field umpires, in communication with Major League Baseball’s headquarters, engaged in an 8-minute discussion to determine if a baserunner should be called out for interference. The deliberation stemmed (...)
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  49. The constraint rule of the maximum entropy principle.Jos Uffink - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27 (1):47-79.
    The principle of maximum entropy is a method for assigning values to probability distributions on the basis of partial information. In usual formulations of this and related methods of inference one assumes that this partial information takes the form of a constraint on allowed probability distributions. In practical applications, however, the information consists of empirical data. A constraint rule is then employed to construct constraints on probability distributions out of these data. Usually one adopts the rule that equates (...)
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  50. History and prophecy. The rules of a sacred tale in Jean Le Clerc.Lia Mannarino - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (3):453-477.
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