Results for 'Rosi Crane'

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  1.  13
    ‘A better day dawned for biology’: T. J. Parker, New Zealand Huxleyite.Rosi Crane - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):262-269.
  2.  62
    Nomadic Theory: The Portable Rosi Braidotti.Rosi Braidotti - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Transposing differences -- Meta(l)morphoses: women, aliens, and machines -- Animals and other anomalies -- The cosmic buzz of insects -- Matter-realist feminism -- Intensive genre and the demise of gender -- Postsecular paradoxes -- Against methodological nationalism -- Nomadic European citizenship -- Powers of affirmation -- Sustainable ethics and the body in pain -- Forensic futures -- A secular prayer.
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    A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities.Rosi Braidotti - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (6):31-61.
    What are the parameters that define a posthuman knowing subject, her scientific credibility and ethical accountability? Taking the posthumanities as an emergent field of enquiry based on the convergence of posthumanism and post-anthropocentrism, I argue that posthuman knowledge claims go beyond the critiques of the universalist image of ‘Man’ and of human exceptionalism. The conceptual foundation I envisage for the critical posthumanities is a neo-Spinozist monistic ontology that assumes radical immanence, i.e. the primacy of intelligent and self-organizing matter. This implies (...)
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  4. The Objects of Thought.Tim Crane - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Tim Crane addresses the ancient question of how it is possible to think about what does not exist. He argues that the representation of the non-existent is a pervasive feature of our thought about the world, and that to understand thought's representational power ('intentionality') we need to understand the representation of the non-existent.
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    Preschoolers decide who is knowledgeable, who to inform, and who to trust via a causal understanding of how knowledge relates to action.Rosie Aboody, Holly Huey & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105212.
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    Meta(l)morphoses.Rosi Braidotti - 1997 - Theory, Culture and Society 14 (2):67-80.
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    Revisiting Who, When, and Why Stakeholders Matter: Trust and Stakeholder Connectedness.Bret Crane - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (2):263-286.
    With limited resources and attention, managers have sought ways to categorize and prioritize stakeholders. The underlying assumption is that some stakeholders matter more than others. However, in the information age, stakeholders are increasingly interconnected, where a firm’s actions toward one stakeholder are visible to others and can affect members of the stakeholder ecosystem. Actions by a firm toward any of its stakeholders can signal its trustworthiness and determine to what degree other stakeholders will assume vulnerability and engage in future exchange (...)
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    Patterns of Dissonance: A Study of Women and Contemporary Philosophy.Rosi Braidotti - 1991 - New York: Polity.
    This book is a brilliant and timely analysis of the complex issues raised by the relation between women and philosophy. It offers a critical account of a wide range of contemporary philosophical and feminist texts and it develops this account into an original project of critical feminist thought. Braidotti examines contemporary French philosophy as practised by men such as Foucault and Derrida, showing that they rely on a notion of 'the feminine' in order to undermine classical thought, which bears no (...)
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    The posthuman.Rosi Braidotti - 2013 - Malden, MA, USA: Polity Press.
    The Posthuman offers both an introduction and major contribution to contemporary debates on the posthuman. Digital 'second life', genetically modified food, advanced prosthetics, robotics and reproductive technologies are familiar facets of our globally linked and technologically mediated societies. This has blurred the traditional distinction between the human and its others, exposing the non-naturalistic structure of the human. The Posthuman starts by exploring the extent to which a post-humanist move displaces the traditional humanistic unity of the subject. Rather than perceiving this (...)
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  10. Aspects of Psychologism.Tim Crane - 2014 - Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Aspects of Psychologism is a penetrating look into fundamental philosophical questions of consciousness, perception, and the experience we have of our mental lives. Psychologism, in Tim Crane’s formulation, presents the mind as a single subject-matter to be investigated not only empirically and conceptually but also phenomenologically: through the systematic examination of consciousness and thought from the subject’s point of view.
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  11. The politics of ontological difference.Rosi Braidotti - 1989 - In Teresa Brennan (ed.), Between Feminism and Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge. pp. 89--105.
  12. The Crane Discussion.Donald Davidson & Tim Crane - 1997 - Philosophy International.
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    Prolegomenon to a Theory of Philosophical Transposition, with Reference to Confucianism in America.Sam Crane - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):459-480.
    What factors shape the movement of systems of thought from one historical‐cultural context to another? This paper provides a preliminary answer to this question by constructing an analytic framework drawn from the sociology of philosophy, and it uses this framework to consider the prospects for the contemporary transposition of Confucianism from China to America. The central, though still provisional, conclusion is that while global power dynamics matter, the particular conditions of the “philosophical fields” of both the original and the recipient (...)
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  14. Victor Dy: Father, Mentor and Best Friend.Rosie Dy Go - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):295-296.
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    Obras de arte são essencialmente institucionais?Rosi Leny Morokawa - 2021 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 25 (2).
    Este artigo examina os argumentos apresentados por Monroe Beardsley contra a tese de que a arte é essencialmente institucional. Beardsley mira sua crítica na versão mais bem elaborada de uma teoria institucional da arte, a teoria de George Dickie. Ele argumenta que Dickie usa o termo “instituição” de forma ambígua, como type e token, e que, afirmar a existência de um contexto institucional não é o mesmo que afirmar que as atividades que pressupõem este contexto são institucionais. Pretende-se mostrar que, (...)
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  16. Elite Political Communication: Five Washington Columnists on Nuclear Weapons Testing, 1954-1958.Eugene J. Rosi - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Risk Perception in a Real-World Situation (COVID-19): How It Changes From 18 to 87 Years Old.Alessia Rosi, Floris Tijmen van Vugt, Serena Lecce, Irene Ceccato, Martine Vallarino, Filippo Rapisarda, Tomaso Vecchi & Elena Cavallini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studies on age-related differences in risk perception in a real-world situation, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, showed that the risk perception of getting COVID-19 tends to decrease as age increases. This finding raised the question on what factors could explain risk perception in older adults. The present study examined age-related differences in risk perception in the early stages of COVID-19 lockdown, analyzing variables that can explain the differences in perception of risk at different ages. A total of 1,765 adults (...)
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    Recognition, ideology, and the case of “invisible suffering”.Rosie Worsdale - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):614-629.
    The purpose of this paper is to expose, and provide a possible solution to, an internal inconsistency in Axel Honneth's critical theory of recognition. Honneth requires a way of making his claim that misrecognition causes subjective suffering, with the potential to cognitively disclose injustice, consistent with his account of ideological recognition as a form of misrecognition that engenders compliance with an oppressive social order. Only by reconciling these claims—that is, by showing how ideological recognition can engender an acceptance of domination (...)
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  19. Elements of Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.Tim Crane - 2001 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Elements of Mind provides a unique introduction to the main problems and debates in contemporary philosophy of mind. Author Tim Crane opposes those currently popular conceptions of the mind that divide mental phenomena into two very different kinds (the intentional and the qualitative) and proposes instead a challenging and unified theory of all the phenomena of mind. In light of this theory, Crane engages students with the central problems of the philosophy of mind--the mind-body problem, the problem of (...)
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  20. The Contents of Experience: Essays on Perception.Tim Crane - 1992 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Tim Crane.
    The nature of perception has long been a central question in philosophy. It is of crucial importance not just in the philosophy of mind, but also in epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of science. The essays in this 1992 volume not only offer fresh answers to some of the traditional problems of perception, but also examine the subject in light of contemporary research on mental content. A substantial introduction locates the essays within the recent history of the subject, and (...)
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    Affirming the Affirmative: On Nomadic Affectivity.Rosi Braidotti - 2005 - Rhizomes 11 (1).
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    When Naïve Pedagogy Breaks Down: Adults Rationally Decide How to Teach, but Misrepresent Learners’ Beliefs.Rosie Aboody, Joey Velez-Ginorio, Laurie R. Santos & Julian Jara-Ettinger - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (3):e13257.
    From early in childhood, humans exhibit sophisticated intuitions about how to share knowledge efficiently in simple controlled studies. Yet, untrained adults often fail to teach effectively in real‐world situations. Here, we explored what causes adults to struggle in informal pedagogical exchanges. In Experiment 1, we first showed evidence of this effect, finding that adult participants failed to communicate their knowledge to naïve learners in a simple teaching task, despite reporting high confidence that they taught effectively. Using a computational model of (...)
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    Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking.Andrew Crane, Mette Morsing & Dennis Schoeneborn - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):5-33.
    Within the burgeoning corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication literature, the question of the relationship between CSR practices and CSR communication (or between “walk” and “talk”) has been a central concern. Recently, we observe a growing interest in formative views on the relation between CSR communication and practices, that is, works which ascribe to communication a constitutive role in creating, maintaining, and transforming CSR practices. This article provides an overview of the heterogeneous landscape of formative views on CSR communication scholarship. More (...)
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  24. Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory.Rosi Braidotti - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    _Nomadic Subjects_ argues for a new kind of philosophical thinking, one that would include the insights of feminism and abandon the hegemonic mode that is conventionally adopted in high theory. Braidotti's personal, surprising, and lively prose insists on an integration of feminism in mainstream discourse. The essays explore problems that are central to current feminist debates including Western epistemology's relation to the "woman question," feminism and biomedical ethics, European feminism, and how American feminists might relate to European movements.
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    Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, Second Edition.Rosi Braidotti - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    For more than fifteen years, _Nomadic Subjects_has guided discourse in continental philosophy and feminist theory, exploring the constitution of contemporary subjectivity, especially the concept of difference within European philosophy and political theory. Rosi Braidotti's creative style vividly renders a productive crisis of modernity. From a feminist perspective, she recasts embodiment, sexual difference, and complex concepts through relations to technology, historical events, and popular culture. This thoroughly revised and expanded edition retains all but two of Braidotti's original essays, including her (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Some problems and possibilities of caring.Rosie Cox - 2010 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 13 (2):113-130.
    . Some problems and possibilities of caring. Ethics, Place & Environment: Vol. 13, The Ethics of Care, pp. 113-130. doi: 10.1080/13668791003778800.
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    Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics.Rosi Braidotti - 2006 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This major new book offers a highly original account of ethical and political subjectivity in contemporary culture. It makes a strong case for a non-unitary or nomadic conception of the subject, in opposition to the claims of ideologies such as conservatism, liberal individualism and techno-capitalism. Braidotti takes a bold stand against moral universalism, while offering a vigorous defence of nomadic ethics against the charges of relativism and nihilism. She calls for a new form of ethical accountability that takes "Life" as (...)
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    Are you ethical? Please tick yes □ or no □ on researching ethics in business organizations.Andrew Crane - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (3):237 - 248.
    This paper seeks to explore the empirical agenda of business ethics research from a methodological perspective. It is argued that the quality of empirical research in the field remains relatively poor and unconvincing. Drawing on the distinctions between the two main philosophical positions from which methodologies in the social sciences are derived – positivism and interpretism – it is argued that it is business ethics' tradition of positivist, and highly quantitative approaches which may be at the root of these epistemological (...)
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    Makers of the Modern Mind.Crane Brinton - 1950 - New Scholasticism 24 (2):219-220.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche.Crane Brinton - 1941 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard university press.
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    The Problem of Female Genital Cutting: Bridging Secular and Islamic Bioethical Perspectives.Rosie Duivenbode & Aasim I. Padela - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):273-300.
    Recent events in the United States and beyond have brought debates over the practice of female genital cutting back into public, academic, and policy discourses.1 In April 2017, Jumana Nagarwala, a Michigan-based emergency medicine physician from a small Shia sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, was charged with performing female genital mutilation. The procedure is prohibited by federal law and defined as the circumcision, excision, or infibulation of the whole or any part of the female genitalia under the age of (...)
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  32. In(ex)clusão e (des)igualdade na escola: leituras sobre o preconceito racial.Rosi Giordano & Glenda Kelly Ribeiro da Silva de Ávila - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):163-181.
    O artigo analisa as causas do fracasso escolar de alunos negros e pardos como resultante da estigmatização e práticas educacionais discriminatórias, bem como a influência das teorias racistas sobre as mesmas indicando a persistência da desigualdade racial no Brasil. Para tal análise realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, no interior de uma perspectiva sociohistórica, concluindo que, apesar das políticas voltadas ao enfrentamento do racismo fincado na sociedade brasileira, as desigualdades raciais permanecem expressivamente justificando a ênfase na formação de professores para (...)
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  33. Dementia and carers : relationality and informal carers' experiences.Rosie Harding - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron (eds.), The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  34. Spår av sanning.Rosie Rothstein Sylvesten - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.), Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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    Costume in the Comedies of Aristophanes by Gwendolyn Compton-Engle.Rosie Wyles - 2016 - American Journal of Philology 137 (2):359-361.
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  36. (1 other version)The Anatomy of Revolution.Crane Brinton - 1939 - Science and Society 3 (4):528-530.
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  37. (1 other version)Is Perception a Propositional Attitude?Tim Crane - 2009 - Philosophical Quarterly 59 (236):452-469.
    It is widely agreed that perceptual experience is a form of intentionality, i.e., that it has representational content. Many philosophers take this to mean that like belief, experience has propositional content, that it can be true or false. I accept that perceptual experience has intentionality; but I dispute the claim that it has propositional content. This claim does not follow from the fact that experience is intentional, nor does it follow from the fact that experiences are accurate or inaccurate. I (...)
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    Response to Dick Pels.Rosi Braidotti - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):87-93.
    In response to Dick Pels's critical remarks, this article attempts to contextualize, historically and conceptually, some of the main points of poststructuralist philosophies of subjectivity. Special emphasis is placed on outlining and defending the political relevance of the `linguistic turn', especially of the kind of interventions upon language which poststructuralism and deconstruction are so often criticized for. Throughout this article, ample cross-reference is made to feminist theory and epistemology.
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  39. Brentano on Intentionality.Tim Crane - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 41-48.
    Brentano’s account of what he called intentionale Inexistenz — what we now call intentionality — is without question one of the most important parts of his philosophy, and one of the most influential ideas in late 19th-century philosophy. Here I will explain how this idea figures in Brentano’s central text, Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (Brentano 1995a). I will then briefly explain how Brentano’s ideas about intentionality evolved after the first publication of this work in 1874, and how they were (...)
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  40. (1 other version)The Problem of Perception.Tim Crane - 2005 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Sense-perception—the awareness or apprehension of things by sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste—has long been a preoccupation of philosophers. One pervasive and traditional problem, sometimes called “the problem of perception”, is created by the phenomena of perceptual illusion and hallucination: if these kinds of error are possible, how can perception be what it intuitively seems to be, a direct and immediate access to reality? The present entry is about how these possibilities of error challenge the intelligibility of the phenomenon of (...)
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    Posthuman, All Too Human.Rosi Braidotti - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):197-208.
    This article looks at Donna Haraway’s work in the light of Continental philosophy, and especially post-structuralism, and examines both the post-humanist and the post-anthropocentric aspects of her thought. The article argues that the great contribution of Haraway’s work is the re-grounding of the subject in material practice. This neo-foundationalist approach is combined, however, with a firm commitment to a process ontology that looks at subjectivity as a complex and open-ended set of relations. The article argues for the centrality of the (...)
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    Metamorphoses: towards a materialist theory of becoming.Rosi Braidotti - 2002 - Malden, MA: Published by Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers.
    The discussions about the ethical, political and human implications of the postmodernist condition have been raging for longer than most of us care to remember. They have been especially fierce within feminism. After a brief flirtation with postmodern thinking in the 1980s, mainstream feminist circles seem to have turned their back on the staple notions of poststructuralist philosophy. Metamorphoses takes stock of the situation and attempts to reset priorities within the poststructuralist feminist agenda. Cross-referring in a creative way to Deleuze's (...)
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    Contextualizing the role of religion in the global bioethics discourse: A response to the new publication policy of Developing World Bioethics.Rosie Duivenbode & Aasim Padela - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (4):189-191.
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    Becoming-world".Rosi Braidotti - 2012 - In Rosi Braidotti, Patrick Hanafin & Bolette Blaagaard (eds.), After cosmopolitanism. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, a Glasshouse book. pp. 8.
  45. (2 other versions)Business ethics: managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization.Andrew Crane - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Dirk Matten & Andrew Crane.
    The first edition was awarded the '2005 Textbook Award of the Association of University Professors of Management (Verband der Hochschullehrer fur ...
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    Is there a perceptual relation.Tim Crane - 2006 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Perceptual experience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 126-146.
    P.F. Strawson argued that ‘mature sensible experience (in general) presents itself as … an immediate consciousness of the existence of things outside us’ (1979: 97). He began his defence of this very natural idea by asking how someone might typically give a description of their current visual experience, and offered this example of such a description: ‘I see the red light of the setting sun filtering through the black and thickly clustered branches of the elms; I see the dappled deer (...)
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    Questioning the Domain of the Business Ethics Curriculum.Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (4):357-369.
    This paper reassesses the domain of the business ethics curriculum and, drawing on recent shifts in the business environment, maps out some suggestions for extending the core ground of the discipline. It starts by assessing the key elements of the dominant English-language business ethics textbooks and identifying the domain as reflected by those publications as 'where the law ends' and 'beyond the legal minimum'. Based on this, the paper identifies potential gaps and new areas for the discipline by drawing on (...)
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  48. Dispositions: A Debate.Tim Crane, D. M. Armstrong & C. B. Martin - 1996 - New York: Routledge. Edited by C. B. Martin, U. T. Place & Tim Crane.
    Dispositions are essential to our understanding of the world. Dispositions: A Debate is an extended dialogue between three distinguished philosophers - D.M. Armstrong, C.B. Martin and U.T. Place - on the many problems associated with dispositions, which reveals their own distinctive accounts of the nature of dispositions. These are then linked to other issues such as the nature of mind, matter, universals, existence, laws of nature and causation.
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  49. (1 other version)There is No Exclusion Problem.Tim Crane & Steinvör Thöll Árnadóttir - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 248-66.
    Many philosophers want to say both that everything is determined by the physical and subject to physical laws and principles, and that certain mental entities cannot be identified with any physical entities. The problem of mental causation is to make these two assumptions compatible with the causal efficacy of the mental. The concern is that this physicalist picture of the world leaves no space for the causal efficacy of anything non-physical. The physical, as it is sometimes said, excludes anything non- (...)
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    Algorithmic interpellation.Rosie DuBrin & Ashley E. Gorham - 2021 - Constellations 28 (2):176-191.
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