Results for 'Rongjian Lv'

414 found
  1.  28
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of the Dissemination of False Information by Multiple Parties after Major Emergencies.Bowen Li, Hua Li, Qiubai Sun, Rongjian Lv & Jianbo Zhao - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    False information is always produced after the outbreak of major emergencies. Taking this into consideration, this paper discusses the behavior of multiple parties in relation to false information dissemination after major emergencies. First, a game model is constructed, using relevant knowledge of evolutionary game theory, between three parties: regulatory institutions, opinion leaders, and ordinary Internet users. Second, the model equations are solved, and the evolutionary stability strategies of each game party under different circumstances are analyzed. Third, a numerical simulation is (...)
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  2.  17
    Research on false information clarification mechanism among government, opinion leaders, and Internet users — Based on differential game theory.Bowen Li, Hua Li, Qiubai Sun & Rongjian Lv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article considers the government, opinion leaders, and Internet users to be a system for correcting false information, and it considers the problem of correcting false information that arises in the aftermath of major emergencies. We use optimal control theory and differential game theory to construct differential game models of decentralized decision-making, centralized decision-making, and subsidized decision-making. The solutions to these models and their numerical simulations show that the government, opinion leaders, and Internet users exercise cost-subsidized decision-making instead of decentralized (...)
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  3. Desde la antropologia a la metafisica.Lv Burgoa - 1994 - Sapientia 49 (191-92):87-108.
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  4.  41
    Complexity Problems Handled by Big Data Technology.Zhihan Lv, Kaoru Ota, Jaime Lloret, Wei Xiang & Paolo Bellavista - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-7.
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  5. Evidencia y credibilidad, Valoración crítica general de la creencia.Lv Burgoa - 1990 - Studium 30 (3):507-531.
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  6. Informacion y credibilidad. Un analisis critico del testimonio humano y de la creencia.Lv Burgoa - 1989 - Studium 29 (3):415-460.
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  7. La «esencia» del conocimiento desde la experiencia semántica.Lv Burgoa - 1999 - Sapientia 54 (206):481-498.
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  8. Oggetto e obiettività: Le classificazioni degli oggetti del conoscere e il problema dell'obiettività nel realismo classico.Lv Burgoa & E. Barzaghi - 1999 - Divus Thomas 102 (1):199-245.
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  9.  10
    Ling hun bu gui fa lü guan: gei xian dai gong min de di yi tang fa lü si bian ke.Rongjian Huang - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Shang zhou chu ban.
    「法律系最讓人景仰的人格」「不上他的課會後悔一輩子」 開課三十年屹立不搖 人氣爆棚 學生零負評感動推薦 臺大法律系教授黃榮堅 暢談獨到的法學人生經驗 當法律淪為以口說形式取代心靈的真實感覺和冷靜的思考, 當公平正義的概念變成擴大對立的口號, 不懂得思考,別說你知道法律是什麼 全民共讀法律、建構獨立思維的必備書 法律對人在內心究竟選擇自己要做天使或做魔鬼,天生無能為力。 靈魂可能背叛法律,也可能超越法律, 在一樣的法律概念底下, 是人心中的善念或惡念決定了法律意義的質與量。 ——黃榮堅 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日社會裡的每個人或多或少都是一個法律人,一個好的法律人要知道人的一百種不一樣的快樂跟一百種不一樣的痛苦,這些快樂與痛苦就是法律學理上每一個原則背後的故事。 黃榮堅教授以數十年的研究經驗,敘述法律規範與自由之心的關係。書中先從法律觀點說明法律的基本作用、法律的理想與現實,以及認識法律的方法。接著跳脫法律說法,從帶著理想色彩的整體生命意會說出對法律及其現實文 化的思想與疑慮,並呈現法律在人一旦失去靈魂時可能陷入的困境。最後則提出,只有透過一顆具存在意義、能夠自由思考的人心,法律才可能呈現宜人風貌。 本書讓法律人重新認識自我的原始圖像,也讓非法律人探索規範世界的意義,除鋪陳作者幾十年來看待法律的心情轉折,亦帶有一種「遠離法律看法律」的意思。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◎好的法學教師,讓人學會解題;優秀的法學教授,讓人渴望創造改變;頂級的法學者,讓人換一種角度看世界。黃榮堅教授,正是難得的頂級法學者之一。而這樣的法學者,願意寫一本通俗讀物,將是台灣公共討論深化的契機 。我至今記得,初學法律時,在台大舊法學院圖書部翻閱《刑罰的極限》一書序文,內心的感動與震撼。我相信本書不僅適合所有非法律人閱讀,更值得內心有所迷惘的法律人細細品味。 ——苗博雅,《阿苗帶風向》主持人 ◎本書談的是法律、法哲學等嚴肅命題,但為文如行雲流水,予人自然開朗,洗鍊通達的感覺。文中涉及較抽象的法律概念時,亦每能舉重若輕,就近取譬,不經意間穿插自己有趣的人生小體驗,或各國古今文哲著作小故事,讓 人在莞爾中豁然開朗。 ——高瑞錚,福田法律事務所負責人、福田文教基金會董事長 ◎不需要懂法律也看得懂的好書! ——徐自強,司改會工作人員,徐自強案當事人 ◎大師出手的經典法普著作。作者以其敏銳觀察力與深邃的人文法律素養,用素樸卻富魔力的語言,配上令人或揪心或莞爾的案例,深入淺出,刺激你進行一次次的正義的思辨,認識「人生有多難,法律就有多難」的法律世界。 ——許宗力,國立臺灣大學法律系兼任教授 ◎這本書讀完之後,我一直問自己:如果我在開始當法官之前就讀過它,如果我早一點讀過它,這一條法官的路我會不會走得比較不坎坷一點?我會不會有更多的勇氣、更堅定的念頭去面對過往圈內的光怪陸離?我會不會早一點 開始進行實務圈不鼓勵的獨立思考?我能不能早一些擺脫年輕的銳氣和氣盛?會不會讓我冤枉被告的可能性低一點? ——陳欽賢,台南地方法院法官 ◎艱深法律知識透過作者堅實學術素養轉譯為公眾可以理解的啟發性內容,是值得最高度推薦的法律知識普及性專書。 ——陳東升,台灣大學社會學系教授 ◎這本書好像是在談法律,其實是在說人生。 ——張娟芬,作家 ◎從人民的生活常識出發,帶領讀者進入法律與正義的思辨殿堂。 ——黃國昌,立法委員 出版社 商周出版 (城邦).
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  10.  26
    Eight-Section Brocade Exercises Improve the Sleep Quality and Memory Consolidation and Cardiopulmonary Function of Older Adults With Atrial Fibrillation-Associated Stroke.Wei Lv, Xinxin Wang, Jia Liu & Ping Yu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Relationship between Academic Achievement and the Emotional Well-Being of Elementary School Children in China: The Moderating Role of Parent-School Communication.Bo Lv, Huan Zhou, Xiaolin Guo, Chunhui Liu, Zhaomin Liu & Liang Luo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12.  32
    How Entrepreneurship Education at Universities Influences Entrepreneurial Intention: Mediating Effect Based on Entrepreneurial Competence.Yijun Lv, Yingying Chen, Yimin Sha, Jing Wang, Lanyijie An, Tingjun Chen, Xiang Huang, Yangjie Huang & Leilei Huang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research shows that entrepreneurial activities significantly promote economic development, which enhances the importance of the innovative entrepreneurial potential of college students. This study analyzes the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention from the perspective of planned behavior theory. By examining the significant role of entrepreneurship education at colleges and universities on economic and social development, we established a conceptual model. To understand the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention, the hypotheses propose the intermediary role of entrepreneurial ability, and (...)
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  13.  30
    Abnormal Static and Dynamic Local-Neural Activity in COPD and Its Relationship With Pulmonary Function and Cognitive Impairments.Zhi Lv, Qingqing Chen, Yinling Jiang, Panpan Hu, Lei Zhang, Tongjian Bai, Kai Wang, Yongsheng Wang & Xiaoyun Fan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are characterized by attenuated pulmonary function and are frequently reported with cognitive impairments, especially memory impairments. The mechanism underlying the memory impairments still remains unclear. We applied resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare the brain local activities with static and dynamic amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations among patients with COPD and healthy controls. Compared with HC, COPD patients exhibited decreased sALFF in the right basal ganglia and increased dALFF in the bilateral parahippocampal/hippocampal gyrus. The (...)
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  14.  4
    Serving as an Ethical Signal: Understanding How and When Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Inhibits Time Theft.Bo Lv, Jie Xiao, Yinxu Zhou, Chenghao Men, Fengyu Li & Haomin Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Time theft represents an inconspicuous yet pervasive form of unethical misconduct in the workplace, engendering significant losses for organizations. It is thus incumbent upon companies to take measures to mitigate such conduct. Human resource management (HRM) constitutes a pivotal approach through which organizations can regulate employee actions and curb organizational misconduct; however, its role has been largely underexplored in the extant literature. Recognizing the moral foundations of socially responsible HRM (SRHRM), we synthesize signaling theory with cue consistency theory to posit (...)
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  15.  37
    An Improved Test Selection Optimization Model Based on Fault Ambiguity Group Isolation and Chaotic Discrete PSO.Xiaofeng Lv, Deyun Zhou, Yongchuan Tang & Ling Ma - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    Exponential Synchronization of Neural Networks via Feedback Control in Complex Environment.Xiaoxiao Lv, Xiaodi Li, Jinde Cao & Peiyong Duan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  17.  18
    A Novel Chinese Entity Relationship Extraction Method Based on the Bidirectional Maximum Entropy Markov Model.Chengyao Lv, Deng Pan, Yaxiong Li, Jianxin Li & Zong Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    To identify relationships among entities in natural language texts, extraction of entity relationships technically provides a fundamental support for knowledge graph, intelligent information retrieval, and semantic analysis, promotes the construction of knowledge bases, and improves efficiency of searching and semantic analysis. Traditional methods of relationship extraction, either those proposed at the earlier times or those based on traditional machine learning and deep learning, have focused on keeping relationships and entities in their own silos: extracting relationships and entities are conducted in (...)
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  18.  22
    Internal Persistence and External Support—What Makes Chinese Teachers of the Mathematically Gifted Stick to Their Post?Lv Sunzhong, Zhang Yong, Lei Peiyao & Xiong Bin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mathematically gifted students are precious human resources, educators of which make a great difference in helping them realize their potential. The retention of qualified teachers of mathematically gifted students is an issue worthy of in-depth exploration. In China, mathematics competitions are an important part of mathematics gifted education, and the teaching of the Mathematical Olympiad is a challenging profession with a high attrition rate. This qualitative study takes four seasoned and outstanding Chinese teachers as cases, collects data through individual semi-structured (...)
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  19.  51
    The Role of Configural Processing in Face Classification by Race: An ERP Study.Jing Lv, Tianyi Yan, Luyang Tao & Lun Zhao - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. The Impact of Digital Technology Innovation on Firm Performance: Based on the Corporate Digital Responsibility Perspective.Siwei Zhu, Kangjuan Lv & Yu Cheng - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    In the era of the digital economy, the important issue for enterprises is how to achieve optimal performance by balancing the development of digital technology and undertaking digital responsibility. Based on optimal distinctiveness theory, we explore how enterprises balance the tension between political strategy and competitive strategy from the perspective of corporate digital responsibility to achieve optimal firm performance. Observing data such as annual reports, patent application information, and operating conditions of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2009 to 2021 reveals (...)
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  21.  16
    Complexity Problems Handled by Advanced Computer Simulation Technology in Smart Cities 2021.Zhihan Lv, Kaoru Ota, Jaime Lloret, Wei Xiang & Paolo Bellavista - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-3.
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  22.  18
    Defect Detection of Pandrol Track Fastener Based on Local Depth Feature Fusion Network.Zhaomin Lv, Anqi Ma, Xingjie Chen & Shubin Zheng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    There are three main problems in track fastener defect detection based on image: The number of abnormal fastener pictures is scarce, and supervised learning detection model is difficult to establish. The potential data features obtained by different feature extraction methods are different. Some methods focus on edge features, and some methods focus on texture features. Different features have different detection capabilities, and these features are not effectively fused and utilized. The detection of the track fastener clip will be interfered by (...)
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  23.  32
    Dynamic Vision Sensor Tracking Method Based on Event Correlation Index.Hengyi Lv, Yang Feng, Yisa Zhang & Yuchen Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Dynamic vision sensor is a kind of bioinspired sensor. It has the characteristics of fast response, large dynamic range, and asynchronous output event stream. These characteristics make it have advantages that traditional image sensors do not have in the field of tracking. The output form of the dynamic vision sensor is asynchronous event stream, and the object information needs to be provided by the relevant event cluster. This article proposes a method based on the event correlation index to obtain the (...)
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  24.  25
    Pragmatic Competence and Willingness to Communicate Among L2 Learners of Chinese.Xiaoxuan Lv, Wei Ren & Lin Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research in second language pragmatics has paid increasing attention to learners’ individual differences, but few studies have examined the relationship between learners’ willingness to communicate in L2 and their pragmatic competence. To this end, this study investigates the association between WTC and pragmatic awareness and comprehension of Chinese as a second language learners. A total of 80 CSL learners studying abroad in three universities in China participated in this study. Data were collected through a WTC questionnaire, a self-perceived communication competence (...)
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  25.  98
    Adolescents’ Algorithmic Resistance to Short Video APP’s Recommendation: The Dual Mediating Role of Resistance Willingness and Resistance Intention.Xing Lv, Yang Chen & Weiqi Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Adolescents have gradually become a vital group of interacting with social media recommendation algorithms. Although numerous studies have been conducted to investigate negative reactions that the dark side of recommendation algorithms brings to social media users, little is known about the resistance intention and behavior based on their agency in the daily process of encountering algorithms. Focusing on the concept of algorithm resistance, this study used a two-path model to investigate the algorithmic resistance of rural Chinese adolescents in their daily (...)
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  26.  30
    Impacts of university lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic on college students’ academic achievement and critical thinking: A longitudinal study.Xiaojing Lv, Juanjuan Ma, Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Shaochun Zhao & Xuezhu Ren - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 has resulted in widespread university lockdown. However, impacts of the university lockdown on the learning and academic development of university students have not been thoroughly investigated. The current study examined college students’ changes of learning outcomes during the COVID-19 lockdown period and clarified what might explain individual differences in students’ learning outcomes after they had learned from home for a whole semester when universities were physically closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were (...)
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  27.  23
    Spectra of Quasi-Boolean Algebras.Yajie Lv & Wenjuan Chen - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In the present paper, we introduce the notions of quasi-Boolean algebras as the generalization of Boolean algebras. First we discuss the related properties of quasi-Boolean algebras. Second we define filters of quasi-Boolean algebras and investigate some properties of filters in quasi-Boolean algebras. We also show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of filters and the set of filter congruences on a quasi-Boolean algebra. Then we investigate the prime filters and maximal filters of quasi-Boolean algebras, showing that the (...)
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  28.  17
    Assessment of Preschool’s Inclusive Participation in Social Responsibility Program Under Institutional Pressure: Evidence From China.Yang Lv, Chenwei Ma, Min Wu, Xiaohan Li & Xinxin Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    China set the goal of expanding early childhood education in 2018, by encouraging the development of public interest kindergartens to provide high-quality, low-cost preschool services to the general public. This is in response to the challenges of accessibility, affordability, and accountability besetting China’s current ECE system. However, the transition toward PIK has been slow due to various complex problems, including the lackluster willingness of ECE providers to become PIK. To better understand the challenges leading to low participation, this study explores (...)
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  29. Gene Section.Xiao-Bin Lv - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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  30.  25
    Moving Vehicle Tracking Optimization Method Based on SPF.Caixia Lv & Xuejing Zhang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-14.
    In the intelligent transportation system, the license information can be automatically recognized by the computer and the vehicle can be tracked. Red light running, illegal change of lanes, vehicle retrograde, and other illegal driving events are reasonably recorded. This is undoubtedly an effective help for the traffic police to relieve the huge work pressure. However, in China, a considerable number of vehicle tracking methods have certain limitations in resisting complex external environmental influences. The external environmental factors include but not limited (...)
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  31.  17
    The dynamics of microsaccade amplitude reflect shifting of covert attention.Xinyu Lv, Suping Cheng, Zhiguo Wang & Jianrong Jia - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 101 (C):103322.
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  32. Understanding the Interaction Between Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Times—An Interview with Professor JIANG Yi.Yi Jiang & Lv Xue - 2024 - Journal of Human Cognition 8 (1):39-58.
    The relationship between philosophy and science in contemporary times is closer than ever. From the methodology perspective, scientific and philosophical research has a clear sequential relationship. It is highlighted in the following aspects: 1. the methodology of scientific research, including theoretical assumptions and data modeling, parallels with apparent similarities in conceptual analysis and logical deduction in philosophy;2. consistency of analytical argumentation methods in scientific research and philosophical research;3. naturalism is currently a research approach that both scientific and philosophical research adopt. (...)
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    Survey study and experimental investigation on the local behavior of pedestrian groups.Xiaoge Wei, Wei Lv, Weiguo Song & Xiaolian Li - 2015 - Complexity 20 (6):87-97.
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  34. Workshop on Web-Based Massive Data Processing-Session 1-Streaming Data-Modelling and Guaranteeing Quality of Service over Data Streams.Shanshan Gu Wu & Yanfei Yu Lv - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 13-24.
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  35.  24
    Relationship Between Acute Stress Responses and Quality of Life in Chinese Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Lan Zhang, Rongjian Ji, Yanbo Ji, Min Liu, Renxiu Wang & Cuiping Xu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to determine the relationship between acute stress and quality of life and explore their influencing factors on health care workers. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted, and a sample of 525 health care workers was recruited from 15 hospitals through a convenient sampling method. Participants completed an online self-report questionnaire to assess their acute stress and quality of life. Descriptive and multiple linear regression statistics were used for this analysis. The results regarding acute stress responses varied significantly (...)
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  36. Understanding the Interaction Between Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Times—An Interview with Professor JIANG Yi.Yi Jiang & Lv Xue - 2024 - Journal of Human Cognition 8 (1):39-58.
    The relationship between philosophy and science in contemporary times is closer than ever. From the methodology perspective, scientific and philosophical research has a clear sequential relationship. It is highlighted in the following aspects: 1. the methodology of scientific research, including theoretical assumptions and data modeling, parallels with apparent similarities in conceptual analysis and logical deduction in philosophy;2. consistency of analytical argumentation methods in scientific research and philosophical research;3. naturalism is currently a research approach that both scientific and philosophical research adopt. (...)
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    Gender Differences in How Family Income and Parental Education Relate to Reading Achievement in China: The Mediating Role of Parental Expectation and Parental Involvement.Xiaolin Guo, Bo Lv, Huan Zhou, Chunhui Liu, Juan Liu, Kexin Jiang & Liang Luo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  38.  16
    Porosity Characterization of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Ultrasound with Genetic Algorithm Backpropagation Neural Network.Shuxiao Zhang, Gaolong Lv, Shifeng Guo, Yanhui Zhang & Wei Feng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Porosity is considered as one of the most important indicators for the characterization of the comprehensive performance of thermal barrier coatings. In this study, the ultrasonic technique and the artificial neural network optimized with the genetic algorithm are combined to develop an intelligent method for automatic detection and accurate prediction of TBCs’s porosity. A series of physical models of plasma-sprayed ZrO2 coating are established with a thickness of 288 μm and porosity varying from 5.71% to 26.59%, and the ultrasonic reflection (...)
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  39.  13
    Effects of Content Support and Planning Instruction on Discourse Connection in EFL Argumentative Writing.Yue Xie & Xiaoxuan Lv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:912311.
    Discourse connection is a challenging aspect of writing in a second language. This study seeks to investigate the effects of two classroom instructions on discourse connection in writing for EFL college students, focusing on their argumentative writing. Three classes were exposed to different pre-task conditions: receiving reading materials that provide content support for the writing, receiving planning instructions on effective outlining, and receiving no resources. The results showed that the instructions helped students attain better overall coherence in writing. However, noticeable (...)
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    Gesture Recognition by Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine Based on Surface Electromyography Signals.Fulai Peng, Cai Chen, Danyang Lv, Ningling Zhang, Xingwei Wang, Xikun Zhang & Zhiyong Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:911204.
    In the recent years, gesture recognition based on the surface electromyography (sEMG) signals has been extensively studied. However, the accuracy and stability of gesture recognition through traditional machine learning algorithms are still insufficient to some actual application scenarios. To enhance this situation, this paper proposed a method combining feature selection and ensemble extreme learning machine (EELM) to improve the recognition performance based on sEMG signals. First, the input sEMG signals are preprocessed and 16 features are then extracted from each channel. (...)
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  41.  14
    Sustainable Development of the Innovation Ecosystem from the Perspective of T-O-V.Ruixue Yan, Jianlin Lv & Qingshi Meng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    The innovation ecosystem is a dynamic network system of competition and cooperation between entities and enterprises as the core in order to achieve value cocreation. Technology provides growth power for the innovation ecosystem, organization provides management support for the innovation ecosystem, and value has a guiding effect on the innovation ecosystem. From the perspective of technology-organization-value to study the sustainable development of the innovation ecosystem, build a system dynamics model, take the automotive industry innovation ecosystem as a research case, and (...)
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  42.  57
    Dependency Distance Differences across Interpreting Types: Implications for Cognitive Demand.Junying Liang, Yuanyuan Fang, Qianxi Lv & Haitao Liu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Multilevel Analysis of Job Characteristics, Emotion Regulation, and Teacher Well-Being: A Job Demands-Resources Model.Hongbiao Yin, Shenghua Huang & Lijie Lv - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    COVID-19 in Guangdong: Immediate Perceptions and Psychological Impact on 304,167 College Students.Xueguo Li, Sihui Lv, Lili Liu, Rongning Chen, Jianbin Chen, Shunwei Liang, Siyao Tang & Jingbo Zhao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45.  27
    Turnover at the Top: The Digital Transformation and Dismissal of Chairman and CEO.Jipeng Qi, Yaxian Zhou, Wendai Lv, Qiyue Du, Ran Liu & Caixing Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Companies increasingly implement digital transformation strategies to promote efficiency. Nevertheless, there are few concerns about employees’ acceptance of the changes, especially the executives’ adaptability, which is an important part of digital transformation strategy implementation. By utilizing the “searching-matching” in keywords of the annual reports of public listed companies in China, we measured the degree of corporate digital transformation to analysis its influence on the turnover rate of the Chairman and CEO. We found that digital transformation decreases the possibility of Chairman (...)
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  46.  31
    The unusually highTcin rare-earth-doped single crystalline CaFe2As2.Fengyan Wei, Bing Lv, Liangzi Deng, James K. Meen, Yu-Yi Xue & Ching-Wu Chu - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (22):2562-2570.
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    Predicting Fluency With Language Proficiency, Working Memory, and Directionality in Simultaneous Interpreting.Yumeng Lin, Qianxi Lv & Junying Liang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Moderated Mediating Mechanism Effects of Chinese University Entrepreneurship Education on Independent Student Entrepreneurship.Yuhui Li, Yimin Sha, Yijun Lv, Yenchun Jim Wu & Haiming Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Entrepreneurship education plays a mediating moderating role in independent entrepreneurship, especially for the fresh graduates where entrepreneurial knowledge charms. Based on the mediating effect model, this study explores the correlation between three factors and independent entrepreneurship. A set of hypotheses was established by investigating the theoretical background within the field of interest. Such hypotheses were later assessed by an online-offline mix study conducted among graduates. The result found that entrepreneurship theory-based courses can promote independent entrepreneurship, but entrepreneurship practice training surprisingly (...)
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    Dynamics of a Predator-Prey Model with Fear Effect and Time Delay.Junli Liu, Pan Lv, Bairu Liu & Tailei Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In this paper, we propose a time-delayed predator-prey model with Holling-type II functional response, which incorporates the gestation period and the cost of fear into prey reproduction. The dynamical behavior of this system is both analytically and numerically investigated from the viewpoint of stability, permanence, and bifurcation. We found that there are stability switches, and Hopf bifurcations occur when the delay τ passes through a sequence of critical values. The explicit formulae which determine the direction, stability, and other properties of (...)
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    Analysis of Complexity of Unsafe Behavior in Construction Teams and a Multiagent Simulation.Zhen Li, Xiaofei Lv, Hongming Zhu & Zhaohan Sheng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    The processes in construction are more likely than others to breed unsafe behaviors, and the consequences of these actions can be serious. This paper first reviews the research status on unsafe behavior in construction teams. It then analyzes the complex mechanisms that lead to unsafe behavior and constructs a three-layer structural model based on agent-based modeling technology. This modeling deals with complexity and elaborates on key points and potential research ideas in the study of unsafe behavior in construction teams. Using (...)
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