10 found
Rong Huang [3]Rongbing Huang [2]Rongcheng Huang [2]Ronghuai Huang [1]
Rongjian Huang [1]Rongsheng Huang [1]
  1.  28
    Does Environmental Information Disclosure Benefit Waste Discharge Reduction? Evidence from China.Rongbing Huang & Danping Chen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):535-552.
    As a tool for regulating the environment in China, does environmental information disclosure reduce pollutant discharge? To answer this question, we empirically analyzed the emission data of “the three wastes” in unit industrial GDP in 31 provincial units. As a measure to reduce institutional emission, environmental information disclosure only slightly influenced waste discharge reduction in the implementation period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan of China. Instead, command control and market-based tools significantly affected waste discharge reduction. Representative measures included penalties and (...)
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  2.  22
    Analysis of Topological Aspects for Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice Network.Rongbing Huang, M. H. Muhammad, M. K. Siddiqui, S. Khalid, S. Manzoor & E. Bashier - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    In this research work, we have explored the physical and topological properties of the crystal structure of metal-insulator transition superlattice. In recent times, two-dimensional substantial have enamored comprehensive considerations owing to their novel ophthalmic and mechanical properties for anticipated employment. Recently, some researchers put their interest in modifying this material into useful forms in human life. Also, Metal-Insulator Transition Superlattice is useful in form of a thin film to utilize as two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. Moreover, we have defined the computed-based (...)
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  3.  46
    Sluggishness of Early-Stage Face Processing (N170) Is Correlated with Negative and General Psychiatric Symptoms in Schizophrenia.Yingjun Zheng, Haijing Li, Yuping Ning, Jianjuan Ren, Zhangying Wu, Rongcheng Huang, Guoming Luan, Tianfu Li, Taiyong Bi, Qian Wang & Shenglin She - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  4.  10
    Ling hun bu gui fa lü guan: gei xian dai gong min de di yi tang fa lü si bian ke.Rongjian Huang - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Shang zhou chu ban.
    「法律系最讓人景仰的人格」「不上他的課會後悔一輩子」 開課三十年屹立不搖 人氣爆棚 學生零負評感動推薦 臺大法律系教授黃榮堅 暢談獨到的法學人生經驗 當法律淪為以口說形式取代心靈的真實感覺和冷靜的思考, 當公平正義的概念變成擴大對立的口號, 不懂得思考,別說你知道法律是什麼 全民共讀法律、建構獨立思維的必備書 法律對人在內心究竟選擇自己要做天使或做魔鬼,天生無能為力。 靈魂可能背叛法律,也可能超越法律, 在一樣的法律概念底下, 是人心中的善念或惡念決定了法律意義的質與量。 ——黃榮堅 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 今日社會裡的每個人或多或少都是一個法律人,一個好的法律人要知道人的一百種不一樣的快樂跟一百種不一樣的痛苦,這些快樂與痛苦就是法律學理上每一個原則背後的故事。 黃榮堅教授以數十年的研究經驗,敘述法律規範與自由之心的關係。書中先從法律觀點說明法律的基本作用、法律的理想與現實,以及認識法律的方法。接著跳脫法律說法,從帶著理想色彩的整體生命意會說出對法律及其現實文 化的思想與疑慮,並呈現法律在人一旦失去靈魂時可能陷入的困境。最後則提出,只有透過一顆具存在意義、能夠自由思考的人心,法律才可能呈現宜人風貌。 本書讓法律人重新認識自我的原始圖像,也讓非法律人探索規範世界的意義,除鋪陳作者幾十年來看待法律的心情轉折,亦帶有一種「遠離法律看法律」的意思。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◎好的法學教師,讓人學會解題;優秀的法學教授,讓人渴望創造改變;頂級的法學者,讓人換一種角度看世界。黃榮堅教授,正是難得的頂級法學者之一。而這樣的法學者,願意寫一本通俗讀物,將是台灣公共討論深化的契機 。我至今記得,初學法律時,在台大舊法學院圖書部翻閱《刑罰的極限》一書序文,內心的感動與震撼。我相信本書不僅適合所有非法律人閱讀,更值得內心有所迷惘的法律人細細品味。 ——苗博雅,《阿苗帶風向》主持人 ◎本書談的是法律、法哲學等嚴肅命題,但為文如行雲流水,予人自然開朗,洗鍊通達的感覺。文中涉及較抽象的法律概念時,亦每能舉重若輕,就近取譬,不經意間穿插自己有趣的人生小體驗,或各國古今文哲著作小故事,讓 人在莞爾中豁然開朗。 ——高瑞錚,福田法律事務所負責人、福田文教基金會董事長 ◎不需要懂法律也看得懂的好書! ——徐自強,司改會工作人員,徐自強案當事人 ◎大師出手的經典法普著作。作者以其敏銳觀察力與深邃的人文法律素養,用素樸卻富魔力的語言,配上令人或揪心或莞爾的案例,深入淺出,刺激你進行一次次的正義的思辨,認識「人生有多難,法律就有多難」的法律世界。 ——許宗力,國立臺灣大學法律系兼任教授 ◎這本書讀完之後,我一直問自己:如果我在開始當法官之前就讀過它,如果我早一點讀過它,這一條法官的路我會不會走得比較不坎坷一點?我會不會有更多的勇氣、更堅定的念頭去面對過往圈內的光怪陸離?我會不會早一點 開始進行實務圈不鼓勵的獨立思考?我能不能早一些擺脫年輕的銳氣和氣盛?會不會讓我冤枉被告的可能性低一點? ——陳欽賢,台南地方法院法官 ◎艱深法律知識透過作者堅實學術素養轉譯為公眾可以理解的啟發性內容,是值得最高度推薦的法律知識普及性專書。 ——陳東升,台灣大學社會學系教授 ◎這本書好像是在談法律,其實是在說人生。 ——張娟芬,作家 ◎從人民的生活常識出發,帶領讀者進入法律與正義的思辨殿堂。 ——黃國昌,立法委員 出版社 商周出版 (城邦).
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  5.  7
    Makesi zhu yi yu Zhongguo wen ti yan jiu: Chongqing Shi yan jiu sheng Makesi zhu yi lun tan.Rongsheng Huang (ed.) - 2011 - Chongqing: Xi nan shi fan da xue chu ban she.
  6.  20
    Complexity Construction of Intelligent Marketing Strategy Based on Mobile Computing and Machine Learning Simulation Environment.Shuai Mao & Rong Huang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Mankind’s research on marketing has a history of hundreds of years, and it has been fruitful in continuous summary and research. Now the theory of marketing has gradually penetrated into the minds of every company and even individual. A successful marketing strategy is the inevitable result of scientific planning and effective implementation. However, the current marketing strategy has gradually failed to meet the needs of corporates. In order to find the best solution for corporate marketing strategy, we built a simulation (...)
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  7.  8
    Game-Based Learning for Learners With Disabilities—What Is Next? A Systematic Literature Review From the Activity Theory Perspective.Ahmed Tlili, Mouna Denden, Anqi Duan, Natalia Padilla-Zea, Ronghuai Huang, Tianyue Sun & Daniel Burgos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The design, implementation, and outcome of game-based learning for learners with disabilities have not been sufficiently examined systematically. Particularly, learner-based and contextual factors, as well as the essential roles played by various stakeholders, have not been addressed when game-based learning applications are used in special education. Therefore, a systematic literature review using the Activity Theory was conducted to analyse studies about game-based learning for learners with disabilities. Content analysis of 96 studies reported relevant information with respect to each activity component— (...)
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  8.  17
    Abnormal Contingent Negative Variation Drifts During Facial Expression Judgment in Schizophrenia Patients.Qian Wang, Shenglin She, Lu Luo, Haijing Li, Yuping Ning, Jianjuan Ren, Zhangying Wu, Rongcheng Huang & Yingjun Zheng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  9.  28
    Embodied Emotion Regulation: The Influence of Implicit Emotional Compatibility on Creative Thinking.Li Wu, Rong Huang, Zhe Wang, Jonathan Nimal Selvaraj, Liuqing Wei, Weiping Yang & Jianxin Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:555732.
    The regulatory effect of embodied emotion on one’s general emotion and the impact of the compatibility or incompatibility of the two types of emotion on creative thinking are still debatable. The purpose of this study is to investigate these issues experimentally. In Experiment 1, participants completed an explicit positive and negative emotion test [Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)] and an implicit positive and negative emotion test [Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT)] twice on a computer after emotional video (...)
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  10.  17
    This Won’t Last Forever: Benefits and Costs of Anticipatory Nostalgia.Xinyue Zhou, Rong Huang, Krystine Batcho & Weiling Ye - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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