Results for 'Rodrigo Sosa'

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  1.  14
    Conditioned inhibition, inhibitory learning, response inhibition, and inhibitory control: Outlining a conceptual clarification.Rodrigo Sosa - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):138-173.
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  2. Feeling the right way: Normative influences on people's use of emotion concepts.Rodrigo Díaz & Kevin Reuter - 2020 - Mind and Language 36 (3):451-470.
    It is generally assumed that emotion concepts are purely descriptive. However, recent investigations suggest that the concept of happiness includes information about the morality of the agent's life. In this study, we argue that normative influences on emotion concepts are not restricted to happiness and are not about moral norms. In a series of studies, we show that emotion attribution is influenced by whether the agent's psychological and bodily states fit the situation in which they are experienced. People consider that (...)
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  3. Reactance, morality, and disgust: The relationship between affective dispositions and compliance with official health recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rodrigo Díaz & Florian Cova - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (1).
    Emergency situations require individuals to make important changes in their behavior. In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, official recommendations to avoid the spread of the virus include costly behaviors such as self-quarantining or drastically diminishing social contacts. Compliance (or lack thereof) with these recommendations is a controversial and divisive topic, and lay hypotheses abound regarding what underlies this divide. This paper investigates which cognitive, moral, and emotional traits separate people who comply with official recommendations from those who don't. In (...)
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  4. Knowledge from Knowledge.Rodrigo Borges - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3):283 - 297.
    This paper argues that a necessary condition on inferential knowledge is that one knows all the propositions that knowledge depends on. That is, I will argue in support of a principle I call the Knowledge from Knowledge principle: (KFK) S knows that p via inference or reasoning only if S knows all the propositions on which p depends. KFK meshes well with the natural idea that (at least with respect to deductively valid or induc- tively strong arguments) the epistemic status (...)
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  5. Emotions and the body. Testing the subtraction argument.Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):47-65.
    Can we experience emotion without the feeling of accelerated heartbeats, perspiration, or other changes in the body? In his paper “What is an emotion”, William James famously claimed that “if we fancy some strong emotion and then try to abstract from our consciousness of it all the feelings of its bodily symptoms, we find we have nothing left behind” (1884, p. 193). Thus, bodily changes are essential to emotion. This is known as the Subtraction Argument. The Subtraction Argument is still (...)
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  6. On synchronic dogmatism.Rodrigo Borges - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3677-3693.
    Saul Kripke argued that the requirement that knowledge eliminate all possibilities of error leads to dogmatism . According to this view, the dogmatism puzzle arises because of a requirement on knowledge that is too strong. The paper argues that dogmatism can be avoided even if we hold on to the strong requirement on knowledge. I show how the argument for dogmatism can be blocked and I argue that the only other approach to the puzzle in the literature is mistaken.
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  7. Against Emotions as Feelings: Towards an Attitudinal Profile of Emotion.Rodrigo Díaz - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (7):223-245.
    Are feelings an essential part or aspect of emotion? Cases of unconscious emotion suggest that this is not the case. However, it has been claimed that unconscious emotions are better understood as either (a) emotions that are phenomenally conscious but not reflectively conscious, or (b) dispositions to have emotions rather than emotions proper. Here, I argue that these ways of accounting for unconscious emotions are inadequate, and propose a view of emotions as non-phenomenal attitudes that regard their contents as relevant (...)
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  8. Reasons to Respond to AI Emotional Expressions.Rodrigo Díaz & Jonas Blatter - 2025 - American Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):87-102.
    Human emotional expressions can communicate the emotional state of the expresser, but they can also communicate appeals to perceivers. For example, sadness expressions such as crying request perceivers to aid and support, and anger expressions such as shouting urge perceivers to back off. Some contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) systems can mimic human emotional expressions in a (more or less) realistic way, and they are progressively being integrated into our daily lives. How should we respond to them? Do we have reasons (...)
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  9. A Failed Twist to an Old Problem.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):75-81.
    John N. Williams argued that Peter Klein's defeasibility theory of knowledge excludes the possibility of one knowing that one has (first-order) a posteriori knowledge. He does that by way of adding a new twist to an objection Klein himself answered more than forty years ago. In this paper I argue that Williams' objection misses its target because of this new twist.
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  10. You are just being emotional! Testimonial injustice and folk-psychological attributions.Rodrigo Díaz & Manuel Almagro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5709-5730.
    Testimonial injustices occur when individuals from particular social groups are systematically and persistently given less credibility in their claims merely because of their group identity. Recent “pluralistic” approaches to folk psychology, by taking into account the role of stereotypes in how we understand others, have the power to explain how and why cases of testimonial injustice occur. If how we make sense of others’ behavior depends on assumptions about how individuals from certain groups think and act, this can explain why (...)
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    A plausibilidade da póshistória no sentido estético.Rodrigo Duarte - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (s2):155-179.
    A ideia do “fi m da história”, subentendida no capítulo fi nal da Fenomenologia do espírito, serviu de base para o início de uma discussão, feita a partir das posições assumidas por Alexandre Kojève nos seus cursos sobre Hegel em Paris, na década de 1930, e em sua publicação no fi nal dos anos 1940 (com reedição em 1968), voltou à baila com o artigo de Francis Fukuyama, de 1989, sobre o “fim da história”, no qual ele comemorava o fi (...)
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  12.  25
    From Adorno’s Critique of Culture Industry to the Critical Evaluation of Digital Media.Rodrigo Duarte - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 62 (1):14-24.
    When Adorno and Horkheimer constructed in the early forties the critical concept of culture industry they had in mind mainly movies and radio as its main media. Even television broad- casting was not developed enough at that time to be considered as an important player in the scene of mass culture. Nevertheless the critical aspects of their contribution were so strong and well structured that even today they cannot be discarded in a fair evaluation of such an import- ant phenomenon (...)
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    Dialética como liberdade de expressão.Rodrigo Duarte - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (4):1041-1051.
    Neste artigo, o autor aborda questõesda liberdade de expressão, restrita não somentepor elementos políticos e religiosos, mas tambémpor leis lógicas impessoais, supostamente internasao próprio pensamento. Em sua abordagem,o autor discute com as posições de Wittgensteine Adorno.
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    Notas sobre a "carência de fundamentação" na filosofia de Theodor W. Adorno.Rodrigo Antonio de Paiva Duarte - 1994 - Trans/Form/Ação 17:39-49.
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    O terrível limite da palavra: um encontro entre Benedito Nunes, Vilém Flusser e Clarice Lispector.Rodrigo Antônio da Paiva Duarte - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 3 (5):31.
    O consagrado livro de Benedito Nunes sobre Clarice Lispector, cuja versão definitiva (e expandida) foi publicada em 1989, teve duas edições anteriores: a primeira publicada em 1966, com o título de O mundo de Clarice Lispector, e a segunda em 1973, intitulada Uma leitura de Clarice Lispector. A primeira versão, de 1966 chamou a atenção do filósofo Vilém Flusser, que escreveu e publicou no Suplemento Literário do Estado de São Paulo, em sua edição de 25/06/1966, uma entusiasmada resenha sobre o (...)
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    (1 other version)Lógica clásica y esquizofrenia: por una semántica lúdica.Juan Redmond & Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:215-241.
    Resumen:En este artículo delineamos una propuesta para elaborar una lógica de las ficciones desde el enfoque lúdico del pragmatismo dialógico. En efecto, centrados en una de las críticas mayores al enfoque clásico de la lógica: la esquizofrenia estructural de su semántica (Lambert 2004: 142-143; 160), recorremos los compromisos ontológicos de las dos tradiciones mayores de la lógica (Aristóteles y Frege) para establecer sus posibilidades y límites en el análisis del discurso ficcional, y la superación desde una perspectiva lúdico pragmática.Palabras clave: (...)
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  17. Bad Luck for the Anti‐Luck Epistemologist.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):463-479.
    Anti-luck epistemologists tell us that knowledge is incompatible with epistemic luck and that epistemic luck is just a special case of luck in general. Much work has been done on the intricacies of the first claim. In this paper, I scrutinize the second claim. I argue that it does not survive scrutiny. I then offer an analysis of luck that explains the relevant data and avoids the problems from which the current views of luck suffer. However, this analysis of luck (...)
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    Epistemic Challenges to Moral Expressivism.Rodrigo Valencia Pacheco - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (11):e70011.
    We ordinarily use epistemic concepts to evaluate our moral views. We know certain things are wrong, we are sometimes uncertain about the morally best thing to do, we think there are rational and irrational ways of reaching moral conclusions, etc. Like most meta ethicists, expressivists aim to explain this; they want to offer accounts of our moral thought, talk, and practice. However, most expressivists think moral thought and talk are fundamentally non-representational or desire-like. Critics have argued that this makes the (...)
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    Funciones y valores propios para la ecuación de estado estacionario del calor con condiciones mixtas.José Rodrigo González Granada, Abel Enrique Posso Agudelo & Carlos Mario Escobar Callejas - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Métodos variacionales para la solución de problemas de elasticidad.José Rodrigo González Granada, Fernando Mesa & Carlos Mario Escobar Callejas - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Intencionalidad y facticidad en el estar vuelto hacia la muerte. Una aproximación a la continuidad y la novedad de la hermenéutica respecto a la fenomenología husserliana a partir del Primer Capítulo de la Segunda Sección de Ser y tiempo.Rodrigo Yllaric Sandoval Ganoza - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:101-118.
  22.  21
    Unjust combatants, special authority, and “transferred responsibility”.Luciano Venezia & Rodrigo Sánchez Brígido - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (7):2187-2198.
    Yitzhak Benbaji argues that those combatants who have agreed to blindly obey their superiors and who are ordered to fight in unjust wars are released from their duty to deliberate about the merits of the acts that they are ordered to perform. This is because their agreements result in the combatants’ permissible lack of a necessary capacity for moral responsibility. Thus, the combatants are not morally responsible for their wrongful acts—their moral responsibility is “transferred” to their superiors. We argue, first, (...)
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  23. How to Moore a Gettier: Notes on the Dark Side of Knowledge.Rodrigo Borges - 2014 - Logos and Episteme 5 (2):133-140.
    The Gettier Problem and Moore’s Paradox are related in a way that is unappreciated by philosophers. If one is in a Gettier situation, then one is also in a Moorean situation. The fact that S is in a Gettier situation (the fact that S is “Gettiered”), like the fact that S is in a Moorean situation (the fact that S is “Moored”), cannot (in the logical sense of “cannot”) be known by S while S is in that situation. The paper (...)
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  24. The diachronic threshold problem.Rodrigo Borges - 2021 - Philosophical Studies.
    The paper introduces a new problem for fallibilist and infallibilist epistemologies – the diachronic threshold problem. As the name suggests, this is a problem similar to the well–known threshold problem for fallibilism. The new problem affects both fallibilism and infallibilism, however. The paper argues that anyone who worries about the well known problem for fallibilism should also worry about this new, diachronic version of the problem.
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  25. Quando devemos silenciar outras pessoas: a dimensão positiva do silenciamento epistêmico.Rodrigo Gottschalk Sukerman Barreto - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):168-185.
    In this article, we will analyze the positive dimension of silencing for epistemic practices. Since: silencing refers to a communicative impediment; and at least in part our epistemic agency depends on this ability to express and make ourselves understood, it would be possible to conclude that silencing necessarily harms our epistemic interactions. However, Barrett Emerick reminds us that in some cases silencing helps to preserve the integrity and dignity of those whose epistemic agency is violated. Based on this initial insight, (...)
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  26. Introduction to the special issue ‘knowledge and justification: new perspectives’.Rodrigo Borges - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 7):1473-1480.
  27. Unreasonable Selflessness.Rodrigo Borges - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (3):492-502.
    According to Jennifer Lackey, one should assert that p only if it is reasonable for one to believe that p and if one asserted that p, one would assert that p at least in part because it is reasonable for one to believe that p. As data for this norm of assertion Lackey appeals to the intuition that in cases of ‘selfless assertion’ agents assert with epistemic propriety something they don’t believe. If that norm of assertion was true, then it (...)
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  28. Do Moral Beliefs Motivate Action?Rodrigo Díaz - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (3):377-395.
    Do moral beliefs motivate action? To answer this question, extant arguments have considered hypothetical cases of association (dissociation) between agents’ moral beliefs and actions. In this paper, I argue that this approach can be improved by studying people’s actual moral beliefs and actions using empirical research methods. I present three new studies showing that, when the stakes are high, associations between participants’ moral beliefs and actions are actually explained by co-occurring but independent moral emotions. These findings suggest that moral beliefs (...)
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  29. E=K and The Gettier Problem: A Reply to Comesaña and Kantin.Rodrigo Borges - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (5):1031-1041.
    A direct implication of E=K seems to be that false beliefs cannot justify other beliefs, for no false belief can be part of one’s total evidence and one’s total evidence is what inferentially justifies belief. The problem with this alleged implication of E=K, as Comesaña and Kantin :447–454, 2010) have noted, is that it contradicts a claim Gettier cases rely on. The original Gettier cases relied on two principles: that justification is closed under known entailment, and that sometimes one is (...)
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    Retórica E crítica da linguagem em Nietzsche.Rodrigo Francisco Barbosa - 2016 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):253-278.
    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como o reconhecimento de uma “virada retórica” em Nietzsche resulta em uma demarcada “tensão” que caracteriza certa ambiguidade acerca da linguagem em seu pensamento. Deste modo, no âmbito de apresentar essa mobilização em Nietzsche no interior da discussão sobre a linguagem, examinamos três aspectos fundamentais desse direcionamento àquilo que constitui uma _impossibilidade semântica_: primeiro, identificamos a chamada “virada retórica”; em segundo lugar, aprofundamos o tema a partir da análise da adesão de Nietzsche à tese (...)
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    Life After 'Life After Kant' Other Minds with Jonas and Merleau-Ponty.Rodrigo Benevides, Tim Elmo Feiten & Anthony Chemero - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (11):104-130.
    This paper examines two twenty-first-century developments in the enactive approach in philosophy and the cognitive sciences. The first is the surging interest in Hans Jonas, which begins with Weber and Varela's 'Life After Kant' (2002) and continues up to the present. The second is the 'social turn' that the enactive approach has taken, especially after De Jaegher and Di Paolo's (2007) work on participatory sense-making. We look at these two developments through the lens of the problem of other minds. We (...)
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    Association Between Group Identification at School and Positive Youth Development: Moderating Role of Rural and Urban Contexts.Diana Paricio, Marina Herrera, María F. Rodrigo & Paz Viguer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    “Atmosphere”, a Precursor of “Cognitive Schemas”: Tracing Tacit Phenomenological Influences on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.Rodrigo Becerra - 2004 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 4 (1):1-13.
    Whilst individuals deal with divergent sorts of stimuli from the environment, they also tend to display some regularity in the way they respond to related patterns. These consistent responses can be conceptualised as cognitive schemas. A paramount component of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is the notion of cognitive schemas as they are a favoured point of therapeutic intervention. CBT as articulated by Beck in the 1960s owes intellectual acknowledgment to Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger and their notions of “atmosphere” and “clearing” respectively. (...)
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  34. An introduction to the metaphysics of the laws of nature / Uma introdução à metafísica das leis da natureza.Rodrigo Cid - 2016 - In Lúcio Marques & Maurício Reis (eds.), Entre o ser e o não-ser.
    Antes de começarmos a falar sobre as leis da natureza, creio que vale a pena explicar algumas coisas sobre o título dessa conferência. Nele, digo que farei uma introdução à metafísica das leis da natureza. Uma introdução, em filosofia, consiste da apresentação de um problema filosófico, indicando as razões pelas quais tal problema é um problema, e das principais posições que tentam resolvê-lo, com suas respectivas dificuldades mais aparentes. Uma introdução não deve dar respostas definitivas sobre qual posição devemos aceitar, (...)
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    Predicting Treatment Outcomes from Prefrontal Cortex Activation for Self-Harming Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary Study.Anthony C. Ruocco, Achala H. Rodrigo, Shelley F. McMain, Elizabeth Page-Gould, Hasan Ayaz & Paul S. Links - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:186120.
    Self-harm is a potentially lethal symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD) that often improves with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). While DBT is effective for reducing self-harm in many patients with BPD, a small but significant number of patients either does not improve in treatment or ends treatment prematurely. Accordingly, it is crucial to identify factors that may prospectively predict which patients are most likely to benefit from and remain in treatment. In the present preliminary study, twenty-nine actively self-harming patients with (...)
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    Masa Indócil.Rodrigo Karmy Bolton - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:291-299.
    El presente artículo problematiza la cuestión de la “masa” a propósito de su irrupción en el contexto chileno del 18 de octubre del 2019, situando el límite que tiene el tratamiento que hace Sigmund Freud para pensarla y atender tanto la dinámica del deseo como su deriva destituyente respecto de las instituciones que, como se sabe, se articulan en función de la noción de “ilusión”.
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  37. "Kripke´s Near Miss" and Some Other Considerations On Rule Following.Rodrigo Jungmann de Castro - 2008 - Princípios 15 (23):135-151.
    In his 1982 book Wittgenstein On Rules and Private Language, Saul Kripke maintains that Wittgenstein´s rule following considerations land us with a skeptical argument about meaning. This essay contains a short exposition of Kripke´s argument. In addition, I hold, both on textual grounds and by an appeal to some select secondary literature, that Wittgenstein offered no such skeptical argument in the Philosophical Investigations . Although Wittgenstein certainly repudiates a view of meaning based on temporally located mental states, it does not (...)
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  38. Abrindo os dizeres de Ecce homo.Rodrigo Francisco Barbosa - 2024 - Sofia 13 (2):13247116-13247116.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma breve recomposição teórica que permite compreender os elementos de um _gesto sofista_ na obra _Ecce homo_ de Nietzsche. No âmbito de lançar luz sobre os pressupostos da compreensão desse _gesto_ enquanto uma “doxografia sofística de si”, o que se segue é a explicitação de três componentes teóricos gerais que viabilizam tal interpretação: as noções de _discursividade_, _poeseologia_ e _doxografia_. Na busca de compreender os _mecanismos_ e _astúcias_ da discursividade sofística, com Cassin, vislumbrar as (...)
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    Health assessment and the capability approach.Rodrigo López Barreda, Joelle Robertson-Preidler & Paula Bedregal García - 2019 - Global Bioethics 30 (1):19-27.
    Health has an important role in the achievement of a good quality of life. Many public policies intended to enhance individual and population health. Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) offers a framework to assess well-being, as well as interventions seeking to increase it. There are, however, important practical challenges that must be faced before applying CA to concrete situations, such as health. One of these challenges is defining whether it is functioning or a capability that is the feature to be (...)
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    Benjamin and Dewey on Aesthetic Experience. A Possible Dialogue.Rodrigo Baudagna* - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:58-73.
    Resumen: En el presente artículo se indaga en las conexiones que pueden establecerse entre la teoría estética de Walter Benjamin y la de John Dewey. Para realizar dicha comparación, primero se analiza el planteo de Dewey en torno a la noción de experiencia estética como forma de reconectar el ámbito del arte con la vida cotidiana, y más adelante se estudian distintos textos de Walter Benjamin en los que se plantea una forma de experiencia estética a partir del arte vanguardista. (...)
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    La apariencia del fin del mundo puesta en imagen. Sobre la concepción de la fotografía en Walter Benjamin.Rodrigo Baudagna - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1):219-235.
    En este trabajo planteo la hipótesis de que las reflexiones de Benjamin sobre la fotografía presuponen la consideración de una dimensión destructiva inherente, en tanto representación del mundo como catástrofe y ruina. Primero abordo la relación entre el concepto de “huella” y la fotografía como escena del crimen. Luego analizo la descripción benjaminiana de una fotografía “constructiva” asociada a la destrucción y la alegoría. Finalmente, propongo la conexión entre la fotografía, la apariencia de ruina apocalíptica y la justicia.
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    El estrés como posibilidad originaria de la existencia. Una interpretación del fenómeno del estrés desde el pensamiento de Heidegger.Rodrigo Lagos Berríos - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:279-306.
    This article aims to make a philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon of stress based on Heidegger’s thought. Firstly, I present a general review of the scientific concept of stress as well as the main theories about it. Secondly, the concept of stress in Heidegger’s thought is analyzed and I propose to understand it as a load or requests that are directed to the Dasein in its openness to the entities of the world. Finally, this shows that the approach to the (...)
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    La disputa por la naturaleza humana. Comentarios sobre el concepto de naturaleza humana en el contexto del transhumanismo y las mejoras biotecnológicas.Rodrigo Lagos Berríos - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:101-117.
    El avance de las biotecnologías, la ingeniería genética, y la biología sintética ha permitido alterar y modificar las capacidades de los seres humanos a voluntad. En este contexto, surge un debate entre transhumanistas y bioconservadores sobre si la mejora del ser humano a través de las biotecnologías es deseable o si la llamada naturaleza humana debe ser protegida como la base de derechos, valores, y preceptos morales. El siguiente artículo se ocupa de analizar el concepto de naturaleza humana, que está (...)
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    Averroísmo feminista. El 'feminismo' musulmán y la crítica a la teología política.Rodrigo Karmy Bolton - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 2 (2):90-113.
    El presente texto problematiza el llamado “fe-minismo musulmán” contemporáneo a la luz de la crítica averroísta a la teología política desarrollada por el filósofo cordobés en el Fasl Al Maqal (“Tratado Decisivo”) argumentando que el ejercicio crítico de las teóricas feministas musulmanas actuales reedita la iytihad o “es-fuerzo personal de interpretación” de los textos (con independencia de su tradición), operación presente en la tradición jurídica que, en su momento, Averroes extrapolará a la práctica filosófica. Para ello se analizará el razonamien-to (...)
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    Michel Foucault, pensador de la soberanía: notas por una genealogía de la vida ética.Rodrigo Karmy Bolton - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):15.
    El presente ensayo se propone dilucidar el modo en que el problema de la soberania tiene lugar en el pensamiento de Michel Foucault. Su tesis es que la soberanía aparece de tres formas a lo largo de su obra: en primer lugar, bajo la rúbrica de la “soberanía jurídica” propia del “modelo del Leviatán”, en segundo lugar, en la forma de una “soberania política” que se despliega en la época de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal y, en tercer lugar, la “vida soberana” (...)
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    Norms-based simulation for personalized service provision.Rodrigo Bonacin, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas, Kecheng Liu & Lily Sun - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):403-428.
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    Correction to: The diachronic threshold problem.Rodrigo Borges - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (6):2079-2079.
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    Editorial note.Rodrigo Borges - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (4).
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    Pluralist Methodology and Heterodox Perspectives: Exploring interdisciplinary influence and epistemic disagreement in economics.Rodrigo Laera - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):187-205.
    The primary objective of this paper is to examine the connections between the diversityof methodological approaches—characteristic of methodological pluralism—and non-conventional economic perspectives—characteristic of heterodox economics— while also exploring two related concepts: the reciprocal influence between disciplines and epistemic peer disagreement. Initially, the fundamental categories of methodological pluralism in economic sciences will be presented. Subsequently, the points of convergence and divergence between alternative economic theories and mainstream economic thought will be analyzed. The third section of the paper will explore the potential (...)
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    Javier Fernández Sebastián. Key Metaphors for History. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2024, 338p. IBSN 9781138354463.Rodrigo Escribano Roca - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):148-154.
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