Results for 'Rod Jeffcote'

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  1.  13
    STS Studies in England: An STS Module for the Computer Studies Degree at The University of Portsmouth.Rod Jeffcote - 1995 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 15 (5-6):251-253.
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    Punctual Categoricity and Universality.Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg, Alexander Melnikov, Keng Meng Ng & Daniel Turetsky - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (4):1427-1466.
    We describe punctual categoricity in several natural classes, including binary relational structures and mono-unary functional structures. We prove that every punctually categorical structure in a finite unary language is${\text {PA}}(0')$-categorical, and we show that this upper bound is tight. We also construct an example of a punctually categorical structure whose degree of categoricity is$0''$. We also prove that, with a bit of work, the latter result can be pushed beyond$\Delta ^1_1$, thus showing that punctually categorical structures can possess arbitrarily complex (...)
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  3. Liang," Lowness and Π20 nullsets".Rod& Nies Downey, André Weber & Rebecca Yu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71:3.
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  4. Social Studies Teachers and the Curriculum: A Report from a National Survey.Rod Farmer - 1987 - Journal of Social Studies Research 11 (2):24-42.
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    A social market in health care faces reform: the Seehofer plan for the German health system.Rod Sheaff - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (3):244-249.
  6. A Δ20 set with no infinite low subset in either it or its complement.Rod Downey, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Steffen Lempp & Reed Solomon - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1371-1381.
    We construct the set of the title, answering a question of Cholak, Jockusch, and Slaman [1], and discuss its connections with the study of the proof-theoretic strength and effective content of versions of Ramsey's Theorem. In particular, our result implies that every ω-model of RCA 0 + SRT 2 2 must contain a nonlow set.
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  7. Protiv idealizma.L. Akselʹrod - 1924
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    Index sets and parametric reductions.Rod G. Downey & Michael R. Fellows - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (5):329-348.
    We investigate the index sets associated with the degree structures of computable sets under the parameterized reducibilities introduced by the authors. We solve a question of Peter Cholakand the first author by proving the fundamental index sets associated with a computable set A, {e : W e ≤ q u A} for q∈ {m, T} are Σ4 0 complete. We also show hat FPT(≤ q n ), that is {e : W e computable and ≡ q n ?}, is Σ4 (...)
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    (1 other version)A second normal form for functions of the system ep.Rod McBeth - 1984 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 30 (25):393-400.
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    Kants Reine Naturwissenschaft als kritische Metaphysik.Wolfgang RÖD - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (2‐3):117-131.
    ZusammenfassungKant hat unter dem Titel einer Reinen Naturwissenschaft den Rahmen einer Theorie entworfen, an den s.A.n. alle naturwissenschaftlichen Theorien gebunden sind. Die zu diesem Rahmen gehörenden Grundsätze sind in seinen Augen insofern objektiv gültig, als es zu ihnen keine Alternativen geben soll. Durch sie wird ein Bereich von Gegenständen festgelegt, mit dem empirische Urteile übereinstimmen können. Kants Anspruch, einen solchen Theorierahmen ein für allemal angeben zu können, muss heute auf Bedenken stossen. Obwohl es stets eines theoretischen Rah‐mens bedarf, innerhalb dessen (...)
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  11. Struktur und Funktion des ontologischen Arguments in Spinozas Metaphysik.Wolfgang RÖd - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (1):84.
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  12. The Contribution of Socratic Method and Plato’s Theory of Truth to Plato Scholarship.Rod Jenks - 2001
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    Plato on the Unity of the Virtues: A Dialectic Reading.Rod Jenks - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Plato on the Unity of the Virtues, Rod Jenks argues that while Plato makes several attempts to show how virtue is one, he deliberately fails to secure this because he thinks the way in which the virtues are both one and many is finally ineffable.
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    Relationships between computability-theoretic properties of problems.Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg, Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Ludovic Patey & Dan Turetsky - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):47-71.
    A problem is a multivalued function from a set of instances to a set of solutions. We consider only instances and solutions coded by sets of integers. A problem admits preservation of some computability-theoretic weakness property if every computable instance of the problem admits a solution relative to which the property holds. For example, cone avoidance is the ability, given a noncomputable set A and a computable instance of a problem ${\mathsf {P}}$, to find a solution relative to which A (...)
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    Conventions and Coreferentiality.Rod Bertolet - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Research 19:257-262.
    In Frege’s Puzzle, Nathan Salmon takes it to be obvious that the fact that names such as ‘Hesperus’ and ‘Phosphorus’ are coreferential is purely a matter of arbitrary linguistic convention, while the fact that Hesperus is Phosphorus is by no means a conventional matter. Salmon also takes these points to be ones to which Frege appeals in the opening paragraph of “On Sense and Reference,” and hence finds it ironic that these points undercut the theory of sense that Frege develops (...)
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    Enriching CA through MCA? Stokoe’s MCA keys.Rod Gardner - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (3):313-319.
    In this commentary on Stokoe’s article, ‘Moving forward with membership categorization analysis’, I take up the challenge to apply her keys for MCA to an extract of conversation recorded in a restaurant. The strengths of conversation analysis have not included – and indeed have not attempted to achieve – successful engagement with beyond-the-immediate-talk aspects of culture and the commonsense workings of society. The aim of the article is to explore what MCA might add to an analysis of a stretch of (...)
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    Thurnauer: Vt and VI, to paint in the second person.Rod Mengham - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):221-286.
    Many of the figures in Thurnauer’s paintings who fix us with their gaze have been borrowed from the work of Manet, the artist who organized so many of his paintings around a face-to-face confrontation of viewer and work. The painting returns the viewer’s gaze with total impartiality, making us see our own motives and investments more than the illusion that the figure in the painting will accommodate them. Issues of language often surface literally in paintings by Thurnauer; written language appears (...)
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    Das Realitätsproblem in der Transzendentalphilosophie.Wolfgang Rod - 1995 - In Hans Lenk & Hans Poser, Neue Realitäten. Herausforderung der Philosophie: Xvi. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Berlin 20.–24. September 1993. De Gruyter. pp. 424-442.
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    Towards a global theory of health systems: Milton Roemer's National Health Systems of the World.Rod Sheaff - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (2):150-163.
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    Self-focus and estimation of heart rate following physical exertion.Rod Gillis & Charles S. Carver - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):118-120.
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    Peoples Temple and Black Religion in America.Rod Janzen - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (2):294-297.
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    Arguing with Socrates: An Introduction to Plato’s Shorter Dialogues.Rod Jenks - 2018 - Ancient Philosophy 38 (1):196-201.
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    How the Images in Plato's Dialogues Develop a Life of Their Own: When His Poetry Trumps His Philosophy.Rod Jenks - 2011 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    The author focuses on Plato's reliance on images as a way of communicating abstract doctrinal points to his audience.
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    A Generalization of Ackermann's Function.Rod McBeth - 1980 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 26 (32-33):509-516.
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    Fundamental Sequences for Exponential Polynomials.Rod McBeth - 1980 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 26 (7-9):115-122.
  26.  13
    Zombie Art.Rod A. Miller - 2022 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 34 (1-2):59-72.
    It is easy to ridicule the pretense and silliness of many works coming from the “art world.” The story of the arts, for at least the past century and a half, has been one of attempts to keep alive something that is long past dead. For example, without a substantial understanding of quality, aesthetics has been held up as a substitute for life. But the aesthetic, long touted as fundamental to the goals of art, begs other questions: which aesthetic responses? (...)
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    Das Problem des Unendlichen bei Kant.Wolfgang Röd - 1990 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 38 (6):497.
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    Das Realitätsproblem in der Schopenhauerschen Philosophie.Wolfgang Röd - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 14 (3):401 - 415.
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    On Dialectics and Metaphysics.Wolfgang Röd - 1975 - Erkenntnis 9 (3):419 - 422.
  30.  16
    Soul talks.Rod Suskin - 2004 - Cape Town, South Africa: Double Storey Books.
    Introduction This book attempts to answer big questions about the meaning and purpose of life, as well as fate, free will and reincarnation, and all sorts ...
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    What is the relevance of Karl Popper’s Critical Rationalism to Management Studies and Practice?Rod Thomas - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (1):5-38.
    This paper revisits some recent contributions on ‘Why Management Theory Needs Popper’ to the journal Philosophy of Management. It proposes that those discussions provided an appraisal of the relevance of Popper’s falsification schema to management theory, but that they did not thereby bring to the fore all of the issues pertinent to a balanced and well-rounded understanding of Popper’s philosophy of critical rationalism. It is argued that such an understanding requires a discussion of what Popper himself declared to be the (...)
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    The ‘Credit Crunch’ from a Critical Rationalist Perspective.Rod Thomas - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (1):5-24.
    Uses Sir Karl Popper’s philosophy of critical rationalism to examine the discussion of the UK ‘credit crunch’ as presented by the public record of the UK House of Commons Treasury Select Committee’s investigation. Identifies various philosophical doctrines that acted to shape that investigation and the testimony presented before it. Presents those doctrines as prejudicial to the advancement of knowledge, learning and rationality. Concludes that the philosophy of critical rationalism is relevant to the problems of modern society.
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    A set with barely degree.Rod Downey, Geoffrey Laforte & Steffen Lempp - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1700-1718.
    We construct a $\Delta^0_2$ degree which fails to be computably enumerable in any computably enumerable set strictly below $\emptyset'$.
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    Hermeneutics.Rod Coltman - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 548–556.
    Construed broadly as interpretation theory, hermeneutics could be understood to encompass all modes of interpretation (textual or otherwise), including any kind of literary criticism, from Aristotle's poetics to the New Criticism of the 1950s, as well as the French tradition of structuralism and even perhaps Derridean poststructural thought. Although Gadamer and Ricoeur both recognize the poetic work or, at least, lyric poetry, as belonging to a special class of literature, they do display somewhat different attitudes toward it. For Gadamer, one (...)
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    Avoiding effective packing dimension 1 below array noncomputable C.e. Degrees.Rod Downey & Jonathan Stephenson - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):717-739.
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    Categorical linearly ordered structures.Rod Downey, Alexander Melnikov & Keng Meng Ng - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (10):1243-1255.
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    Notice from the editors.Rod Downey - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1248-1248.
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    Twelfth Asian Logic Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, December 15–20, 2011.Rod Downey - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):257-283.
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    First-year law students’ construction of professional identity through writing.Rod Maclean - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (2):177-194.
    While there is a considerable body of research on law student identity construction based on interviews and transcripts of classroom talk, there is very little work based on student written texts. In this article two letters of advice written by beginning law students are analysed, using Ivanic and Camps’s framework, as an example of identity formation. Legal identity is argued to be formed by students’ attempts to accommodate a dynamic, partial, practitioner role of provider of advice to the traditional analytic (...)
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  40. Nature conservation.Rod Neumann - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy, The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Thoughts out of Season on the History of Animal Ethics.Rod Preece - 2007 - Society and Animals 15 (4):365-378.
    Contrary to conventional wisdom, the earlier Western tradition did not customarily deny souls per se to nonhuman animals; when it denied immortal souls to animals, it sometimes deemed that denial a reason for giving greater consideration to animals in their earthly existence. Nor has the Western tradition uniformly deemed animals intended for human use. Further, there was considerable opposition to the Cartesian view of animals as insentient machines, and—even among those who were convinced—it was not unknown for them to deem (...)
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    Aggregation of individual preferences by voting.Walburga Rödding - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (2):231-235.
  43. Die Philosophie der Neuzeit 2.Wolfgang Röd & Newton bis Rousseau - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (2):294-296.
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  44. Die Philosophie der Neuzeit.Wolfgang Röd - 1978
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    Kant und Hume: Die Transzendentalphilosophie als Alternative zum Naturalismus.Wolfgang Röd - 1995 - Dialectica 49 (2‐4):317-334.
    Hume und Kant werden als Vertreter zweier wesentlich verschiedener Kouzeptionen dargestellt: des Naturalismus und des TransZendentalismus. Ausgehend von einem Vergleich der Art, in der beide sich mit dem Problem des Gegemtandsbezugs von Begriffen und dem Problem der Einheit des Dings in der Maunigfaltigkeit seiner Eigenschaften auseinandersetzen, wird der Gegensatz der beiden Auffassungen dahingehend bestimmt, dass der Naturalismus nach einer Liisung der genannten Probleme mit einzelwisenschaftlichen Mitteln sucht, während nach transzendentalphilosophischer Ansicht philosophische Fragen nicht auf Probleme einer Einzelwissenschaft reduziert werden können. (...)
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  46. L'idea dell'infinito in Kant.W. RÖD - 1990 - Humanitas 45 (5):654-668.
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    My idea: a guide to bring your vision to light.Rod Tucker - 2022 - Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing. Edited by Rachel Eleanor.
    A step-by-step guide to develop your idea from the first spark to the finished product, with charming illustrations recalling the whimsy and imagination of childhood.
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  48. Against the So-called ‘Standard Account of Method’.Rod Thomas - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (1):43-72.
    Explains why the debate initiated by Stephen Lloyd Smith’s plea to jettison the so-called ‘Standard Account of Method’ ––the conventional wisdom of how research philosophy and methodology ought to be taught to management students––is of the utmost importance to the teaching of management studies in British universities. Identifies a fully-developed presentation of the SAM framework in a well-considered and widely-used textbook––‘Research Methods for Managers’ by John Gill and Phil Johnson––and demonstrates that the book’s argument is both logically and scholarly defective. (...)
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    Descartes dans la philosophie universitaire allemande du XVIII E siècle.Wolfgang Röd & J. -L. Marion - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  50. Lowness and Π₂⁰ nullsets.Rod Downey, Andre Nies, Rebecca Weber & Liang Yu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1044-1052.
    We prove that there exists a noncomputable c.e. real which is low for weak 2-randomness, a definition of randomness due to Kurtz, and that all reals which are low for weak 2-randomness are low for Martin-Löf randomness.
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