Results for 'Roberto Lacarbonara'

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    Passages =.Roberto Lacarbonara - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  2. El Real Madrid gana su 31ª liga a base de coraje.Roberto Tamayo Pintos - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):94.
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    Platonismo e creazionismo in Filone di Alessandria.Roberto Radice - 1989 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
  4. Charles Taylor: l'identità moderna fra genealogia e normatività.Roberto Mordacci - 2002 - Etica E Politica 4 (1).
    This article tries to point out a source of potential conflict in Charles Taylor’s theoretical perspective. There is an unsolved tension between the historical reconstruction of the genealogy of the modern identity and the theoretical claim that our moral reactions are the basis of an objective assessment of practices. My intention is to analyse this tension at three different levels of discourse: first, Taylor’s position as a liberal non-atomist thinker hinges upon his idea that our moral identity depends on our (...)
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  5. Grande divisione e modelli alternativi di fondazione dell’etica. Commento a Zecchinato.Roberto Mordacci - 2006 - Etica E Politica 8 (1):1-8.
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  6. Alla ricerca di un'etica universale: Nuovo sguardo sulla Legge naturale: Esposizione E considerazioni sul documento Della cti.Roberto Tamanti - 2010 - Miscellanea Francescana 110 (1-2):223-249.
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  7. Contraccezione: materia grave o lieve di peccato?Roberto Tamanti - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (3):495-516.
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  8. 1 2 Existentialism and Latin.Roberto Domingo Toledo - 2011 - In Felicity Joseph, Jack Reynolds & Ashley Woodward, Continuum Companion to Existentialism. Continuum.
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  9. Consideraciones sobre el carisma misionero franciscano desde latinoamérica.Roberto Tomichá - 2010 - Miscellanea Francescana 110 (1-2):113-136.
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    The Problem of Universals From Boethius to John of Salisbury.Roberto Pinzani (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    The problem of universals is one of the main philosophical issues. In this book the author reconstructs the history of the problem from Boethius to John of Salisbury, considering a selection of medieval representative texts.
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  11. The Singular Relational plus Relativistic Content View.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (1):93-114.
    My aim is to defend a peculiar epistemic version of the particularity thesis, which results from a sui generis combination of what I call the ‘singular relational view’ and what I call the ‘relativistic content view.’ Particulars are not represented as part of putative singular content. Instead, we are perceptually acquainted with them in the relevant sense that experience puts us in direct perceptual contact with them. And the content of experience is best modeled as a propositional function, that is, (...)
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  12. The Matter of 'Sense', the Sense of Matter. What Does the Brain-hermēneus Perform According to On the Sacred Disease?Roberto Lo Presti - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:147-180.
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    Aristotle's Metaphysics: annotated bibliography of the twentieth-century literature.Roberto Radice - 1997 - New York: E.J. Brill. Edited by Richard Davies.
    The first Italian edition (Vita e Pensiero, Milan 1996) has been thoroughly revised, corrected and updated, and is complemented by an index of the most ...
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  14. Philo's theology and theory of creation.Roberto Radice - 2009 - In Adam Kamesar, The Cambridge companion to Philo. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Il linguaggio dell'oggettività: saggio su Meinong.Roberto Brigati - 1993 - [Torino]: Thema.
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  16. Algunos ejemplos de Polyptoton en Lucas y Hechos.Roberto Simons - 2007 - Kairos (misc) 41:55-78.
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    Evento e genesi: Heidegger e il problema di una cosmologia fenomenologica.Roberto Terzi - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The wide view of democracy.Roberto Frega - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 140 (1):3-21.
    This article compares the theories of democracy of John Dewey and Claude Lefort, identifying some common themes in their otherwise radically different philosophical outlooks. In so doing, it attempts to analyze the philosophical implications of a ‘democracy first’ approach to politics. It then explains in what sense Dewey’s idea of ‘democracy as a way of life’ and Claude Lefort’s conception of ‘democracy as a form of society’ provide the cornerstone of an original and so far insufficiently explored approach to political (...)
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  19. Le dichiarazioni anticipate di trattamento (dat): Riflessioni a partire dalla Legge italiana.Roberto Tamanti - 2011 - Miscellanea Francescana 111 (3-4):515-552.
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    Epistemologia generale.Roberto Tommasi - 2023 - Padova: Facoltà teologica del Triveneto.
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  21. José Ferrater Mora, "Diccionario de Filosofía".Roberto Torretti - 1981 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 16 (38):151.
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  22. Lecciones sobre el empirismo inglés.Roberto Torretti - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 9 (3):113-155.
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    On mr. Kielkopf's not so Sober understanding of standard elementary logic.Roberto Torretti - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):575-577.
  24. Poder político y opresión.Roberto Torretti - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 9 (1-2):35-48.
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  25. Tres filósofos de la geometría.Roberto Torretti - 1977 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 3 (1):3.
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  26. What is the Scandal of Philosophy?Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2018 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 8 (3):141-166.
    The central question of this paper is: what has Kant’s Refutation of Idealism argument proven, if anything? What is the real scandal of philosophy and universal human reason? I argue that Kant’s Refutation argument can only be considered sound if we assume that his target is what I call ‘metaphysical external-world skepticism.’ What is in question is not the ‘existence’ of outside things but their very ‘nature,’ that is, the claim that the thing outside us, which appears to us as (...)
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  27. Lineamenti per una filosofia dell'intersoggettività (IV).Roberto Rossi - 1994 - Filosofia Oggi 17 (67):365-388.
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  28. Il «nuovo» insegnamento episcopale dopo la Octogesima adveniens.Roberto Papini - 2010 - Studium 106 (4):501-507.
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  29. Bertrand Russell e l'eredità idealista inglese.Roberto Pujia - 1977 - Messina: La libra.
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    O MITO DE FRANKENSTEIN: o amor negado e denegado.Roberto Ramos - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (164):729-735.
    Frankenstein é um dos personagens mais populares da ficção. Nascido no romance de Mary Shelley, ele está completando 180 anos, mas já transcendeu as fronteiras da literatura. Há 65 anos, é encontrado nas telas cinematográficas, somando 117 aparições, perdendo apenas para o Conde Drácula, com 161, no gênero de filmes de terror. Este ensaio, atravessado por suas precariedades e limitações históricas, procurará respostas sobre o mito de Frankenstein. É importante investigar as significações desta experiência de alma, que lhe asseguram atualidade (...)
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    On the Neglect of Scientists with Low Research Productivity.Roberto Refinetti & Brian Martin - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (1):120-123.
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  32. Responsibility towards Diversity.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2017 - In Agostino Portera & Carl A. Grant, Intercultural Education and Competences: Challenges and Answers for the Global World. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 115-128.
    How to achieve responsibility through philosophical dialogue? This is indeed a core issue of today's democracy. In this regard, education plays an important role.
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    (1 other version)A new defense of trope content view of experience.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1757-1768.
    The idea that what we perceive are tropes is anything but new. In fact, it was one of the reasons why the ontology of tropes was postulated in the first place. Still, the claim that we perceive tropes is invariably and purely based on pre-philosophical intuitions or, indirectly, either as a supporting argument for the advantages of content view when compared to the relational view of experience, or as a supporting argument in favor of the irreducible subjective character of experience. (...)
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  34. Hans Jonas und die Ueberwindung des Menschen.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo & Paolo Becchi - 2017 - In Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, Hans Jonas: für Freiheit und Verantwortung. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. pp. 171-203.
    An enquiry into the relevance of Hans Jonas' thinking to present-day debates, including transhumanism, posthumanism, and human enhancement.
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    I volti della paura.Roberto Escobar - 2023 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  36. La utopía como constante filosófica en América.Roberto Escobar - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 16 (1-2):33-44.
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  37. Filosofía política o pensamiento sobre la política.Roberto Esposito - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero, Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Humanismo radical, de crecimiento y energía. Una lectura de las ideas de Iván Illich.Roberto Espejo - 2008 - Polis 21.
    En este artículo presentamos una descripción de la crítica de Iván Illich a la sociedad industrial, específicamente en relación al problema de la energía y de la equidad. Especial atención es dada al concepto de convivencialidad y a sus posibles repercusiones para enfrentar los problemas energéticos. Una discusión en torno a la manera de Illich de criticar a la sociedad es presentada, en relación a lo que ha sido llamado un “humanismo crítico” y al problema de las necesidades individuales.
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  39. Dare un'anima alla democrazia: legge naturale e diritti dell'uomo. Kelsen e Maritain.Roberto Gatti - 1997 - Studium 93:663-692.
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    Nel labirinto delle ideologie: scritti su Domenico Settembrini.Roberto Giannetti & Mauro Lenci (eds.) - 2015 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    A parrésia em Foucault - tecimentos.Paulo Frazão Roberto - 2020 - Kairos 24 (1):105-142.
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    Kant e Fries: legittimità e significato della "svolta antropologica".Davide Roberto - 2007 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    Le récit historique: légalité et signification.Miguelez Roberto - 1971 - Semiotica 3 (1).
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  44. Il tomismo dell¿ agostiniano Rosmini.Roberto Rossi - 2005 - Filosofia Oggi 28 (109):117-128.
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    La Critica d'arte della pura visibilità e del formalismo.Roberto Salvini (ed.) - 1977 - Milano: Garzanti.
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  46. A Kantian Interpretation of Niels Bohr's Early Correspondence Principle: 1917-1924.Roberto Angeloni - 2017 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 10 (1):8-24.
    In the present paper I aim to discuss the philosophical foundations of the early correspondence principle, by comparing the conceptual structure underlying the first correspondence principle with the procedure of analogy that Immanuel Kant introduced in the Critique of Judgment from 1790. On such a comparison, I will seek to demonstrate the consistency of the conceptual ratio according to which the correspondence principle is to the classical "concepts" of space and time, as these a priori forms of intuition, in Kant, (...)
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  47. Chang. 2012. Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism.Roberto Torretti - 2013 - Theoria 28 (2):331-334.
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  48. Galileo’s Trattato della sfera ovvero cosmografia and Its Sources.Roberto de Andrade Martins & Walmir Thomazi Cardoso - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:131-147.
    Dans cet article nous étudions le Trattato della sfera de Galilée, écrit avant 1600. C’est un traité d’astronomie géocentrique qui suit la structure du Tractatus de sphæra de Johannes de Sacrobosco. Nous analysons quelques particularités du traité, en le comparant à d’autres travaux astronomiques du xvie siècle, et nous discutons ses sources probables. Nous soutenons que l’influence du commentaire de Christoph Clavius sur la Sphæra de Sacrobosco ne peut pas être considérée comme son influence unique ou principale. Le traité de (...)
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    Desert as a principle of distributive justice.Roberto Brigati - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (7):705-722.
    Can desert be the foundation of justice? Recent attempts to redefine distributive justice in the light of the notions of desert and merit depend largely upon how much independent moral force can be attributed to these notions. This is why a number of theorists, following in Joel Feinberg’s wake, assume desert to be a natural feature (of an action, or a person, or a performance), independently of the institutions that may reward it, and of the socio-political background against which it (...)
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    Logos estetico in Gentile.Roberto Diodato - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):65-71.
    Through an analysis of some crucial passages from Giovanni Gentile’s Sistema di logica come teoria del conoscere, Filosofia dell’arte, Introduzione alla filosofia and Genesi e struttura della società, the paper discusses the role and significance of the notion of “feeling” in Gentile’s philosophy and offers some insights into the idea of “aesthetic logos”, synthesis of logical immediacy and phenomenological immediacy, exhibition of a radical negativity beyond any conceptual understanding.
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