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Robert S. Westman [16]Robert Westman [11]
  1.  69
    The Astronomer’s Role in the Sixteenth Century: A Preliminary Study.Robert S. Westman - 1980 - History of Science 18 (2):105-147.
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    The Melanchthon Circle, Rheticus, and the Wittenberg Interpretation of the Copernican Theory.Robert S. Westman - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):165-193.
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  3.  61
    Two Cultures or One?: A Second Look at Kuhn's The Copernican Revolution.Robert Westman - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):79-115.
    Thomas Kuhn's, book The Copernican Revolution deserves to be regarded as the best of that small group of longue duree histories that mark postwar historiography of science. In many respects, it is probably the single most influential one. Tightly written and brilliantly argued, it is responsible, together with The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, for the continued popularity of the metaphor of revolution in science among scholars and students alike. Yet, surprisingly, while aspects of the story conceived in Kuhn's original account (...)
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  4.  18
    Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution, ed. by and (Cambridge:).David C. Lindberg & Robert S. Westman (eds.) - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    List of contributors; Acknowledgments; Introduction Robert S. Westman and David C. Lindberg; 1. Conceptions of the scientific revolution from Bacon to Butterfield: a preliminary sketch David C. Lindberg; 2. Conceptions of science in the scientific revolution Ernan McMullin; 3. Metaphysics and the new science Gary Hatfield; 4. Proof, portics, and patronage: Copernicus’s preface to De revolutionibus Robert S. Westman; 5. A reappraisal of the role of the universities in the scientific revolution John Gascoigne; 6. Natural magic, hermetism, and occultism in (...)
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  5.  79
    The Copernican Question Revisited: A Reply to Noel Swerdlow and John Heilbron.Robert S. Westman - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (1):100-136.
    In separate reviews of The Copernican Question published in the Summer 2012 issue of this journal, Noel Swerdlow and John Heilbron find little that meets their approval while failing to provide readers with a full and accurate summary of the book’s major claims and arguments.* The reviewers engage in an exercise in deconstructive surgery, essentially breaking down and reconstituting the work into separate studies. Swerdlow, who devotes most of his twenty-five page treatment to chapter 3 (with brief side-glances at the (...)
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  6.  7
    Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.Owen Gingerich & Robert S. Westman - 1988 - American Philosophical Society.
  7.  67
    Kepler's Theory of Hypothesis and the 'Realist Dilemma'.Robert S. Westman - 1972 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 3 (3):233.
  8.  42
    Why was Copernicus a Copernican?: Robert S. Westman: The Copernican question: Prognostication, skepticism, and celestial order. Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press, 2011, xviii+682pp, $99.95, £69.95 HB.Peter Barker, Peter Dear, J. R. Christianson & Robert S. Westman - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):203-223.
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  9.  50
    Letters to the Editor.P. Masani, Steve Heims, Joel Schwartz, Owen Gingerich & Robert Westman - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):485-487.
  10.  24
    "Astrologi hallucinati": Stars and the End of the World in Luther's TimePaola Zambelli.Robert Westman - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):569-571.
  11.  26
    Cremonini e Galilei inquisiti a Padova nel 1604: Nuovi documenti d'archivioAntonino Poppi.Robert Westman - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):166-167.
  12.  48
    Caspar Peucer's Library: Portrait of a Wittenberg Professor of the Mid-Sixteenth Century. Robert Kolb.Robert Westman - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):125-126.
  13.  41
    Eloge: Amos Funkenstein, 9 March 1937-11 November 1995.Robert Westman - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):554-557.
  14. http://24.media.tumblr.com/8c05bf68848c5ea5ff07e64b35abc373/tumblrmiv0b7dHQC1s59cgao11280.jpg.Robert Westman - 1975 - Isis 66:164-193.
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  15. Hermeticism and the Scientific Revolution Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 9, 1974.Robert S. Westman & James Eugene Mcguire - 1977 - William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California.
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  16.  23
    How Did Copernicus Become a Copernican?Robert S. Westman - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):296-301.
    Considerable historiographical controversy surrounds the question of why and how Copernicus decided to overturn the prevailing Earth-centered representation of the heavens. This essay summarizes some key elements of an explanation first laid out in The Copernican Question: Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order (2011) and subsequently expanded with further evidence in Copernicus and the Astrologers (2016). Copernicus’s defining problem situation is to be found in his involvement in a culture of astrological prognostication during his student days in Bologna (1496–1500). Just before (...)
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  17.  16
    In Reply.Robert S. Westman - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):658-659.
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  18.  32
    On Communication and Cultural ChangeThe Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern EuropeElizabeth L. Eisenstein.Robert S. Westman - 1980 - Isis 71 (3):474-477.
  19.  46
    Reply to Michael Shank.Robert S. Westman - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):177-184.
  20.  36
    (1 other version)Towards a Richer Model of Man: A Critique of Laudan's Progress and Its Problems.Robert S. Westman - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:493 - 504.
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  21.  69
    The Duhemian historiographical project.Robert S. Westman - 1990 - Synthese 83 (2):261-272.
    Duhem regarded the history of physical science as carrying a twofold lesson for the practicing physicist. First, history revealed the slow, groping, yet continuous development of physical theory toward a true description of the relations among natural entities. Second, history also unmasked false explanations and metaphysical beliefs that might seduce the unwary scientist into following an unfruitful line of research. This paper brings forth the central images underlying Duhem's historiographical project and uses the papers by S. Menn and W. A. (...)
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  22.  27
    Heavens. [REVIEW]Owen Gingerich & Robert Westman - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):297-299.
    Three Imperial Mathematicians: Kepler Trapped between Tycho Brahe and Ursus. By Edward Rosen.
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  23.  43
    A Copernican Renaissance?Matjaž Vesel. Copernicus: Platonist Astronomer-Philosopher: Cosmic Order, the Movement of the Earth, and the Scientific Revolution. 451 pp., figs., bibl., indexes. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014. $100.95 .Jeremy Brown. New Heavens and a New Earth: The Jewish Reception of Copernican Thought. xviii + 394 pp., app., notes, illus., bibl., index. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. $78. [REVIEW]Robert S. Westman - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):601-607.
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  24.  32
    Le monde des sphères. Volume 1: Genèse et triomphe d'une représentation cosmique. Michel-Pierre LernerLe monde des sphères. Volume 2: La fin du cosmos classique. Michel-Pierre Lerner. [REVIEW]Robert Westman - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):355-357.
  25.  50
    Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries - Bibliographia Kepleriana, ein Führer durch das gedruckte Schrifttum von Johannes Kepler. Im Auftrag der Bayerischen Akademie des Wissenschaften unter Mitarbeit von Ludwig Rothenfelder. Herausgegeben von Max Caspar. Zweite Auflage besorgt von Martha List. Munich: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1968. Pp. xv + 181. 86 facs. 65 D.M. [REVIEW]Robert Westman - 1970 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (2):204-205.
  26.  24
    The Scientific World of Copernicus. On the Occasion of the 500th Anniversay of His Birth, 1473-1973. Barbara Bieńkowska, Christina Cenkalska. [REVIEW]Robert Westman - 1975 - Isis 66 (4):576-577.