Results for 'Robert Jager'

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  1.  68
    Explaining Quantity Implicatures.Robert Rooij & Tikitu Jager - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (4):461-477.
    We give derivations of two formal models of Gricean Quantity implicature and strong exhaustivity in bidirectional optimality theory and in a signalling games framework. We show that, under a unifying model based on signalling games, these interpretative strategies are game-theoretic equilibria when the speaker is known to be respectively minimally and maximally expert in the matter at hand. That is, in this framework the optimal strategy for communication depends on the degree of knowledge the speaker is known to have concerning (...)
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    The Artificial Arithmetick in Decimals of Robert Jager.Robert Jager & Boyd Patterson - 1939 - Isis 31 (1):25-31.
  3. Language Structure: Psychological and Social Constraints.Gerhard Jäger & Robert van Rooij - 2007 - Synthese 159 (1):99 - 130.
    In this article we discuss the notion of a linguistic universal, and possible sources of such invariant properties of natural languages. In the first part, we explore the conceptual issues that arise. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the explanatory potential of horizontal evolution. We particularly focus on two case studies, concerning Zipf's Law and universal properties of color terms, respectively. We show how computer simulations can be employed to study the large scale, emergent, consequences of (...)
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    Language structure: psychological and social constraints.Gerhard Jäger & Robert Rooij - 2006 - Synthese 159 (1):99-130.
    In this article we discuss the notion of a linguistic universal, and possible sources of such invariant properties of natural languages. In the first part, we explore the conceptual issues that arise. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the explanatory potential of horizontal evolution. We particularly focus on two case studies, concerning Zipf’s Law and universal properties of color terms, respectively. We show how computer simulations can be employed to study the large scale, emergent, consequences of (...)
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  5. Brill Online Books and Journals.Robert A. Carrere, Theresa S. Smith, Bernd Jager, John W. Osborne, Ken Shapiro, Douglas M. Snyder & Larry Davidson - 1989 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 20 (2).
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    Explaining Quantity Implicatures.Robert van Rooij & Tikitu de Jager - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (4):461-477.
    We give derivations of two formal models of Gricean Quantity implicature and strong exhaustivity in bidirectional optimality theory and in a signalling games framework. We show that, under a unifying model based on signalling games, these interpretative strategies are game-theoretic equilibria when the speaker is known to be respectively minimally and maximally expert in the matter at hand. That is, in this framework the optimal strategy for communication depends on the degree of knowledge the speaker is known to have concerning (...)
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  7.  32
    A proof-theoretic framework for logic programming.Gerhard Jäger & Robert F. Stärk - 1998 - In Samuel R. Buss (ed.), Handbook of proof theory. New York: Elsevier. pp. 639--682.
  8.  15
    Back to Slavic Legal History?: On the Use of Historical Linguistics in the History of Slavic Law.Tomáš Gábriš & Róbert Jáger - 2019 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 53 (1):39-66.
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    Gerhard Jäger and Robert F. Stärk. A proof-theoretic framework for logic programming. Handbook of proof theory, edited by Samuel R. Buss, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 137, Elsevier, Amsterdam etc. 1998, pp. 639–682. [REVIEW]Toshiyasu Arai - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):475-476.
  10.  29
    Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age.Michael Warner, Jonathan VanAntwerpen & Craig J. Calhoun - 2010 - Harvard University Press.
    “What does it mean to say that we live in a secular age?” This apparently simple question opens into the massive, provocative, and complex A Secular Age, where Charles Taylor positions secularism as a defining feature of the modern world, not the mere absence of religion, and casts light on the experience of transcendence that scientistic explanations of the world tend to neglect. -/- In Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, a prominent and varied group of scholars chart the (...)
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  11.  78
    Kant: The aesthetic judgment.Robert L. Zimmerman - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (3):333-344.
  12.  24
    A Hitherto Unremarked Pun in the Phaedrus.Robert Zaslavsky - 1981 - Apeiron 15 (2):115-116.
    The author discusses a previously unremarked pun in which the plane tree (ho platanos) under which the conversation takes place echoes the name Plato, and hence there is the strong suggestion that the conversation in the Phaedrus is particularly close to Plato's own opinion.
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  13. Zombies v. Materialists.Robert Kirk & J. E. R. Squires - 1974 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 48 (1):135-164.
  14.  11
    An Introductory Latin Course: A First Latin Grammar for Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers, College Students, Homeschoolers, and Self-Learners.Robert Zaslavsky - 2016 - CreateSpace.
    Dr. Zaslavsky’s An Introductory Latin Course presents the characteristics of the Latin language in a holistic way, rather than in the fragmented, way that is typical in other Latin textbooks. This mode of presentation allows students to gain a comprehensive conceptual grasp of the linguistic characteristics that are to be learnedIn addition, since there has been a neglect—even an outright abjuration—of the teaching of English grammar in our schools for at least a third of a century, which has left our (...)
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  15.  9
    Literate Philosophy and Philosophical Literacy: Collected Academic Essays, 1963-2015.Robert Zaslavsky - 2016 - CreateSpace.
    Dr. Zaslavsky has gathered together forty essays that represent the fruits of his lifetime of reading and teaching. The essays exemplify a method of reading substantive works that has been called Talmudic. The essays examine works by Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Moses Maimonides, Kant, DeQuincey, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Keats, Poe, Melville, Dickinson, Frost, Sherwood Anderson, Fitzgerald, cummings, Neruda, Arthur Miller, and Faulkner. In addition, there are essays on the Bible, the Constitution, and detective fiction. In every instance, the examined author (...)
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  16.  75
    Note on Translating an Aristotelian Dative and τὸ τί ήν είυαι.Robert Zaslavsky - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (2):256-261.
    The author offers a fresh solution to the problem of rendering two key Aristotelian uses of the articular infinitive τὸ εἶναι with an embedded modifier, the one τί ἦν, and the other the dative noun and/or adjective, two usages which are clearly meant to be parallel.
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  17.  8
    The Latin and Greek Roots of English Words Keyed to Selected and Targeted Vocabulary: For Use by High Schoolers, Middle Schoolers, Elementary Schoolers, Homeschoolers, and Self-Learners.Robert Zaslavsky - 2016 - CreateSpace.
    This book is a tool intended to give readers a knowledge of, and feel for, the most basic building blocks of vocabulary, namely the roots that are the basis of so many English words. Knowing these roots enables readers to gain greater reading fluency. Armed with these roots, readers can guess the meanings of unfamiliar words without a feeling of helplessness and without unnecessary dependence upon a dictionary. In this way, reading becomes more fluid, more rewarding, less burdensome, and—most important—less (...)
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  18.  13
    1. Die Kritik an Husserls "Platonismus" und "Empirismus". Anhang zum Ersten Teil.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 467-478.
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    2. Der Witz am Witz. Anhang zu II, 2.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 479-498.
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    Self-Preservation and Exchange: Two Ways of Historicizing Kant's Concept of Synthesis and their Epistemological Implications.Robert Ziegelmann - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (4):617-628.
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    Aesthetik.Robert Zimmermann - 1858 - New York,: G. Olms.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  22. Art Talk and Art Things.Robert L. Zimmerman - 1985 - Philosophical Forum 17 (2):105-126.
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  23. A Theory of Legal Argumentation: The Theory of Rational Discourse as Theory of Legal Justification.Robert Alexy - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Robert Alexy develops his influential theory of legal reasoning exploring the nature of legal argumentation and its relation to practical reasoning. In doing so he sheds light on fundamental questions of law and rationality, which are as crucial to practising lawyers and law students as they are to scholars of legal theory.
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    Egalitarianism and envy.Robert Young - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 52 (2):261 - 276.
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  25.  45
    Peirce on Realism and Idealism.Robert Lane - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new interpretation of the metaphysics of Charles Peirce, the founder of pragmatism and one of America's greatest philosophers. Robert Lane begins by examining Peirce's basic realism, his belief in a world that is independent of how anyone believes it to be. Lane argues that this realism is the basis for Peirce's account of truth, according to which a true belief is one that would be settled by investigation and that also represents the real world. He (...)
  26.  25
    Wirklichkeit Oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische Und Interdisziplinäre Aspekte Einer Brisanten Alternative.Andreas Gardt & Ekkehard Felder (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Der Band versammelt Beiträge renommierter Vertreter unterschiedlicher Disziplinen zu der Frage, ob wir tatsächlich einen Zugang zur Wirklichkeit haben oder lediglich von unseren eigenen Konstruktionen der Wirklichkeit umgeben sind. In der Debatte kommt der Sprache eine zentrale Rolle zu. Konstruktivistische Positionen gehen davon aus, dass unsere Wörter und Sätze nie die Dinge an sich bezeichnen, sondern dies immer aus einer bestimmten Perspektive tun. Einer ‚Wirklichkeit an sich‘ nachzujagen, ist zwecklos, als wichtig gilt das Aufzeigen der Perspektiven. Nicht selten geschieht das (...)
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  27.  13
    Basic Logic.Robert J. Yanal - 1988 - St. Paul, MN, USA: West Publishing.
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  28.  12
    Dynamic Psychology.Robert Sessions Woodworth - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (3):77-82.
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  29.  43
    Cognition and Fact: Materials on Ludwik Fleck.Robert S. Cohen & Thomas Schnelle - 1986 - D. Reidel Publishing Company.
    The story of this book of 'materials on Ludwik Fleck' is also the story of the reception of Ludwik Fleck. In this volume, some essential materials which have been produced by that reception have been gathered together.
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  30.  17
    Linked and Convergent Reasons — Again.Robert J. Yanal - unknown
  31.  6
    Placing Aesthetics: Reflections on Philosophic Tradition.Robert E. Wood - 1999 - Ohio University Press.
    Examining select high points in the speculative tradition from Plato and Aristotle through the Middle Ages and German tradition to Dewey and Heidegger, _Placing Aesthetics_ seeks to locate the aesthetic concern within the larger framework of each thinker's philosophy. In Professor Robert Wood's study, aesthetics is not peripheral but rather central to the speculative tradition and to human existence as such. In Dewey's terms, aesthetics is “experience in its integrity.” Its personal ground is in “the heart,” which is the (...)
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  32.  64
    Immaterial engagement: human agency and the cognitive ecology of the internet.Robert W. Clowes - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):259-279.
    While 4E cognitive science is fundamentally committed to recognising the importance of the environment in making sense of cognition, its interest in the role of artefacts seems to be one of its least developed dimensions. Yet the role of artefacts in human cognition and agency is central to the sorts of beings we are. Internet technology is influencing and being incorporated into a wide variety of our cognitive processes. Yet the dominant way of viewing these changes sees technology as an (...)
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  33. The Architecture of Reason.Robert Audi - 1988 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 62:227.
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  34. There's Nobody Here But Us Persons.Robert Paul Wolff - 1973 - Philosophical Forum 5 (1):128.
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    Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds.Robert A. Wilson - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):392-395.
    This book offers a sustained critique of individualism in psychology, a view that has been the subject of debate between philosophers such as Jerry Fodor and Tyler Burge for many years. The author approaches individualism as an issue in the philosophy of science and by discussing issues such as computationalism and the mind's modularity he opens the subject up for non-philosophers in psychology and computer science. Professor Wilson carefully examines the most influential arguments for individualism and identifies the main metaphysical (...)
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    Robert E. Kohler, Landscapes and Labscapes: Exploring the Lab-Field Border in Biology. [REVIEW]Robert E. Kohler - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):599-629.
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    Abstract argumentation.Robert A. Kowalski & Francesca Toni - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 4 (3-4):275-296.
    In this paper we explore the thesis that the role of argumentation in practical reasoning in general and legal reasoning in particular is to justify the use of defeasible rules to derive a conclusion in preference to the use of other defeasible rules to derive a conflicting conclusion. The defeasibility of rules is expressed by means of non-provability claims as additional conditions of the rules.We outline an abstract approach to defeasible reasoning and argumentation which includes many existing formalisms, including default (...)
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  38.  78
    Human Fertilisation and Embryology: Regulating the Reproductive Revolution.Robert Gregory Lee & Derek Morgan - 2001 - Blackstone Press.
    Based on the "Guide to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990", this volume reviews the regulation of assisted conception including complex moral issues such as abortion, embryo research and cloning.
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  39. Reasons and advice for the practically rational.Robert Neal Johnson - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (3):619-625.
    This paper defends a model of the internalism requirement against Michael Smith's recent criticisms of it. On this "example model", what we have reason to do is what we would be motivated to do were we rational. After criticizing the example model, Smith argues that his "advice model", that what we have reason to do is what we would advise ourselves to do were we rational, is obviously preferable. The author argues that Smith's criticisms can quite easily be accommodated by (...)
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    (1 other version)Toward a solution to the liar paradox.Robert L. Martin - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (3):279-311.
  41. Was Wittgenstein a Liberal Philosopher?Robert Vinten - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):57-82.
    ABSTRACT The question of whether Wittgenstein was a liberal philosopher has received less attention than the question of whether he was a conservative philosopher but, as Robert Greenleaf Brice has recently argued, there are hints of liberalism in some of his remarks, and some philosophers, like Richard Eldridge, have argued that a kind of liberalism follows from Wittgenstein’s later philosophy. Richard Rorty has also drawn liberal conclusions from a philosophical viewpoint which draws on Wittgenstein’s work and Alice Crary has (...)
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  42. Considered opinions: deliberative polling in Britain.Robert Luskin, James Fishkin & Roger Jowell - 2002 - British Journal of Political Science 32 (3):455–87.
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  43.  59
    The dialogical principle and the mystery of being.Robert E. Wood - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 45 (2):83-97.
  44. Chimpanzee Intelligence and Its Vocal Expressions.Robert M. Yerkes & Blanche W. Learned - 1926 - Humana Mente 1 (1):114-115.
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  45. Berkeley's Ontology.Robert G. Muehlmann - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (3):386-387.
  46. (1 other version)Deliberativist responses to activist challenges: A continuation of young’s dialectic.Robert B. Talisse - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (4):423-444.
    In a recent article, Iris Marion Young raises several challenges to deliberative democracy on behalf of political activists. In this paper, the author defends a version of deliberative democracy against the activist challenges raised by Young and devises challenges to activism on behalf of the deliberative democrat. Key Words: activism • deliberative democracy • Discourse • Ideology • public sphere • I. M. Young.
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    Janna Lea Thompson (1942–2022).Robert Young - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):248-250.
    Janna Lea Thompson, one of Australia’s most distinguished philosophers, died on 24 June 2022, only a few months after being diagnosed with multiple brain tumours. She was, fortunately, largely free...
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    Rationing mental health care: Parity, disparity, and justice.Robert L. Woolfolk & John M. Doris - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (5):469–485.
    Recent policy debates in the US over access to mental health care have raised several philosophically complex ethical and conceptual issues. The defeat of mental health parity legislation in the US Congress has brought new urgency and relevance to theoretical and empirical investigations into the nature of mental illness and its relation to other forms of sickness and disability. Manifold, nebulous, and often competing conceptions of mental illness make the creation of coherent public policy exceedingly difficult. Referencing a variety of (...)
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    Science in Mental Health Training and Practice, With Special Reference to School Psychology.Robert Henley Woody - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):69-77.
    The first words in the inaugural version of the American Psychological Association Ethical Standards of Psychologists (1953) declared, ?Psychology is a science? (p. v). Professional ethics for all of the mental health disciplines support science (and objectivity) for knowledge and practice. Using school psychology as an example, consideration is given to the presence of science and research in the scientist-practitioner, professional practitioner, and psychoeducational training and practice models. Although none of the three models truly ignores a commitment to science, the (...)
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  50.  44
    Primate Social Intelligence.Robert P. Worden - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (4):579-616.
    A computational theory of primate social intelligence is proposed in which primates represent social situations internally by discrete symbol structures, called scripts. Three well‐defined computational operations on scripts are sufficient to support social learning, planning, and prediction. This gives a formal, predictive model with which to analyse how primate social knowledge is acquired, as well as how it is used.The theory is compared with primate data, such as Cheney and Seyfarth's observations of vervet monkeys. It gives simple, understandable script‐based analyses (...)
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