Results for 'Rinaldo Del Bo'

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    Simone Weil, dall'anarchismo alla cristianità.Rinaldo Del Bo - 1976 - Milano: All'insegna del pesce d'oro.
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    Persona e società nella filosofia di N. Berdiaeff.Rinaldo Del Bo - 1944 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  3. Matt Matravers: Justice and punishment: the rationality of coercion.C. Del Bo - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):216-217.
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    Three Concepts of Neutrality.Corrado Del Bò - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia 100 (2):185-208.
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  5. Massimo Reichlin: l'etica e la buona morte.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):170-175.
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    Altri libertari: per una teoria egualitaria del titolo valido.Corrado Del Bò - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (3):457-472.
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    Conscientious Objection and the Morning‐After Pill.Corrado Del Bò - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):133-145.
    abstract The so‐called ‘morning‐after pill’ is a drug that prevents pregnancy if taken no later than 72 hours after presumably fertile sexual intercourse. This article argues against a right of conscientious objection for pharmacists with regard to dispensing this drug. Some arguments that might be advanced in support of this right will be considered and rejected. Section 2 argues that from a philosophical point of view, the most relevant question is not whether the morning‐after pill prevents implantation nor is it (...)
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    Le questioni di giustizia di fronte alla rivoluzione genetica.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (1):141-150.
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    Teorie liberali dello sfruttamento.Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (3):465-484.
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    La neutralità necessaria: liberalismo e religione nell'età del pluralismo.Corrado Del Bò - 2014 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    L’etica e la buona morte. [REVIEW]Corrado Del Bò - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):169-175.
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  12. Tesi della propietà di sè.Corrado del Bò - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (3):127.
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    (1 other version)Protection from the lie and protection of truth between philosophy and law.Corrado Del Bò - 2019 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies:93.
    In the era of fake news, truth has become a different and more urgent political problem than the traditional issues of the arcana imperii and the lies of the rulers. Starting from this observation, and deepening some considerations contained in the essay by Hannah Arendt _Thruth and Politics_, the article offers a worried report on the possibility of truth (scientific and factual) not to be reduced to mere opinion among others, and concludes that only a loyal collaboration between epistemic authorities (...)
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    Central command and reflex regulation: Cardiovascular patterns during behavior.Alberto Del Bo & Alberto Zanchetti - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):297-298.
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    La volontà dello stato.Dino del Bo - 1956 - Milano]: Garzanti.
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    (1 other version)Evidence of weak conscious experiences in the exclusion task.Kristian Sandberg, Simon H. Del Pin, Bo M. Bibby & Morten Overgaard - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  17. Proprietà.Corrado Del Bò - 2015 - In Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Rossetti & Vito Velluzzi, Filosofia del diritto. Roma: Carocci editore.
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  18. La responsabilità politica, diritto e tempo: atti del XIII Congresso nazionale (Pavia-Salice Terme, 28-31 maggio 1981).Rinaldo Orecchia (ed.) - 1982 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  19. (1 other version)La filosofia del diritto nelle università italiane, 1900-1965.Rinaldo Orecchia - 1967 - Milano,: A. Giuffrè.
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    La chiave del castello: l'interesse teologico dell'empatia di Gesù.Rinaldo Ottone - 2018 - Bologna: EDB Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna.
  21.  13
    Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren.Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.) - 2019 - Lund: Arkiv förlag.
    I väntan på den engelska Festschriften, den definitiva biografin eller de självförhärligande memoarerna kommer här för första gången en samling porträtt av den internationellt mest uppmärksammade svenska statsvetaren, den kontroversielle samhällsdebattören Bo Rothstein. Få samhällsforskare har med sådan intensitet tagit universitetens tredje uppgift till intäkt för att ifrågasätta gängse uppfattningar om sakernas tillstånd i riket. Många är de läsare, tittare eller åhörare som knappast kunnat undgå att beröras av hans synpunkter på allt från metoo till tiggeri, något färre är nog (...)
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    (2 other versions)Filosofia del diritto.Antonio Rosmini & Rinaldo Orecchia - 1961 - Milano,: Giuffré. Edited by Rinaldo Orecchia.
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    Corrado del Bò, La giustizia. Un’introduzione filosófica.Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:281-289.
    Este artículo reseña: Corrado DEL BÒ, La giustizia. Un’introduzione filosófica, Carocci editore, Roma, 2022, 143 pp.
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  24. La legge e il volto di Dio: la rivelazione sul Sinai nella letteratura ebraica e cristiana.Federico Dal Bo - 2004 - Firenze: Giuntina.
    L'antigiudaismo cristiano è essenzialmente la credenza che il popolo ebraico debba rinunciare alla propria fede e convertirsi al cristianesimo. In questo testo viene studiata la prima forma sistematica di antigiudaismo sviluppata in termini filosofici e teologici da Agostino d'Ippona. Alla luce dell'analisi filosofica sembra che l'avversione di Agostino per la fede ebraica si fondi su un'autentica rimozione della specificità del popolo eletto, della Legge e della Rivelazione sul Sinai.
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    Etnología y fenomenología: ideas acerca de una hermenéutica del extrañamiento.Marcelo Bórmida - 1976 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones Cervantes.
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    Studi sul pensiero estetico del Settecento: Crousaz, Du Bos, André, Batteux, Diderot.Ermanno Migliorini - 1966 - [Firenze]: Il Fiorino.
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    Tacitus' Dialogus Domenico Bo: Le principali problematiche del Dialogus de Oratoribus. (Spudasmata, 51.) Panorarnica storico-critica dal 1426 al 1990, con in appendice: restituzione critica del testo alla luce di nuova classificazione dei codici. Pp. 462. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg olms Verlag, 1993. Paper, DM 88. [REVIEW]Michael Winterbottom - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):57-58.
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    El despertar del sueño dogmático. Un análisis histórico y sistemático.Fernando Moledo - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 16:105-123.
    En Prolegómenos Kant afirma que la advertencia de Hume lo despertó del sueño dogmático. Pero en la carta a Garve de 1798 afirma que aquello que lo despertó del sueño dogmático fue la Antinomia de la razón pura. El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una interpretación de estos dos testimonios autobiográficos, que permita conciliarlos de manera coherente. Voy a sostener al respecto que am- bos despertares aluden a un mismo proceso, que comienza con la advertencia de Hume sobre el (...)
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  29. La recepción del pensamiento nietzscheano en el siglo XX.Rafael del Hierro - 1994 - Endoxa 4:233-253.
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    A Diagnosis Framework for High-reliability Equipment with Small Sample Based on Transfer Learning.Jinxin Pan, Bo Jing, Xiaoxuan Jiao, Shenglong Wang & Qingyi Zhang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    Conventional methods for fault diagnosis typically require a substantial amount of training data. However, for equipment with high reliability, it is arduous to form a large-scale well-annotated dataset due to the expense of data acquisition and costly annotation. Besides, the generated data have a large number of redundant features which degraded the performance of models. To overcome this, we proposed a feature transfer scenario that transfers knowledge from similar fields to enhance the accuracy of fault diagnosis with small sample. To (...)
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    Die verkannte Muse: Dichtersprache und geistige Tradition des Parmenides.Robert Böhme - 1986 - Bern: Francke.
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    The no correlation argument: can the morality of conscientious objection be empirically supported? the Italian case.Marco Bo, Carla Maria Zotti & Lorena Charrier - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-6.
    Background The legitimacy of conscientious objection to abortion continues to fuel heated debate in Italy. In two recent decisions, the European Committee for Social Rights underlined that conscientious objection places safe, legal, and accessible care and services out of reach for most Italian women and that the measures that Italy has adopted to guarantee free access to abortion services are inadequate. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health states that current Italian legislation, if appropriately applied, accommodates both the right to conscientious objection (...)
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    Quine’s Disquotationalism: A Variant of Correspondence Theory.Chen Bo - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (2):93-113.
  34. ¿ Una superación estética del deber?: La crítica de Schiller a Kant.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) 28 (2):03-24.
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    Generalization by Mechanism.Bo Bengtsson & Nils Hertting - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):707-732.
    Drawing general inferences on the basis of single-case and small- n studies is often seen as problematic. This article suggests a logic of generalization based on thinly rationalistic social mechanisms. Ideal-type mechanisms can be derived from empirical observations in one case and, based on the assumption of thin rationality, used as a generalizing bridge to other contexts with similar actor constellations. Thus, the “portability” builds on expectations about similar mechanisms operating in similar contexts. We present the general logic behind such (...)
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  36. [book review] Sylvain Lévi, La dottrina del sacrificio nei Brāhmaṇa. Con tre saggi di Roberto Calasso, Charles Malamoud e Louis Renou, traduzione di Silvia D’Intino. Adelphi, Milano 2009, 224 pp.Krishna Del Toso - 2009 - AION 69 (1/4):245-252.
    book review: Sylvain Lévi, "La dottrina del sacrificio nei Brāhmaṇa. Con tre saggi di Roberto Calasso, Charles Malamoud e Louis Renou", traduzione di Silvia D’Intino. Adelphi, Milano 2009, 224 pp.
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  37. Bog, duša in sebstvo v Alkibiadu Prvem God, Soul and Self in Alcibiades I.Boris Vezjak - 2003 - Phainomena 45.
    V domnevno Platonovem dialogu Alkibiadu I je postavljena trditev, da je del duše, ki skriva naše pravo sebstvo, naš jaz, podoben Bogu: nekdo, ki ga uvidi in je spoznal božansko – boga in razumnost, bo tako najbolje dojemal tudi samega sebe. Vprašanje sebstva v dialogu nastopi kot smiselno nadaljevanje poprejšnjih izpeljav, po katerih se določa, da mi nismo ne telo, ne naše lastne stvari, temveč duša. S tem, ko sebstvo poistovetimo z Bogom, nekako uidemo problemu samonanašanja in postavimo vprašanje samovédenja (...)
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  38. Zrcalo, sled in pogled. H genezi slike Mirror, Trace and the Gaze. Towards the Genealogy of the Painting.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2004 - Phainomena 49.
    Večina slikovnih koncepcij boleha za tem, da začenjajo previsoko, namreč na ravni slikovnih del in slikovnih medijev. Zaradi tega pri doživljanju slike nismo pozorni na razpoke in brezna. Ta očitek zadeva tako filozofske teorije slike kot tudi umetnostno teorijo, umetnostno zgodovino in muzejsko prakso, ki se ne zna več čuditi temu, da obstaja nekaj takega kot slike. Naslednji razmisleki se vrtijo okoli geneze slike, ki omogoča vdor v zaprtost nekega v lepi ali nič več lepi videz ujetega estetskega sveta, tako (...)
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    Exploiting Interslice Correlation for MRI Prostate Image Segmentation, from Recursive Neural Networks Aspect.Qikui Zhu, Bo Du, Baris Turkbey, Peter Choyke & Pingkun Yan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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  40. Proper Names, Contingency A Priori and Necessity A Posteriori.Chen Bo - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (2):119 - 138.
    After a brief review of the notions of necessity and a priority, this paper scrutinizes Kripke's arguments for supposedly contingent a priori propositions and necessary a posteriori propositions involving proper names, and reaches a negative conclusion, i.e. there are no such propositions, or at least the propositions Kripke gives as examples are not such propositions. All of us, including Kripke himself, still have to face the old question raised by Hume, i.e. how can we justify the necessity and universality of (...)
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    The KK Principle and the Strong Notion of Knowledge: Hintikka’s Arguments for KK Revisited.Chen Bo - 2025 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):144-160.
    In his Knowledge and Belief (1962), Hintikka establishes his system of epistemic logic with the KK (Knowing that One Knows, in symbols, Kp→KKp) principle (KK for short). However, his system of epistemic logic and the KK principle are grounded upon his strong notion of knowledge, which requires that knowledge is infallible, that is, it makes further inquiry pointless, and becomes ‘discussion-stopper’; knowledge implies truth, to wit, cognitive agents will not be mistaken in their knowledge; cognitive agents will be ‘perfect logicians’, (...)
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    Values and Multi-stakeholder Dialog for Business Transformation in Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.Samuel Petros Sebhatu & Bo Enquist - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (4):1059-1074.
    The objective of this article is to create an understanding of how the UN sustainable development goals can be used to steer stakeholder engagement for transformative change, meeting global challenges, and navigate a new business-societal practice driven by a values-based business model. The article is a conceptual study with case studies of the role that the SDGs play in multi-stakeholder dialog via the kind of sustainable business-societal practice that takes corporate social responsibility to the next level, where it is embedded (...)
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    Recensión: Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez (Ed.), La cualidad metafísica del ser respecto de la forma. Estudio de la crítica de Lawrence Dewan a Étienne Gilson.Ignacio José del Carril - 2024 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 27 (54):275-280.
    Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez (Ed.). La cualidad metafísica del ser respecto de la forma. Estudio de la crítica de Lawrence Dewan a Étienne Gilson. Pamplona, EUNSA, 2021, 336 pp. ISBN 9788431336608.
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    Russell and Jin Yuelin on Facts: From the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy.Chen Bo - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (4):929-950.
    Jin Yuelin 金嶽霖 was a Chinese philosopher and logician. From 1914 to 1920 he studied at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, and received his Ph.D. in political science from Columbia in 1920. From 1921 until 1925, he studied in Europe and visited Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy, among other countries. During these years, he studied at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences and at the University of Cambridge. At the end of 1925, Jin returned to (...)
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    Why the CLASH model is an unconvincing evolutionary theory of crime.Brian B. Boutwell & Bo Winegard - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Contributi alla storia del pensiero giuridico e filosofico.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1963 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    Presupposti, concetto e principio del diritto (trilogia).Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1959 - A. Giuffrè.
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    The Discovery and Establishment of Wu : Daoist Metaphysics and Political Philosophy.Wang Bo - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 43 (1):9-29.
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    Aussichten der Natur: Naturästhetik in Wechselwirkung von Natur und Kultur.Hartmut Böhme - 2017 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.
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    Kierkegaard-myter og Kierkegaard-kilder: 9 kildekritiske studier i de Kierkegaardske papirer, breve og aktstykker.Bo Hakon Jørgensen & Henning Fenger - 1976 - [Odense]: Odense Universitetsforlag.
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