Results for 'Right action'

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  1. Right Action as Virtuous Action.Nicholas Ryan Smith - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):241-254.
    I argue in favour of the central claim of virtue-ethical accounts of right action: that right action is virtuous action. First, I disambiguate this claim and argue for a specific interpretation of it. Second, I provide reasons to prefer target-centred over both agent-centred and motive-centred accounts of virtuous action. Third, I argue that an action is right if, only if, and because it is overall virtuous. Finally, I respond to important arguments to (...)
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  2. Morally Right Action under Silence and Disempowerment.Tista Bagchi - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:161-166.
    This paper seeks to address the relationship between two key areas of contention figuring in the communicative realities in which language is used and the morality of action: the role of silence and the role of power and the lack thereof. It is proposed that action per se becomes problematic under practical manifestations of silence such as inarticulacy (which is aggravated by major asymmetries in the global politics of language) and ignorance, and that even when action is (...)
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    Right Actions and Motives.P. Leon - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):191 - 204.
    CAN actions be right irrespective of the motives from which they come? Can an action be right though coming from a bad or an ‘indifferent’ motive?
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  4. Right action and the non-virtuous agent.Liezl van Zyl - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (1):80-92.
    According to qualified-agent virtue ethics, an action is right if and only if it is what a virtuous agent would characteristically do in the circumstances. I discuss two closely related objections to this view, both of which concern the actions of the non-virtuous. The first is that this criterion sometimes gives the wrong result, for in some cases a non-virtuous agent should not do what a virtuous person would characteristically do. A second objection is it altogether fails to (...)
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  5. Agent-based Theories of Right Action.Damian Cox - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (5):505-515.
    In this paper, I develop an objection to agent-based accounts of right action. Agent-based accounts of right action attempt to derive moral judgment of actions from judgment of the inner quality of virtuous agents and virtuous agency. A moral theory ought to be something that moral agents can permissibly use in moral deliberation. I argue for a principle that captures this intuition and show that, for a broad range of other-directed virtues and motives, agent-based accounts of (...)
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  6. Right action and the targets of virtue.Liezl Van Zyl - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl, The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing.
    A critical discussion of Christine Swanton's target-centred account of right action.
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    Justice as right actions: an original theory of justice in conversation with major contemporary accounts.Young Kim - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Justice as Right Actions presents an original theory of justice anchored in the analytical philosophical tradition. In contrast to many contemporary approaches, the theory provides normative guidance, rather than focusing solely on political structures and institutions, as the question of justice is seen to comprise both a moral inquiry concerned with questions of good and bad, right and wrong, and a political inquiry, concerned with the nature of the polity and how individuals relate to it. Presenting a relational (...)
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    Right Action: Commentary on “Practical Reasoning in Medicine”.John La Puma & Daniel J. Anzia - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (3):193-194.
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  9. Transgressions Are Equal, and Right Actions Are Equal: some Philosophical Reflections on Paradox III in Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum.Daniel Rönnedal - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (1):317-334.
    In Paradoxa Stoicorum, the Roman philosopher Cicero defends six important Stoic theses. Since these theses seem counterintuitive, and it is not likely that the average person would agree with them, they were generally called "paradoxes". According to the third paradox, (P3), (all) transgressions (wrong actions) are equal and (all) right actions are equal. According to one interpretation of this principle, which I will call (P3′), it means that if it is forbidden that A and it is forbidden that B, (...)
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  10. Moral worth and accidentally right actions.Allen Coates - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):389-396.
    The reasons view holds that morally worthy actions are right actions motivated by the reasons that make them right. Opponents object that such actions are only accidentally right, and it is widely held that morally worthy actions cannot be accidentally right. My aim here is to defend the reasons view from this objection by considering conditional reasons. Once these reasons are in view, actions motivated by the reasons that make them right will no longer appear (...)
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  11. Virtue ethics and right action.Liezl van Zyl - 2013 - In Daniel C. Russell, The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A discussion of three virtue -ethical accounts of right action: a qualified-agent account, agent-based account, and a target-centred account.
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    Right Actions in Sport: Ethics for Contestants.Warren P. Fraleigh - 1984 - Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  13. Virtues, Skills, and Right Action.Matt Stichter - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (1):73-86.
    According to Rosalind Hursthouse’s virtue based account of right action, an act is right if it is what a fully virtuous person would do in that situation. Robert Johnson has criticized the account on the grounds that the actions a non-virtuous person should take are often uncharacteristic of the virtuous person, and thus Hursthouse’s account of right action is too narrow. The non-virtuous need to take steps to improve themselves morally, and the fully virtuous person (...)
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    A Care Ethical Theory of Right Action.Steven Steyl - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):502-523.
    One of the most striking and underexplored points of difference between care ethics and other normative theories is its reluctance to offer a theory of right action. Unlike other normative ethical frameworks, care ethicists typically either neglect right action or explicitly refuse to provide a theory thereof. This paper disputes that stance. It begins with an examination of right action in care ethics, offering reasons for care ethicists not to oppose the development of a (...)
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  15. Eudaimonist Virtue Ethics and Right Action: A Reassessment.Frans Svensson - 2011 - The Journal of Ethics 15 (4):321-339.
    My question in this paper concerns what eudaimonist virtue ethics (EVE) might have to say about what makes right actions right. This is obviously an important question if we want to know what (if anything) distinguishes EVE from various forms of consequentialism and deontology in ethical theorizing. The answer most commonly given is that according to EVE, an action is right if and only if it is what a virtuous person would do in the circumstances. However, (...)
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  16. Virtue ethics and right action.R. Das - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):324 – 339.
    In this paper I evaluate some recent virtue-ethical accounts of right action [Hursthouse 1999; Slote 2001; Swanton 2001]. I argue that all are vulnerable to what I call the insularity objection : evaluating action requires attention to worldly consequences external to the agent, whereas virtue ethics is primarily concerned with evaluating an agent's inner states. More specifically, I argue that insofar as these accounts are successful in meeting the insularity objection they invite the circularity objection : they (...)
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    Virtuous and Right Action: A Relaxed View.Liezl van Zyl - 2021 - In Christoph Halbig & Felix Timmermann, Handbuch Tugend Und Tugendethik. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 49-63.
    In this chapter I consider two questions about action evaluation: Is it the central task of normative ethics to concern itself with action evaluation?, and When it does concern itself with action evaluation, should its focus be on developing an account of right and wrong action, as opposed to, say, good and bad action? I argue that for virtue ethicists, the task of providing an account of right action is not of central (...)
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  18. Cross-cultural Ethics, Moral Status, Right Action, and a Relational Moral Theory.Thaddeus Metz - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    In this article I respond to six contributors to a special issue of _Social Theory and Practice_ that is devoted to critical discussions of my book _A Relational Moral Theory: African Ethics in and Beyond the Continent_. In this book I articulate a general principle of rightness that is substantially informed by values salient in the African philosophical tradition (and some others in the Global South) and defend it as preferable to some major rivals, including utilitarianism and Kantianism. Key topics (...)
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  19. On the Paradox of Wuwei - A Refutation and Defense of Daoist "Right Action".Dawei Zhang - 2021 - Philosophical Trends 202107 (7):115-125.
    Wuwei (nonaction) is one of the core concepts of Daoist ethics. Edward Slingerland pointed out that wuwei involves a paradox, and Arthur C. Danto questioned whether wuwei could support a genuine moral theory and the idea of right action. To defend Daoist ethics and its concept of right action, it is necessary to envisage Danto’s criticism and the problems raised by Slingerland. According to Ivanhoe, Wuwei is not a paradox, but a riddle or mystery about self-cultivation. (...)
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  20. Shame, virtue, and right action.Justin Oakley - unknown
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    "Right action: commentary on" Practical reasoning in medicine.D. J. Anzia & J. La Puma - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (3):193.
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    The Criterion of Right Action in Kant’s Rechtslehre.Sven Arntzen - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1689-1696.
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    Free Will and Right Action.D. J. B. Hawkins - 1949 - Modern Schoolman 26 (4):279-292.
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    The nature of right action.D. Taylor - 1936 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 14 (4):283-294.
  25. Virtue ethics without right action: Anscombe, foot, and contemporary virtue ethics.John Hacker-Wright - 2010 - Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (2):209-224.
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    Right Actions in Sport: Ethics for Contestants.Drew A. Hyland - 1984 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 11 (1):83-88.
  27. Virtue Ethics and the Search for an Account of Right Action.Frans Svensson - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (3):255-271.
    Conceived of as a contender to other theories in substantive ethics, virtue ethics is often associated with, in essence, the following account or criterion of right action: VR: An action A is right for S in circumstances C if and only if a fully virtuous agent would characteristically do A in C. There are serious objections to VR, which take the form of counter-examples. They present us with different scenarios in which less than fully virtuous persons (...)
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  28. G. E. Moore and theory of moral/right action in ethics of social consequences.Vasil Gluchman - 2017 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 7 (1-2):57-65.
    G. E. Moore’s critical analysis of right action in utilitarian ethics and his consequentialist concept of right action is a starting point for a theory of moral/right action in ethics of social consequences. The terms right and wrong have different meanings in these theories. The author explores different aspects of right and wrong actions in ethics of social consequences and compares them with Moore’s ideas. He positively evaluates Moore’s contributions to the development (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a Personhood-Based Theory of Right Action.Amara Esther Chimakonam - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica 10 (2):191-210.
    Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in religious conspiracy theories in Africa, ranging from outright denial, partial acceptance to spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus. This essay will argue that RCTs pose serious challenges to Covid-19 prevention by encouraging non-compliance to Covid-19 preventive measures and refusal to take Covid-19 vaccination. It will then formulate a personhood-based theory of right action. This new theory will be teased out of Ifeanyi Menkiti's account of the normative (...)
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    Motive and Right Action.Liezl Zyl - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):405-415.
    Some philosophers believe that a change in motive alone is sometimes sufficient to bring about a change in the deontic status (rightness or wrongness) of an action. I refer to this position as ‘weak motivism’, and distinguish it from ‘strong’ and ‘partial motivism’. I examine a number of cases where our intuitive judgements appear to support the weak motivist’s thesis, and argue that in each case an alternative explanation can be given for why a change in motive brings about (...)
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    Right actions in perspective.John Horty - 2006 - In Henrik Lagerlund, Sten Lindström & Rysiek Sliwinski, Modality Matters: Twenty-Five Essays in Honour of Krister Segerberg. Uppsala Philosophical Studies 53. pp. 53.
  32. Motive and Right Action.Liezl van Zyl - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):405-415.
    Some philosophers believe that a change in motive alone is sometimes sufficient to bring about a change in the deontic status (rightness or wrongness) of an action. I refer to this position as ‘weak motivism’, and distinguish it from ‘strong’ and ‘partial motivism’. I examine a number of cases where our intuitive judgements appear to support the weak motivist’s thesis, and argue that in each case an alternative explanation can be given for why a change in motive brings about (...)
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    Consent and Right Action in Sport.Steven Weimer - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (1):11-31.
    This paper argues that recent treatments of ethics in sport have accorded too much importance to the promotion and portrayal of a sport’s excellences, and too little to the consent of participants First, I consider and reject a fundamental challenge to the idea that consent should play a central role in determining the morality of action in sport – namely, Sean McAleer’s argument to the effect that consent is incapable of rendering normally impermissible actions permissible in sport. I then (...)
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  34. Assessing Recent Agent-Based Accounts of Right Action.Graham Renz - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):433-444.
    Agent-based virtue ethical theories must deal with the problem of right action: if an action is right just in case it expresses a virtuous motive, then how can an agent perform the right action but for the wrong reason, or from a vicious motive? Some recent agent-based accounts purport to answer this challenge and two other related problems. Here I assess these accounts and show them to be inadequate answers to the problem of (...) action. Overall, it is shown that the most recent and promising attempts at squaring agent-based virtue ethics with commonsense morality are flawed, and so, the case for agent-basing in general that much dimmer. (shrink)
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  35. A virtue ethical account of right action.Christine Swanton - 2001 - Ethics 112 (1):32-52.
  36. On the Utilitarian Criterion of Right Action.Joel Thomas Tierno - 2014 - In G. John M. Abbarno, Inherent and Instrumental Values: Excursions in Value Inquiry. Lanham: University Press of America.
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    Kant’s Concept of a Right Action.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1967 - The Monist 51 (4):574-598.
    Introduction. For the most part, Kant’s moral philosophy is no longer taught. What is taught instead is a parody of Kant’s moral philosophy. His views, generally used as a foil for some other view like utilitarianism, are summed up in a few popular cliches which have achieved the status of interpretive dogma. Small wonder that undergraduates go away thinking that Kant is, at worst, a moral fanatic or, at best, a well-intentioned bungler who allowed his right-wing political views and (...)
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  38. Objective consequentialism, right actions, and good people.Eric Moore - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 133 (1):83 - 94.
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    Toward a Role Ethical Theory of Right Action.Jeremy Evans & Michael Smith - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):599-614.
    Despite its prominence in traditional societies and its apparent commonsense appeal, the moral tradition of Role Ethics has been largely neglected in mainstream normative theory. Role Ethics is the view that the duties and/or virtues of social life are determined largely by the social roles we incur in the communities we inhabit. This essay aims to address two of the main challenges that hinder Role Ethics from garnering more serious consideration as a legitimate normative theory, namely that it is ill-suited (...)
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    Apparent Circularity in Aristotle's Account of Right Action in the Nicomachean Ethics.Sandra Peterson - 1992 - Apeiron 25 (2):83.
  41. Warren P. Fraleigh, Right Actions in Sport: Ethics for Contestants. [REVIEW]Wesley Cooper - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5:5-7.
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    Theoria and the Spontaneity of Right Action in Aristotle’s Ethics.Tom F. Digby - 1980 - New Scholasticism 54 (2):194-199.
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    Hume's Utilitarian Theory of Right Action.Jordan-Howard Sobel - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (186):55-72.
    A theory of right action is implicit in Hume's delineation of the virtues. It gives qualified priority to 'rules of justice' as Hume's remarks on 'that species of utility which attends this virtue' require. It is a useful actual-rule, not an ideal possible-rule, purely utilitarian theory that discounts rules of justice in 'extraordinary cases', has a problem when rules conflict and invites the question 'Why not hark directly to the supreme law of utility in every case?'. It does (...)
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    Nature, Culture, Gods, and Reason: Exploring Evaluative and Normative Constraints on Right Action in a Historical and Comparative Perspective.Christel Fricke - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (4):503-515.
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  45. Qualified agent and agent-based virtue ethics and the problems of right action.Jason Kawall - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl, The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing.
    An on-going question for virtue ethics is whether it stands as a truly distinctive approach to ethics. In particular, there has been much discussion of whether virtue ethics can provide a viable understanding of right action, one that is a genuine rival to familiar consequentialist and deontological accounts. In this chapter I examine two prominent approaches to virtue ethics, (i) qualified agent and (ii) agent-based virtue ethics, and consider whether either can provide an adequate account of right (...)
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    Character Traits and Objectively Right Action.Conrad Johnson - 1989 - Social Theory and Practice 15 (1):67-88.
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    An argument for the Divine Command Theory of Right Action.Peter Forrest - 1989 - Sophia 28 (1):2-19.
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  48. Preserving integrity in the face of corruption : exercising moral courage in the path to right action.Leslie E. Sekerka - 2011 - In George W. Watson, Organizational ethical behavior. New York: Nova Publishers.
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  49. Moral 'oughts' and pragmatic 'bests': How 'right' actions are composites.Zachary Isrow - 2017 - In Bojana Filej, 5th international scientific conference: All about people. pp. 885-889.
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    Laws, passion, and the attractions of right action in Montesquieu.Sharon R. Krause - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (2):211-230.
    This article examines Montesquieu's concept of natural law and treatment of legal customs in conjunction with his theory of moral psychology. It explores his effort to entwine the rational procedural quality of laws with the substantive principles that sustain them. Montesquieu grounds natural law in the desires of the human being as ‘a feeling creature’, thus establishing the normative force of desire and making right action attractive by engaging the passions rather than subordinating them to reason. As a (...)
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