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  1. Meaning of Life in Death situation from Wittgenstein Point of View using Grounded Theory.Hoshyar Naderpoor, Reza Akbari & Meysam Latifi - 2017 - Falsafeh: The Iranian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):95-111.
    This study focuses on the experimental and philosophical analysis of the meaning of life in death situation, according to Wittgenstein’s way of life and sayings during the war. The method of extraction and analysis of information is grounded theory. For this purpose, Wittgenstein’s writings such as his letters and memories, and other’s texts about his life and his internal moods were analyzed. After analyzing the collected information and categorizing them in frames of open codes, axial codes, etc. we recognized that (...)
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  2. Experimentation in Avicenna's Philosophy by Referring to Its Practical Application in His Works on Natural Sciences.Roohollah Fadaei & Reza Akbari - 2019 - Philosophy and Kalam 51 (2):245ß260.
    Avicenna, beside his theoretical discussions about experimentation, practically applied his experimental method to natural sciences studies such as medicine, biology, and meteorology. His theoretical discussions subsume propositions concerning the conditions under which experimental knowledge is attained, the components of this knowledge and its functions. Some of these propositions are as follows: necessity of recurrent observations for acquiring experimental knowledge, certainty plus conditional universality of such knowledge, and its role as demonstrative premises. Investigating the application of his theory in natural sciences (...)
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  3.  Epistemological Foundations of Hick’s Theory of Pluralism.Reza Akbari - 2004 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):35-54.
    جان هیک با وام گرفتن از مفهوم «دیدن به عنوان...» ویتگنشتاین و تعمیم آن به کل تجربه‌های ادراکی و نیز وام‌گیری از تمایز کانتی میان نومن و فنومن میان «حقیقت فی نفسه» و «حقیقت عند المدرک» تمایز می‌نهد . حقیقت فی نفسه همان خداوند در عالم واقع است و حقیقت عند المدرک همان تصوری است که در هر دین از خداوند ارائه شده است. دوتمایز ذکر شده مهم‌ترین مبنای معرفت شناختی نظریه کثرت گرایانه هیک را در باب ادیان تشکیل می‌دهند. (...)
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  4. Elizabeth Fricker on Testimonial Justification: A Critical Review.Alireza Dorri Nogoorani & Reza Akbari - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 13 (26):147-168.
    Elizabeth Fricker’s writings on testimonial justification include some contrary ideas. In this paper, we propose Fricker’s theory of justification coherently and explain why she speaks of different ideas and which idea is more compatible with her general theory of knowledge. Fricker proposes three conditions for justification of testimonial beliefs for adults by appealing to commonsense world-picture and defining a paradigm case of testimony: justified belief of using speech act of telling, justified belief of the sincere of testifier and the competence (...)
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  5. Theory of Knowledge in System Dynamics Models.Mohammadreza Zolfagharian, Reza Akbari & Hamidreza Fartookzadeh - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (2):189-207.
    Having entered into the problem structuring methods, system dynamics (SD) is an approach, among systems’ methodologies, which claims to recognize the main structures of socio-economic behaviors. However, the concern for building or discovering strong philosophical underpinnings of SD, undoubtedly playing an important role in the modeling process, is a long-standing issue, in a way that there is a considerable debate about the assumptions or the philosophical foundations of it. In this paper, with a new perspective, we have explored theory of (...)
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    Gutting’s critical View to the Truth-Independent Justification Models on Believe in God.Reza Akbari & Khaled ZandSalimi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 10 (19):75-91.
    Justification of believe in God had been one of the most challenging problem throughout history of philosophy. The problem is "is believe in god epistemically justified?" Gutting's theory in justification of theism is combined of two parts. He critiques Witgenstainian's view firstly, and then considers Aquinas’, Plantinga's, and some other views as incorrect views on theism. Gutting says that Witgenstainians and Tomistic approaches cannot draw a religious language exactly. He also considers Plantinga's view as an incorrect view, because it is (...)
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  7. Mental Being, A New Perspective.Reza Akbari - unknown - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 14.
    Mental being has always been an issue of paramount importance and interest to Muslim philosophers. The first philosopher to raise mental being as an independent philosophical case is Fakhr al-din Razi. Others including Khwaje Nassir Tusi, Katebi Qazwini, Taftazani and Mulla Sadra have also used various reasons to prove the existence of mental being. In his famous book of Asfar, Mulla Sadra introduces three philosophical reasons:a) Istibsar i.e. envisaging possible beings which are non-existing as well as impossible beingsb) Celestial revelation; (...)
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  8. Mulla sadra’s philosophical innovations and their impacts on the theory of the microcosm and the macroanthropo.Reza Akbari - 2007 - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 47.
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  9. Naturalism.Reza Akbari - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):89-106.
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  10. Permissibility of the Use of Empirical Sciences in Epistemology.Rezā Akbari - unknown - Kheradnameh Sadra Quarterly 42.
    The traditional approaches to epistemology are task-oriented and enjoy prescriptive aspects. They do not allow the employment of empirical sciences in epistemology. This is because they believe that such sciences lack any kind of prescriptive aspect and enjoy a descriptive nature. Some contemporary epistemological theoreticians, such as realist naturalists, believe that we have no choice but to employ empirical sciences in epistemology, for they provide us with a more accurate understanding of concepts such as justification and knowledge. It appears that (...)
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    Relation of Ontology and Aesthetics in Mullā Sadrā’s Theosophy.Rezā Akbari - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 7 (25):88-102.
    Mullā Sadrā appeared in the philosophical field when the prevalent philosophical questions were principality of existence and principality of quiddity. Although he first held the theory of principality of quiddity, later in a cognitional rotation he accepted the theory of principality of existence. Such a rotation gradually causes a wide revolution in the realm of philosophy, and consequently it yields principles such as unity of existence, analogicity of existence, and intensification of existence. He propounds external objectivity of existence, knowledge, beauty (...)
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  12. The Infuence of Ibn Sina on Ghazzali in the Two Subject of Soul and Resurrection.Reza Akbari, Abdol Rasoul Kashfi & Nasrin Seraji Pour - 2012 - Avicennian Philosophy Journal 16 (48):77-90.
    Although Ghazzali in his Tahafut al- falasifeh has strongly criticised peripatetic philosophers but in both the two theories that he has offered about the resurrection of the body is under the influence of Ibn Sina’s science of soul. In his Tahafut al- falasifeh, he introduces the theory of a new body as a possibility for the resurrection of the body which is based on being, immateriality and immortality of soul as well as acceptance of soul as a standard for the (...)
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    The Solution to Moral Conflicts on the Basis of Virtue Ethics.Reza Akbari - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 8 (31-32):85-100.
    Reza Akbari Solving moral conflicts entails a decision-making process. So any suggested approach to moral conflicts is included in the domain of practical rationality. The practical rationality is based on theoretical rationality. Both the theoretical and practical rationality have a realistic kind of approach and an idealistic kind of approach. In the theoretical rationality, the idealistic approaches demand certainty in a strict sense, following epistemic guidelines; and in the practical rationality, they demand the best possible choice. Nevertheless, there are some (...)
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  14. Some Evidence Concerning Kierkegaard's Conception of the Meaning of Life which Based on the Creating of the Meaning.Meysam Amani & Reza Akbari - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 12 (22):1-15.
    The present paper examines the concept of the meaning of life in the Soren Kierkegaard’s view. Kierkegaard sees the concept of "meaning" as "end" and believes in "biology" as the supreme biologist. Based on evidence from his works, he believes that the end is not to be discovered in biology, but it is creatable. There are three witnesses to this: first, the end is, in Kierkegaard''''''''s view, paradoxical, and paradox is not real, but mental. Secondly, Christianity, in his opinion, is (...)
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    An Analytical Look at World of Pre-existence in the School of Tafkik.Ja’far Isfahani & Reza Akbari - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 14 (54):43-60.
    The school of separation accepts the existence of pre-existence world based on such foundations as inclusiveness of real sciences in revealed sciences, the authenticity of appearances, non-detachment of spirit, priority of creation of spirit over creation of body, separation between intellect and essence of spirit, and existence of worlds before this world. The pre-existence world is of great importance in this school due to its relation with natural cognition of monotheism, the reason of prophets’ mission, and the criterion of personality’s (...)
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    An Analysis of Motahhari and Brümmer’s Response to the Issue of God’s Mediation and Benevolence.Um Hani Jarrahi & Reza Akbari - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 20 (78):6-22.
    The teaching of mediation in Islamic tradition refers to a person requesting forgiveness of another and in the Christian tradition apart from forgiveness includes the bestowal of goodness to another as well. Motahhari and Brümmer consider the acceptance of mediation to be faced with the problem of superiority of the mediator’s mercy as compared to God’s mercy and the limitedness of God’s benevolence. Motahhari believes the answer to this problem to be in the attention to the hierarchy in the world’s (...)
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    A Critical Survey of Pascal’s Wager for the Existence of God.Abbass Khosravi Farsani & Reza Akbari - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 12 (47):5-37.
    Pascal’s Wager is one of the most important and challenging arguments for the existence of God and the rationality of religious believes. According to this argument, where the rational and theoretical arguments for the existence of God are not satisfying, still in practice and decision-making, living on the basis of belief in God and other religious doctrines like life after death, is the most prudential and rational option and the best bet; although these believes are not rationally and certainly provable; (...)
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  18. The Analysis of Pascal’s Wager with Emphasis on the Decision-Making Theory.Abas Khosravi Farsani & Reza Akbari - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 3 (2):129-163.
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  19. Risalat al-Tayr: the Symbolic Metanarrative of the Meaning of Life.Saham Mokhles, Reza Akbari, Reza Sharabini & Gita Moghimi - 2016 - Avicennian Philosophy Journal 20 (56):103-118.
    Risalat-al-Tayr is the symbolic story of the fall of the soul/intellect from the heavenly world, its being captivated in the mundane world, and its effort for liberation and eternal unification with intellectus agens. There are many symbols in the story including bird, hunter, trap, homesickness, journey, captivity, mountain etc. In this treatise, Avicenna proposes a supernaturalistic theory of the meaning of life, according to which the life will be meaningful only if a person discovers an essential goal in her life (...)
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  20. Virtue Based Epistemology and the Problem of Justification.Saed Hafkhar Noghani, Reza Akbari & Jahanger Masoodi - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 8 (14):183-193.
    One of the most important issues in contemporary epistemology is eliminating justification or replacing it by another factor in the structure of knowledge. The main problem in Virtue based epistemology that suggested by Ernes Sosa is the definition of knowledge structure. In this approach, the innovation of a new concept of the third factor in the structure of knowledge and replacing it with the justification is done in three stages. These stages are; criticizing and eliminating justification in its internalist meaning, (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Active Objectivism: Analyzing Tabatabai's View on the Meaningful Life.Seyyede Zahra Rashidifard, Reza Akbari & Mohsen Javadi - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 12 (24):259-269.
    Tabatabai’s theory about the meaning of life can be referred to as active objectivism, where a man plays an important role in achieving the meaningful life, rather than merely discovering the divine view about his existence. If the man chooses the divine purpose from a “real life” perspective as his meaning of life, God’s purpose and man’s purpose will converge in order to shape a meaningful life and the ultimate achievement of Pure Life. However, if he chooses the unreal counterpart, (...)
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    Epistemic Authority of the Qur’an According to Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd; a Cultural-Literary Approach.Maytham Tawakkoli Bina & Reza Akbari - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 13 (52):5-24.
    Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, the contentious Egyptian thinker, has proposed different ideas about the revelation and the Qur’an and encountered with different reactions. He made endeavor to provide some natural and non metaphysical explanations for the Islamic phenomena. In this regard he went through the miraculous feature of the Qur’an differently and reduced it to a cultural-literary phenomenon that everyone who knows Arabic takes it as a fundamental cultural text. Analyzing the literature and the linguistic mechanism of the Qur’an from (...)
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