  1. Contingent objects and the Barcan formula.Reina Hayaki - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (1):75 - 83.
    It has been argued by Bernard Linsky and Edward Zalta, and independently by Timothy Williamson, that the best quantified modal logic is one that validates both the Barcan Formula and its converse. This requires that domains be fixed across all possible worlds. All objects exist necessarily; some – those we would usually consider contingent – are concrete at some worlds and non-concrete (but still existent) at others. Linsky and Zalta refer to such objects as ‘contingently non-concrete’. I defend the standard (...)
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    Yagisawa on trans-indexical individuals and fictional characters.Reina Hayaki - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (4):283-292.
  3. Fictional Characters as Abstract Objects: Some Questions.Reina Hayaki - 2009 - American Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):141 - 149.
    Sir Arthur Conan doyle wrote fifty-six short stories and four novels about Sherlock Holmes, collectively known as the Canon. The following are all true facts about the Canon: It is true according to the Canon that Sherlock Holmes is a detective. It is true according to the Canon that Queen Victoria hired a private consulting detective, gave him an emerald tiepin, and offered him a knighthood which he refused. The Canon is about Sherlock Holmes. The Canon is about a brilliant (...)
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  4. The transience of possibility.Reina Hayaki - 2005 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 1 (2):25-36.
    The standard view of metaphysical necessity is that it is truth in all possible worlds, and therefore that the correct modal logic for metaphysical necessity is S5, in models of which all worlds are accessible from each other. I argue that S5 cannot be the correct logic for metaphysical necessity because accessibility is not symmetric: there are possible worlds that are accessible from ours but from which our world is not accessible. There are (or could be) some individuals who, if (...)
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  5. Fictions within fictions.Reina Hayaki - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (3):379 - 398.
    This paper examines the logic of fictions within fictions. I argue that consistently nested consistent fictions must have certain formal characteristics. The most important is that they form a tree structure. Depending on one’s theory of fictional objects, additional constraints may apply regarding the appearance of a fictional object in two or more fictional universes. The background motivation for the paper is to use iterated fiction operators as a tool for making sense of iterated modal operators; I conclude by noting (...)
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  6. Actualism and higher-order worlds.Reina Hayaki - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 115 (2):149 - 178.
    It has been argued that actualism – the view that there are no non-actual objects – cannot deal adequately with statements involving iterated modality, because such claims require reference, either explicit or surreptitious, to non-actual objects. If so, actualists would have to reject the standard semantics for quantified modal logic (QML). In this paper I develop an account of modality which allows the actualist to make sense of iterated modal claims that are ostensibly about non-actual objects. Every occurrence of a (...)
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  7. Actualism and Quantified Modal Logic.Reina Hayaki - 2002 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    It has been alleged that actualism and quantified modal logic are incompatible. My aim in this dissertation is twofold: to defend thoroughgoing actualism with respect to possible objects, and to present a modified semantics for quantified modal logic that is compatible with such a position. The basic strategy is to draw on the parallels between fictions and possible worlds to develop a hierarchical system of worlds-within-worlds ;Actualists usually take first-order modal statements as being about the right objects, by stipulation. Any (...)
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