Results for 'Reginaldo S. Romeiro'

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  1.  47
    Evidence that the biocontrol agent Bacillus cereus synthesizes protein that can elicit increased resistance of tomato leaves to Corynespora cassiicola.Reginaldo S. Romeiro, Roberto Lanna Filho, Dirceu Macagnan, Flávio A. O. Garcia & Harllen S. A. Silva - 2010 - Tropical Plant Pathology 35 (1).
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  2. (1 other version)Il diritto naturale dalle origini a s. Tommaso d'Aquino: saggio storico-critico.Reginaldo M. Pizzorni - 1978 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    Il fondamento etico-religioso del diritto secondo S. Tommaso d'Aquino.Reginaldo M. Pizzorni - 1968 - Roma,: Libreria editrice della Pontificia Università Lateranense.
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  4. Alle radici del male morale: fondamenti metafisici e genesi psicologica in s.Tommaso.Reginaldo Cambareri - 1974 - Acireale: Edizioni domenicane italiane.
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    O radicalismo de direita e a personalidade autoritária em Theodor Adorno.Reginaldo Aliçandro Bordin & José Francisco de Assis Dias - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400195.
    The theme of this study is the political thought of Theodor Adorno, focusing on his contributions to right-wing radicalism and authoritarian personality. In the lecture he delivered on April 6, 1967, titled “Aspects of the New Right-Wing Radicalism,” Adorno assumed that the new radicalism differed in no way from the old, meaning there were no ruptures in the authoritarian political positions that had been established in the pre-war and post-war periods, from 1945. This observation led him to consider fascism-nationalism as (...)
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    Direitos humanos, propriedade privada e educação.Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes - 1985 - Trans/Form/Ação 8:25-28.
    The present text constitutes a summary of a talk given by the author at the III Conferência Brasileira de Educação. It is here claimed that there is a need to discuss the roots of the idea of rights of the individual and of its link, in Locke's founding thought, with property and, moreover, with the freedom and autonomy of the human person. Furthermore, a discussion is made of the liberal-rationalist assumption of the optimum allocation of social resources through the clash (...)
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    Marx, o cínico?Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:37-43.
    This article was written in August 83, initially as a lecture at Jornada de Filosofia da UNESP. We begin with an approximation between Hegel and Marx and then we discuss the idea of work's force reproduction understood as a part of the capital. The latter is viewed as a kind of social relationship. This approach is attempeted on the basis of certain passages of Marx's The Capital and The Grundrisse as well. Finally, we interpret some nowdays developments under the point (...)
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    Racionalidade e controle nos processos sociais notas para um plano de trabalho.Reginaldo Carmello Correa de Moraes - 1984 - Trans/Form/Ação 7:21-24.
    The author exposes some stages judged necessary for the examination of the modern theories about the economic, social and cultural changes of brazilian history. On the other hand, this movement would have in view to search the epistemological grounds of such "Brazil's explanations". This text, it must be remembered, presents it self only as a work plan.O autor expõe etapas que julga necessárias para o exame de modernas teorias a respeito das transformações econômicas, sociais e culturais da história brasileira. Por (...)
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    A perspectiva do método hermenêutico na interpretação do direito sobre liberdade religiosa e o princípio constitucional da dignidade humana.Gleyds Silva Domingues & Reginaldo Pereira de Moraes - forthcoming - Horizonte:74-74.
    The proposal of the article has as a goal analyse the influence of the hermeneutic method in the interpretation of the constitucional text about religious freedom and the principle of human dignity, as well as human rights. It's put into question: how the hermeneutic method can contribute in the interpretation of religious freedom right in front of the violations edured, even it being precept in the brazilian Constitution? To address this goal it's necessary to resort to the theoretical contributions specific (...)
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  10.  29
    Social and institutional presence of the Heads of Government of the Americas on Social Media.Lucas Dejard Moreira Mendonça, Adriano Madureira dos Santos, Harold Dias de Mello Junior, Rita de Cássia Romeiro Paulino, Karla Figueiredo, Fernando Augusto Ribeiro Costa & Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (1):104-129.
    This article examined the personal profiles of the Heads of Government of countries in South/North America and how they communicated with their audiences on institutional measures to contain COVID-19. Analyses were carried out on data collected from Twitter from November-2019 to November-2020. This study includes: i)quantitative analysis, measuring categories and emphases in the communication of tweets, retweets, likes, and comments on matters relevant to the pandemic; ii)qualitative analysis that allowed evaluating speeches to identify political interference and the effectiveness of communication (...)
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    Śrīkr̥ṣṇāvadhūtaracitāni Madhvatatvasūtrāṇi svopajñavyākhyāsahitāni. Kr̥ṣṇāvadhūta - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīviśveśatīrthasaṃśodhanakendram, Karnatakasamskrtavisvavidyalayena "Samsodhanakendram" iti manitam. Edited by Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi.
    Treatise with auto-commentary on Dvaita philosophy.
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  12. Mīmāṃsāparibhāṣā: Hindī anuvāda-Āśutoṣiṇīvyākhyāsaṃvalitā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1997 - Ilāhābāda: Indirā Prakāśana. Edited by Gāyatrī Śuklā.
    Work on Mimamsa philosophy; includes Āśutoṣiṇī commentary and Hindi translation.
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  13.  51
    How to Interpret Covid-19 Predictions: Reassessing the IHME’s Model.S. Andrew Schroeder - 2021 - Philosophy of Medicine 1 (2).
    The IHME Covid-19 prediction model has been one of the most influential Covid models in the United States. Early on, it received heavy criticism for understating the extent of the epidemic. I argue that this criticism was based on a misunderstanding of the model. The model was best interpreted not as attempting to forecast the actual course of the epidemic. Rather, it was attempting to make a conditional projection: telling us how the epidemic would unfold, given certain assumptions. This misunderstanding (...)
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  14.  34
    A re-appraisal of Patanjali's Yoga-sutras in the light of the Buddha's teaching.S. N. Tandon - 1995 - Igatpuri, Maharashtra, India: Vipassana Research Institute.
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  15. A szinthétikus jogbölcselet vázlata és történelmi kialakulásának főbb mozzanatai.József Hegedüs - 1930 - Budapest,: Politzer Zs. és fia.
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  16.  77
    Twentieth Century Physics and Society's Problems.S. J. Heims - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (4):603-610.
  17. Russkai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ myslʹ kont︠s︡a XIX-nachala XX vv.S. P. Pozdneva, V. P. Baryshkov & V. V. Vari︠u︡khin (eds.) - 1993 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta.
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  18. Ironii︠a︡: ot poni︠a︡tii︠a︡ k metodu filosofstvovanii︠a︡, ili do chego dovodi︠a︡t filosofof nasmeshki: kurs lekt︠s︡iĭ.I. V. Cherdant︠s︡eva - 1999 - Ekaterinburg: Bank kulʹturnoĭ informat︠s︡ii.
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    A Cognitive Neuroscience of Alzheimer's Disease: What Can Be Learned from Studies of visual Imagery?S. M. Kosslyn & I. E. Dror - 1992 - In Y. Christen & P.S. Churchland (eds.), Neurophilosophy and Alzheimer's Disease. Springer Verlag. pp. 49--59.
  20. Philip R. Reilly, Abraham Lincoln's DNA and other Adventures in Genetics.S. Lyons - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (3/4):530-531.
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  21.  13
    Kto má v rukách náš čas: úvahy o fenoméne času v prieniku fyziky a biblického zjavenia.Štefan Markuš - 2016 - [Bratislava]: Porta libri.
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  22. Semantika metai︠a︡zykovykh substant︠s︡iĭ.G. P. Nemet︠s︡ - 1999 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Śaṅkara dr̥sht̥i meṃ Sāṅkhya darśana.Ās̋utosha Tripāṭhī - 2020 - Vārāṇasī: Bhāratī Prakāśana.
    Comprehensive analysis of fundaentals of Sankhya philosophy with reference to Vedic literature and Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Een confrontatie tussen barths theologische theologie en Merleau-ponty's filosofische filosofie.S. U. Zuidema - 1959 - Philosophia Reformata 24 (2):90-96.
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    Autonomy's Many Normative Presuppositions.Henry S. Richardson - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (3):287 - 303.
  26. The Philosophical Rhetoric of Locke's Essay.S. Clark - 1994 - Locke Studies 25:93.
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    Problemy bazovogo soznanii︠a︡ v realʹnosti vneshnego v dat︠s︡anskoĭ filosofii.A. M. Donet︠s︡ - 2008 - Ulan-Udė: Izd-vo BNT︠S︡ SO RAN.
    Работа предназначена для ученых и специалистов, преподавателей, аспирантов, слушателей, студентов, а также всех интересующихся рассматриваемой темой.
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  28. Mīmāṃsā-paribhāṣā: "Alakā"-Hindīvyākhyādisahitā, mūla, vyākhyā-ṭippanīsamalaṅkr̥tā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1985 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambhā Oriyaṇṭāliyā. Edited by Gaṅgādhara Miśra.
    Explanation of terms in Mīmāṃsā, an orthodox school in Hindu philosophy.
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  29. (1 other version)Mīmāṃsā-paribhāṣā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1971 - Edited by Haridatta Śāstrī.
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  30. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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    Lekt︠s︡ii raznykh let po filosofii.E. S. Linʹkov - 2018 - Sankt-Peterburg: Umozrenie.
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    The New Testament and the Role of Religious Observance in Bernard Bosanquet's Analysis of Religion.S. Panagakou - 2019 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 25 (2):253-281.
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  33.  6
    Hērakleitos ho Ephesios: hē parousiasē tēs kosmotheōrias tou skoteinou philosophou kai tēs epidrasēs tēs stē diachronikē anthrōpinē philosophia, dianoēsē thrēskeia, epistēmē kai gnōsiologikē anazētēsē.Michalēs A. Polēs - 2006 - Larnaka: M.A. Polēs.
  34. Una variante deontica dell'argomento modale di S. Anselmo.S. Galvan - 1989 - Epistemologia 12:135-144.
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹna vidpovidalʹnistʹ ofit︠s︡era: monohrafii︠a︡.O. S. Kapinus - 2019 - Lʹviv: Nat︠s︡ionalʹna akademii︠a︡ sukhoputnykh viĭsʹk imeni hetʹmana Petra Sahaĭdachnoho.
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    Lingvisticheskiĭ bespredel - 2 : Sbornik nauchnykh trudov k i︠u︡bilei︠u︡ A.I. Kuznet︠s︡ovoĭ.A. I. Kuznet︠s︡ova, A. E. Kibrik, T. B. Agranat, O. A. Kazakevich & E. V. Kashkin (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
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    Whitehead’s Failure.John S. Lawrence - 1969 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):429-437.
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  38. Tensione escatologica e valori terreni in S. Bernardino da Siena.S. Nicolosi - 1982 - Aquinas 25 (1):118-146.
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  39. Neopublikovannoe: bolʹshie i malenʹkie ėsse: publit︠s︡istika.Grigoriĭ Pomerant︠s︡ - 1972 - Frankfurt/Main: Posev.
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    Russkiĭ simvolizm i Fridrikh Nit︠s︡she: kontroverzy kulʹtury i obshchestva monografii︠a︡.S. V. Rassadin - 2010 - Tverʹ: Tverskoĭ gos. tekhnicheskiĭ universitet.
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    Adhyātmarāmāyaṇasya dārśanikī antardr̥ṣṭiḥ.Snehalatā Śarmā - 2017 - Dillī: Amara Grantha Pablikeśansa.
    Study of philosophical aspects of Adhyātmarāmāyaṇa, portion of Brahmāṇḍapurāṇa, Hindu mythological text.
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  42. Christianity and Pragmatism in the Educational Philosophy of Age: Earl S. Johnson (1894-).S. Samuel Shermis - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (3):83-107.
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  43. Frane Petrić, Franciscus Patricius: od škole mišljenja do slobode mišljenja.Ljerka Šifler-Premec - 1997 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
  44.  10
    Ontology of miracle: supernaturality, God's action and system approach towards the ontology of miracle.Adam Świeżyński - 2012 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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  45. Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life.Ronald S. Wallace - 1959
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    Mājarā-yi falsafah dar Īrān-i muʻāṣir =.Ṣadīq Yazdchī & Muḥammad Ḥusayn - 2013 - Köln, Germany: Intishārāt-i Furūgh.
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  47. Lessing's Theological Writings.Henry Chadwick, S. T. Coleridge, Joseph Henry Green, Sara Coleridge, H. St J. Hart & David Hume - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (132):83-86.
  48. Sheffer's stroke for prime numbers.Alexander S. Karpenko - 1994 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 23 (3).
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  49. Hē syneidētopoiēsē tou Hellēnismou hōs "Nitseïsmos", ta periodika "Technē" kai "Dionysos": meletē.Dēmētrēs N. Lamprellēs - 1993 - [Greece]: Ekdoseis Neas Poreias.
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  50.  18
    Blumenberg’s Rhetoric.D. S. Mayfield (ed.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Marking the 50th anniversary of one among this philosopher's most distinguished pieces, Blumenberg's Rhetoric proffers a decidedly dialogic and diversified interaction with the essay polyvalently entitled 'Anthropological Approach to the Actuality and Topicality (or Currency, Relevance) of Rhetoric' (Anthropologische Annäherung an die Aktualität der Rhetorik), first published in 1971. Following Blumenberg's lead, the contributors consider and tackle their topics rhetorically, 'in utramque partem vel in plures'--treating (inter alia) the variegated discourses of Phenomenology, the History of Philosophy, Anthropology, and the téchne (...)
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