Results for 'Reformed Theology'

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  1. Reforming Theological Anthropology: After the Philosophical Turn to Relationality.F. LeRon Shults - 2003
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    Reformed theology in dialogue with a spirituality of creation within the context of religious pluralism in Africa.Johannes J. Knoetze - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    A transforming spirituality is needed to attend to the ‘third-millennial needs’ of Africa to address issues such as relationships, globalisation, ecology and social issues. It is argued that reformed theology, African spiritualities and a spirituality of creation need to be enriched by each other to bring about transformation in Africa. To discover a transforming spirituality of creation, participants need to listen to the different spiritualities and beliefs, without attempting to create a meta-narrative. Participants need to acknowledge the differences (...)
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    Reformed Theology and Conscientious Refusal of Medical Treatment.Ruth Groenhout - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (1):56-80.
    Traditionally, healthcare workers have had the right to refuse to participate in abortions or physician-assisted suicide, but more recently there has been a movement in white Evangelical circles to expand these rights to include the refusal of any treatment at all to same-sex couples or their children, transgender individuals, or others who offend the provider’s moral sensibilities. Religious freedom of conscience exists in an uneasy tension with laws protecting equal rights in a liberal polity, and it is a particularly fraught (...)
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  4. What the Emerging Protestant Theology was about. The Reformation Concept of Theological Studies as Enunciated by Philip Melanchthon in his Prolegomena to All Latin and German Versions of Loci.Seminary Matthew OsekaConcordia Theological & Scholar Hong Kongemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3).
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    Calvinists among the Virtues: Reformed Theological Contributions to Contemporary Virtue Ethics 1.Pieter Vos - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):201-212.
    Since virtue and the virtues have been important in Reformed theology for most of its history, this essay is devoted to the question of how this tradition may contribute to and interact with contemporary virtue ethics. Reformed concepts of sanctification as open to moral growth, covenant as a narrative context of divine commandments, and unio cum Christo as defining human teleology and virtuousness provide valuable contributions to the development of such an ethics. On the other hand, (...) conceptions of reform, natural law, common grace and christological eschatology offer theological arguments for overcoming Hauerwas’s problematic overemphasis on the distinctiveness of the church’s ethic. (shrink)
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    Moral Character, Reformed Theology, and Jonathan Edwards.Oliver D. Crisp - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (3):262-277.
    Reformed theology is often thought to be antipathetic to virtue theory. However, Jonathan Edwards is a counterexample to this way of thinking. In this article, I offer an account of Edwards’s moral thought as a case study of Reformed theology that is also a species of virtue theory, focusing on what he says about the formation of character. I argue that key doctrinal commitments drive his moral theology, and generate some interesting problems for his ethics. (...)
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    Reformed theology and ‘decolonised’ identity. Finding a grammar for peaceful coexistence.Nico Vorster - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    Decolonisation discourse has gained significant momentum in South Africa with the rise of the various #MustFall movements that strive to rid South Africa of its colonial vestiges. But does South Africa need another national metanarrative that envisions an ideal South Africa and champions utopian social ideals? Following the logic of Johan Degenaar and Dirkie Smit, this contribution argues that we should refrain from developing social meta-narratives that seek to frame a single South African identity and social ethos. However, we do (...)
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  8. Humanism and Pre-Reformation Theology.John F. D'Amico - 1988 - In Albert Rabil (ed.), Renaissance humanism: foundations, forms, and legacy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 3--349.
  9. Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Determinism, Freedom and Sin: Reformed Theological Resources for a Conversation with Neuroscience and Philosophy.Neil Messer - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):163-174.
    This paper engages with one debate in the emerging field of neuroethics. It is sometimes claimed on the strength of neuroscientific research that our actions are causally determined and therefore not truly free, or more modestly that brain structures or processes constrain some choices and actions, raising questions about our moral responsibility for them. I argue that a Reformed account of providence, sin and grace offers an account of causation able to resist hard determinism, reframes concepts of freedom and (...)
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    The Impact of Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar: The Unfinished Agenda on Public Theology.Philip Tachin - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (3):205-215.
    Theological education has been very critical to the qualitative growth of the church. This reality finds its expression in the establishment and development of the Reformed Theological Seminary Mkar. The Universal Reformed Christian Church which founded the Seminary has benefitted from the depths of the Reformed theological knowledge that it has impacted church leaders. This theological education has been largely responsible for the transformation of the Tiv society. However, as the society keeps growing with fresh challenges, it (...)
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    Sovereign Grace: Is Reformed Theology Obsolete?Brian A. Gerrish - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (1):45-57.
    The Reformed witness to grace may be even more needed today than it was in the sixteenth century, since now Pelagianism seems comfortably at home in the Reformed churches. But the question is whether “sovereign grace” requires the predestinarianism that the Reformers took over from Augustine.
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    Faith, form, and fashion: classical reformed theology and its postmodern critics.Paul Helm - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    This is a detailed examination of the theological innovations of Kevin Vanhoozer and John Franke. Each proposes that doctrinal and systematic theology should be recast in the light of postmodernity. No longer can Christian theology be foundational, or have a stable metaphysical and epistemological framework. Vanhoozer advocates a theo-dramatic reconstruction of Christian doctrine, replacing the timeless propositions of the "purely cerebral theology" of the Reformed tradition in favor of a theology that does justice to the (...)
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    A just and civilised humanity: An integrative model between reformed theology and the ideology of Pancasila.Stevri P. N. I. Lumintang - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):7.
    This study aimed to produce a model of integration between theology (reformed) and ideology ( Pancasila ) to realise a just and civilised humanity (second sila of Pancasila ). This research is based on the paradigm of naturalism with qualitative methods and the approach applied is historical and integrative. The research results produced an integrative model between Reformed Theology and the ideology of Pancasila that rejects the understanding and practice of capitalism, religious fundamentalism, communism, and racism. (...)
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    Rediscovering the natural law in Reformed theological ethics.Stephen John Grabill - 2006 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    Karl Barth and the displacement of natural law in contemporary Protestant theology -- Development of the natural-law tradition through the high Middle Ages -- John Calvin and the natural knowledge of God the Creator -- Peter Martyr Vermigli and the natural knowledge of God the Creator -- Natural law in the thought of Johannes Althusius -- Francis Turretin and the natural knowledge of God the Creator.
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  16. Explorations in Reformed Theology.Shelli M. Poe - 2017
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    Demarcating Deification and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology.Joanna Leidenhag - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (1):77-98.
    The recent interest in exploring whether authoritative figures of the Reformed tradition employed a concept of theōsis or deification in their soteriology continues to grow. However, it is yet unclear how the supposed implicit Reformed doctrine of deification relates to the more explicit concept of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, many of the arguments for theōsis in the theology of John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, or T. F. Torrance seem to rely on confusing these two soteriological (...)
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    Richard Hooker and Reformed Theology: A Study of Reason, Will, and Grace.Nigel Voak - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    Richard Hooker is one of the greatest theologians of the Church of England. In the light of fierce recent debate, this book argues vigorously against the new orthodoxy that Hooker was a Reformed or Calvinist theologian. In so doing it considers such central religious questions as human freedom, original sin, whether people can deserve salvation, and the nature of religious authority.
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    Schleiermacher on justification: A resource for a Reformed theology of recognition?Robert Vosloo - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-6.
    Against the backdrop of the resistance against Schleiermacher’s theology in Reformed theological circles in South Africa, this article poses the question as to whether Schleiermacher’s theology can be brought into a constructive conversation with the views often associated with a Reformed understanding of God’s grace. With this in mind, this article takes a closer look at Schleiermacher’s exposition of the theme of justification in his Christian faith. This discussion of Schleiermacher’s doctrine of justification is introduced by (...)
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    In the context of apologetics known as the presupposition approach and evidentialist approach. However, many debates have led to disputes because of the overwhelming evidence that supports each other. Is it true that the defense of faith and the basis of faith always rest on evidence? Through this paper, we will explore a little about Reformed presuppositions as a theological review of the evidentialist approach.
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    On being African and Reformed? Towards an African Reformed theology enthused by an interlocution of those on the margins of society.Rothney S. Tshaka - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Aquinas, Merit, and Reformation Theology after the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.Michael Root - 2004 - Modern Theology 20 (1):5-22.
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  23. Book Review : Liberating Reformed Theology: A South African Contribution to the Ecumenical Debate, by John W. de Gruchy. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 1991. xviii + 291pp. no price. [REVIEW]Denise Ackermann - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (1):48-51.
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  24. Grabill, Stephen J., Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics.Mario Silar - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):191-194.
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    Reformed thought and scholasticism: the arguments for the existence of God in Dutch theology, 1575-1650.John Platt - 1982 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This investigation seeks to make a modest contribution to the debate on the changes which took place in Reformed theology in the ...
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  26. Between Wittenberg and Geneva: Lutheran and Reformed Theology in Conversation.[author unknown] - 2017
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    Subjectivisation as control or resistance: An examination of reformation theology and Marxism.Rob Pattman - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):967-978.
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    Willis, D & Welker, M 1999 - Toward the future of Reformed theology: tasks, topics, traditions.I. W. C. Van Wyk - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    Gratitude as a Christian lifestyle: An Afro-reformed theological perspective.Matsobane J. Manala - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):8.
    31 October 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of the birth of the Reformation in Germany, West Europe. One of the most important legacies of the Reformation is the teaching concerning God’s gracious salvation, received and appropriated only through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour. The current article seeks to focus on reflection on gratitude as a Christian lifestyle in response to God’s redemption. The article reflects on gratitude as recognition account, highlighting the importance of gratitude as a Christian virtue, as (...)
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    Recent Protestant political theory: the political problem in some new reformation theology.Theodore Alexander Gill - 1953 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Reformation and transformation today: Essentials of reformation tradition and theology as seen from the perspectives of the South.Jerry Pillay - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    The Protestant Reformation is one of the greatest turning points in the history of Christianity. In some senses, it is described as a ‘theological revolution’ which led to the emergence of the Protestant movement and the separation of the Church. This research explores some of the theological themes that became the turning point of Christianity. These themes are sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria. This article attempts to briefly explore these essential theological principles of (...)
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  32. This Incredibly Benevolent Force: The Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology and Spirituality.[author unknown] - 2018
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  33. Giordano Bruno, Francesco panigarola and reformation theology.Fabrizio Meroi - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:375-395.
  34. Understanding the divine in early modern reformed theology.Richard A. Muller - 2024 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books.
    Essays investigating developments concerning the doctrine of God and the divine decrees among Reformed theologians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
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    Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics; God's Joust, God's Justice: Law and Religion in the Western Tradition; Intractable Disputes about the Natural Law: Alasdair MacIntyre and Critics.E. Christian Brugger - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (2):174-177.
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    Called to worship, sent to witness: A missional perspective on the Reformed theology in South Africa today.Moses S. Maponya - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics – By Stephen J. Grabill.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (1):129-132.
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    Oliver D. Crisp, Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology.Kirsten Heacock Sanders - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:416-420.
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    ‘Covenanting for Justice’? On the Accra Document, Reformed Theology and Reformed Ecclesiology.Dirkie J. Smit - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    The Theology of John Duns Scotus, Studies in Reformed Theology Series by Antonie Vos.William Crozier - 2019 - Franciscan Studies 77 (1):281-283.
    As even a cursory glance at the available secondary literature on John Duns Scotus reveals, when compared to the thought of other scholastics such as Aquinas and Bonaventure, there exists a notable dearth of introductory and advanced literature on the thought of the Subtle Doctor. Apart from the early studies of C. R. S. Harris and Efrem Bettoni published during the 1920's and 50's, up until the last few decades the English-speaking student has had little material to choose from when (...)
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    Hervormde Teologiese Kollege Volume, opgedra aan dr. Christo van der Merwe / Reformed Theological College Volume, dedicated to Dr Christo van der Merwe.André Ungerer - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
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    English Hypothetical Universalism: John Preston the Softening of Reformed Theology. By Jonathon D. Moore and John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man (Great Theologians Series). By Carl R. Trueman. [REVIEW]Paul Brazier - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):140-142.
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    GRABILL, STEPHEN J., Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids MI, Cambridge, 2006, 310 pp. [REVIEW]Mario Silar - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico:191-194.
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  44. Book Review: Stephen J. Grabill, Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006). x + 310 pp. £21.99/US$38 (pb), ISBN 978—0—8028—6313—3. [REVIEW]Guenther Haas - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):133-137.
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  45. 'The flesh and the spirit': Anne Bradstreet and seventeenth century dualism, materialism, vitalism and reformed theology.Tim Whelan - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (4):257-284.
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    The Theology of Emergency: Welfare Reform, US Foreign Aid and the Faith-Based Initiative.Melinda Cooper - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):53-77.
    This article addresses the rise of faith-based emergency relief by examining the US President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS (PEPFAR), a public health intervention focused on the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. It argues that the theological turn in humanitarian aid serves to amplify ongoing dynamics in the domestic politics of sub-Saharan African states, where social services have assumed the form of chronic emergency relief and religious organizations have come to play an increasingly prominent role in the provision of such services. (...)
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    The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology.Michael Sudduth - 2009 - Routledge.
    Michael Sudduth examines three prominent objections to natural theology that have emerged in the Reformed streams of the Protestant theological tradition: objections from the immediacy of our knowledge of God, the noetic effects of sin, and the logic of theistic arguments. Distinguishing between the project of natural theology and particular models of natural theology, Sudduth argues that none of the main Reformed objections is successful as an objection to the project of natural theology itself. (...)
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    T&t Clark companion to reformation theology edited by David M. Whitford, t&t Clark, bloomsbury, London, 2014, pp. X + 510, £24.99, pbk. [REVIEW]Neil Ferguson - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1067):125-127.
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    Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics. [REVIEW]David VanDrunen - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (3):533-537.
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  50. A Reformed Natural Theology?Sebastian Rehnman - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):151-175.
    This paper aims to counter the recent opinion that there is a peculiar epistemology in the reformed Church which made it negative to natural theology. First, it is shown that there was an early and unanimous adoption of natural theology as the culmination of physics and the beginning of metaphysics by the sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophers of good standing in the reformed Church. Second, it is argued that natural theology cannot be based on revelation, (...)
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