Results for 'Raymundo Pardo'

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  1.  21
    Der "philosophische Empirismus" von Raymundo pardo.Walter Del-Negro - 1956 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 10 (1):85 - 94.
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  2. Juridical proof and the best explanation.Michael S. Pardo & Ronald J. Allen - 2007 - Law and Philosophy 27 (3):223 - 268.
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    The Gettier problem and legal proof: Michael S. Pardo.Michael S. Pardo - 2010 - Legal Theory 16 (1):37-57.
    This article explores the relationships between legal proof and fundamental epistemic concepts such as knowledge and justification. A survey of the legal literature reveals a confusing array of seemingly inconsistent proposals and presuppositions regarding these relationships. This article makes two contributions. First, it reconciles a number of apparent inconsistencies and tensions in accounts of the epistemology of legal proof. Second, it argues that there is a deeper connection between knowledge and legal proof than is typically argued for or presupposed in (...)
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    Iconic memory: Problems of definition, assessment, and functional role.Pardo Mustillo - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):189-190.
  5.  35
    Neuroscience evidence, legal culture, and criminal procedure.Michael S. Pardo - manuscript
    Proposed lie-detection technology based on neuroscience poses significant challenges for the law. The law must respond to the science with an adequate understanding of such evidence, its significance, and its limitations. This paper makes three contributions toward those ends. First, it provides an account of the preliminary neuroscience research underlying this proposed evidence. Second, it discusses the nature and significance of such evidence, how such evidence would fit with legal practices and concepts, and its potential admissibility. Finally, it analyzes the (...)
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    The Nature and the Place of Presumptions in Law and Legal Argumentation.Raymundo Gama - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (3):555-572.
    This paper explores two persistent questions in the literature on presumptions: the place and the nature of presumptions in law and legal argumentation. These questions were originally raised by James Bradley Thayer, one of the masters of the Law of Evidence and the author of the classic chapter devoted this subject in A preliminary treatise on Evidence. Like Thayer, I believe that these questions deserve attention. First the paper shows that the connection between presumptions and argumentation is a constant feature (...)
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    Safety vs. sensitivity: Possible worlds and the law of evidence.Michael S. Pardo - 2018 - Legal Theory 24 (1):50-75.
    ABSTRACTThis article defends the importance of epistemic safety for legal evidence. Drawing on discussions of sensitivity and safety in epistemology, the article explores how similar considerations apply to legal proof. In the legal context, sensitivity concerns whether a factual finding would be made if it were false, and safety concerns how easily a factual finding could be false. The article critiques recent claims about the importance of sensitivity for the law of evidence. In particular, this critique argues that sensitivity does (...)
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  8. Presumptions and Fictions: A Collingwoodian Approach.Raymundo Gama - 2015 - In William Twining & Maksymilian Del Mar (eds.), Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Biopolítica. Un acercamiento al pensamiento de Michel Foucault.Raymundo Vázquez Arredondo - 2024 - Valenciana 34:35-58.
    Este artículo es una breve exposición de la formación discursiva de la biopolítica propuesta por Michel Foucault en la década de los setenta. El propósito es presentar el estatuto teórico original del mencionado concepto como una tecnología de doble faz, establecida en los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX que interviene y establece controles reguladores sobre la vida biológica en dos formas que no son antitéticas. La primera, se centra en el cuerpo como máquina: anatomopolítica del cuerpo humano. La segunda, se (...)
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  10.  23
    Deducibility Implies Relevance? A Cautious Answer.Raymundo Morado - 1983 - Critica 15 (45):105-108.
  11.  50
    La formalización del consentimiento informado en investigación y la pérdida sentimental del paciente.Antonio Pardo-Caballos & Luis Enrique Echarte-Alonso - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (2).
    El consentimiento informado en investigación se inscribe en la relación médico-paciente, que ha sufrido, y sigue sufriendo, importantes cambios: desde el planteamiento clásico, como relación de amistad, al planteamiento contemporáneo, como relación entre extraños, que es regulada por normas éticas y legales. El principal objetivo de estas últimas es conseguir, mediante requisitos formales, que dicha relación no perjudique al paciente. Bajo esta luz, se examina y compara el consentimiento informado en las principales normativas internacionales y en la ley española. Especialmente, (...)
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    Political Obligation, Civil Disobedience and Resistance Within the Democratic Regime: Alessandro Passerin D’Entrèves’ Notion of the State.Maísa Martorano Suarez Pardo - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (156):749-770.
    RESUMO O artigo examina a função da noção de obrigação política no pensamento do filósofo italiano da política e do direito Alessandro Passerin d’Entrèves (1902-1985), especialmente em sua relação com o regime democrático e as formas de resistência por parte dos cidadãos. Pela análise dos principais argumentos do autor a esse respeito, o artigo procura demonstrar a flexibilidade do conceito de Estado do autor e a importância da filosofia enquanto ponto de intersecção entre a moral e o direito, constituindo-se como (...)
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    Antropologia filosófica geral.Raymundo E. Do Carmo - 1976 - Belo Horizonte: Editora O Lutador.
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  14. Diálogo entre ideologías: Reflexión en el CIDALC Llima, 4 de febrero 2007).Jesús Espeja Pardo - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (2):387-408.
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    La aventura Del conocimiento de Alejandro Losada.Hugo Herrera Pardo - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 41:283-298.
    En este artículo describiremos la vitalidad del sistema fonológico del mapudungun hablado por escolares pewenches de la Provincia del Biobío, VIII Región. Específicamente, nos hemos propuesto: a) Determinar los fonos/fonemas, y su fonotaxis, que se relevan como indicadores de vitalidad, b) Identificar las transferencias fonético-fonológicas presentes en la fonología del pewenche hablado por estos escolares y c) Interpretar las transferencias encontradas en términos del grado de vitalidad de la fonología de la lengua. La muestra está conformada por un grupo de (...)
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    Risk factors of breast-feeding among Filipino women.Corazon Mejia-Raymundo - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):67-81.
  17. Espectros de la tolerancia.Raymundo Mier - 2006 - In Benjamin Mayer Foulkes (ed.), Ateologías. México: Conaculta.
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    Models for belief revision.Raymundo Morado - 1992 - Philosophical Issues 2:227-247.
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  19. Quine y Fland: ¿podemos cambiar el significado de las conectivas lógicas?Raymundo Morado - 2007 - Analogía Filosófica 21 (2):165-176.
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    (1 other version)Italian Elite Groups at Work: A View from the Urban Grassroots.Italo Pardo - 2016 - Diogenes 63 (3-4):39-50.
    Western élite groups’ moralities and actions can and should be studied empirically. Contrary to belief held in the 1980s in mainstream social anthropology that fieldwork in the classic anthropological fashion could not be done among the western élite, the findings of long-term research in this field have yielded key ethnographic insights leading to academic and public debate. In this article I draw on ethnographic research on legitimacy, power, and governance among key Neapolitan élite groups to offer reflections on a style (...)
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  21. The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law.Jose Pardo-Vazquez, Juan Castiñeiras-de Saa, Mafalda Valente, Iris Damião, Tiago Costa, M. Inês Vicente, André Mendonça, Zachary Mainen & Alfonso Renart - 2019 - Nature Neuroscience 22 (9):1493–1502.
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    El cuerpo sin órganos: presentación de Gilles Deleuze.José Luis Pardo - 2011 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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  23.  83
    The field of evidence and the field of knowledge.Michael S. Pardo - 2004 - Law and Philosophy 24 (4):321-392.
  24. Rationality, Logic, and Heuristics.Raymundo Morado & Leah Savion - unknown
    The notion of rationality is crucial to Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, etc. Most if not all of these disciplines presuppose the agent's capacity to infer in a logical manner. Theories about rationality tend toward two extremes: either they presuppose an unattainable logical capacity, or they tend to minimize the role of logic, in light of vast data on fallacious inferential performance. We analyze some presuppositions in the classical view of logic, and suggest empirical and (...)
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  25.  26
    Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: A Non-Dominant, Objective Approach to Supported Decision-Making?Nicolas Pinto-Pardo & Priscilla Ledezma - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):249-252.
    McCarthy and Howard (2023) present a “Non-Domination” approach to supported decision-making, specially to help intellectually and developmentally disabled (IDD) patients rather than “Mental Prosthe...
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    A verdade como regra das ações.Raymundo de Farias Brito - 1953 - Rio de Janeiro,: Ministério da Educação e Saúde, Instituto Nacional do Livro.
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  27. Farias Brito, uma antologia.Raymundo de Farias Brito - 1979 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Edições GRD. Edited by Gina Magnavita Galeffi.
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  28. Inéditos e dispersos.Raymundo de Farias Brito - 1966 - São Paulo,: Editorial Grijalbo. Edited by Carlos Lopes de Mattos.
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    O mundo interior.Raymundo de Farias Brito - 1951 - Rio de Janeiro,: Ministério de Educação e Saúde, Instituto Nacional do Livro.
  30. Trechos escolhidos.Raymundo de Farias Brito & Benedito Nunes - 1967 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria AGIR. Edited by Benedito Nunes.
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    Se veramente Tommaso d'Aquino, come scrisse Dante, fu assassinato.Rocco Cacòpardo - 1995 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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    Fenomenologia existencial: estudos introdutórios.Raymundo E. Do Carmo - 1974 - Belo Horizonte: Editora O Lutador.
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  33.  17
    Los conceptos de «conservador» y progresista» en las Ciencias Sociales.José Casas Pardo & Jesús Conill Sancho - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico:225-230.
    La utilización de las nociones de “conservador” y “progresista” en las ciencias sociales (y en la opinión pública) ha llegado a configurar dos ideologías políticas. En este número se tratan, a partir de Kant, diversos sentidos de tales nociones en el contexto actual: la perspectiva de la Economía constitucional de Buchanan, la concepción de la sociedad abierta de Popper, la teoría de la justicia de Rawls y la concepción filosófica de la vida social y política de Ortega y Gasset.
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    A Influência da Componente Tributária Na Definição Do Modelo Constitucional de Atribuição Dos Resultados Econômicos Na Exploração Do Petróleo Offshore No Brasil.Raymundo Juliano Feitosa & Marconi Costa Albuquerque - 2018 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 4 (1):300.
    Este trabalho analisa a influência tributária na definição do modelo constitucional de atribuição dos resultados econômicos da exploração do petróleo offshore, no Brasil. Além da abordagem constitucional do tema, destaca-se a participação dos entes federativos estaduais nas rendas da produção de petróleo, sua federalização e, em decorrência, a redução das rendas dos entes federativos subnacionais, implicando num movimento compensatório pela via da utilização de elementos de natureza tributária, tais como o extinto Imposto Único sobre Minerais e o regime constitucional especial (...)
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    BERNSTEIN, Richard: Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey, Herder, col. Pensamiento Herder, Barcelona, 2010, 300p.Carlos Mendaña Pardo - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
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  36. Evert W. Beth, "Las paradojas de la lógica".Raymundo Morado - 1985 - Dianoia 31 (31):299.
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  37. Fault-Tolerant Reasoning.Raymundo Morado - 1994 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This thesis analyzes from a philosophical perspective different models for nonmonotonic inference, belief revision and the handling of inconsistencies. ;The first chapter serves as an introduction to the subject, giving examples and analyzing the main concepts. As a result of these discussions, this thesis tries to: produce a refined map of the main notions related to this subject, maintain that there can be a fault tolerant logic that stands in support of fault tolerant reasoning, and defend the use of deductive (...)
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  38. Momentos e intervalos: problemas filosóficos en lógica temporal.Raymundo Morado - 1998 - Análisis Filosófico 18 (1):65-74.
    When is a proposition true? It is common to expert an answer of the form “at instant x”. In section I) I present an example of the consequences that such instantaneous semantics in tense logic can have, and review some of the problems that have led to the proposal of using intervals, rather than instants, as the indices at which to evaluate propositions. In the section II) I present some of the problems with the intervals themselves, and in section III) (...)
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    Estudios del malestar: políticas de la autenticidad en las sociedades contemporáneas.José Luis Pardo - 2016 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
    "When misfortune kills citizens by stripping them of their material well-being, this discomfort is called poverty." In the current landscape, populism spreads across America and Europe. A lucid and argued warning about the discontent in which we live and the one that awaits us.
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    LEWIN, ROGER, Complexity: Life at the edge of chaos, Macmillan, New York, 1992, 208 págs.Antonio Pardo - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):1094-1095.
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    National self‐interest, the role of medium‐developed countries and Human Rights.José‐Luis Pardos - 1984 - World Futures 20 (1):79-104.
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    Políticas de la intimidad: (ensayo sobre la falta de excepciones).José Luis Pardo - 2012 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
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  43. Sefer Toʻafot reʼem: ʻal ha-Sheʼeltot.Yitsḥaḳ ben Daṿid Pardo - 1810 - [Monroe, N.Y. (8 Satmar Dr., Monroe 10950): Y. Brakh. Edited by Aḥa.
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    Sentido, sinsentido y filosofía en Wittgenstein.Anastasio Alemán Pardo - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):63.
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  45. Con Derrida : fuerza de ley y acto de justicia : políticas y éticas del acontecimiento.Raymundo Mier Garza - 2015 - In Luis Pérez Álvarez, Anzaldúa Arce & Raúl Enrique (eds.), Creaciones del imaginario social: el deseo, la ley y la ética. México, D.F.: Juan Pablos Editor.
  46. Eticas locales: fragilidad y memoria.Raymundo Mier Garza - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther (eds.), Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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    Lógica/Lógicas.Raymundo Morado - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 371--382.
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    Editorial: Psychological frailty in aging: Lifespan trajectories and emerging risks.Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos & David Facal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Chapter 2 Political Expediency and Mismanagement of Responsibility: An Italian Case.Italo Pardo - 2006 - Global Bioethics 19 (1):21-29.
    This chapter highlights how the encouragement of citizens' participation may in fact masquerade their rulers' attempt to create consensus for their ‘superior’ political project. It illustrates in ethnographic detail how rulers have symbolically used the public space, along with policies of urban regeneration, to win popular consensus and, thus, legitimise their position. The analysis addresses a central problem in the dynamics of democratic government, as it shows that lack of responsibility and superimposition of a political rhetoric on good governance eventually (...)
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  50.  11
    La filosofia di Giovanni Gentile.Ferruccio Pardo - 1972 - Firenze,: Sansoni.
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