Results for 'Raylene Barbosa Moreira'

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    Epistemologias afrolatinoamericanas.Amanda Motta Castro & Raylene Barbosa Moreira (eds.) - 2021 - São Paulo: LiberArs.
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    Influence of Match Status on Players’ Prominence and Teams’ Network Properties During 2018 FIFA World Cup.Gibson Moreira Praça, Bernardo Barbosa Lima, Sarah da Glória Teles Bredt, Raphael Brito E. Sousa, Filipe Manuel Clemente & André Gustavo Pereira de Andrade - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. Afrontamiento del duelo por pérdida familiar debido a Covid-19: estrategias de corto y largo plazo.Fernanda Matheus Estrela, Andrey Ferreira da da Silva, Ana Carla Barbosa de Oliveira, Júlia Renata Fernandes de Magalhães, Caroline Fernandes Soares E. Soares, Thais Moreira Peixoto & Milena Arão da Silva Oliveira - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2513-2513.
    Objective: To explore the strategies that can help individuals mourning a family member’s death from Covid-19 to cope with the loss. Method: We carried out a narrative review on the PubCovid-19 platform using the descriptors “death,” “mourning,” “Covid-19,” and “coping strategies.” Ten articles were included. Results: The strategies found are phone calls, audio recording, letters, and photos, classified as immediate and long-term. These strategies are focused on mental health, which can be adversely affected by depression and psychological disorders. Conclusions: Creating (...)
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  4. Elementos de lógica aplicada ao ensino secundário.Ruy Madsen Barbosa - 1968 - São Paulo,: Liv. Nobel.
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    An audit of clinical outcomes and client and referrer satisfaction with a Mood and Anxiety Disorders Unit.Raylene Lewis, Emma Musella, Michael Berk, Seetal Dodd, Helen McKenzie & Mary Hyland - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):549-552.
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    Nights of Storytelling: A Cultural History of Kanaky-New Caledonia.Raylene Ramsay - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Understanding Robbe-Grillet (review).Raylene L. Ramsay - 2001 - Symploke 9 (1):197-198.
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  8. A historiografia da Revolução Mexicana no limiar do século XXI: tendências gerais e novas perspectivas.Carlos Alberto Sampaio Barbosa & Maria Aparecida de Souza Lopes - 2001 - História 20:163-198.
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    De Caín a la clonación: ensayos sobre el límite: lo prohibido y lo posible.Susana Raquel Barbosa (ed.) - 2001 - Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Altamira.
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    Imagens do kairos: Temporalidade E política.Jonnefer Barbosa - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:18-34.
    This article analyzes some of the issues involved in contemporary revisitation of Giorgio Agamben make about the concepts of history and temporality of Walter Benjamin, basically in works like Infanzia e storia: destruzione dell’esperienza e origine della storia and Il tempo che resta : un comento alla Lettera ai Romani , raising from philosophical sources ranging from Hippocrates to cynicism a problematization around the relationship between kairological time and political action.
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    A contas com a ética empresarial.José Manuel Moreira - 1999 - Cascais: Principia.
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  12. Contra la conspiración.Alberto Moreiras - 2022 - In Gerardo Muñoz (ed.), Giorgio Agamben: arqueología de la política. Leiden, The Netherlands: Almenara.
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  13. Introduccion: Pensamiento reaccionario español.Alberto Moreiras - 2004 - Res Publica. Murcia 13 (1).
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  14. Privatização Das águas: Uma análise na perspectiva latino americana a partir dos direitos hUmanos fundamentais.Amanda Oliveira da Câmara Moreira & Carlos André Maciel Pinheiro Pereira - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    Uncanny Rest: For Antiphilosophy.Alberto Moreiras - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    In _Uncanny Rest_ Alberto Moreiras offers a meditation on intellectual life under the suspension of time and conditions of isolation. Focusing on his personal day-to-day experiences of the “shelter-in-place” period during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Moreiras engages with the limits and possibilities of critical thought in the realm of the infrapolitical—the conditions of existence that exceed average understandings of politics and philosophy. In each dated entry he works through the process of formulating a life’s worth of thought (...)
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    A oração de sapiência de Hilário Moreira.Hilário Moreira & Albino de Almeida Matos - 1990 - Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da Faculdade de Letras de Coimbra. Edited by Albino de Almeida Matos.
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  17. El imperialismo hispano en tiempos de Carlos V.Alberto Moreiras - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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  18. Sôbre a lógica operacional dos juntores.Jorge Emmanuel Ferreira Barbosa - 1967 - Niteroi: Universidade Federal Fluminense, Faculdade de Filosofia, Departamento de Matemática.
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  19. Condições da autoridade e autorização em Hobbes.Balthazar Barbosa Filho - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Natura semper in se curva: a vinculação a si e a possibilidade de desvinculação segundo duns escoto.Diogo Morais Barbosa - 2012 - Porto: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.
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    Uma fundamentação ontofenomenológica do direito.Tito Montenegro Barbosa - 1991 - Porto Alegre: Livraria Editora Acadêmica.
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  22. Apresentação: A comunicação internacional no contexto da globalização.Sonia Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):7-9.
    Os conceitos que tratam do processo de globalização, originários da economia a partir da década de 1980, se aplicam para a comparação e análise de alguns paradoxos ainda hoje presentes no campo da comunicação internacional. Assim como uma ‘nova ordem econômica’ versou sobre a mundialização dos negócios, na área da comunicação o desequilíbrio na circulação de informação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento deu origem a intensos debates internacionais que resultaram no documento oficial que tratava de uma ‘nova ordem da (...)
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  23. "Is Ël Niño"-ENSO Climatic Phenomenon influencing landslide occurrence in the Central Andes, Mendoza Province, Argentina?Stella Maris Moreiras - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    (1 other version)Max Weber ea história, de Catherine Colliot-Thélène.Luciana Pudenzi Moreira - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 2:103-108.
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  25. Revisiting Richard Rorty.Pedro G. Moreira (ed.) - 2020 - Vernon Press.
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    Diversification or sensory unification? Controversies around the senses in fin de siècle culture.Sonsoles Hernandez Barbosa - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (1):1-17.
    This article analyses the evolutionist discourses on the senses that emerged in the late 19th century, when theories on the evolution of species were in full sway. Drawing on newspapers, essays and medical literature, this article aims to set face to face the two currents of thought that I have identified regarding sensory evolution: the one that stressed the value of the progressive specialisation of the senses as evidence for human evolution mainly supported by Max Nordau, and the one which (...)
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  27. Mental, physical, and mathematical models in the teaching and learning of physics.Ileana Maria Greca & Marco Antonio Moreira - 2002 - Science Education 86 (1):106-121.
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    Los peligros de la sobreestimulación en la metrópolis moderna: Georg Simmel y su lectura del nuevo urbanita.Sonsoles Hernández Barbosa - 2019 - Arbor 195 (791):a497.
    A finales del siglo XIX, la economía capitalista y las nuevas formas de consumo que trae implícitas tratando de seducir al individuo urbano con multitud de estímulos suponen un cambio en el modo en que este experimenta la ciudad. Esto conlleva la aparición de nuevas patologías, como la neurastenia, producto de un supuesto exceso de demanda del cerebro. Estos efectos fueron abordados en la época por Georg Simmel, quien se interesó por la reacción que sobre el individuo produce la urbe (...)
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  29. De índio a guarda nacional: cidadania e direitos indígenas no Império (Vila de Itaguaí, 1822-1836).Vânia Maria Losada Moreira - 2010 - Topoi: Revista de História 11 (21):127-142.
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    Conversational Resistance and the Varieties of Counterspeech.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & M. Fernandes - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (Special Issue: 13th Principia In):401-422.
    Counterspeech is a kind of communicative resistance that tries to oppose, neutralize or remedy harmful speech. It can be defined as a form of non-coercive intervention that is, in some cases, available for any competent speaker. In recent years, some philosophers of language have focused on analyzing and proposing different varieties of in situ counterspeech in the hopes that their insights about communicative mechanisms can contribute to the identification of efficient strategies. This investigation is however still new and in programmatic (...)
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    The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies.Alberto Moreiras - 2001 - Duke University Press.
    DIVA sophisticated theoretical reconsideration of Latin American studies, critiquing past work and proposing new frameworks for the discipline./div.
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    Os salesianos e o processo civilizador por meio da educação no antigo sul de mato grosso.Alana de Oliveira Barbosa, Elizandro Chaves de Oliveira & William Robson Cazavechia - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):73-90.
    O presente artigo analisa o crescimento das instituições escolares salesianas no Antigo Sul de Mato Grosso no final do século XIX e início do XX e o ideal de um processo civilizador educacional, empreendido pela Igreja Católica, protagonizado pela congregação salesiana a qual atuou para assegurar prerrogativa educacionais ao passo que o Estado brasileiro laicizava-se. Essa análise terá como suporte bibliográfico a obra de Riolando Azzi (1982) que em sua obra Os salesianos no Brasil à luz da História, destaca o (...)
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  33. ‘Nobody Makes it Alone’: Towards a Relational View of Resilience.Evandro Barbosa, Lisa Bortolotti, Flavio Williges, Martina Orlandi, Matheus Mesquita, Denis Coitinho, Jana Rosker, Simone Gubler, Mauro Rossi, Leonardo Ribeiro, Peter Anstey, Ryan Doody, Thaís Cristina Alves Costa, Joshua Preiss & Marcelo de Araújo (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This chapter argues that the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the limits of the mainstream individualistic notion of resilience and, in light of these limits, it advances a new, relational notion of the concept of resilience that contributes to the individuals’ well-being and takes into consideration the role of systemic inequality. The first half of the paper argues that the individualistic notion is flawed in two ways: i) it can foster ill-being because it is cognitively taxing, and ii) it discounts systemic (...)
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  34. A pirataria como conduta socialmente aceita: Um estudo do Caso megafilmes hd.Amanda Oliveira da Câmara Moreira & Carlos André Maciel Pinheiro Moreira - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (1).
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  35. Los 25 domingos "post Pentecostés".Antonio Montes Moreira - 2000 - Revista Agustiniana 41 (126):925-956.
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    Leibniz: razón, principios y unidad = Razão, princípios e unidade.Vivianne de Castilho Moreira & Juan Antonio Nicolás (eds.) - 2020 - Granada: Comares.
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    Bioética em debate: aqui e lá fora.Swedenberger Barbosa (ed.) - 2011 - Brasília: Ipea.
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    Contrahistoria y poder: teorías, ejes y registros informales en historia.Susana Raquel Barbosa - 1999 - Buenos Aires: Leviatán.
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    (1 other version)O Utopista portuense Ângelo Jorge: Subsídios para a sua biografia.Iza Luso Barbosa - 2006 - E-Topia: Revista Electrónica de Estudos Sobre a Utopia 5.
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  40. Povos indígenas e relações internacionais: das malocas à aldeia global.Felip Kern Moreira - 2008 - Humanitas - Cadernos do Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal do Pará 14.
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  41. Strategies to Overcome Collaborative Innovation Barriers: The Role of Training to Foster Skills to Navigate Quadruple Helix Innovations.Luisa Barbosa-Gomez & Vincent Blok - 2023 - Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
    Quadruple Helix Collaborations (QHCs) is a cooperation model in which industry, government, academia, and the public interact to innovate. This paper analyses the impact of a training intervention to provide specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes to deal with barriers commonly found in the progress of QHCs. We designed, implemented, and evaluated three training programs in Austrian, Colombian, Danish, and Spanish institutions. We analysed trainees’ (n = 66) and trainers’ (n = 9) perceptions to identify the competencies acquired with the intervention (...)
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  42. For Their Eyes Only.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35 (2):89-105.
    When and why do we need the indexical ‘I’? Perry (1979) thinks that ‘I’ is an essential ingredient to the explanation and prediction of action. We need ‘I’ to classify the kind of belief that causes an agent to produce a new action. In his view, classifying the agent’s belief in terms of ‘I’ makes sense because, when asked to explain her behavior, the agent will be disposed to say ‘I’. Here, we argue that this dispositional assumption is problematic. The (...)
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    A thematic approach to selection effects and biases in cosmology: Fred Hoyle and the rejection of the big bang idea, despite the experimental observations.João Barbosa - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35:7-15.
    Despite some important observations and after decades of widespread consensus around the big bang cosmology, Fred Hoyle, one of the proponents of the steady-state cosmology, continued to fight the big bang idea throughout his life. We can try to understand this persistent attitude of Hoyle through a Holtonian thematic approach, by admitting that personal preferences and choices of scientists are conditioned by themata. Thematic analysis shows that big bang cosmology is mainly based on a set of themata consisting of evolution, (...)
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    Vida, tecnociência e transhumanismo.Leonardo Moreira Gomes - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    Neste ensaio apresentamos o conceito de vida para o filósofo e médico francês Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) e, posteriormente, desenvolvemos uma reflexão deste conceito, estabelecendo um paralelo entre a emergência da tecnociência e o transumanismo. Na primeira parte do ensaio, foram selecionados trechos das obras de Canguilhem, O normal e o patológico, O conhecimento da vida e o verbete “vida” escrito para a Encyclopédie Universalis. Sobre o verbete daremos atenção para a quarta interpretação sobre a vida proposta pelo filósofo. Além dos (...)
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    From Scottish Enlightenment to Tripartite Theory.Evandro Barbosa & Thais Alves Costa - 2024 - Dissertatio 58:247-271.
    : In today’s political philosophy framework, it is commonplace to associate Adam Smith with akind of theory that ignores human dispositions and considers only the self-interested perspective ofindividuals. Although this view has been widely supported in different fields – viz Philosophy andEconomy, we consider this a biased interpretation. Using the Cambridge School orientation, we explainthe importance of historical background in reading Smith’s work to argue that Smith’s writings should beinterpreted within the Scottish Enlightenment context. From this contextual approach, it is (...)
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  46. El Innatismo de las Cogniciones Primarias y la Adquisición del Conocimiento en «tahsīl al-sa’āda» de al-Fārābī / The Innatism of Primary Cognitions and the Acquisition of Knowledge in al-Fārābī’s «tahsīl al-sa’āda».Nicolás Moreira Alaniz - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:137.
    In this treatise, al-Fārābī refers to mental acquisition of certain elementary principles of knowledge or cognitions that are the primary basis of any demonstrative process; and this means that cognitions, which are in our intellect, are independent of all experience. The innate character of cognitions is treated in his other works, as is their nature, e.g., whether they are content-ideas or dispositio.
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    Sociedade política e contrato social.Ivone Moreira - 2005 - Cultura:123-136.
    O objectivo do artigo é analisar a concepção de contrato social expressa no An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent, and End of Civil Government, e a concepção que do mesmo tema apresenta Burke nas Reflections on the Revolution in France e no Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. Seleccionámos um conjunto de pontos que gostaríamos de apresentar, primeiro em Locke e depois em Burke, e que ilustram passos importantes da sua doutrina, estabelecendo a peculiaridade de um face (...)
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    Transhumanismo: imortalidade e a questão da longevidade.Leonardo Moreira Gomes - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    Resumo: O artigo enfoca duas questões abordadas pelo transhumanismo: imortalidade e longevidade. A primeira parte apresenta alguns contornos do programa transhumanista e a sua motivação. A segunda discute até que ponto a promessa de imortalidade não pode ser cumprida pela ideia de fazer o upload do cérebro na internet. A terceira parte se concentra na longevidade e mostra por que o programa transhumanista para idosos falha. Palavras-chave: Transhumanismo. Imortalidade. Longevidade. Upload de cérebro na internet.
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    El cine en las misiones pedagógicas de la segunda República española: una propuesta de pedagogía audiovisual en la España de los años 30.Marcelo Domínguez Rodrigues Moreira - 2023 - Voces de la Educación 8 (16):127-149.
    Analizamos las Misiones Pedagógicas de la Segunda República española, que llevaban cultura, ocio e información a pueblos remotos a través de libros, películas, guiñoles y músicas. Todo ello con una filosofía no dogmatizante que valorizaba la identidad local. El cine propuesto se centraba en películas mayormente mudas, reportajes, comedias y proyecciones fijas, y puede clasificarse en documentales y cine recreativo.
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  50. Arte rupestre : 150 años de interpretaciones : guía MInima para aproximarse al estudio del arte rupestre.Alma N. Vega Barbosa - 2019 - In Bolaños Sánchez, Víctor Hugo, Adrián Espinosa Barrios, Fabiola Ortega Garnelo & Diego Reyes Baza (eds.), Temas de cultura científica y tecnológica: actitud crítica y ciudadanía responsable. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.
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